Differentiation INSET 10.11.15


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List 3-5 words or phrases that, in your mind, are linked to this term.

• Increased academic progress• Increased confidence in

learning • Enhanced intrinsic

motivation for learning• Increased independent


Know your students:1. Prior learning (Baseline assessment)2. Target level or grade (Where are they

heading? Do they know their target?)3. SEN or G & T – (Focus groups)4. Skills and knowledge required to reach

or exceed target – this is where differentiation comes in!

Know where you want to goWhat are your objectives for the lesson?‘All’ ‘Most’ ‘Some’ ?Support? Extension: quality not quantity – not just

doing more of same!How will students be grouped?


Grouping:• Appropriateness of fixed seating plan?• Ability grouping?• Mixed ability grouping – peer support?• Paired work/Talk Partners

Differentiation techniques:By OutcomeBy taskBy questioningBy supportBy input

Differentiation by task Language – modify language for G+T/SEN.

Questioning from teacher can be styled towards particular learners, open and closed questions (obvious to observers).

Limit reading/writing for SEN pupils, often where difficulties lie.

Provide prompts/key vocabulary. Activities – expectations higher for upper

levels – Quality not quantity! Extension work – challenge more able (open

ended tasks)

Differentiation by support

Tell them what you want them to do. They rarely need to be stuck beside ONE pupil only.

Use their expertise of the child to support your expertise of teaching and subject knowledge

Discuss with them about the pupils’ progress/needs/difficulties

Differentiation by input

Do all pupils need the same input?Consider differentiating the teaching

of the task as well ask following tasks…

For example, if you’re aware that part of the group don’t need to ‘overlearn’ – why not set them off on a task while focussing on those that will require extra input?

Blooms Taxonomy: Progressive Levels of Thinking







Lower order thinking skills

Higher order thinking skills



Structuring Challenging Tasks

Use an alternative text or stimulus – add more information and use higher level vocabulary.

Allow pupils to jump steps Create open ended tasks that enable

unusual responses (example to follow)Set extended, independent projectsEncourage research and experimentationRestrict time or word limitBloom’s Taxonomy: higher order skills

Some examples of challenging homework tasks

A homework given to KS3 science students to be completed over a 3 week period independently

The statements below have been written in textbooks. Read them and use research of your own to decide if they are correct. Explain what your views are.

The largest animals are usually herbivoresEating white bread and cereals causes acneAll food chains get their energy from the sun.Half termly questions given to students to research and

present findings in a way of their choice: poster/ leaflet/ presentation/ short documentary:

Could we survive on mars?Will robots take over from humans?

Difficulties Learners May FaceMany of the pupils with learning difficulties

have similar difficulties, even though the diagnoses/labels may be different:

1. Reading with or without comprehension difficulties or comprehension without reading

2. Poor vocabulary knowledge or recall3. Getting ideas down on paper4. Poor short term memory and subsequent

organisational difficulties5. Poor motor skills/handwriting/using rulers


Poor short term memory

I really don’t

remember what we did last lesson.

How come everyone else

seems to remember it all – bet the teacher

thinks I’m stupid. Ok, so that’s

how I’ll behave!

I thought I’d done that piece of

coursework. But I can’t find it – so I

guess I didn’t. I’m in

trouble again!!

What’s that word I need?

OR What’s that word

mean that he just said?

Support their weaknessesUse their (relative) strengths

•Strengths: Often better visual or kinaesthetic learners

•These are the pupils who still benefit from concrete apparatus in maths, for example

•English department encourage them to annotate around the poems they need to learn – this acts like a visual prompt when they get into the exam.

Short term auditory memory

Miss, what are we

supposed to be doing?

What did you just say?

Pupil: I’ve finished.Teacher: No you haven’t, I also told you to do….Pupil: Oh.

Do what?

Verbal instructions must be brief and given one at a time – OR supported in a visual way

Verbal Instructions• Simple: Give them one at a time, check

everyone has done it before giving next instruction

• More effort: Have series of instructions written down/on board for pupils to refer to

• Even more effort: provide a checklist for pupil(s) to tick off as they complete each task

Differentiation ideas…Simple: quick and easy to do

Little more effort: about a minute or two of your time

More effort: Preparing longer term resources – but can be used over and over again

• Give out homework at the beginning of the lesson

• Why?

SIMPLE: Homework

SIMPLE: Future worksheets/ powerpoints/IWB

Use “comic sans” or Century Gothic font


Times New Roman – g a Century Gothic – a g Comic Sans – a g

SIMPLE: Future backgrounds to Powerpoints and IWBChange background to light blue


Little more effort: Weak writing skills

Make laptops available for those who benefit from/need word processing

Allow them to show what they know in a variety of ways, e.g. mindmap, bullet points

Copying from board: write each line in a different colour – easier to find their place

More effort: supporting weak writing skills/motor skillsScribe for themCreate ‘fill the gaps’ sheetsHave writing frames/templates

available in classroomDrawing grids/tables/graphs etc. can

be REALLY difficult to complete for those with poor motor skills. Unless that is the focus of the task/assessment, provide the grid

More effort: Subject vocab – need to build in overlearning in SOW•Top ten topic vocabulary or *subject specific words. Must allow overlearning – won’t be recalled otherwise

•Encourage pupils to identify words they don’t know – reward ‘I don’t know what that means’ so pupils know it is ok to be unsure.

More effort: Poor readers/comprehenders

Prepare a reduced version of text, find simpler synonyms for more sophisticated vocabulary.

Find a simpler text – for LA learners it might be worth looking at texts aimed at KS2 or even KS1 for specific pupils.

Provide a glossary –pupils may be unable to use a dictionary.

More effort: Homework

Provide additional information, so child can recall what to do when they get home. Planner space is not big enough for pupils who need this additional information.

Staple homework instructions into their planners or email to them.

Limit time spent/amount required otherwise if they are struggling they might be there for hours!

More effort: Research• Research: written questions which must be

answered on paper rather than “Find information about the Tudors”

• Limit number of facts to find (find 5)• Break big questions into smaller steps – bullet

point mini questions. – When did the Tudors come to the throne? What were their names? Etc.

• Provide key words and teach “Find” on computers – give specific websites.

• Teach pupils how to skim and scan (Skim = general info – Scan = searching for key words/information)

Suggestions for SOW • Plenty of overlearning opportunities for

subject vocabulary in a variety of ways and other concepts.

• Opportunities to teach planning, organisational and research skills.

A short task…Pick a lesson for KS3 and consider the

objective and the expectation for the learners in one of your classes…

What would your must, should and could be?

How would you make accessible for LA pupils with particular difficulties?

How would you challenge G+T Pupils?