Direction and supervision of sales


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Paola Andrea Rincón Gonzáles

Linda Jiseth Rincón OchoaMarketing and Finance Program

Semester third

1 Service Management: is to optimize supply chains centered service to meet customer needs and achieve apart from the competition by better service.

2 Differentiation: is the quality of the companies that distinguish positively from the competition, gathering competitive advantages that enable their positioning.

3 Innovation: the development and application of new ideas and strategies for the commercial exploitation of products or services that a company has.

4 Development: the development activity or start a plan or strategy.

5 Service: is the intangible activities performed by firms to achieve total customer satisfaction and one of the best competitive advantages to differentiate themselves from the competition.

6 Marketing: design or planning strategies to position a product.

8 Marketing activities: activities related to analysis and market research, development, planning and introduction of products and services, monitoring short, medium and long term, and that includes the price, distribution , logistics, advertising, site marketing, etc.

7 Sales: a personal or impersonal process where the seller is responsible for providing a good or service that meets customer needs, which delivers an economic benefit for the good or service.

9 Personal Selling: is direct sales relationship between seller and buyer.

10 Special customers: are customers who have different or special personal characteristics and require a much more structured and specialized care.

12 Motivation: are the stimuli that make workers feel interested enough to guide action and behavior towards achieving predetermined objectives.

11 Supply Chain: all parts are directly or indirectly involved in satisfying a customer request basis.

13 Supplier: The person that supplies other companies with stock needed for the development of the activity.

14 Objection: they are reasons or proposed Contrs customers when making a purchase.

15 Persuasion: is the first impression or judgment that makes comprasor seller in the same manner and the seller makes to the buyer.

16 Consumer behavior: is the study of the behavior that consumers display in seeking, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services, feel, meet your needs.

17 Point of Sale: is the place where the product is exposed directly to the client, and does not require a seller to be consumed.

18 Integrated Communication: is a trend that seeks to achieve uniformity throughout the planning, coordination and integration of all messages created by the company and transmitted by various departments.

19 Promotions: are a number of techniques across different stimuli and limited in time, to achieve the purchase or acquisition of a product or service to short-term actions, which results in a temporary rise in sales.

20 Publicity: communication strategies are developed by a company to provide a product or service to market

21 ATL y BTL media: are two types of advertising that develops marketing to publicize products or services.

22 Decision making customer: is the process of giving the final purchase or acquisition of a good or service.

23 Products: they are tangible or intangible assets that a company offers to the market to satisfy a need.

24 Negotiation: set of techniques applied and selling relationship between sellers and especially suitable for professional or complex products and high price buyers.

25 Investigation: is the objective, systematic process in which information is generated to contribute to making marketing decisions. Includes specification of the required information, the design method for gathering the information, the administration and execution of data collection, analysis of results and communication of its findings and implications.
