Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Strategy...Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity...


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Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Strategy OverviewEnsure uninterrupted continuation of your business with Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Strategies. Disaster Recovery ensures that your organization can sustain a loss of your IT infrastructure and resume operations on an alternative site and infrastructure. This differs from Business Continuity, which ensures that your business can enable your workforce to resume their roles and meet their business and service level agreements in the wake of a disaster.

Natural disasters, aging infrastructures (both external and internal), and acts of terrorism are some of the events that present the threat of disaster to an organization. Corporate directors and managers are responsible for ensuring their shareholders that they have deployed best practices in assessing all potential risks, and that plans are in place to mitigate such risk and ensure the survival of the organization.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Strategy Benefits •Assureyourshareholdersthattheirinvestmentisprotectedfromnaturalorman-

made disaster •EnsurethatyourITinfrastructurecansustaintheeffectsofadisasterand

resume normal operations •Ensurethatproceduresareinplacetoresumenormalbusinessoperationsatan

alternative site •Ensurethatyourfirmcontinuestomeetserviceandoperatinglevelagreements

Offerings •DisasterRecoveryStrategyPlanning–focusesonITinfrastructure •BusinessContinuityStrategyPlanning–focusesonbusinesspoliciesandprocedures •ConsolidatedDR/BCStrategyImplementationPlanning–focusesonexecutinga

disaster scenario task list

OuR PROven MethODOlOgy

Our process is based on industry best practices and is enhanced with years of experience working with our clients in the complex, high end IT solutions space.

Our Methodology is a phased approach: •Discover–Assess•Develop–ClientisProvided

Solution Options •Design–ArchitectSolution•Deploy–ImplementSolution•Debrief–ReviewSolutionBenefits

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Strategy

