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  • 저작자표시-비영리-변경금지 2.0 대한민국

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    리액티브 정합된 이득 셀을 사용한 다중 옥타브

    GaN 전력증폭기에 관한 연구



    AUGUST 2018




  • i


    In this thesis, a study on two-stage reactively matched gain cells

    are proposed to implement a high-gain multi-octave distributed

    power amplifier (DPA). The analytic analysis of proposed high-gain

    distributed amplifier (DA) is presented and supported with simulation

    and measurement results. Also, a shared bias network using simple

    microstrip line is introduced. The bias network not only enables the

    use of high-gain structures in DA configuration, especially in

    monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) with compound

    semiconductor process, but also has advantage on layout efficiency.

    To further enhance the RF performances and circuit reliability, the

    layout technique with reduced thermal coupling is applied. Finally, the

    high power amplifier module implemented with four MMIC dies,

    thanks to its high efficiency and low junction temperature.

    The DA analysis starts off with lossy m-derived configuration in

    artificial transmission lines, considering the effects of the gate

    coupled series capacitor used in DPA. After that, reactively matched

    cell, the proposed high-gain structure, is introduced and analyzed

    using Thévenin equivalent. The gain of two DPAs, conventional

    cascaded DPA and proposed reactively matched distributed amplifier

  • ii

    (RMDA) is then compared to derive the design criteria of the

    reactively matched cell. The simulated results are presented to show

    the potential advantage on achieving high gain performance.

    The biasing of transistors is one of the common difficulties in

    MMIC design with compound semiconductor process. The standard

    compound semiconductor process only consists two metal layers,

    making the interconnection of the bias network to be difficult.

    Therefore, the most of the gain enhancement techniques for DA are

    implemented using CMOS process. The shared bias network is

    proposed to overcome the layout limitation. Simple microstrip lines

    are used for the proposed bias network, which behave similar to the

    ideal bias network: short at dc, open at radio frequency (RF). Precise

    analysis with active load modulation is done to design the shared bias

    network. The shared bias network is verified with the RMDA

    structure, and could be employed for other topologies.

    The electro-thermal effect of GaN high power amplifier is also

    studied. Power amplifiers (PAs) operating in a wide bandwidth have

    limited efficiency and GaN power amplifiers dissipate large amount

    of dc power. Therefore, the electro-thermal effect of a multi-octave

    GaN power amplifier should be considered for circuit performance

    and stability. Thermal coupling reducing approach and heat spreading

    approach are presented and verified by measured results.

    The implemented RMDA with the compact transistor layout has

    been implemented in a small die size of 10.7 mm2 and shows output

  • iii

    powers reaching 40.3-43.9 dBm, power added efficiencies (PAEs)

    of 16–27% and small signal gains of 15.3–23.2 dB. The RMDA with

    the reduced thermal coupling achieves 40.6–43.4 dBm with a peak

    PAE of 29% in a slightly larger die size of 13.8 mm2.

    Keyword: Broadband amplifier, distributed amplifier (DA), GaN

    monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC), multi-octave, high

    power amplifier (HPA)

    Student Number: 2012-20778

  • iv


    Abstract ....................................................................................... i

    Contents ..................................................................................... iv

    List of Figures ........................................................................... vi

    List of Tables............................................................................ xii

    Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................. 1

    1.1 Motivation .......................................................................... 1

    1.2 Outline of This Thesis ....................................................... 7

    Chapter 2 Multi-octive, High-Power, and High-Gain

    Distributed Amplifier Structure Using Reactively Matched

    Cells .................................................................................... 9

    2.1 Introduction ....................................................................... 9

    2.2 Previous Work and Proposed Structure for High-Gain

    Distributed Power Amplifier ............................................. 12

    2.3 Analysis of Gain of Proposed Reactively Matched

    Distributed Amplifier ......................................................... 20

    2.4 Design criteria and Detailed Design of Reactively Matched

    Distributed Amplifier ......................................................... 37

    2.5 Conclusion ....................................................................... 44

    Chapter 3 Shared Bias Network for Proposed Reactively

    Matched Distributed Amplifier Structure .......................... 45

    3.1 Introduction ..................................................................... 45

  • v

    3.2 Shared Bias Network Using Simple Microstrip Lines ..... 48

    3.3 Analysis of the proposed bias network ........................... 53

    3.4 Multi-section analysis and detailed design ..................... 61

    3.5 Conclusion ....................................................................... 65

    Chapter 4 Chip Layout with Consideration of Thermal Coupling

    .......................................................................................... 66

    4.1 Introduction ..................................................................... 66

    4.2 Design of Standard and Staggerd Layout Technique ...... 69

    4.3 Measurements of the Fabricated MMICs ........................ 76

    4.4 Conclusion ....................................................................... 92

    Chapter 5 High Power Amplifier Module Combining Four RMDA

    MMICs ............................................................................... 93

    5.1 Introduction ..................................................................... 93

    5.2 Design of Power Dividing and Combining Structure ....... 95

    5.3 HPA Module Fabrication and Measurement .................. 103

    5.4 Conclusion ..................................................................... 110

    Chapter 6 Conclusions ......................................................... 111

    Bibliography ........................................................................... 112

    Abstract in Korean ................................................................ 118

  • vi

    List of Figures

    Fig. 1.1. Schematic of multi-octave power amplifier structures,

    (a) RMPA and (b) DA. ........................................................ 4

    Fig. 1.2. Schematic of (a) a cascode DA and (b) an equivalent

    FET expression of a cascode unit cell. ............................. 11

    Fig. 1.3. Schematic of (a) a CSSDA and (b) an equivalent FET

    expression of a CSSDA unit cell. ...................................... 13

    Fig. 1.4. Schematic of a two-tier matrix DA. ......................... 17

    Fig. 1.5. Schematic of a two-stage conventional cascaded

    DPA. .................................................................................. 17

    Fig. 1.6. Block diagram of the proposed distributed power

    amplifier. ........................................................................... 19

    Fig. 2.1. Schematic of a conventional distributed amplifier. .... 20

    Fig. 2.2. Equivalent circuit of the input artificial transmission line.

    .......................................................................................... 21

    Fig. 2.3. Equivalent circuit of the transistor. ........................... 23

    Fig. 2.4. A section of (a) constant-k line, (b) IATL, and (c)

    OATL. ................................................................................ 27

    Fig. 2.5. Distributed power amplifier using series capacitors. 29

    Fig. 2.6. Block diagram of a cascade of two conventional

    distributed amplifiers. ....................................................... 29

    Fig. 2.7. Calculated power gain of distributed power amplifiers

    with and without series capacitors. ................................... 36

  • vii

    Fig. 2.8. Thevenin equivalent of the interstage of the reactively

    matched cell. ..................................................................... 36

    Fig. 2.9. Calculated power gain of distributed power amplifiers

    with series capacitors. ...................................................... 38

    Fig. 2.10. Calculated design criteria of the reactively matched

    cell. .................................................................................... 38

    Fig. 2.11. Schematic of the interstage matching network. ...... 40

    Fig. 2.12. Simulated matched impedance contour. .................. 41

    Fig. 2.13. Voltage reflection coefficient and effective gain of the

    reactively matched cell. .................................................... 41

    Fig. 2.14. Calculated gain of the proposed distributed power

    amplifier compared to that of the conventional cascaded

    distributed power amplifier. .............................................. 43

    Fig. 3.1. Example of the dc bias network problem in the proposed

    RMDA. ............................................................................... 47

    Fig. 3.2. Schematic of a self-biasing unit cell. ........................ 47

    Fig. 3.3. Concept of active load-pull. ...................................... 49

    Fig. 3.4. (a) Schematic and (b) equivalent circuit of the two-

    section reactively matched distributed amplifier. ............. 49

    Fig. 3.5. Plot of (3.8). .............................................................. 52

    Fig. 3.6. Calculated added admittance of the simplified bias

    network in the two-section reactively matched distributed

    amplifier. ........................................................................... 57

  • viii

    Fig. 3.7. Calculated change of effective gain of the interstage of

    the reactively matched cell caused by the simplified bias

    network in the two-section reactively matched distributed

    amplifier. ........................................................................... 60

    Fig. 3.8. Detailed schematic of the proposed distributed power

    amplifier. 200 Ω resistors are added to the gate bias

    circuits of both drive and main stages to guarantee the

    unconditional stability. ...................................................... 62

    Fig. 3.9. Simulated results of the maximum magnitude value of

    added admittance of the simplified bias network in the eight-

    section reactively matched distributed amplifier. ............. 63

    Fig. 3.10. Simulated added admittance from the bias network of

    an eight-section reactively matched distributed

    amplifier. ........................................................................... 64

    Fig. 4.1. Measured junction temperature of a GaN HEMT device

    according to dissipated power level, showing the self-

    heating effect. ................................................................... 67

    Fig. 4.2. Measured thermal coupling effect of a PA circuit. .... 67

    Fig. 4.3. Layout of the proposed DPA MMIC with standard layout.

    .......................................................................................... 70

    Fig. 4.4. Layout of the proposed DPA MMIC with staggered

    layout. ................................................................................ 71

    Fig. 4.5. Conceptual diagram comparing the standard layout and

    staggered layout in terms of thermal coupling. ................. 73

  • ix

    Fig. 4.6. The simulated temperature distribution of die surface

    of standard layout (left) and the staggered layout

    (right). ............................................................................... 74

    Fig. 4.7. Photograph of the fabricated reactively matched

    distributed amplifier with standard layout. ....................... 77

    Fig. 4.8. Photograph of the fabricated reactively matched

    distributed amplifier with staggered layout. ..................... 78

    Fig. 4.9. Photograph of the test fixture to test the proposed

    amplifiers. .......................................................................... 79

    Fig. 4.10. Block diagram of the (a) test fixture and (b) heat sink

    configuration for RF characterization the fabricated

    MMICs. .............................................................................. 80

    Fig. 4.11. The measured temperature distribution of die surface

    of standard layout (left) and the staggered layout

    (right). ............................................................................... 81

    Fig. 4.12. Measured and simulated performances of small-signal

    S-parameters of the proposed distributed power amplifier

    with the standard layout. ................................................... 82

    Fig. 4.13. Measured and simulated performances of output power

    and efficiency of the proposed distributed power amplifier

    with the standard layout. ................................................... 83

    Fig. 4.14. Measured and simulated performances of small-signal

    S-parameters of the proposed distributed power amplifier

    with the staggered layout. ................................................. 84

  • x

    Fig. 4.15. Measured and simulated performances of output power

    and efficiency of the proposed distributed power amplifier

    with the staggered layout. ................................................. 85

    Fig. 4.16. The simulated temperature distribution of die surface

    of standard layout with CVD diamond thermal spreader (left)

    and without CVD diamond thermal spreader (right). ........ 86

    Fig. 4.17. Measured and simulated performances of small-signal

    S-parameters of the proposed distributed power amplifier

    with the CVD diamond thermal spreader. ......................... 87

    Fig. 4.18. Measured and simulated performances of output power

    and efficiency of the proposed distributed power amplifier

    with the CVD diamond thermal spreader. ......................... 88

    Fig. 5.1. Block diagram of the proposed high power amplifier

    module. .............................................................................. 94

    Fig. 5.2. The proposed microstrip-to-coaxial 1:2 divider and (b)

    the conventional microstrip-to-coaxial divider. .............. 96

    Fig. 5.3. Cross-sectional diagram of (a) the proposed

    microstrip-to-coaxial 1:2 divider and (b) the conventional

    microstrip-to-coaxial divider. ......................................... 97

    Fig. 5.4. Simulated electric field of (a) the proposed microstrip-

    to-coaxial 1:2 divider and (b) the conventional microstrip-

    to-coaxial divider. ............................................................ 98

    Fig. 5.5. Simulated S-parameter of (a) the proposed

    microstrip-to-coaxial 1:2 divider and (b) the conventional

    microstrip-to-coaxial divider. ......................................... 99

  • xi

    Fig. 5.6. Schematic of 50-Ω-to-100-Ω Wilkinson

    combiner. ......................................................................... 101

    Fig. 5.7. (a) Layout of the proposed Wilkinson combiner and (b)

    simulated S-parameter of the proposed Wilkinson combiner.

    ........................................................................................ 102

    Fig. 5.8. Sections of half module: (a) transition section, (b)

    Wilkinson section, (c) MMIC section, (d) Wilkinson section

    and (e) transition section. ............................................... 104

    Fig. 5.9. (a) Photograph and (b) measured insertion loss of the

    fabricated 1:2 microstrip-to-coaxial transition. ............ 105

    Fig. 5.10. (a) Photograph and (b) measured insertion loss of the

    fabricated total 1:4 power divider. .................................. 105

    Fig. 5.11. Photograph of the fabricated HPA half-module. ... 106

    Fig. 5.12. Photograph of the fabricated HPA module. ........... 107

    Fig. 5.13. Photograph of the mersurement set-up of HPA

    module. ............................................................................ 107

    Fig. 5.14. Measured large-signal performances of the fabricated

    HPA. ................................................................................ 108

    Fig. 5.15. Measured large-signal performances of the fabricated

    HPA in 18 GHz. ............................................................... 109

  • xii

    List of Tables

    TABLE 1.1. Si, GaAs, SiC, and GaN Material Properties .......... 2

    TABLE 1.2. Parameters for calculating the equivalent

    transconductance of the CSSDA unit cell ......................... 14

    TABLE 2.1. Parameters values of transistors under class-AB

    bias condition .................................................................... 33

    TABLE 2.2. Designed values of components of interstage

    matching network of reactively matched cell ................... 40

    TABLE 4.1. Performance comparison table of GaN broadband

    PAs .................................................................................... 91

  • Chapter 1


    1.1. Motivation

    From the beginning of the last century, electronic warfare (EW)

    systems have contributed to protecting friendly forces and

    weakening enemy weapons. The role of electronic warfare will

    increase even more with the development of technology and the

    change of battlefield environment. With the advent of network-

    centric warfare (NCW), it is essential to secure the electromagnetic

    spectrum for the acquirement of information assets and command and

    control (C2). Also, cyber electronic warfare (CEW) technology is in

    development to connect to a wireless network to perform operational


    To meet the battlefield needs, the development of high-power

    transmitter for the electronic attack is important. Conventional

    traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) have many disadvantages:

  • bulky and heavy, long heat-up and cool-down time, and short

    lifetime. In addition, digital signal processing and wide bandwidth

    operation cannot be incorporated with the TWTA. Therefore, the

    solid-state power amplifiers (SSPAs) based on semiconductor

    technology, which can overcome many drawbacks of TWTA, have

    been actively developed to replace the TWTA for electronic warfare


    Table 1.1 compares the physical properties of semiconductor

    devices for fabricating SSPA [1]-[2]. Since GaN has wide energy

    TABLE 1.1

    Si, GaAs, SiC, and GaN Material Properties

    Property Si GaAs SiC GaN

    Bandgap (eV) 1.11 1.43 3.2 3.4


    Field (MV/cm) 0.6 0.65 3.5 3.5

    Electron Mobility


    1350 6000 800 1000

    Saturated velocity


    1 1 2 1.5

  • bandgap, high breakdown field, high electron mobility and high

    saturation velocity, GaN HEMT devices have high power density,

    high operating voltage level and high-frequency characteristics.

    Therefore, SSPAs based on GaN HEMT monolithic microwave

    integrated circuit (MMIC) process are most suitable as a substitute

    for TWTAs.

    Design of a wideband power amplifier (PA) is a challenging task.

    High power performance is associated with large sized transistors,

    but large sized transistor has high Q-factor, resulting in narrow

    bandwidth. In particular, EW system typically requires PA of more

    than 10 watts of output power with linear power gain of 15 dB, in

    multi-octave bandwidth. Efficiency is also a feature of importance,

    at least more than 10% in terms of the power added efficiency (PAE)

    is necessary. Therefore, every aspect of the performance of the PA

    should be carefully analyzed along with achieving a multi-octave

    bandwidth. Possible circuit topologies for wideband high power

    amplifier (HPA) are reactively matched power amplifier (RMPA) and

    distributed amplifier (DA), shown in Fig. 1.1.

    In the RMPA, the strategy of lowering the Q-factor of each

    transistor is performed. Lossy components and negative feedback is

    typically employed. However, these approaches adds unnecessary

    RF signal loss, which leads to reduced gain and efficiency [3]-[5].

    In addition, the size of the RMPA is larger than DA due to the output

    matching network and power combining circuit. One of the most

  • (a)


    Fig. 1.1. Schematic of multi-octave power amplifier structures, (a)

    RMPA and (b) DA.



    input matching


    output matching


    Lossy match



    input artificial transmission line

    output artificial transmission line

  • recent work employed the non-Foster matching concept to RMPA

    [6]-[7]. The authors called their topology as negative impedance

    matched power amplifier (NMPA), and managed to reduce the Q-

    factor without lossy elements. However, the instability of the non-

    Foster circuit still limits RF performance of the PA.

    DA, often referred to the traveling-wave amplifier, is most

    suitable topology for any type of broadband amplifiers. The input and

    output capacitances of the transistor are absorbed into the artificial

    transmission lines (ATLs), thus bandwidth limitation come from

    transistor Q-factor can be overcome. DA had not been considered as

    a power amplifier for a long time, but non-uniform distributed power

    amplifier (NDPA) theory demonstrated the possibility of the

    distributed power amplifiers (DPAs) [8]. Nevertheless, DPA suffers

    low gain and severe gain roll-off at high frequencies.

    In this thesis, a topology for high-gain DPA is introduced. The

    proposed structure is called reactively matched distributed amplifier

    (RMDA), because the reactive matching concept is used to enhance

    the gain of DPA. The practical layout difficulty of dc bias network

    aroused in complicated circuit topology is also studied. The shared

    bias network is proposed to deal with the layout problem. Also, the

    staggered layout technique is introduced to reduce the thermal

    coupling of the transistors, further improving RF performances. A

    high power amplifier module combining four MMICs is implemented

    for higher output power, thanks to the high efficiency and lower

  • junction temperature of the fabricated MMICs.

  • 1.2. Outline of This Thesis

    This thesis is composed of four sections. In the first section,

    chapter 2, the reactive matching technique for DPA is presented. The

    chapter starts off with the analysis of the limitation of the gain

    performance in the conventional DPA. The reactively matching

    technique is introduced, and the gain of the reactively matched cell is

    analyzed to derive the design criteria. The detailed design of

    reactively matched cell is presented at last, and the gain of RMDA is

    compared to that of the conventional DPA.

    In chapter 3, the shared bias network is introduced. The shared

    bias network consists of simple microstrip lines. The principle of

    operation is analyzed with active load-pull analysis. The added

    admittances caused by adding bias network is calculated. To meet

    the condition that the bias network should not affect the RF

    performance, real and imaginary parts of the added admittance need

    to be zero. The case of non-zero added admittance is also analyzed

    to clearly show the effect of the shared bias network.

    Chapter 4 focuses on the junction temperature and the RF

    performance of the RMDA. The efficiency limitation of the broadband

    PA results in large amount of power dissipated into heat. The junction

    temperature should be considered not only for circuit reliability but

  • also for RF performance. The staggered layout technique is proposed

    to reduce the thermal coupling of each transistor in MMIC. Precisely

    designed thermal carrier using CVD diamond material is applied to

    MMIC with standard layout, and compared to the MMIC with

    staggered layout.

    Finally the thesis ends with conclusions in chapter 5 which

    summarizes the RMDA design techniques.

  • Chapter 2

    Multi-Octave, High-power, and High-

    Gain Distributed Amplifier Structure Using

    Reactively Matched Cells

    2.1. Introduction

    Solid-state wideband HPAs are essential component for

    broadband applications such as EW systems. DAs and RMPAs have

    been mainly used as multi-octave PAs. In the RMPA, lossy

    components are typically employed for a high return loss and low Q-

    factor at the interstage, which leads to the decreased efficiency. In

    addition, the size of the RMPA is large due to output matching

    network and power combining circuit. Therefore, the HPAs designed

    by the methodology of RMPA typically shows low power density [1],

    [9]. The non-foster matching concept has also been applied to the

  • 10

    RMPA, but the RF performances are still in limited level [6]-[7].

    The DA is the most suitable circuit topology for a broadband

    amplifier because the input and output capacitances of the transistor

    are absorbed into the artificial transmission lines (ATLs). Therefore,

    the bandwidth limitation from Bode-Fano criteria can be overcome

    [10]-[11]. However, DA has two disadvantages as PA: low power

    and low gain. Output power of conventionally-configured DA is

    limited, because the output port of each transistor cells doesn't look

    an optimum power load impedance (Ropt). To solve the output power

    problem, the NDPA theory was presented [8]. By tapering the

    characteristic impedances of each section's drain lines, each

    transistor look load impedance close to Ropt, and the output power

    could be increased with sacrificing a little amount of output return

    loss. The NDPA theory had become a standard topology for ultra-

    wideband DPAs.

    On the other hand, there are many previous efforts to overcome

    the low gain characteristic of DA, yet none of any were decisive. Low

    gain characteristic of DA implies low overall gain and gain roll-off at

    high frequencies. To solve the low gain problem of the DA structure,

    various topologies have been proposed, such as the matrix DA [12]-

    [13], the cascaded single stage DA (CSSDA) [14], and the cascode

    DA [15]-[17]. However, it is challenging to design an HPA over 10

    W with previously proposed structures at 6-18 GHz. Thus,

    enhancing gain of DPA have been studied with interest by many

  • 11

    researchers continuously until nowadays.



    Fig. 1.2. Schematic of (a) a cascode DA and (b) an equivalent FET

    expression of a cascode unit cell.













  • 12

    2.2. Previous Work and Proposed Structure for High-

    Gain Distributed Power Amplifier

    Previous works for high-gain DPA can be classified as two types:

    multi-stage DA approaches and unit cell modification approaches.

    First of all, the previous unit cell modification approach mainly

    includes cascode DA and CSSDA.

    In the cascode DA, cascode cells replace the common-source

    transistors in the unit cells (Fig. 1.2). Cascode cells are superior to

    the common-source not only for the gain but also for the output

    power. However, Cascode cells are difficult to use in GaN monolithic

    microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) due to the high operating

    voltage. Also, the DA using cascode cells has relatively small stability

    margin and high process sensitivity, which leads to lower yields when

    a large number of circuits are needed for a system such as EW

    applications [15]-[17].

    The latter, CSSDA, is a DA in which the common-source gain

    cell of DA is replaced by a cascade of single-section DA [14].

    CSSDA has higher gain to that of DA, since it utilized cascade

    configuration so that the gain is multiplied. However, CSSDA suffers

    large mismatches at interstage, thus gain should be reduced for

  • 13



    Fig. 1.3. Schematic of (a) a CSSDA and (b) an equivalent FET

    expression of a CSSDA unit cell.











  • 14

    bandwidth with gain-bandwidth tradeoff. CSSDA also has the

    disadvantage of gain that comes from interstage termination

    resistances. More obviously, the series capacitor technique, which

    will be explained next chapter, has to be applied to the main stage

    TABLE 1.2

    Parameters for calculating the equivalent transconductance of the

    CSSDA unit cell

    parameter description

    gm1 transconductance of the first stage


    gm2 transconductance of the second

    stage transistor

    Zint synthetic impedance of interstage

    artificial transmission line

    ω radial frequency

    ωg1 gate radian cutoff frequency of the

    first stage transistor

    ωc radian cutoff frequency of the

    artificial transmission lines

  • 15

    transistor in CSSDA design for efficient bandwidth. The CSSDA gain

    cell of Fig. 1.3(a) can be simplified into an equivalent field effective

    transistor (FET) as Fig. 1.3(b) with effective transconductance

    Gm,CSSDA. With the parameter given by Table 1.2, Gm,CSSDA can be

    derived as follows:

    1 2 2int 1

    , 2 2


    1exp ( )


    2 1 1

    m m gd

    m CSSDA


    g g Z A A



    Ad1 is drain attenuation per section in first stage and Ag2 is the

    gate attenuation per section in second stage. The term of Ag2 is

    affected by gate series capacitor of the main stage, and it dramatically

    reduces the gain. Therefore, CSSDA exhibits only small amount of

    gain improved, and does not overcome high-frequency gain roll-off.

    The gain limitation of main stage series capacitor will be analytically

    described later.

    The multi-stage approaches are generally matrix DA and

    conventional multi-stage DPA. The matrix DA is a simple and useful

    technique for high gain DA. In the topology, FET configuration is

    two-dimensional, looks analogous to matrix (Fig. 1.4). Thanks to

    using interstage ATLs, the amplifier can be multi-stage without

  • 16

    many modifications on design of DA [12]-[13]. However, the

    biggest obstacle that prevents matrix DA for DPA is interstage ATLs.

    The nodes of interstage ATLs which connects two transistors look

    large capacitance. Especially for DPAs, The value of drain

    capacitance and that of the gate capacitances are both large, so the

    added amount become too large to be absorbed into ATL. Therefore,

    matrix DA is not suitable for DPA topology.

    The multi-stage DPA is a fairly simple way to enhance gain. By

    cascading conventional DAs with multi-stage, the gain of total circuit

    becomes multiplication of the gain of cascaded DAs (Fig. 1.5).

    Typically for EW applications in 6-18 GHz frequency, the multi-

    stage DPA is configured as two-stage, the first stage with a higher

    gain and the last stage with a higher output power. Though this

    approach still suffers limited gain and high frequency gain roll-off, it

    is commonly used for GaN DPA MMICs. Every reported works for

    6-18 GHz GaN DPA MMIC are designed by conventional cascaded

    DA topology [18]-[20].

    The proposed topology utilizes reactively matched gain cell to

    enhance gain efficiently. The concept of interstage impedance

    matching of RMPA is employed to unit cell design of DA. The

    proposed design concept belongs to the unit cell modification

    approach. Two-stage reactively matched cells between the input

    artificial transmission line (IATL) and the output artificial

    transmission line (OATL) substitute common source stages. A

  • 17

    Fig. 1.4. Schematic of a two-tier matrix DA.

    Fig. 1.5. Schematic of a two-stage conventional cascaded DPA.













  • 18

    simple block diagram of the proposed DPA is shown in Fig. 1.6.

    The proposed DPA is designed using a commercial 0.25-μm

    GaN HEMT foundry process by WIN Semiconductors Corporation.

    The process provides two metal layers, a Si3N4 insulating film for

    metal-insulator-metal capacitor, TaN thin film resistor, and air-

    bridge for passive component design. The HEMT device shows a

    cut-off frequency (fT) of 30.1 GHz, an fmax of 74.6 GHz, and a

    transconductance of 227 mS/mm.

    To achieve output power higher than 10 W in the 6-18 GHz

    bands, the size of the main stage transistor is determined to be

    6×125 μm, and the number of sections is determined to be eight.

    The transistor with a size of 6×125 μm has a maximum small-

    signal gain of 12 dB at 18 GHz and a maximum output power of 34

    dBm with 30 V bias based on the load-pull analysis. To drive power

    with high efficiency at 18 GHz, a 4×75 μm-sized transistor, which

    has a maximum output power of 30 dBm with an input power of 22

    dBm, is used as the drive stage. The interstage reactive matching

    network is employed in each gain cell. The OATL is designed using

    an NDPA theory to enhance the output power. The circuit RF

    performance analysis starts off with schematic-based simulation,

    and the final layout design is optimized through the electromagnetic

    simulations using ADS Momentum.

  • 19

    Fig. 1.6. Block diagram of the proposed distributed power amplifier.

  • 20

    2.3. Analysis of Gain of Proposed Reactively Matched

    Distributed Amplifier

    The gain of the conventional DA and the two-stage cascaded

    conventional DPA is calculated to compare to that of RMPA. To

    analyze the gain of DA, the closed-form gain expression of a

    conventional DA (Fig. 2.1) is calculated using the simplified circuit

    as derived in previous works [16]-[17].

    Fig. 2.1. Schematic of a conventional distributed amplifier.




    Ld/2 L












    1 2 3 n














  • 21

    The analysis of the gain of DA is started off with calculating the

    current and voltage of each node, as shown in Fig. 2.1 [21]-[22].

    First of all, to calculate the gate voltage of k-th section Vgk, the IATL

    is simplified as Fig. 2.2. First of all, the current of the gate of k-th

    section Igk can be derived as

    2 12 gk

    ingkI I e

    , (2.1)

    where θg = Ag + jΦg is the propagation constant of the IATL. On

    the other hand, using the image impedance equation of IATL, Vgk is

    derived as

    Fig. 2.2. Equivalent circuit of the input artificial transmission line.








    /2 Cgs

    /2 Cgs

    /2 Cgs

    /2 Cgs

    /2 Cgs



    /2 Lgs

    /2 Lgs

    /2 Lgs

    /2 Lgs

    /2 Lgs

    /2Ig1Vg1 Ig2Vg2 IgnVgn




  • 22



    g g

    ggk gk gk


    L CV I Z I

    , (2.2)

    where ω is radian frequency and ωc = 2πfc = 2/(LgCgs)1/2 =

    2/(LdCds)1/2 is the radian cutoff frequency of the ATLs. Also, the

    relation between input current Iin and the input voltage Vin can be

    expressed as




    inin in

    gTg g c

    VI V

    ZL C

    . (2.3)

    From (2.1), (2.2), and (2.3), Vgk is expressed according to Vin,

    2 12





    eV V

    . (2.4)

    To derive the drain current of k-th section, the voltage across

    the k-th section transistor, Vck is calculated. In this analysis, the

    transistor is assumed to be unilateral, because the gate-drain

  • 23

    capacitance Cgd can be absorbed into Cgs and Cds. Also, the instability

    from Cgd is simplified equivalent circuit of the transistor is reduced

    due to the gate/drain termination of the ATLs. Vck is derived as






    ck gk gkgsi


    j C eV V V

    R j C

    , (2.5)

    where ωg = 1/RiCgs is the gate radian cutoff frequency.

    The current of the output terminal, Iout is summation of the

    forward-direction drain current of the k-th transistor, derived as

    Fig. 2.3. Equivalent circuit of the transistor.

  • 24

    1 2


    d dn n k

    out dkk

    I I e

    , (2.6)

    where θd = Ad + jΦd is the propagation constant of the IATL. Using

    (2.4), (2.5), and Ids equation in Fig. 2.3, (2.6) is developed to follows:






    2 2 1


    2 1 1

    d d

    g gd dgd

    n n kjmout ck


    jn j n km in

    kg c

    I g e e V e

    g V e e e ee

    . (2.7)

    Φd and Φg are constrained to be equal to IATL and OATL to have

    the same cutoff frequency and to have the highest Iout. Letting Φd =

    Φg = Φ, (2.7) is further developed as

    1 1tan


    2 2 12 1 1

    gg d dgd

    A Aj nAj jn n k A Am inout

    kg c

    g V e e e e eI e

  • 25



    2 2


    1sinh2 1 1


    gg d

    jj jn g nd A Am in

    gg c d

    nA A

    g V e e ee

    A A



    The input power and the power delivered to the load of DA are given


    2 2

    21re 1

    22in in g


    V V LP


    and (2.9)

    2 2

    2re 1

    2 2out out d

    cout dTd

    I I LP Z


    , (2.10)

    respectively. Therefore, the voltage gain can be calculated as


    22 2


    12 1 1 sinh


    g dn A A

    m gg od d


    c g gk k d

    ng Z Z A A e


    x x A A

    , (2.11)

  • 26

    where xk = ω/ωc is the normalized frequency and Z0g and Z0d are the

    characteristic impedance of IATL and OATL, respectively.

    To quantify Ad and Ad, propagation function analysis of a

    constant-k line is performed [23]. From a section of a constant-k

    line shown in Fig. 2.11(a), the propagation function can be

    determined from following relation


    cosh 12


    Z , (2.12)

    where θ is the propagation function of the line. θ can be expressed

    as θ = A + jΦ, where A and Φ are respectively the attenuation

    and phase shift per section. From (2.12), Φ can be canceled out, and

    A is given as

    2 2

    1 1

    2 2

    2 2

    re 1 im 12 2

    1cosh sinh

    Z Z

    Z Z

    A A

    . (2.13)

    when A

  • 27






    im 12

    1 re 12





    . (2.14)

    Evaluating (2.14) for the specific circuits shown in Fig. 2.4(b) and

    Fig. 2.4(c), the closed-form expressions for attenuation on IATL and

    OATL is obtained:

    (a) (b) (c)

    Fig. 2.4. A section of (a) constant-k line, (b) IATL, and (c) OATL.

    Z1/2 Z



    Lg/2 L




    Ld/2 L




  • 28


    221 1

    c g kg

    c g k



    and (2.15)






    . (2.16)

    where ωd = 1/RdsCds is the drain radian cutoff frequency.

    When using the DA as a PA, it is required to use large transistors

    to obtain sufficient output power. However, the cut-off frequency of

    the IATL is reduced with the increase of the transistor size, due to

    the increase in the gate-source capacitance (Cgs). Therefore, to

    ensure the multi-octave operation bandwidth, design techniques

    such as series gate capacitor have been widely used, as shown in Fig.

    2.5 [24]-[25]. However, the gain-bandwidth product remains

    constant with the series capacitor technique, implying that there

    should be significant gain degrade to cover a wide bandwidth.

    The gain of two-stage cascaded DPA using series capacitors is

    calculated to show the difference in gain between the conventional

    cascaded DA and the RMDA. If a series capacitance of Cs = qCgs is

    used, gate effective gate capacitance, the capacitance seen from the

    input of the transistor, becomes

  • 29

    Fig. 2.5. Distributed power amplifier using series capacitors.

    Fig. 2.6. Block diagram of a cascade of two conventional distributed












  • 30

    1gs gsq

    C Cq

    . (2.17)

    As a result of decrease in the effective gate capacitance, the cut-

    off frequency is increased by the factor of (1+q)/q. On the other hand,

    the voltage across the gate capacitance is decreased by the factor of

    q/(1+q) due to the voltage dividing,

    1m mq

    g gq

    . (2.18)

    Therefore, the formula for the DA gain using gate series capacitor is

    20 0

    22 2


    12 1 1 sinh


    gdn A A

    m gg d d


    c g gk k d

    ng Z Z A A e


    x x A A

    , (2.19)


    2 2c

    g gs d dsL C L C

    , (2.20)



    , (2.21)

  • 31


    221 1

    c g kg

    c g k



    , and (2.22)



    . (2.23)

    The altered terms by the series capacitance are denoted with

    prime symbols. In the lower frequency sub-band, where xk ≤ 0.4,

    A'DA is degraded into [q/(1+q)]A, namely the low-frequency gain

    reduction ratio. The gain of the cascade of two DAs, each using the

    series capacitors, can be expressed as

    1 22

    1 21 2

    2 22 2 2

    1 2

    1 21 2

    1 21 2


    exp 2

    1 1 1

    sinh 2 sinh 2

    sinh 1 2 sinh 1 2

    outin intm mstage

    g gd d

    c cg gk k k

    g gd d

    g gd d

    g g Z Z ZA

    n A A A A

    x x x

    n A A n A A

    A A A A


    The gain of the two-stage conventional cascaded DPA is

    evaluated with the selected transistors and circuit component values

  • 32

    from the available technology. The cascaded DA circuit is composed

    of two eight-section DAs, DA1 and DA2, as shown in Fig. 2.6. To

    determine the size of the transistors, we have set the bias of the

    transistors to optimize the RF performance and then modified the

    transistor size to present the required Cgs for DA operation. Under

    class-AB bias chosen for PAE consideration, Cgs, Cds, Ri, and Rds

    values of transistors with a size of 4×75 μm are 0.6 pF, 0.13 pF, 4

    Ω, and 300 Ω, respectively. The parameter values for 6×125 μm

    transistors are 1.6 pF, 0.3 pF, 4 Ω, and 120 Ω. Z0g and Z0d are set

    to be 50 Ω. These transistor parameter values are presented in

    Table 2.1. For a 50 Ω IATL with a 20 GHz cut-off frequency, series

    capacitance of 0.68 pF and 0.40 pF should be used. Whereas the

    bandwidth of DAs increases to 20 GHz with series capacitors, the

    low-frequency gain reduction ratio of DA1 is 0.53 while that of DA2

    is 0.20. Gain of DA1 and DA2 with and without using the series

    capacitor technique is numerically evaluated in terms of frequency,

    as shown in Fig. 2.7. In terms of power gain, the gain reduction can

    be as much as 19 dB for the conventional two-stage cascade design.

    The close-form equation of gain of RMDA is also derived to

    compare the gain with the conventional cascaded DA [26]-[27].

    RMDA can potentially achieve similar or higher gain than the

    cascaded DA due to the high gain of the reactively matched cells that

    replaces the common source transistors. The reactively matched cell

    consists of two transistors and an interstage matching network as

  • 33

    TABLE 2.1

    Parameters values of transistors under class-AB bias condition

    parameter description Value

    Cgs1 Gate-source capacitance of

    a 4×75 μm transistor 0.6 pF

    Cds1 Drain-source capacitance of

    a 4×75 μm transistor 0.13 pF

    Ri1 Gate-source capacitance of

    a 4×75 μm transistor 4 Ω

    Rds1 Input resistance of

    a 4×75 μm transistor 300 Ω

    Cgs2 Gate-source capacitance of

    a 6×125 μm transistor 1.6 pF

    Cds2 Drain-source capacitance of

    a 6×125 μm transistor 0.3 pF

    Ri2 Gate-source capacitance of

    a 6×125 μm transistor 4 Ω

    Rds2 Input resistance of

    a 6×125 μm transistor 120 Ω

  • 34

    shown in Fig. 1.6. To analyze the reactively matched cell, Thevenin

    equivalent circuit of the interstage of the reactively matched cell is

    shown in Fig. 2.8. Assuming that the interstage matching network is

    lossless, power delivered to the load can be expressed as

    2 2



    8L ds dsP I R

    , whereas (2.25)









    . (2.26)

    From (2.25) and (2.26),


    22 1 1


    2 ingk ds dsV I R R . (2.27)

    Therefore, the equivalent transconductance of the reactively

    matched cell, namely Gm, defined by Ids2=GmVck1, can be found as

  • 35

    21 2 21




    2 1

    m m indsm


    g g R RG

    . (2.28)

    Define Ais, the effective gain of the interstage matching network as

    21isA . (2.28)

    Finally, replacement of gm in (2.19) with Gm in (2.28) results in the

    explicit formula of gain of RMDA with respect to Ais,

    1 2 21

    1 2

    2 22 2 2

    1 2

    1 2

    1 2


    exp 2

    1 1 1

    sinh 2

    sinh 1 2

    outinm m indsRMDA

    g d

    c cg gk k k

    g d

    g d

    g g Z Z R RA

    n A A

    x x x

    n A A

    A A

    . (2.29)

  • 36

    Fig. 2.7. Calculated power gain of distributed power amplifiers with

    and without series capacitors.

    Fig. 2.8. Thevenin equivalent of the interstage of the reactively

    matched cell.











    Vgk2 V




  • 37

    2.4. Design criteria and Detailed Design of Reactively

    Matched Distributed Amplifier

    The ratio of ARMDA and A2-stage in (2.29) and (2.24) provides the

    design criteria for the reactively matched cell to achieve the gain of

    RMDA to be higher than that of the cascade of the conventional DAs.

    The ratio ARMDA / A2-stage is given by


    2 22 1


    1 22


    1 22

    1 21 2

    1 21 2


    exp 2

    sinh 21

    sinh 1 21

    sinh 1 2 sinh 1 2

    sinh 2 sinh 2


    stageg d

    c g dg k

    g dc g k

    g gd d

    g gd d

    xA q

    A q n A A

    n A Ax

    A Ax

    A A A A

    n A A n A A



    In the lower frequency sub-band, where xk ≤ 0.4, xk2 is zero

    and (2.30) is approximated as [(1+q2)/q2]Ais. In the higher

  • 38

    Fig. 2.9. Calculated power gain of distributed power amplifiers with

    series capacitors.

    Fig. 2.10. Calculated design criteria of the reactively matched cell.

  • 39

    frequency sub-band, (2.30) is a monotonically decreasing function.

    Therefore, the condition of Ais ≥ [(1+q2)/q2] is the interstage

    matching network design criteria for RMDA to achieve higher gain

    than that of conventional cascaded DAs. Fig. 2.9 compares the

    calculated gain of an ideal RMDA (without any interstage mismatch)

    with the cascaded DA, using the parameters defined earlier.

    To make the gain of the proposed DA larger than that of the

    conventional cascaded DA, there are the minimum effective gain and

    the maximum voltage reflection conditions, defined by ARMDA / A2-stage

    ≥ 1 in (2.30). The minimum effective gain and the maximum voltage

    reflection for the reactively matched cell is calculated in Fig. 2.10. It

    is observed that as long as the voltage reflection coefficient is less

    than 0.85, the gain of the RMDA can be higher than the cascaded DA.

    Following paragraphs show the detailed design of reactively matched

    cell to meet the design criteria.

    Unlike the case of a general RMPA, where four or more

    transistors are connected in parallel, the reactively matched cell is

    composed of one drive transistor and one main transistor. Thus, gate

    port of the main transistor in reactively matched cell does not present

    excessively small impedance. Therefore, it is possible to use reactive

    lossless matching to cover a multi-octave bandwidth in RMDA.

    The schematic of the reactively matched cell is shown in Fig.

    2.11. The specific values of designed components are presented in

    Table 2.2. With the chosen values, the mismatch was minimized in 7

  • 40

    Fig. 2.11. Schematic of the interstage matching network.

    TABLE 2.2

    Designed values of components of interstage matching network of

    reactively matched cell

    component Value

    Ls 1.2 nH

    Cblk1 8.3 pF

    Cp 0.4 pF

    Cblk2 8.3 pF

    width of TLs 80 μm

    length of TLs 200 μm

    width of TLp 10 μm

    length of TLp 280 μm

  • 41

    Fig. 2.12. Simulated matched impedance contour.

    Fig. 2.13. Voltage reflection coefficient and effective gain of the

    reactively matched cell.

  • 42

    GHz, 13 GHz, and 18 GHz for 6-18 GHz operation frequency band,

    without any lossy matching technique or negative feedback. Za and

    Zb, the impedance looked at both direction of node N in Fig. 2.11, is

    simulated through ADS simulator with provided process design kit to

    show the impedance matching at interstage of reactively matched cell.

    Simulated Z*a and Zb are shown in Fig. 2.12. It can be observed that

    the impedance matching is optimized in 13 GHz and 18GHz,

    intentionally mismatching 7 GHz to have higher effective gain in

    higher frequencies to deal with the gain roll-off. The voltage

    reflection coefficient Γ and the effective gain Ais are also simulated

    to compare to the design criteria, as shown in Fig. 2.13. It is evident

    that proposed RMDA structure using the reactively matched cell

    exhibits superior gain performance than the conventional cascaded

    DA. The closed-form expression of the gain of RMDA (2.29) is

    calculated using the simulated result of the reactively matched cell

    (Fig. 2.14). Not only is the problem of the overall gain reduction

    mitigated, but the gain roll-off at higher frequency edge is also

    avoided due to the reactive matching technique.

  • 43

    Fig. 2.14. Calculated gain of the proposed distributed power amplifier

    compared to that of the conventional cascaded distributed power


  • 44

    2.5. Conclusion

    In this chapter, the concept of RMDA is proposed. Through

    analytic analysis and numerical computation, the limitation of the

    small-signal gain of the conventional cascaded DPA is presented.

    The component that reduces the gain the most is specified, which is

    the series capacitor of main stage transistor. To overcome the gain

    limit, the reactively matched cell is proposed as a unit gain cell of the

    distributed amplifier. Thanks to the reactively matched cell, IATL

    composed of the main transistor can be removed, and the gain

    reduction by the series capacitor of the main transistor is abolished.

    The proposed reactively matched cell also has the benefit of having

    two transistors only, thus interstage matching is done without any

    lossy elements or negative feedback. Comparing the explicit formula

    of conventional cascaded DPA and the proposed RMDA, the design

    criteria of the RMDA is obtained. The detailed design of RMDA is

    performed, and the simulated results clearly exhibits higher gain than

    that of the conventional cascaded DPA, which implies that the

    theoretical analysis is verified by the circuit simulation.

  • 45

    Chapter 3

    Shared Bias Network for Proposed

    Reactively Matched Distributed Amplifier


    3.1. Introduction

    In this chapter, the concept of shared bias network is proposed.

    In the active circuit, every transistor needs dc bias for proper

    operation. In the RF circuit, the bias circuit should be carefully

    designed to feed dc current whilst decoupling RF signal. To achieve

    RF decoupling, various techniques are proposed. Connecting a low

    pass filter, RF bypass capacitor with a quarter-wave transmission

    line, and RF choke inductor are common example of the biasing


    For the RFICs and MMICs, there are some limitations for biasing

  • 46

    networks. Biasing networks should be compact to save the size of

    total circuit. Especially MMIC with compound semiconductor

    technology, there are only two metallization layers. In fact, those two

    metal layers are for air-bridge for RF signal: two metal layers should

    be merged to feed high RF current in PA circuit. When designing a

    circuit with complex topologies, it is almost impossible to feed dc bias

    to "inside" transistor (see dotted red box shown in Fig. 3.1).

    To overcome the biasing problem, a self-biasing scheme using

    series feedback is proposed [28]-[29]. The self-biasing scheme

    uses a series feedback resistor and a series feedback capacitor.

    Voltage drop across the series feedback resistor produces gate-

    source voltage. Series feedback capacitor provides short impedance

    at RF signal, thus RF signal loss could be minimized. The schematic

    of self-biasing is shown in Fig. 3.2. Although this technique is

    beneficial for biasing the transistors, the voltage drop across the

    resistor generates substantial dc power dissipation. Therefore, RF

    performance degradation is unavoidable.

    In this chapter, a compact shared DC bias network is proposed to

    apply a single VDD bias to all transistors in the drive stage of RMDAs.

    The proposed bias network is also applicable to any type of

    distributed amplifiers or parallel power combining PAs.

  • 47

    Fig. 3.1. Example of the dc bias network problem in the proposed


    Fig. 3.2. Schematic of a self-biasing unit cell.


  • 48

    3.2. Shared Bias Network Using Simple Microstrip


    Given that the bias network should not affect the RF performance,

    the design of the bias network had been focused on making RF open

    circuit. However, in the presence of more than one RF signals, the

    impedance is altered with the other RF signal. The active load-pull

    concept explains the effect, as shown in Fig. 3.3. The impedance seen

    at the junction node Z1 is expressed as




    Z RI

    . (3.1)

    Using this equation, the impedance in RF frequencies could be

    maximized for bias network. In this thesis, a bias network consists of

    simple microstrip lines are designed through active load-pull concept.

    The two-section RMDA with the interstage drain bias line is

    shown in Fig. 3.4. To understand the influence of the phase of the

    bias line on the RF characteristics of the circuit, the case of a two-

    section RMDA is briefly analyzed. Let the phase delay of a section of

  • 49

    Fig. 3.3. Concept of active load-pull.

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 3.4. (a) Schematic and (b) equivalent circuit of the two-section

    reactively matched distributed amplifier.

    Gen 1 Gen 2












    φ θ






















  • 50

    the bias line be θ, and the phase delay of a section of the IATL be

    φ. In such case, I11 and I2 become

    11 1jI kI e , and (3.2)

    2 1jI I e , if (3.3)

    1 2I I . (3.4)

    Using the active load-pull equation in (3.1), Y2, the admittance

    at node X2, can be expressed as


    11 2

    (1 )L LI

    Y Y A jB YI I

    , (3.5)




    cos( )

    1 cos( )

    k kA

    k k

    and (3.6)


    sin( )

    1 cos( )


    k k

    . (3.7)

    To make Y2 to be identical to YL, which is in the case of the ideal

  • 51

    bias network, the conditions A = 0 and B = 0 should be satisfied.

    Therefore, k = 0 and φ = θ could be a solution.

    In terms of physical meaning, k means the ratio of amount of

    leakage RF current to that of incident RF current. Therefore, the

    value k cannot be zero, but has to be minimized. On the other hand,

    φ is given as a phase delay of a section of IATL, θ is possibly

    designed to be equal to φ.

    With the condition of φ = θ, (3.7) is zero regardless of k. The

    added susceptance value (imaginary of Y2−YL) is given as BYL, and

    becomes zero with the condition. The analysis shows a design criteria

    for the length of the microstrip line of the proposed bias network. On

    the other hand, minimizing the added conductance value (real of

    Y2−YL) is not that simple. With the phase condition of above analysis,

    A becomes



    k kA

    k k

    , (3.8)

    which is plotted in Fig. 3.5. It is clear from Fig. 3.5 that k should

    be minimized to make the added conductance lower. One of the

    methods of reducing k is utilizing the current division. The

    characteristic impedance of the microstrip line of the bias network

    should be minimized. In addition, connecting the bias network to a

  • 52

    node that the impedance of load looked lowest is beneficial to

    minimize k. The added conductance value at X2 is negative, implying

    that the current is injected from the bias network. On the other hand,

    the added conductance value at X1 is positive, meaning that the

    current is leaked to the bias network.

    In conclusion, the simple design criteria is acquired through

    simple analysis. The design criteria is applicable to the practical

    circuit design, but lacks detailed analysis and the effect of non-zero

    added admittance. The precise non-zero added admittance analysis

    and multiple load impedance effect will be discussed in next chapters.

    Fig. 3.5. Plot of (3.8).

  • 53

    3.3. Analysis of the proposed bias network

    Given that the bias network should not affect the RF performance,

    the impedance and phase of each bias line should be designed to

    minimize the added admittance from the bias network itself. The

    design criteria derived in the previous chapter is further specified in

    this chapter, with the quantitative analysis.

    The schematic of two-section RMDA shown in Fig. 3.4(a) and

    the equivalent circuit for nodes X1 and X2 shown in Fig. 3.4(b). Let

    the phase delay of the bias line connecting the two sections be θ,

    and the phase delay of a section of the IATL be φ. Unlike the

    analysis in previous chapter, both load impedances are considered

    and the ratio k is not used. Instead, the characteristic impedance of

    the bias line be Z0, and the ratio between Z0 and ZL is defined as k =

    Z0/ZL. Assuming no reverse wave at the bias line, Y1, the admittance

    seen at node X1, is Y1 = YL+Y'L, where Y'L is



    tanL Lk j

    Y Yk jk

    , (3.9)

  • 54

    the load admittance of second section looked at node X1. I12 is

    given as

    12 1jL

    L L

    YI I e

    Y Y

    , (3.10)

    by current division. Developing (3.10) with (3.9), the equation of


    12 1 2tan

    2 1 tan

    jk jI I ek j k


    is attained. Y2, the admittance seen at node X2 is given by the

    following due the the active load-pull effect:


    12 2L

    IY Y

    I I


    by the active load-pull.

    I1 and I2 denote the output current of drive stage in first section

  • 55

    and second section, respectively. In the high-efficiency PA design,

    the drive stage is almost in saturated power level. Therefore, the

    output power of each drive transistor in RMDA exhibits

    approximately identical current. Thus, the assumption of |I1|=|I2|

    could be validated. With the assumption, I2 is expressed by

    2 1jI I e . (3.13)

    The added admittance Y2-YL is derived from (3.12),


    12 2L L

    IY Y Y

    I I

    . (3.14)

    In the previous chapter, the added admittance is separated into

    the added conductance and the added susceptance. In this chapter,

    (3.14) is analyzed to provide insight to the shared bias network


    Substituting (3.11) and (3.13) in (3.14), the closed-form

    expression of added admittance is expressed as a function of k and


  • 56

    2 L L

    C jDY Y Y

    A jB

    , where (3.15)

    cos tan sin 2A k k , (3.16)

    2tan cos sin 1 tanB k k , (3.17)

    cos tan sinC k , (3.18)

    tan cos sinD k , and (3.19)

    . (3.20)

    The magnitude of (3.15) is given by

    2 22


    cos sinL Lk

    Y Y Y

    , where (3.21)

    2 4 2 25 2 2 tank k k , (3.22)

    2 2 24 2 1 tank k , and (3.23)

    2 22 ( 1)tank k . (3.24)

  • 57

    The magnitude of added admittance, should be minimized for the

    proposed bias network to behave as a dc bias network. The value of

    φ in the practical RMDA design in previous chapter is 63°. (3.21)

    is calculated as a function of θΔ and k in Fig. 3.6. In terms of k, the

    larger the k, the smaller the added admittance. The result shows that

    the characteristic impedance of the microstrip line should be as high

    Fig. 3.6. Calculated added admittance of the simplified bias network

    in the two-section reactively matched distributed amplifier.

  • 58

    as possible, matching the analysis of previous chapter. However, the

    minimum value for added admittance does not correspond to θΔ =

    0 due to the transformed load impedance of adjacent section, Y'L.

    Although the minimum added admittance appear at θΔ = 30°, the

    condition of θΔ = 0 is more beneficial in terms of operation


    To understand the effect of the non-zero value of the added

    admittance, the effective gain of the reactively matched cell, Ais, is

    calculated with the presence of added admittance of the bias network.

    When the added admittance is zero, the change in Ais becomes zero.

    The assumption of the perfectly matched interstage was made for the

    worst case, which is the case of the largest decrease in Ais. For

    analytical calculation of Ais, |Y2+Y*L| = |Y2+YL| is assumed. The

    assumption is valid when |Y2-YL| is small enough compared to

    |Y2+YL|, as in our case of broadband reactive interstage matching.

    The magnitude of voltage reflection coefficient of the interstage of

    the reactively matched cell |Γ| is given as





    Y Y

    Y Y

    . (3.26)

    The calculated gain reduction with respect to θΔ and k is plotted

  • 59

    as shown in Fig. 3.7. If the interstage of the reactively matched cell

    is perfectly matched at a certain frequency, then Ais = 1 (0 dB). Let

    the magnitude of the added admittance be 0.3 of the load admittance,

    which is in the case of θΔ = 0 and k = 1.2, then the magnitude of

    Fig. 3.7. Calculated change of effective gain of the interstage of the

    reactively matched cell caused by the simplified bias network in the

    two-section reactively matched distributed amplifier.

  • 60

    the voltage reflection coefficient |Γ| is 0.195, and Ais is 0.962

    (−0.17 dB). The gain drop due to the added admittance is minimal in

    this case, which shows that the proposed bias scheme provides

    leeway in the practical design.

  • 61

    3.4. Multi-section analysis and detailed design

    The analysis of two-section RMDA can be expanded to the

    multi-section RMDA. The principle of superposition is applied to

    estimate the added admittance value in the multi-section RMDA

    shown in Fig. 3.8. Among nodes X1–8, the nodes X2–7 is the junction of

    the bias lines upwards and downwards, the magnitude of the added

    admittance is expected to cancel out. Therefore, it can be assumed

    that the added admittance is nearly zero at the nodes X2–7, and the

    maximum value of added admittance is present at node X1 or X8.

    In the case of eight-section RMDA, the effect of the proposed

    bias network is examined by the RF circuit simulation. The simulation

    of eight-section RMDA is done by sweeping θΔ and Z0, and the

    maximum magnitude of added admittance for the nodes X1 to X8 of

    each case is shown in Fig. 3.9. The simulated data follow the general

    trend of two-section RMDA in Fig. 3.6. However, there is some

    discrepancy. This comes from the load admittance differences; the

    load admittance is assumed to be constant in the two-section

    calculation, but the simulated results account for the actual load

    admittance in the eight-section RMDA (see Fig 2.12). However, one

    can still draw the similar conclusion. The added admittance of less

    than 15 mS has minimal impact on the effective gain for 6–18 GHz

  • 62

    operation. Therefore, the phase error below 15° and the

    characteristic impedance above 75 Ω allows insignificant gain


    In the fabricated circuit, the bias lines are designed to have the

    same phase shift as the input transmission line, which is 63° at 18

    GHz, to ensure the broadband operation. The characteristic

    Fig. 3.8. Detailed schematic of the proposed distributed power

    amplifier. 200 Ω resistors are added to the gate bias circuits of both

    drive and main stages to guarantee the unconditional stability.






























    : 4×75 μm: 2×125 μm: 6×125 μm
















  • 63

    impedance is tapered from 105 Ω to 75 Ω, considering the current

    handling capability of the metals used in the shared bias line. The

    magnitude of added admittance is less than 13 mS as shown in Fig.

    3.10. The added admittance is almost zero at the middle sections, as

    expected from the principle of superposition. Thus, the fabricated

    circuit is expected to show negligible performance degradation due

    Fig. 3.9. Simulated results of the maximum magnitude value of added

    admittance of the simplified bias network in the eight-section

    reactively matched distributed amplifier.

  • 64

    to bias sharing.

    Fig. 3.10. Simulated added admittance from the bias network of an

    eight-section reactively matched distributed amplifier.

  • 65

    3.5. Conclusion

    In this chapter, the shared bias network is proposed. To make

    open circuit in RF domain, the proposed biasing scheme is analyzed

    with the active load-pull theory. The design criteria for proposed

    bias network is provided. Through quantitative analysis, the effect of

    added admittance is calculated. Also, the change in the interstage

    effective gain is calculated and simulated with respect to the added

    admittance. Through the analysis, the possibility of shared bias

    network is verified. The amount of added admittance and change in

    the interstage effective gain is negligible for RF performance of total

    DPA circuit.

    The proposed bias network is applied to the RMDA in this thesis.

    The shared bias network is also applicable to any other type of

    circuits. For example, the biasing technique can be employed to

    previously mentioned DA circuits, such as CSSDA. In addition, in the

    case of the power combining circuit with finite phase delay, such as

    balanced amplifier, the shared bias could be used for compact biasing

    scheme. Therefore, the proposed bias technique is the possibly the

    useful scheme for variety of MMICs in compound semiconductor


  • 66

    Chapter 4

    Chip Layout with Consideration of Thermal


    4.1. Introduction

    In the HPAs with a solid-state device, especially GaN PAs, the

    junction temperature needs to be considered not only for circuit

    reliability but also for RF performance such as power, gain, and PAE.

    Also, common GaN PA produces large amount of RF output power

    with significant amount of dc dissipation power. Due to the dissipated

    power, GaN HEMT device heats itself while operating, as shown in

    Fig. 4.1. It is widely known that the high junction temperature results

    in the lower RF drain current. Therefore, the electro-thermal model

    of the GaN HEMT is composed of a normal large signal model and a

    thermal sub-circuit to predict the RF performance with respect to

    junction temperature. In addition, to embrace the self-heating effect,

  • 67

    Fig. 4.1. Measured junction temperature of a GaN HEMT device

    according to dissipated power level, showing the self-heating effect.

    Fig. 4.2. Measured thermal coupling effect of a PA circuit.

  • 68

    the thermal resistance, defined as rise in junction temperature per

    dissipated power, is included in thermal sub-circuit.

    The thermal coupling effect is another major factor for increase

    in the junction temperature in the MMIC as shown in Fig. 4.2. The

    thermal coupling effect refers to the case where the heat generated

    in each transistor is coupled to the adjacent transistors. With the

    presence of the thermal coupling, the junction temperature of the PA

    MMIC can be much higher than the single transistor cases.

    To reduce the junction temperature in the bare-die circuit level,

    Thermal carriers with various materials are proposed, but the

    materials with higher thermal coefficient are costly. Self-heating can

    be minimized by enhancing the efficiency, but in the case of the HPA

    with multi-octave bandwidth, PAE is limited to about 30%. Therefore,

    in this chapter, the layout technique with consideration of thermal

    coupling is presented.

  • 69

    4.2. Design of Standard and Staggered Layout


    The layout of RMDA designed through chapter 2 and chapter 3

    is performed. With consideration of thermal coupling, two types of

    layout is proposed: the standard layout and the staggered layout. The

    former focuses on the layout efficiency, and the latter emphasizes on

    reducing thermal coupling. For a fair comparison, the RF performance

    of two types are designed to be identical.

    The layout of the standard layout is straightforward. First of all,

    the layout of reactively matched cell is performed to fit between

    IATL and OATL. The room for shared bias network should be left for

    bias layout. Each reactively matched cell is in identical layout, except

    the last section. In the last section, the size of the drive transistor is

    altered to 2×125 μm, due to a finite amount of incident RF signal at

    the shared bias. The layout with standard configuration is shown in

    Fig. 4.3. Die size is 2.1 mm × 5.1 mm, the compact layout is possible

    by the virtue of the shared bias network.

    To reduce the effect of thermal coupling in the MMIC, a thermally

    optimized transistor layout is also implemented. The layout with

    staggered configuration is shown in Fig. 4.4. The reactively matched

  • 70

    Fig. 4.3. Layout of the proposed DPA MMIC with standard layout.

  • 71

    Fig. 4.4. Layout of the proposed DPA MMIC with staggered layout.

  • 72

    cells are placed in a staggered configuration in Fig. 4.4 to increase

    the physical distance between the adjacent main transistors. To place

    the second-stage transistors far from the first-stage transistors,

    the inductor of the reactively matched cell is replaced by a long high-

    impedance microstrip line in the odd-numbered sections. On the

    other hand, the even-numbered section places the second-stage

    transistor closer to the first-stage transistor so that the second-

    stage transistors can be staggered. The die size has been increased

    from 10.7 mm2 to 13.8 mm2 (2.7 mm × 5.1 mm). As the main

    transistors are separated, the thermal coupling effect can be

    mitigated, and the junction temperature of the circuit can be reduced

    toward the similar level of the single devices.

    The conceptual diagram of comparing the standard layout and the

    staggered layout is shown in Fig. 4.5. In the standard layout, the

    minimum separation between the main-stage transistors is 431 μm

    while it has been increased to 772 μm in the new layout. As shown

    in Fig. 4.5, the equi-temperature contour encloses all of the main-

    stage transistors in the standard layout. On the other hand, the

    contour is separated in the staggered layout, implying that thermal

    coupling is less significant in the case.

    For the comprehensive electro-thermal design, the thermal

    simulation has to be performed with circuit simulation, as in the case

    of the EM simulation and schematic simulation. The thermal

    simulation is performed with both layout, under the condition of DPA

  • 73

    operation. The dissipated power is set to 60 W in accordance with

    the circuit simulation results. The boundary conditions for thermal

    Fig. 4.5. Conceptual diagram comparing the standard layout and

    staggered layout in terms of thermal coupling.

  • 74

    analysis are determined correspondingly to the test fixture. The

    thermal simulation is performed assuming the PA die is attached to

    5-mm-thick Au-plated Cu carrier with a high-thermal-conductive

    adhesive. The ambient temperature is assumed 45 ℃ at the bottom

    of the thermal carrier with convection.

    From the simulated result shown in Fig. 4.6, it can be seen that

    Fig. 4.6. The simulated temperature distribution of die surface of

    standard layout (left) and the staggered layout (right).

  • 75

    thermal coupling effect has been reduced using the proposed layout

    technique. The equi-temperature contour of 100 ℃ in the standard

    layout encompasses all the main-stage transistors, showing thermal

    coupling. On the other hand, it is isolated to each device in the

    staggered layout. The thermal resistance of the total circuit is

    reduced from 2.8 ℃/W to 2.6 ℃/W, respectively. The simulated

    maximum temperature is also reduced from 219 ℃ to 210 ℃.

    Attained thermal resistance values of each transistor are

    incorporated to the electro-thermal model of GaN HEMT, and RF

    simulation is revised with the simulated thermal resistance. The

    effect of the reduced thermal coupling can also be seen in the

    improved RF performance, as shown in the following section.

  • 76

    4.3. Measurements of the Fabricated MMICs

    Two RMDAs were fabricated using a commercial 0.25-μm GaN

    HEMT foundry process by WIN Semiconductors Corporation. The

    first RMDA is fabricated with a standard layout and the thermal

    coupling reduced layout technique is applied to the second RMDA.

    The photograph of the fabricated MMICs are shown in Fig. 4.7 and

    Fig. 4.8. The same electrical design has been applied to both RMDAs

    to compare the effect of thermal management. Fabricated MMICs are

    attached to an Au-plated Cu carrier with a high-thermal-conductive

    adhesive, as shown in Fig. 4.9. The adhesive is EK2000 by Epoxy

    Technology Inc. with a thermal conductivity of 35.5 W/mK. The test

    fixture is composed of a 5-mm-thick Au-plated Cu carrier and a

    heat sink with thermal grease, as shown in Fig. 4.10. The RF tests

    are performed under continuous-wave conditions with a drain bias

    voltage of 30 V.

    On top of RF performance, the thermal profile of the RMDA with

    the staggered layout is measured. To estimate the junction

    temperature drop by the proposed layout technique, IR thermal

    microscope image was taken to compare the thermal profiles of the

    conventional layout and the staggered layout. Thermal measurements

    were performed by setting the temperature of the bottom of the test

  • 77

    Fig. 4.7. Photograph of the fabricated reactively matched distributed

    amplifier with standard layout.

  • 78

    Fig. 4.8. Photograph of the fabricated reactively matched distributed

    amplifier with staggered layout.

  • 79

    fixture at 45 ℃ and the dissipated power level at 60 W, in

    accordance with the thermal simulation in previous chapter. The

    measured results are shown in Fig. 4.11. The staggered layout shows

    reduced thermal coupling and lower junction temperature compared

    Fig. 4.9. Photograph of the test fixture to test the proposed


  • 80



    Fig. 4.10. Block diagram of the (a) test fixture and (b) heat sink

    configuration for RF characterization the fabricated MMICs.

  • 81

    to the conventional layout. It is worth noting that the measured

    thermal profile is in close agreement with the simulated results in Fig.


    Fig. 4.11. The measured temperature distribution of die surface of

    standard layout (left) and the staggered layout (right).

  • 82

    The measured small-signal S-parameter results of the standard

    RMDA are compared with the simulated S-parameter results in Fig.

    4.12. From 6 to 18 GHz, a small-signal gain of 15.3-23.2 dB is

    achieved while S11 and S22 are lower than -10 dB. The average

    value of the measured small-signal gain is 20.1 dB, which is among

    Fig. 4.12. Measured and simulated performances of small-signal S-

    parameters of the proposed distributed power amplifier with the

    standard layout.

  • 83

    the highest gain reported from > 10W DAs. Output power and PAE

    are shown in Fig. 4.13. The measurements were done by sweeping

    the input power from 27 to 30 dBm at each frequency to achieve the

    required output power and PAE. The output power of 40.3-43.9 dBm

    and PAE of 15.5-26.6% are achieved with a small die size of 10.7

    mm2. The average output power is 42.0 dBm, and the average PAE

    is 21.0%.

    Fig. 4.13. Measured and simulated performances of output power and

    efficiency of the proposed distributed power amplifier with the

    standard layout.

  • 84

    The measured RF performances of the RMDA with thermal

    coupling-reduced layout are shown in Fig. 4.14 and Fig. 4.15. The

    measured data with the staggered layout demonstrate further

    improvement in RF performances. The proposed RMDA exhibits a

    slightly higher small-signal gain of 16.7-24.1 dB from 6-18 GHz,

    with an average gain of 21.7 dB. The PAE performance is also

    Fig. 4.14. Measured and simulated performances of small-signal S-

    parameters of the proposed distributed power amplifier with the

    staggered layout.

  • 85

    improved, reaching 15.0-29.4%. The simulation is performed using

    the device model provided by the foundry, which does not include the

    effect of thermal coupling. The average PAE in 6-18 GHz

    frequencies is 22.6%, which is enhanced by 1.6% due to the reduced
