Difference Between IITian and Non IITian



Difference Between IITian and Non IITian

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Difference between IITian and Non IITian:

Many a times, I wondered what lies the major difference between an IITian and non-IITian. Is it like just their IQ-level and presence-of-mind that distinguishes these people ? Is it their intelligence ot the tag that attracts companies like Google, Microsoft, etc and do they never need to worry about the placements?Whatever field an IITian chose he gets success, anything be it Civil Services or GATE or CAT. I am an IITian but definitely I had once been an IIT aspirant,So wrting this blog as a NON IITian myself,here is a brief note of my experience for all those who dream to be IITian.


Yes, its true, definitely the IITian could ‘think a better solution’ than us because they are more ‘focussed’ towards their goals. They are passionate to look for solutions not like the ones who says “Ohh! this seems to be impossible for me..I quit” Always learn to solve rather than complicate things if you wanted to achieve success. The most important thing, it is not brain that makes an IITian exceptional but it is their decision-making and priorities that distinguishes from the rest of crowd.

We have GATE examination conducted today for Post-Graduate courses. I have many colleagues giving out that examination but I fear hardly anyone looks to be so keen to get into IITs. I had been into regular touch with few friends regarding their GATE preparations. “Mann nahin lag raha abhii padne kaa…” is one of the pet dialogues makes me wonder “Come on yaar, it is your priorities today that will ultimately decide your fate tomorrow.” Most of us had the perception that we just need to get a good GATE score because this would give them an edge for some companies. I feel, it is here that we lack most of the times, we are still not focussed. It shows that still our motive is somewhat if somewhere I do not get 99+ percentile or something atleast I would get into some good company that considers GATE score. In some manner, it shows the lack of confidence in our abilities. THIS is what distinguishes an IITian from non-IITian.

If you wish to achieve success then its nothing like you need to be intelligent enough but its your DECISIONS that shall give you recognition. If we are not focussed or dedicated towards our goals, then it will only get tough be it we try for GATE or CAT or anything. We need to very sure what we want to see ourself as a successful person. Like, when I appeared for JEE, there was feeling if I do not get into IITs, I would get some NIT atleast, and in any case UPTU is always in backup.

Whenever you do any job or whatever, give your 100% . Take this as a challenge and then shoot the stars. If once you think that I am not fit for this work/study then I am sure you really are NOT fit. Go for something else buddy. It is not your brain that is responsible for stopping you from getting into companies like Google and Microsoft but its you yourself. When you do not trust yorself, why the hell will they trust your abilities ?

Stay focussed in your targets…. :P
