Diagnóstico y Manejo de Hipoglicemia




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Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723

Differential diagnosis and management of

neonatal hypoglycemia

Mark A. Sperling, MDa,b,*, Ram K. Menon, MDc,d

aDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USAbDivision of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,

3705 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2583, USAcDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

dDivision of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital,

1205 MPB Box 0718, 1500 E. Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0718, USA

A remarkable series of coordinated metabolic adaptations occurs at birth. At

the instant when the placental blood supply is curtailed, the fetus, hitherto largely

dependent on maternal blood for its glucose, must initiate endogenous glucose

production to meet its needs of approximately 5 to 8 mg/kg/min, mostly for

cerebral use—a rate three to four times that of adults [1–3]. Several systems

interact to accomplish this switch to endogenous glucose production. Within

minutes of umbilical cord cutting, there is a three- to fivefold surge in gluca-

gon and catecholamines, which initiate glycogen breakdown. High endogenous

growth hormone and cortisol facilitate the onset of gluconeogenesis within several

hours, and insulin secretion is blunted so that serum concentrations of insulin fall

[1–3]. Enzymatic systems for glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis must be

in place, along with a supply of substrate in the form of fat and amino acids [4–6].

The initiation of milk feeding also is important because it likely participates in the

induction of ketogenesis, which spares glucose for brain consumption and facili-

tates gluconeogenesis [7]. Hypoglycemia represents not a single entity but a defect

in one of these major adaptive pathways. Because these same pathways function to

protect infants, children, and adults from hypoglycemia during fasting, hypogly-

cemia is more likely to occur during food deprivation (ie, fasting) [2,3].

Hypoglycemia in newborns is a relatively common and important disorder. It

occurs frequently as a transient disorder, particularly in premature and small-for-

gestational-age infants [2,3,5,6]. Hypoglycemia also may persist and reoccur and

cause significant morbidity, including seizures and permanent brain injury [8,9].

0031-3955/04/$ – see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


This article was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (DK07729 and

DK49845) and the Renziehausen Trust.

* Corresponding author. 3705 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2583.

E-mail address: masp@pitt.edu (M.A. Sperling).

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723704

The transient forms generally represent developmental immaturity in gluconeo-

genesis and ketogenesis and possibly depletion of glycogen stores by peripartum

stress and secretion of catecholamines [10]. The persistent forms of neonatal

hypoglycemia may reflect inborn errors of gluconeogenesis, ketogenesis, or

glycogen breakdown. Hypopituitarism with defects in the adrenocorticotropic

hormone (ACTH)-cortisol axis together with deficiency of growth hormone may

produce relatively severe hypoglycemia in the newborn [2,3]. Persistent hyper-

insulinism caused by congenital defects in the regulation of insulin, however, has

emerged as the most common cause of persistent neonatal hypoglycemia in

otherwise healthy infants [11].

This article uses the framework outlined above for a rational classifica-

tion of neonatal hypoglycemia, which leads to systematic diagnosis and spe-

cific management.

Definition of hypoglycemia

There is some controversy as to the precise definition of hypoglycemia in

newborns. Generally, healthy newborns can maintain blood glucose concentra-

tions more than 40 mg/dL after the initial 12 hours of life. Low birth weight

infants and infants with asphyxia are at greater risk for hypoglycemia by virtue of

immaturity of gluconeogenic and ketogenic mechanisms, exhaustion of glycogen

stores, and persistent hyperinsulinism. An arbitrary level of 40 mg/dL or less has

been used as the classic standard for hypoglycemia. Others, however, argue that

the brain of an infant may be no less sensitive to hypoglycemic injury than that of

an older child, so the therapeutic goal should be maintenance of blood glucose

above 60 mg/dL [10]. We believe that a reasonable compromise is the definition

of hypoglycemia as a plasma glucose level below 50 mg/dL.

Symptoms and signs of hypoglycemia in neonates

In older children and adults, the classic symptoms of hypoglycemia are at-

tributed to two major mechanisms. The first mechanism is the activation of the

autonomic nervous system with release of catecholamines as a major counter-

regulatory response to avoid hypoglycemia. This produces the symptoms of

tachycardia, anxiety, sweating, and palpitations. A second set of symptoms and

signs relates to deprivation of glucose by the brain, with progressive impairment in

neurologic function that ultimately leads to hypoglycemic seizures and coma. As

shown in Box 1, however, the symptoms and signs for neonates are nonspecific

and include cyanotic spells, apnea, respiratory distress, refusal to feed, wilting

spells, and myoclonic jerks. Ultimately, coma and convulsions also may occur.

The nonspecific nature of cyanotic spells, ‘‘respiratory distress,’’ refusal to feed,

and somnolence suggests the importance of a high index of suspicion for the

possibility of hypoglycemia in newborn infants.

Box 1. Symptoms and signs of hypoglycemia in infants

Cyanotic spellsApneaRespiratory distressRefusal to feedSubnormal temperatureWilting spellsMyoclonic jerksSomnolenceConvulsions

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Classification of hypoglycemia

The transient forms of hypoglycemia in newborns predominantly affect pre-

mature or small-for-gestational-age infants, and they reflect immaturity of

glucoregulatory mechanisms that involve substrate availability to maintain

glucose production or their enzymatic effectors (Box 2). It is the paucity of

Box 2. Classification of neonatal hypoglycemia

Transient (days)

� Developmental immaturity of fasting adaptation: prematureand small-for-gestational-age infant

� Peripartum stress: glycogen depletion� Hyperinsulinemia: infant of mother with poorly controlleddiabetes mellitus

Transient (weeks)

� Birth asphyxia or small-for-gestational-age infant� Hyperinsulinemia


� Hypopituitarism� Inborn errors1. Glycogen breakdown or synthesis2. Gluconeogenesis3. Ketogenesis

� Congenital hyperinsulinism� Other

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723706

endogenous substrate that is rate limiting; remarkably, hormones, receptors, and

signaling cascades quickly adapt postnatally [1–6].

Infants born to mothers with diabetes mellitus also manifest transient hypo-

glycemia, which is associated with hyperinsulinemia and diminished glucagon

responses [1]. Classically, these infants are macrosomic (ie, large for gestational

age), but they cannot mobilize their surfeit of nutrient stores as glycogen and fat

because of the restraining effects of the hyperinsulinemia [1]. Meticulous gly-

cemic control during pregnancy and labor minimizes this and other perinatal

complications [12]. Treatment consists of frequent and, if indicated, supplemental

intravenous glucose at a rate not to exceed 5 to 10 mg/kg/min so as to avoid

stimulation of endogenous insulin secretion and rebound hypoglycemia when the

intravenous infusion is discontinued. Resolution generally occurs within 3 to

5 days after birth.

Some asphyxiated infants and some with intrauterine growth retardation dis-

play hypoglycemia that persists beyond 3 days of life. When measured, serum

insulin levels may be inappropriately elevated but usually are less than 20 mU/mL

[13–15]. In a series of 38 such infants, the response to various secretagogues,

including glucose, leucine, calcium, and tolbutamide, was similar to normal but

different to those with KATP channel defects [15]. Most infants responded to

diazoxide or could be managed solely by frequent feedings [15]. Resolution oc-

curred at a mean age of 7 months but persisted for as long as 2.5 years in

exceptional cases [15]. Hypoglycemia that persists beyond 3 days in asphyxiated

infants or infants with intrauterine growth retardation requires exclusion of

inappropriate hyperinsulinemia and treatment with diazoxide at a dose of 5 to

15 mg/kg/d. Octreotide was needed in one case. Such infants may be more com-

mon than previously appreciated; supplemental treatment with steroids, previ-

ously advocated, does not seem to be warranted.

Persistent hypoglycemia

Counterregulatory hormone deficiency

Deficiency of the counterregulatory hormones cortisol and growth hormone

alone or in combination is the usual cause of neonatal hypoglycemia associated

with an endocrine abnormality. Hypopituitarism, which causes various degrees of

ACTH-cortisol or growth hormone deficiency, has an incidence of hypoglycemia

of up to 20%. Hypoglycemia may be the presenting feature in the newborn with

hypopituitarism. Clues to the existence of hypopituitarism as the cause of neo-

natal hypoglycemia include microphallus in the male infant, which reflects

gonadotropin deficiency in utero, liver dysfunction with cholestatic features,

and mid-line malformation, such as septo-optic dysplasia, in which nystagmus is

a prominent feature. Of note, neonatal hypoglycemia with growth hormone

deficiency may be associated with low or absent ketones, which mimics hyper-

insulinemia or a fatty acid oxidation defect. By contrast, beyond the neonatal

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period, the same deficiency in growth hormone secretion typically results in

ketotic hypoglycemia. Note that growth hormone levels in serum in a normal

newborn are 20 to 40 ng/mL in the first few days of life, so a value less than

10 ng/mL associated with hypoglycemia suggests hypopituitarism [2,3].

With hypoglycemia secondary to primary adrenal insufficiency, as occurs in

congenital adrenal hyperplasia and X-linked congenital adrenal hypoplasia,

electrolyte disturbances with hyponatremia and hyperkalemia or ambiguous geni-

talia provide the leading clue. Receptor defects in ACTH cause hypoglycemia,

low cortisol, and significant hyperpigmentation because of the exaggerated

melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH)-like activity inherent in the processing

of pro opio melanocorticotropin (POMC) to ACTH. In the newborn, ACTH

resistance may be difficult to distinguish from adrenal hypoplasia. Generally,

ACTH resistance caused by ACTH receptor defects is not associated with de-

fects in mineralocorticoid secretion because the regulation of aldosterone is

via the renin-angiotensin axis rather than by ACTH. Hyponatremia and hyper-

kalemia are not features, and aldosterone secretion is preserved, which allows

distinction from adrenal hypoplasia, adrenal hemorrhage, or enzymatic defects in

steroid biosynthesis.

In the neonate, measurement of growth hormone, cortisol, and ACTH and

insulin and free fatty acids (FFA) in the critical sample taken at the time of hypo-

glycemia is essential for diagnostic evaluation. Deficiency of cortisol or growth

hormone can be treated readily by appropriate replacement therapy. Glucagon

deficiency is rare, although described; catecholamine deficiency is even rarer, if it

exists at all [2,3].

Inborn errors of metabolism

Enzymatic errors of glycogen synthesis or breakdown, gluconeogenesis, and

fatty acid oxidation defects are potentially important causes of hypoglycemia in

the immediate newborn [2,7,16,17]. Because these entities generally require sev-

eral hours of fasting for the defect to manifest as hypoglycemia, however, and

because neonates are generally fed frequently and regularly at 3- to 4-hour in-

tervals, many of these inborn errors do not manifest until beyond the newborn

period. Figs. 1 and 2 outline the principal pathways of glycogen breakdown and

gluconeogenesis and ketone body production from fatty acid oxidation. Major

considerations are discussed in the following sections.

Glycogen storage disease

Hypoglycemia is a major manifestation of several of the glycogen storage

diseases, most typically glucose 6-phosphatase deficiency, also known as

glycogen storage disease-1 [16,17]. Massive hepatomegaly with hypoglycemia

is the key clinical feature. Other biochemical abnormalities include marked

increase in triglycerides so that the plasma may be creamy and dramatic increase

Fig. 1. Key metabolic pathways of intermediary metabolism. Disruption of the elements of these

pathways may be pathogenetic in the development of hypoglycemia. Not shown is the hormonal

control of these pathways. 1, glucose 6-phosphatase; 2, glucokinase; 3, amylo-1,6-glucosidase;

4, phosphorylase; 5, phosphoglucomutase; 6, glycogen synthetase; 7, galactokinase; 8, galactose

1-phophate uridyl transferase; 9, uridine diphosphogalactose-4-epimerase; 10, phosphofructokinase;

11, fructose 1,6-diphophatase; 12, fructose 1,6-diphosphate aldolase; 13, fructokinase; 14, fructose

1-phophate aldolase; 15, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; 16, pyruvate carboxylase; UDP, uridine

diphosphate. (From Pagliara AS, et al. Hypoglycemia in infancy and childhood. J Pediatr 1973;82:

365(Pt. 1), 558 (Pt 2); with permission.)

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723708

in lactate, which leads to metabolic acidosis with tachypnea and hyperventilation

in an attempt to compensate for the metabolic acidosis. Hyperuricemia, hypo-

phosphatemia, and abnormal platelet adhesiveness are other consistent features.

Hepatomegaly may lead to the diagnosis shortly after birth, but clinical hypo-

glycemia is not usually evident for several reasons. First, lactate and ketones

provide adequate alternate substrate to the brain so that central nervous system

function is preserved and central nervous system symptoms of hypoglycemia are

avoided. Second, the hypoglycemia of glycogen storage disease-1 occurs with

fasting, but normal neonates are frequently and regularly fed, so that hypogly-

Fig. 2. The pathways of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation and ketone body synthesis. ACD,

acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; CPT-1 and CPT-2, carnitin palmitoyltransferase I and II; ETF, electron

transferring flavoprotein; ETF-DH, electron transferring flavoprotein dehydrogenase; HAD,

hydroxylacyl-CoA dehydrogenase. (From Stanley CA, Hale DE. Genetic disorders of mitochon-

drial fatty acid oxidation. Curr Opin Pediatr 1994;6:476; with permission.)

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cemia is avoided. Diagnosis may be delayed by several weeks to months until

massive hepatomegaly and growth retardation become evident.

Amylo-1,6-glucosidase deficiency, also known as debrancher deficiency or

glycogen storage disease-3, has a phenotype similar to glycogen storage disease-1

and is an unlikely cause of hypoglycemia in the newborn. Liver phosphorylase and

phosphorylase kinase deficiency are even less likely to present as hypoglycemia in

the immediate newborn. Likewise, glycogen synthase deficiency causes hypogly-

cemia only during fasting because there is little glycogen to sustain glucose pro-

duction without switching to gluconeogenesis. Because the defect is one of lack of

glycogen synthase, there is no hepatomegaly, but there is ketosis from ketogenesis.

These entities do not manifest in a newborn who is fed regularly. Generally,

glycogen storage diseases are not a major consideration in the neonate [16,17].

Disorders of gluconeogenesis

The major potential defect in gluconeogenesis is fructose 1,6-diphosphatase

deficiency (Fig. 1), which leads to defective gluconeogenesis from all precursors

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723710

below the level of fructose 1, 6-diphosphatase. Glycogen synthesis and break-

down remain intact, so hypoglycemia is only a feature of considerable fasting, an

unlikely event in the fed neonate. When hypoglycemia occurs later in life,

features are similar to glycogen storage disease-1, but hepatomegaly is caused by

lipid rather than glycogen storage [2,3].


Hypoglycemia in a neonate with jaundice with or without hepatomegaly is the

hallmark of this entity. Neonatal Escherichia coli sepsis is also increased in this

disease. The syndrome results from deficiency of galactose-1-phosphate uridyl

transferase, the second step in galactose metabolism; uridine diphosphate galac-

tose 4 isomerase may result in a similar syndrome. Either defect results in ac-

cumulation of galactose-1-phosphate, which is believed to be toxic to tissues and

leads to impairment of intelligence, cataracts, liver enlargement, Fanconi syn-

drome, and ovarian but not testicular failure. Because galactose-restricted diets

effectively minimize or reverse the classic features, this rare entity—with a in-

cidence of 1:60,000 to 1:100,000 births—is part of extended neonatal screening in

many centers. Biochemical and genetic testing is generally available for confir-

mation of diagnosis [2,3].

Hereditary fructose intolerance

Hereditary fructose intolerance is caused by deficiency in fructose-1-phos-

phate aldolase (Fig. 1). In the neonate, this results in symptoms only if breast

milk or cow’s milk is supplemented with fructose- or sucrose-containing for-

mulas. Exposure to such fructose-containing foods leads to hypoglycemia

because of inhibition of glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis by the accu-

mulation of fructose-1-phosphate. The diagnostic clue is that symptoms occur

rapidly after feeding. Dietary avoidance of fructose is the treatment of choice and

is often learned by the patient by 1 year of age [2,3].

Fatty acid oxidation defect

Hypoglycemia that is caused by these defects is rare and is reviewed elsewhere

[7]. Of note, the genes for the two rate-limiting enzymes of ketogenesis are not

transcribed until approximately 12 hours of age in the rat, and the process is

facilitated by milk feeding, which leads to synthesis of carnitine palmitoyl-

transferase I (Fig. 2). A neonate with a severe inborn error of ketogenesis may

present with hypoketotic severe hypoglycemia and failure to establish breastfeed-

ing [7,10].

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Congenital hyperinsulinism

Congenital hyperinsulinism is the most common cause of persistent hypogly-

cemia in newborn infants and encompasses several distinct entities under the

generally accepted term ‘‘hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy’’ (HHI)

(Box 3) [10,11].

HHI, previously termed ‘‘nesidioblastosis,’’ was the subject of considerable

investigation, especially after the introduction of radioimmunoassays for insulin.

Interest in this entity was considerable because inadequate control of hypogly-

cemia resulted in adverse neurologic outcomes, including mental retardation and

seizures. By contrast, extensive pancreatectomy, which often involved more than

95% of the pancreas, only variably controlled hypoglycemia, often at the expense

of later insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus [18]. The familial nature of this

disease, its high prevalence in certain ethnic groups, and its distinct patterns of

recessive or dominant inheritance clearly implicated genetic factors [19]. The

seminal turning point was the cloning of the sulfonylurea receptor gene, SUR1, in

1995 [20]. Subsequently, it was shown that SUR1 was closely linked functionally

to an inward rectifying potassium channel (Kir6.2) [21]. The genes for both

SUR1 and Kir6.2 were in close proximity on chromosome 11, and together these

proteins constituted the adenosine trinucleotide phosphate-regulated potassium

channel (KATP) [22]. Mutations in the KATP were rapidly shown to be responsible

for several different forms of HHI (Box 3) [23–25]. Together with other ac-

cumulating evidence concerning the regulation of insulin secretion in islets,

especially by metabolizable and non-metabolizable sugars, amino acids, ions and

drugs, it became possible to construct a model (Fig. 3). The model explains

(1) the sites and potential mechanisms of action of drugs that close (sulfonylurea)

and open (diazoxide) the KATP, (2) the mechanisms of leucine-stimulated insulin

secretion, thereby explaining the entity previously known as leucine-sensitive

Box 3. Classification of genetic forms of hyperinsulinemichypoglycemia of infancy

� KATP channel defects1. SUR mutations2. Kir6.2 mutations

� Sporadic loss of heterozygosity� Undefined1. Autosomal dominant2. Autosomal recessive

� Glucokinase-activating mutation� Glutamate dehydrogenase–activating mutation� Phosphomannose isomerase deficiency

Fig. 3. Current model of mechanisms of insulin secretion by the b cell of pancreas. Glucose trans-

ported into the b cell by the insulin-dependent glucose transporter, GLUT 2, undergoes phos-

phorylation by glucokinase and is then metabolized, which results in an increase in the ATP:ADP

ratio. The increase in the ATP:ADP ratio closes the KATP channel and initiates the cascade of events

characterized by increase in intracellular K concentration, membrane depolarization, calcium influx,

and release of insulin from storage granules. Leucine stimulates insulin secretion by allosterically

activating glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and by increasing the oxidation of glutamate, thereby

increasing the ATP:ADP ratio and closure of the KATP channel. X, inhibition;p, stimulation.

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723712

hypoglycemia, and (3) the site at which somatostatin, an inhibitor of secretory

processes in various tissues, also inhibited insulin secretion. Finally, the model

enabled a potential means to distinguish among various etiologic entities. For

example, infusion of tolbutamide, a sulfonylurea, should not elicit a substantial

insulin response in persons with a SUR1 mutation, whereas calcium infusion in

the same patient should elicit a brisk insulin response. Such approaches have

been applied in infants with HHI in attempts to distinguish the functional defect,

its characterization as diffuse or localized, and the potential medical or surgical

therapy most appropriate for the patient [26–28].

It should be emphasized that mutations in potassium channels may underlie

other diseases, such as benign familial neonatal convulsions, also called auto-

somal dominant epilepsy of infancy [29]. Potential other defects may underlie

myocardial conduction disorders [30]. This is particularly germane because

structurally related but functionally distinct SUR receptors (SUR2, 2A, 2B) exist

in tissues such as cardiac and skeletal muscle and brain [31–33]. One form of a

congenital disorder of glycosylation, phosphomannose isomerase deficiency, also

has been demonstrated to be associated with hypoglycemia and hyperinsulinemia

and is discussed briefly [34]. Box 3 lists a current classification of the genetic

Table 1

Correlation of clinical features with molecular defects in hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy

Type Macrosomia







Associated Clinical,

biomedical, or

molecular features


to medical



surgical approach Prognosis

Sporadic Present at



in first days to

weeks of life

Negative ?SUR1/Kir6.2 Loss of

heterozygosity in



Generally poor,

may respond

to somatostatin

better than


Partial pancreatectomy

if frozen section shows

b-cells crowding with

small nuclei-microadenoma

Subtotal more than 95%

pancreatectomy if frozen

section shows ‘‘giant’’

nuclei in b-cells diffusehyperplasia



50% develop


mellitus; 33%

persist with




Present at


Severe: in first

days to weeks

of life

Positive SUR1/Kir6.2 Consanguinity is

a feature in some


Poor Subtotal pancreatectomy Guarded



Unusual Moderate: onset

usually after

6 months of life

Positive Glucokinase


None Very good

to excellent

Surgery usually

not required;

partial pancreatectomy

only if medical

management fails




Unusual Moderate: onset

usually after

6 months of life

Positive Glutamate





Very good

to excellent

Surgery usually

not required




Absent at


Moderate: onset

usually after

2–3 months

of life

Negative Phosphomannose



Protein losing


liver disease

Clinical features

improve with



Surgery not required Good






M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723714

forms of HHI. Table 1 presents an attempt at correlation of the clinical features

with molecular defects. Specific comments and practical considerations follow.

Clinical considerations

Autosomal recessive hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy

Although uncommon to rare in the general population, with an incidence

of approximately 1:30,000 births, the recessive forms may be as frequent as

1:2500 to 1:3000 live births in certain populations with a high rate of consan-

guinity in which mutation in SUR/Kir6.2 genes are common, such as certain

Arabic and Ashkenazi Jewish populations [11]. This form usually presents in

infancy with symptoms and signs secondary to hypoglycemia and hyperinsuli-

nemia. Neuroglycopenia manifests as lethargy, seizures, and loss of conscious-

ness. Many infants are macrosomic at birth, which reflects the growth-promoting

effects of increased in utero secretion of insulin [35]. Laboratory measurements

reveal levels of circulating insulin inappropriately elevated for the low blood

glucose concentration. Whereas this has been a point of contention in the past, it

is currently generally accepted that an insulin value of more than 5 mU/mL is

inappropriate during coexistent blood glucose concentrations of less than

40 mg/dL (<50 mg/dL of plasma). Functional hyperinsulinism manifests as

decreased levels of free fatty acids and ketone bodies in blood, a robust rise in

blood glucose after the parenteral administration of 1 mg of glucagon intramus-

cularly or intravenously, increased rates of glucose use as reflected in the elevated

rates of glucose infusion necessary to maintain euglycemia (10–15 mg/kg/min or

more), and decreased levels of serum insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-1

[36]. The latter is depressed by insulin but almost invariably is higher in other

forms of hypoglycemia in which insulin is not the responsible factor.

Patients with this type of hypoglycemia frequently do not respond to medical

management and require surgical intervention in the form of near-total pancrea-

tectomy. Most mutations in the KATP channel responsible for this recessive

form of HHI occur in the SUR1 subunit. Although such mutations may be dis-

tributed throughout the entire molecule, they are predominantly located within

the nuclear binding fold-2 and transmembrane domains preceding nuclear

binding fold-1. In patients of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, almost 90% of cases

have one of two mutations in the nuclear binding fold-2 region (3993-9G!A;

DF1388). There seems to be greater allelic heterogeneity in the affected non-

Jewish populations. Mutations within Kir6.2 are less common than those in the

SUR1 gene. The DF1388 mutation is associated with severe disease, which is

compatible with the finding that this mutant channel is completely inactive in

in vitro functional studies [11]. By contrast, mild disease is associated with the

H125Q mutation, which is consistent with in vitro studies that this mutant protein

retains some function. Conversely, the N188S mutation is associated with severe

clinical disease despite minimal impairment in in vitro functional studies. The

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723 715

in vitro functional studies are corroborated by in vivo studies that examined the

acute insulin response to secretagogues, such as tolbutamide, leucine, or calcium

[37]. These studies sometimes demonstrate partial responsiveness to tolbutamide

and diazoxide with paradoxical heightened sensitivity to leucine, which puts

these infants at risk for fasting and protein-fed (leucine) hypoglycemia.

Sporadic persistent hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy

Although the familial forms of KATP channel defects are common in certain

defined populations, most cases (>95%) of permanent hypoglycemia of infancy

in the general population are sporadic and may or may not involve identified

defects in the KATP channel [38–40]. In general, two types of histopathologic

lesions, a focal and a diffuse form, characterize the sporadic types of HHI. Focal

HHI represents approximately 25% to 50% of cases, whereas the remaining 50%

to 75% have a diffuse histologic lesion [18,28]. The focal forms are characterized

by focal adenomatous hyperplasia of islet-like cells with small beta cell nuclei

packed closely together. By contrast, in the diffuse form, the islets of Langerhans

throughout the entire pancreas are irregular in size with hypertrophied insulin-

secreting cells that contain large abnormal beta cell nuclei. According to au-

thorities, an intraoperative distinction between the two types of histologic lesions

may guide the extent of pancreatectomy necessary (eg, near-total pancreatectomy

for the diffuse form and only partial localized pancreatectomy for the localized

form) [18,28].

In patients with the focal form, there are two simultaneous molecular changes.

The first change consists of loss of a maternal allele in the p15 region of chro-

mosome 11 [38,39]. Simultaneously, the paternal allele contains a mutation in the

SUR1 gene, which is not balanced by a copy of the normal maternal allele. Thus,

there has been a somatic reduction to hemizygosity or homozygosity for a

paternal SUR1 mutation within the affected beta cells of the pancreas [38,39]. It

is not yet clear whether all of the cases of focal hyperplasia are so affected. By

contrast, constitutional heterozygosity is maintained in the diffuse forms of HHI.

In one large series, approximately 75% of the patients with HHI and without a

family history had no detectable mutation after analyzing all of the 39 exons of

the SUR1 gene or the single exon of the Kir6.2 gene [19].

Despite the absence of recognized mutations, functional studies have shown

absent KATP activity of the islets of some patients, which attests to the critical role

of these channels in the pathogenesis of sporadic diffuse HHI. Lack of mutations

within the KATP complex in this large number of patients with sporadic HHI but

presumed abnormalities in the KATP function clearly point out how much remains

to be discovered about proteins and genes that regulate KATP channels in the

pancreas [40–43]. Some of these undefined conditions may be inherited in an

autosomal dominant manner and some in an autosomal recessive manner [41,44].

The ability to distinguish the localized and diffuse forms is of critical importance,

however. In one reported large series of 52 newborns who had similar clinical

features preoperatively, 30 were found to have diffuse hyperplasia that required

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723716

near-total pancreatectomy, whereas 22 had focal adenomas. Among those

30 patients with near-total pancreatectomy, persistent hypoglycemia remained

in 13, 7 had hyperglycemia, and 8 developed insulin-dependent diabetes mel-

litus. Only 3 patients maintained entirely normal glucose metabolism. By

contrast, among the 22 patients with focal adenomas who had partial pancrea-

tectomy, none had persistent hypoglycemia and all retained normal glucose

values with normal hemoglobin A1C and normal oral glucose tolerance tests

[18]. The ability to distinguish focal adenomatous changes that require only

partial pancreatectomy versus the diffuse lesions that require near-total pancrea-

tectomy has been the focus of research for the past 3 to 5 years [18,28,37].

Autosomal dominant hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of infancy

In general, patients with autosomal dominant HHI have a relatively milder

clinical presentation than patients with the autosomal recessive form of HHI.

Affected patients usually are not large for gestational age at birth, do not present

in the immediate neonatal period but rather at 3 to 9 months of age or later, and

generally respond to medical therapy. Mutations are not in the SUR1 or Kir6.2

genes but rather in gain-of-function mutations in the glucokinase gene or glu-

tamate dehydrogenase gene (Fig. 3). Heterozygous inactivating mutations in the

glucokinase gene located on chromosome number 7 are responsible for one form

of MODY, and homozygous inactivating mutations are responsible for permanent

neonatal diabetes [45]. In the family with the activating glucokinase mutation, the

substitution of methionine for valine at codon 455 (Val455Met) resulted in a

change of affinity of the enzyme for glucose from 8.4 to 2.4 mM, with a con-

sequent decrease in the threshold for insulin release to approximately 2 to

2.5 mM glucose in comparison with 4 to 5 mM in normal subjects. The age of

onset and the severity of symptoms varied markedly, with onset in childhood

accompanied by seizures to onset appearing first time in the third decade of

life. Because the genetic defect of Val455Met was present in all of the affected

family members, this mutation cannot be the sole explanation for the hetero-

geneity within the family [46].

With glutamate dehydrogenase gene–activating mutation, hyperinsulinism is

accompanied by hyperammonemia [47,48]. Generally, these patients present in

the first year of life with relatively mild episodes of symptomatic hypoglycemia

and usually respond to medical therapy with, for example, diazoxide. The hyper-

ammonemia is on the order of 80 to 100 mmol/L, but patients lack any signs

or symptoms of hyperammonemia, such as lethargy or coma. Mutational analy-

sis in the DNA has revealed several mutations within the gene for glutamate

dehydrogenase. Functional enzymatic analysis also established that the enzyme

was relatively insensitive to inhibition by guanine tri phosphate (GTP), which

was confirmed by in vitro expression studies of one of the mutant glutamate

dehydrogenase isoforms in which the expressed protein also displayed decreased

sensitivity to GTP-induced inhibition.

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723 717

Preoperative distinction between diffuse focal lesions: selective arterial

infusion with hepatic venous sampling

The current model of the regulation of insulin secretion in pancreatic islets

(Fig. 3) permits potential prediction of the nature and site of the defect. For ex-

ample, in patients with homozygous mutations in the SUR1 gene, an infusion of

tolbutamide, a sulfonylurea, should result in impaired insulin response compared

with normal individuals, whereas calcium infusion should result in an exagger-

ated response (Fig. 3). Likewise, in patients with activating mutations of glu-

tamate dehydrogenase, the infusion of leucine should result in an exaggerated

response of insulin, whereas the infusions of calcium, glucose, and tolbutamide

should remain essentially similar to that of controls. Selective intra-arterial in-

fusions of these agents with hepatic venous sampling might permit the preopera-

tive distinction of the nature of the defect without mutational analysis and with

immediate practical results. This is the case for the glutamate dehydrogenase

mutation as recently reported [48]. As Fig. 4 documents, however, the charac-

teristic anticipated pattern of the acute insulin response in the autosomal recessive

form of a homozygous SUR1 mutation also may be helpful. The arterial infusions

of calcium into the superior mesenteric artery, the splenic artery, or the gas-

troduodenal artery with hepatic venous sampling could distinguish a local lesion,

which would permit appropriate limited pancreatectomy to the benefit of the

patient. This is not always the case, however, and it requires a combination of

arterial stimulation with venous sampling, careful intraoperative histologic analy-

sis, and surgical expertise to correct successfully the hypoglycemia in infants

with HHI [18,28,37].

Fig. 4. This figure demonstrates the ability of a selective arterial calcium stimulation test to localize a

focal adenoma that is causing hyperinsulinemia. Note that infusion of calcium into the superior

mesenteric artery (SMA) and the splenic artery failed to increase insulin secretion, as measured from

samples obtained via the hepatic vein. By contrast, calcium infusion to the gastroduodenal artery

(GDA) caused a rapid rise in insulin secretion. (Data from Charles Stanley, MD; with permission.)

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723718

Phosphomannose isomerase deficiency

This entity defines a subgroup of patients with a congenital disorder of gly-

cosylation, a family of disorders gaining recognition as important for their impact

on the endocrine system [49]. Previously, the congenital disorders of glycosyla-

tion were referred to as carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndromes and were

chemically defined by abnormal isoelectric focusing patterns of serum transfer-

rin. Patients with phosphomannose isomerase deficiency are classified into the

congenital disorder of glycosylation syndrome type 1b, in which the block pre-

vents the interconversion of fructose 6-phosphate and mannose 6-phosphate

[34,49]. The phenotype is characterized by protein-losing enteropathy and liver

disease, and the neurologic manifestations that prevail in other congenital dis-

order of glycosylation syndromes—including type 1a—are absent. Approximately

20 cases of congenital disorder of glycosylation type 1b have been described in

the literature [49]. At least 1 of these cases manifested hypoglycemia and docu-

mented hyperinsulinism, which presented at approximately 3 months of life [34].

Because the formation of mannose 6-phosphate can be bypassed successfully by

feeding mannose, which can be phosphorylated by hexokinase, the reported

patient was treated with supplemental mannose at a dose of 0.17g/kg body weight

six times a day. This treatment resulted in dramatic clinical improvement with

normalization of blood glucose, liver function tests, and coagulation factors.

Consequently, this treatable form of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia should be

considered in the differential diagnosis, especially if accompanied by protein-

losing enteropathy and abnormal liver function [34].

Remaining challenges

Three major challenges confront clinicians. First is that molecular diagnostic

tests are available in only a limited number of centers, which limits the genetic

counseling that can be given to parents of an affected infant or child. Second, the

ability to distinguish focal from diffuse lesions is paramount for the future welfare

of patients in terms of avoiding recurrent hypoglycemia and future insulin-

dependent diabetes. Only a limited number of centers are exploring the techniques

of selective arterial infusions with hepatic venous sampling as a means to localize

preoperatively these lesions. Third, almost one fourth to one third of all patients

with infantile hyperinsulinism have no known chemical or molecular basis.

Other causes of neonatal hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia frequently complicates neonatal sepsis; its mechanisms are

unclear and treatment is symptomatic. Hypoglycemia also is a feature of

hyperviscosity syndrome; almost 20% of neonates with a hematocrit of 65%

develop hypoglycemia. Treatment is symptomatic and mechanisms are unclear,

although excessive glycolysis by red blood cells may play a role. Drug-induced

Fig. 5. Algorithmic approach to differential diagnosis of major causes of neonatal hypoglycemia based on duration of fasting needed to provoke the clinical and

biochemical manifestations. Hypoglycemia is defined as <50 mg/dL. FFA is high (>2.5 mmol/L) and ketone (b-OHbutyrate) is low (<1.5 mmol/L) in any fatty acid

oxidation defect.






M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723720

hypoglycemia with insulin, oral hypoglycemic agents, or toxins is rare in young

infants and virtually unknown in newborns. Maternal use of alcohol, propranolol,

or salicylates may inhibit gluconeogenesis in the mother and fetus, which leads to

hypoglycemia in the newborn. Defects in glucose transporters may be the cause of

hypoglycemia. A defect in GLUT-1 glucose transporter has been described in two

infants with a seizure disorder. Their cerebrospinal fluid was low in glucose and

lactate despite normal plasma glucose concentration. Strictly speaking, they did

not have hypoglycemia, although they did have hypoglycorrhachia. The low

lactate in cerebrospinal fluid distinguished this entity from bacterial meningitis, in

which cerebrospinal fluid lactate is increased. Treatment with a ketogenetic diet

successfully reduced the severity of the seizures by providing ketones to the brain

as a fuel source that was capable of bypassing the metabolic effects of the hypo-

glycorrhachia [2].

Diagnostic approach and treatment

An algorithmic approach to the diagnosis of hypoglycemia in the newborn and

infant is presented in Fig. 5. The appropriate treatment of neonatal hypoglycemia

depends on the establishment of a specific diagnosis. Making the correct diag-

nosis is facilitated by obtaining data from the history, physical examination, and

key laboratory aspects, including the hormonal profile and fuel responses at the

time of hypoglycemia (ie, the ‘‘critical sample’’). Because of the nonspecific

nature of symptoms, a high index of suspicion is essential to perform a blood

glucose test and exclude hypoglycemia in the newborn.

The most important clue in history is the duration of fasting or time since last

meal before hypoglycemia manifests. Hypoglycemia that occurs within 4 to

6 hours of fasting is caused by either hyperinsulinism or a glycogen storage dis-

ease. The former is much more common and much more likely and is associated

with low ketones and free fatty acids, as opposed to glycogen storage disease-1,

in which ketones and especially lactic acid may be markedly elevated and free

fatty acids may be normal. By contrast, fasting that takes 8 to 12 hours or more to

provoke hypoglycemia usually implies a defect in gluconeogenesis, including

deficiencies of the hormones, growth hormone, and cortisol. Clinical clues may

include jaundice, micropenis, midline facial anomalies, nystagmus, and optic

hypoplasia or dysplasia in individuals with hypopituitarism.

Defects that require more than 10 hours to evoke hypoglycemia are unlikely to

manifest in a newborn because such infants are fed regularly. Other mild defects

in gluconeogenesis, glycogen metabolism, and fatty acid oxidation generally

present after 3 to 6 months and are not a major consideration in the newborn.


Persistent hypoglycemia in the neonate is most often caused by hyperinsu-

linemia. Recent discoveries in the molecular and biochemical regulation of

M.A. Sperling, R.K. Menon / Pediatr Clin N Am 51 (2004) 703–723 721

insulin secretion have increased dramatically our understanding of disorders

responsible for syndromes of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia. This article

focused on defects and disorders of the KATP channel, activating mutation of

glucokinase and glutamate dehydrogenase, and other disorders that may be

associated with specific phenotypes to permit appropriate targeted therapies. It

is essential to evaluate these entities carefully because of the emerging evidence

that at least half, if not more, have focal rather than diffuse disease. In the focal

disease, localized excision is curative and prevents further hypoglycemia and

future long-term hyperglycemia. By contrast, near-total pancreatectomy may be

associated with persistent hypoglycemia in the newborn and with a greater risk of

hyperglycemia in future years. Delay in diagnosis and appropriate therapy also

can result in significant mental retardation. We do not understand the mechanisms

or defects in many instances, including the reasons for hyperinsulinemic

hypoglycemia with syndromes of perinatal hypoxia and with a specific entity

of defective carbohydrate glycosylation. The former condition, however, can be

treated successfully with diazoxide and frequent feeding, and the latter responds

to supplemental mannose. Despite advances, almost half of all individuals with

hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia are not correctly categorized, which leaves much

work for future research.


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