Disability pride parade 2012



JCFS staff, families and volunteers celebrate inclusion for peope of all abilities at the 2012 Disability Rights Parade July 21. To learn about Services for People with Disailities, visit us at www.jcfs.org

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Look who’s in charge! The JCFS team caught up with Jessica King at the parade.

Beth Wyman chats with volunteer Noah.

Matching add the perfect touch to the parade team.

Ready, get set…time to start the parade!

The JCFS Team enjoyed a lovely walk down Dearborn Street for the Disability Pride Parade.

And the award for the best bicycle helmet goes to Aleah Siegel, long time Yad B’Yad volunteer who came out to walk with JCFS. That is the most fashionable “safety first” ever!


The sun came out midway through for a beautiful day to celebrate inclusion and rights for people of all abilities.

And there’s Brenda, all ready and waiting at the JCFS booth at the Disability Pride Resource Fair at the end of the parade.
