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October 2003

Corporate Telephony in P900

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

2 October 2003

This document is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, without any warranty*. Improvements and changes to this text necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB at any time and without notice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new editions of this document. Printed versions are to be regarded as temporary reference copies only.

*All implied warranties, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are excluded. In no event shall Sony Ericsson or its licensors be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any nature, including but not limited to lost profits or commercial loss, arising out of the use of the information in this document.

These Developers Guidelines are published by:

Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden

Phone: +46 46 19 40 00Fax: +46 46 19 41 00www.SonyEricsson.com/

© Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, 2003. All rights reserved. You are hereby granted a license to download and/or print a copy of this document.Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.

First edition (October 2003)Publication number: EN/LZT 108 6858 R1A


Purpose of this document

This document covers corporate telephony functions supported by the Sony Ericsson P900 and P908.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

3 October 2003

Document history

Change history

2003-10-10 Vetrsion R1A First release

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

4 October 2003

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

5 October 2003


Purpose of this document .........................................................................................2Document history ......................................................................................................3

Corporate telephony functions ..................................................................................7P900 as a corporate telephone .................................................................................7Making a Call Using PCCF ........................................................................................8Changing Work Mode .............................................................................................14Configuring PCCF via File Import ............................................................................14Receiving Calls from PBX .......................................................................................15Sending Commands to the PBX .............................................................................16Configuring Corporate Telephony ...........................................................................18

Appendix ....................................................................................................................19DTD Corporate Telephony ...................................................................................19PBX-file Example .................................................................................................20Corporate telephony user guide - Example .........................................................23

ECN quick guide for onephone - Using the P900.............................................23

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

6 October 2003

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

7 October 2003

Corporate telephony functions

P900 as a corporate telephone

Corporations have traditionally used wire phones and DECT phones in the office. There is now a strong shift towards GSM. Of prime importance to corporations is the ability to use the features of the PBX. The P900 is by virtue of its pen and large screen particularly well suited for this. The P900 implements special functionality for working together with PBX switches, equipped with mobile extension facilities, like Erics-

son's MD110® and Business Phone®.

The goal is to offer GSM mobility combined with corporate PBX features in a user friendly way. The three most used features are displayed as soft buttons during calls, allowing easy activation.

A user may call either an internal number, e.g. 71234 or a public number, e.g. +468 123 4567. The internal number will be signalled as it is to the PBX's mobile extension port. A public number will be equipped with the external line prefix, used by the PBX before being sent. A plus sign '+' will be replaced by the interna-tional prefix used by the PBX. Public numbers that lie within the number series of the PBX will be trun-cated, and only the internal number will be sent. This is in order to speed up call establishment.

The phone activates features at the PBX by sending feature commands, based upon DTMF tones. Each feature can consist of a string of tones, and can even include data that the user is prompted to provide. The three most used features can be displayed during ongoing calls. Additional call features are displayed on a list under the MORE button. Offline commands are displayed under the 'corporate' status bar button. The offline commands will, if used in standby mode, result in a call being made to the PBX. The call may be cleared immediately after tone sending, if this is specified.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

8 October 2003

The company's IT manager can define how the P900 should handle calls and features from, and to, the PBX. This is done in an XML-structured configuration file, with the extension '.pbx'. These files can be published on the corporate web site or sent to users.


Overview of how it worksThe P900 will be able to connect to PBX switches equipped with mobile extension functionality.

The calling card mechanism of the P900 will be used. This means that the call is not routed to the B-party directly, but to the PBX and the B-number is then sent as a DTMF tone string to the PBX. One or more calling cards are defined as 'PBX' calling card and have functions and properties as defined in this docu-ment.

Definition of tone stringA tone string when stored in the P900 starts with a 'p' and may contain the digits: 0-9, *, #, letters a-f . It also may contain the equal sign '=' which should then not be sent as a tone, but hang up the call. It may also contain the letter 'c' directly following the leading 'p' meaning that a tone string representing a com-mand will be sent to the present rather than on a new line if in a multi-party scenario.

Making a Call Using PCCF

The user is employing an R1 number to call and reach PBX features.

Basic flow1. PCCF is already configured and active.


Private (Automatic) Branch Exchange, which is a private telephone switchboard owned by a company. The products from Ericsson Enterprise AB are called MD110 and MECS.

Mobile extension

A function of the PBX that lets an external, mobile, or fixed phone act as if it were an internal extension.

PCCF PBX Calling Card Feature

R1 Phone number to access the mobile extension functions of the PBX. The PBX will verify that the A-number is in the list of approved numbers and if so allow the caller to access the PBX functions.

R2 Line with the same functions as R2. Authentication is done using a PIN code instead of A-number verification.

VPN Virtual Private Network, a private network supplied by an operator to a company

Forced routing

A feature offered to companies by network operators, meaning that all calls to a user are routed via the PBX, even it the A-party had made the call directly to the mobile number

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

9 October 2003

2. The user decides what number to call (this may be done via keypad, a contact card or a hyperlinked phone number).

3. The P900 calls the PBX R1 number, either immediately or after the user has accepted a prompt. (A PCCF setting in the P900)

4. The PBX checks that the A-number is in the list of A-numbers that are allowed to use the R1 number.

5. The PBX answers the call.

6. The P900 analyzes the B-number together with the calling card and creates a tone string to be sent to the PBX.

7. The P900 waits a defined time after the call has been connected through the GSM network.

8. The P900 sends the tone string with DTMF to the PBX.

9. The call log is updated with the PBX-flag and the B-number.

10. The PBX connects the P900 to the B-party.

11. The P900 displays the corporate feature panel as e.g. a virtual keyboard with selected functions of the PBX (this is a PCCF setting in the P900).

12. Call proceeds.

13. The call is hung up.

Number analysisThe P900 strips the B-number according to the number length of the PBX - so that only the internal exten-sion number is sent for an internal call even if it is stored in Contacts as a full international number.

It is assumed that Contacts, the browser and any other application or the user himself via the keyboard, trying to make a call will use either:

• a normal, publicly valid phone number, or

• a valid internal extension number.

The phone will handle both types of number and distinguish between them based upon length and upon belonging to any of the PBX's number series. If the number is longer than the internal number length, and it does not fall within any of the PBX's number series, it is considered as external. If it is not, then the call is internal. The internal number length is the maximum number length used in the corporate network. It is specified in the PBX calling card data, and is common for all of its number series.

The requirements on handling of emergency numbers will still be valid, and take precedence over any logic specified here for corporate telephony.

Examples of valid and invalid numbers while in PBX mode.Valid public numbers are (as long as they are longer than the internal number length):

International telephone number with '+' +46 8 422 3429

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

10 October 2003

Valid private numbers are (as long as they are shorter or equal to the internal number length):

Note:Public short numbers of the mobile network: The user cannot while in the PBX mode access public short numbers defined by the mobile network. A voicemail number e.g. 133 for Telia would be regarded by the phone as an internal no in the PBX. Add-ing the external line prefix would instead route the call to an external trunk, but that landline network would not recognize the number as it is not defined in the general public numbering plan. To access short numbers in the mobile network, the user must set the work mode to either ‘Off’, or ‘Prompt before call’.

Public short numbers of the landline network: The user may access a short number in the landline network if he himself prefixes it with the external line prefix; and the resulting number is still short enough not to get equipped with an extra prefix.

Allocating corporate numbers: For the above reasons, it is recommended that some numbers are not used in the corporate number series: • Public short numbers should not be used internally. Such extensions might receive many unneces-

sary calls from GSM phones. • GSM emergency numbers are not used internally. Such extensions can not be called from GSM


Number modificationsThe P900 will modify the B-number before sending to the PBX. This is because:

International telephone number with prefix 0046 8 422 3429

National telephone number with trunk prefix and area code

1 714 672 6700

National telephone number without trunk prefix but with area code (this is accepted by most US cellular networks)

714 672 6700

Subscriber number (local number) 672 6700

Private (Corporate) network number 805 26604

PBX extension number 26604

Invalid numbers are:

Public directory assistance number 411

Public voicemail number 133

Invalid private numbers are:

Emergency numbers as defined for GSM 112, 000, 911, 08, 999, 190 etc as defined in 'Abstract MMI -Emergency calls'

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

11 October 2003

• the PBX may need prefixes to be inserted and parts of the number to be deleted, and

• the post dialing delay can be shortened by minimizing the number of characters transmitted as DTMF tones.

The rules for modifying the B-number are as follows.

1. Leading 'p'

A number starting with 'p' will, while in the PBX mode, be regarded as being intended for the PBX. It will not be analyzed but rather it will be sent to the PBX as it is, excluding the leading pause, 'p'. Note:The leading 'p' may be used by a user from the FC keypad for dialling a private network number that is longer than the defined number length, or for sending a *#- based code.

2. External Number

When the user makes an external call, the external line prefix will be inserted; e.g. '00' for Ericsson/Stockholm. The external line prefix will be inserted before any international prefix.

3. Internal Call

If the call is internal, only the internal number will be sent as DTMF. The internal number consists of the last few digits of the B-number, with the number length as defined for the PBX.Note:Length of internal numbers: The internal number may consist of a node-id and an extension number. These elements are however not handled separately by the phone. For the Ericsson corporate network, these would be e.g. 852 and 12345 for an extension in KI. The corporate IT manager may decide to use either 5 or 8 as the internal number length. If 8 is used, it is still possible to dial a 5 digit number to call an extension. However, extensions reached by shortening a public number will always be sent with 8 digits. If 5 is used as the number length only 5 digits would be sent for such an extension. An 8 digit number would in this case be considered as external, unless preceded by a leading 'p'. In such a case, defining the length as 5 would both speed up the majority of calls, and avoid the risk of interpreting public local numbers (e. g. 672 6700) as being internal.

4. International Prefix Deletion

If the number starts with an international prefix (i.e. '+' or digit code) and the country code is the same as the country code defined for the PBX, then the international prefix and the country code will be dis-carded and replaced by the external line prefix and the pre-defined trunk prefix. This means that the call is national and the international number is converted to a national number.

5. International Prefix Conversion If the number starts with a '+' sign and the country code is NOT the same as the country code defined for the PBX, the + sign will be translated to the relevant international prefix used in the country where the PBX is located; e.g. '00' in Sweden.

Note:It is assumed that the external line prefix insertion as specified above will apply also for international numbers. As these numbers will normally be longer than the internal number length, the external line prefix will be inserted. Note:The PBX needs to know that the number is an international number. As the + sign cannot be sent as DTMF, it has to be translated.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

12 October 2003

Corporate number plansA corporate number plan may consist of up to 128 number series for one PBX calling card (e. g. SEM/KI has +468 5087800 up to +468 5087999, +468 7570000 up to 08757 8999 and +468 7642000 up to +468 7648999).

Each number series is defined by its min and ending number (e. g. SEM/LD has +4646 193000 up to +4646 19 8999).

When creating the configuration file, it is important to know that calling cards should include number series for both + based and 0-based numbers.

Note:With the number analysis as described above, the corporate IT manager is in control, and can for example make the PBX handle all '0000' calls via the company’s own international network/ VPN.

Inquiry and conference with a 3rd party using a standard keypadDuring a call, the user may carry out an inquiry to a third party using a standard keypad:

1. The user is in a call state with the first party.

2. The user enters the inquiry command (e.g. '*' ) via the standard telephony keypad.

3. The PBX puts the call on hold and gives the P900 a new line.

4. The user makes a second call on the new line using the keypad.

5. The P900 sends the tones to the PBX without any analysis.

6. The PBX connects the P900 to the B party.

7. a) The user presses the button (e.g. 2) for toggling between the two calls, or b) The user presses the button (e.g. 3) for joining the two calls (Conference).

8. When the inquiry call is finished, the user hangs up.

9. The PBX will terminate the current call and call back to reconnect the other call (A regular PBX func-tion).

10. The call is now reconnected from the PBX to the P900.

11. The phone receives the new call and the user can see that the CLI is a number from within the PBX.

Inquiry and conference with a 3rd party using contacts or hyperlinksDuring a call, the user may carry out an inquiry to a third party using contacts or hyperlinks.

1. The user is in a call state with the first party.

2. The P900 inserts the inquiry code (e.g. *), analyses the number and sends the tone string with DTMF to the PBX.

3. The PBX receives the tone string, puts the first call on hold, gives the P900 a new line and connects the P900 to the B-party.a) The user presses the feature button (e.g. 'Switch') for toggling between the two calls, or b) The user presses the feature button (e.g. 'Conference') for joining the two calls into a conference.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

13 October 2003

4. When the call is finished, the user hangs up.

5. The PBX will terminate the current call and call back to reconnect the other call (A regular PBX function)

6. The call is now reconnected from the PBX to the P900.

7. The phone receives the new call and the user can see that the CLI is a number from within the PBX.

8. The P900 will recognize that the CLI is within the PBX number series, and display the corporate feature panel.

Inquiry and conference with a 3rd party using the corporate telephony user interface elements During a call, the user may carry out an inquiry to a 3rd party using the Corporate Telephony user interface elements:

1. The user is in a call state with the first party and the corporate command panel is visible.

2. The user selects 'Inquiry' (or e.g. 'New call') on the corporate command panel and enters the number via the PBX keypad.

3. The P900 analyses the number and automatically inserts the inquiry code first. The exact tone that should be sent for 'inquiry' is defined by the PCCF settings.

4. The PBX puts the call on hold and gives the P900 a new line.

5. The user may now make another call on the new line using the keypad, a contact card or a hyperlinked phone number.

6. The P900 analyzes the B number together with the calling card and creates a tone string to be sent to the PBX.

7. The P900 sends the tone string with DTMF to the PBX.

8. The PBX connects the P900 to the B party.

9. The feature panel may be dependant on settings showing options for toggle (2), and conference call (3).

10. The user selects 'toggle' to switch between the two lines, or 'conference' to join the two calls.

11. When the inquiry call is finished, the user hangs up.

12. The PBX will terminate the current call and call back to reconnect the other call (regular PBX function).

13. The call is now reconnected from the PBX to the P900.

14. The phone receives the new call and knows from the CLI that it is a PBX call, so it displays the corpo-rate feature panel.

Leaving a conference call Conference calls are terminated by hanging up. The other parties may continue the conversation.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

14 October 2003

Callback During a call, the user may order callback from the PBX. The user may wish to order call back either when the B party is busy, or when the B party does not answer.

1. The user hears the ringing tone or the busy signal.

2. The user selects callback by dialling the DTMF digit on a keypad or pressing a feature button.

3. The user hears a confirmation tone from the PBX and hangs up - unless the feature button hasn't already hung up.

4. The PBX calls back when ready and connects the callback call according to its setup.

5. The P900 receives an incoming call.

6. The phone will detect that the incoming call is from a number within the PBX's number range, and therefore display the feature button panel associated with that PBX.

7. The user answers.

Call using the R2 number Set up may define the PCCF function to use the R2 number.

Using the R2 number means a PIN code has to be entered when connecting to the PBX. The PIN code and the fact that an R2 number will be used, has to be stored on the calling card. From the users point of view this will work just like a regular R1 number, but the tone sending will take a little longer.

Changing Work Mode

The user can change work mode by selecting the work mode UI element on the status bar.

Configuring PCCF via File Import

PCCF is configured via a configuration file. The file is XML structured and has the extension .pbx. The file can be received via web browsing, E-mail, PC sync, IR, BT or inserted on a Memory Stick. Because of the size of these files, they can not be sent as SMS. The user 'installs' the file on the device and activates it.

1. The Company system administrator creates a configuration file with all information that is needed. The file is sent to the P900.

2. The user receives the file.

3. The user goes to phone settings/calling cards, gives his P900 device lock code and selects Import.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

15 October 2003

4. The user points to the configuration file and orders import of its contents to the PBX calling card.

5. The user selects 'always on' or 'ask first'.

6. The user selects the imported calling card as the active card.

7. The P900 adds a PCCF indicator to the display. This indicator is a shortcut to the currently selected calling card name and mode of operation.

Standard calling card settingsSettings, particular for PBX calling cards:

• Number series (entry number, end number), maximum of 128 number series

• Corporate number length

• External line prefix

• International line prefix

• Feature (label, command string, position) - the first three features will appear as buttons in call view; the rest will be on a list

• Inquiry command - needed for automatically making calls from contacts

• Home page URL

For detailed information on file format, see the DTD file and examples of PBX files.

Malicious attempt to route all calls via high charge PBXIt is important to note that PBX files should be regarded as sensitive because someone may interfere and try to make the phones call premium rate numbers for every call. It is therefore important to protect the files during transport. Unless data communications are secured, E-mail and browsing should not be used for distribution of PBX files. The only way for a file to be imported into a phone is by the user giving his device lock code under the menu Phone /Edit /Preferences /Calling card.

A card cannot become active only by sending it to the P900. Users should not import a PBX file, unless they are certain that it is authentic.

Receiving Calls from PBX

Calls received from a PBX extension will be handled as normal incoming calls.

1. The A party calls the P900 user as a PBX extension.

2. The PBX routes the call to the P900, and may set the A number to be the A party's extension number.

3. The GSM network routes the call to the P900 user and does not manipulate the A number.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

16 October 2003

4. The P900 presents the Contact card for the A party; if it exists and matches the last six digits of the CLI.

5. The P900 user answers the call.

6. The phone displays the corporate feature panel if the CLI matches any of the number series for the PBX.

7. The call is hung up.

8. The P900 registers the call in the call log.

The user can also receive calls directly without going through the PBX.

Sending Commands to the PBX

The user can send DTMF based tone command strings to the PBX, for diverting calls etc.

The phone is idle1. a) The user presses the desired command string on the standard keypad, or

b) The user initiates a contact card containing a command string, or c) The user selects a command from an offline command list. (Hyperlinked tone sequences are however not possible)

2. If entered via the standard keypad, the user confirms it by pressing the OK button. (The receiver button in flip open). The command string must start with a 'p' in order to be accepted as commands to the PBX rather than to the GSM network. A user accustomed to the PBX may directly access PBX features by pressing the OK button immedi-ately after the 'p'. When connected the user can push whatever string he likes into the PBX.

3. A call is set up to the PBX.

4. The tone sequence is signalled over to the PBX using PCCF. A user accustomed to the PBX may enter digits via the standard keypad and these will be sent as tones to the PBX.

5. The user hears an acknowledgment from the PBX and hangs up. The call may have been cleared auto-matically if '=' was included in the command string from the Contact card or feature button.

6. The call is registered in the call log.

The phone was already connected to the PBX 1. a) The user presses the desired command string on the standard keypad, or

b) The user initiates a contact card containing a command string, or c) The user selects a command from an offline command list. (Hyperlinked tone sequences are however not possible)

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

17 October 2003

2. If entered via the standard keypad, the user does not need to confirm it by pressing the OK button. (The receiver button in FO). The command string must start with a 'p' in order to be accepted as commands to the PBX rather than to the GSM network. A user accustomed to the PBX may directly access PBX features by pressing the OK button immedi-ately after the 'p'. When connected the user can push whatever string he likes into the PBX.

3. The tone sequence is signalled over to the PBX. A user accustomed to the PBX may enter digits via the standard keypad and these will be sent as tones to the PBX.

4. The user hears an acknowledgment from the PBX and hangs up. The call may have been cleared auto-matically if '=' was included in the command string from the Contact card or feature button.

5. The call is NOT registered in the call log.

The phone was in ageneral GSM call 1. a) The user presses the desired command string on the standard keypad (this must include a leading

'p'), or b) The user initiates a contact card containing a command string, or c) The user selects a command from an offline command list. (Hyperlinked tone sequences are however not possible)

2. If entered via the standard keypad, the user confirms it by pressing the OK button. (The receiver button in FO). In addition, he acknowledges the 'Call via PBX' prompt. The command string must start with a 'p' in order to be accepted as commands to the PBX rather than to the GSM network. A user accustomed to the PBX may directly access PBX features by pressing the OK button immedi-ately after the 'p'. When connected the user can push whatever string he likes into the PBX.

3. The phone puts the general GSM call on hold and connects to the PBX.

4. The tone sequence is signalled over to the PBX using PCCF. A user accustomed to the PBX may enter digits via the standard keypad and these will be sent as tones to the PBX.

5. The user hears an acknowledgment from the PBX and hangs up. The call may have been cleared auto-matically if '=' was included in the command string from the Contact card or feature button.

6. The call is registered in the call log.

Cancel callbackThe device does not know there is a callback registered in the PBX.

Cancel callback is a function that can be reached by dialling the R1 number and then push the right key-strokes. The command string can also be programmed on to a contact card or a command button on the corporate feature panel.

Sending commands on the existing lineWhile the P900 is connected to the PBX in a call, or with a second dial tone, the user can send tones to the PBX using keypad keys or Contacts. If a command string is initiated from Contacts, it will be prefixed with an inquiry code ('*') and sent to a new line in the PBX. If it starts with a leading 'pc', it will be sent on the present line.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

18 October 2003

Configuring Corporate Telephony

The company's IT manager can define how the P900 should handle calls and features from, and to, the PBX. This is done in an XML structured configuration file, with the extension .pbx. Document Type Decla-ration (DTD) is a mechanism (set of rules) to describe the structure, syntax and vocabulary of XML docu-ments. It is a modelling language for XML but it does not follow the same syntax as XML.

See “DTD Corporate Telephony” on page 19. An example of a PBX-file can be found on page 20. For an example of how to present the Corporate telephony functions to the end user, see “Corporate telephony user guide - Example” on page 23.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

19 October 2003


DTD Corporate Telephony


Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

20 October 2003


PBX-file Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--PABX Calling card configuration file to be published by the IT/ Telephonymanager--><PCCCONFIG><!--PABX Calling Card valid for MD110 with mobile extension. --><PCC><!--Name of the PABX calling card--><NAME>Kista_Example</NAME><!--Use Direct Access number or Access number. Both numbers can be providedin this XML file.--><!--Direct Access number is referred to as R1 number while Access number isreferred to as R2 number--><!--If Access number (R2 number) is used, change the tag value from Yes toNo.--><USEDIRECTACCESSNUMBER>Yes</USEDIRECTACCESSNUMBER><DIRECTACCESSNUMBER>+4687575400</DIRECTACCESSNUMBER><!--PABX access number. This is the R2 number of the PABX.--><!—The R2 number is a port in the PABX that requires a verification code tolet a call in.--><!--If R2 number is not provided, leave this empty and use R1 further down:<ACCESSNUMBER>+468123456</ACCESSNUMBER><!-- Delay in seconds before dialing access number. It ranges from 0 to 20seconds. --><DELAY>0</DELAY><!-- Delay in seconds before sending the verification code. It ranges from 0to 20 seconds. -->

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

21 October 2003

<DELAYVERIFICATION>0</DELAYVERIFICATION><!—Verification code should for security be set individually by the user.Should not be in the file. --><VERIFICATIONCODE>extension*pincode#</VERIFICATIONCODE><!--Define the meaning of the SEND ORDER: 0 and 1. --><!-- SENDORDER type="0" Code then number --><!-- SENDORDER type="1" Number then code --><SENDORDER>0</SENDORDER><!--Internal number length of the PABX/ corporate network. --><INTERNALNUMBERLENGTH>5</INTERNALNUMBERLENGTH><!--External line Prefix. --><EXTERNALLINEPREFIX>00</EXTERNALLINEPREFIX><!-- International Prefix used in the country of the PABX. --><INTERNATIONALPREFIX>00</INTERNATIONALPREFIX><COUNTRYCODE>46</COUNTRYCODE><LONGDISTANCE>0</LONGDISTANCE><!-- Home page URL --><HOMEPAGEURL>http://www.sonyericsson.com</HOMEPAGEURL><!-- DTMF digits sent to the PABX to invoke an inquiry call. --><IMPLICITINQUIRYDIGITS>*p</IMPLICITINQUIRYDIGITS><!-- Internal Access number for the PABX voice mail system. --><PABXVOICEMAILNUMBER>33395</PABXVOICEMAILNUMBER><!--PBX bypass. Outgoing external calls will be made through network operatorinstead of via PABX --><PBXBYPASS>No</PBXBYPASS><!--Forced Routing. All incoming calls come via the PABX. --><FORCEDROUTING>No</FORCEDROUTING><!—Public numbers used to form the company's internal network. --><INTERNALNUMBERSERIES><!-- number ranges. multiple number ranges --><NUMBERRANGE><!-- HF 110xx-112xx --><LOWESTNUMBER>086811000</LOWESTNUMBER><OFFSETNUMBER>299</OFFSETNUMBER></NUMBERRANGE><NUMBERRANGE><LOWESTNUMBER>086812000</LOWESTNUMBER> <!-- HF 12xxx-13xxx --><OFFSETNUMBER>3999</OFFSETNUMBER></NUMBERRANGE><NUMBERRANGE><LOWESTNUMBER>0857918000</LOWESTNUMBER> <!-- HF 18xxx --><OFFSETNUMBER>999</OFFSETNUMBER></NUMBERRANGE><NUMBERRANGE><LOWESTNUMBER>087190000</LOWESTNUMBER> <!--- HF 9xxxx --><OFFSETNUMBER>9999</OFFSETNUMBER></NUMBERRANGE></INTERNALNUMBERSERIES><!-- PABX Features This describes how features are presented on the P900. --><PABXFEATURES><!--PABX feature--><FEATURE><!--Name of the PABX feature. This one is also referred to as Inquiry call inPABX --><NAME>New call</NAME>

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

22 October 2003

<!-- DTMF digit sent to PABX to invoke the feature.<DTMFDIGITS>*p</DTMFDIGITS><!--Hang up after finished sending all the DTMF digits to PABX? Yes or No--><!--For this New Call feature, P900 should not hang up after. --><HANGUPAFTER>No</HANGUPAFTER><!-- Is this PABX feature available when P900 is in the standby mode? Yes orNo --><!-- For this New Call feature, it should be NO.--><USEINOFFLINE>No</USEINOFFLINE><!-- Prompts to the P900 user for numbers. It can be up to two prompts --><!-- If there is no prompts needed, leave it like this <PROMPTS></PROMPTS> --><PROMPTS><!--Attributes of the PROMPT elements: type and digits.--><!--type : It is either "1" (Phone number) or "2" (number string)--><!--For this New Call feature, it should be 1, prompt for phone number.--><!--digits: The DTMF digits sent to PABX after the phone number being sent.--><!--Some PABX feature needs to send a #. If so set the digits="#".--><!--For this New Call feature, it is not required.--><!--Tag value of the PROMPT element, in this case Phone number, --><!--is the text to be displayed on the prompt dialog--><PROMPT type="1" digits="">Phone number</PROMPT></PROMPTS></FEATURE><FEATURE><!--Name of the PABX feature. It is also referred to as Conference call --><NAME>Join calls</NAME><!-- DTMF digit sent to PABX to invoke this PABX feature. --><DTMFDIGITS>3</DTMFDIGITS><!--Hang up after finished sending all the DTMF digits to PABX? Yes or No--><!--For this Conference feature, P900 should not hang up after. --><HANGUPAFTER>No</HANGUPAFTER><!-- Is this PABX feature available when P900 is in the standby mode? Yes orNo --><!-- For this Conference feature, it should be NO. --><USEINOFFLINE>No</USEINOFFLINE><!--Prompts to the P900 user for numbers. It can be up to two prompts --><PROMPTS><PROMPT type="0" digits=""></PROMPT></PROMPTS></FEATURE><FEATURE><!--Name of the PABX feature.--><!--DTMF digit sent to PABX to invoke this PABX feature. --><!--Hang up after finished sending all the DTMF digits to PABX? Yes or No--><!--For this Call Back feature, P900 should hang up after.--><!--Is this PABX feature available when P900 is in the standby mode? Yes orNo--><!--For this Call Back feature, it should be No.--><!--Prompts to the P900 user for numbers. It can be up to two prompts--><NAME>Call Back</NAME><DTMFDIGITS>6p</DTMFDIGITS><HANGUPAFTER>Yes</HANGUPAFTER><USEINOFFLINE>No</USEINOFFLINE>

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

23 October 2003


End of PBX-file example

Corporate telephony user guide - Example

ECN quick guide for onephone - Using the P900Ericsson Voice Services operates Ericsson’s corporate telephony network, ECN. This guide will give you a quick overview of the OnePhone service and how to use it from a P900, configured for corporate teleph-ony.

The Onephone serviceWith the OnePhone service you can use your P900 as your one and only phone. Your old extension number in the corporate switch is attached to your mobile (SIM). Both incoming and outgoing work calls will pass via the corporate switch.

If your previous office phone is a desktop “system phone”, you can keep it and get a new extension number for it. You use it in parallel to your mobile and incoming calls will be alerted on both phones.

How to dial• Internal: Dial the extension number

• External: Dial the public number. (Do not add the external line prefix, 00.)

• Operator (corporate): Dial 09

All numbers of five digits or shorter will be interpreted as internal extension numbers.

International callsJust dial the normal, public, international number.

The call will automatically be routed the cheapest way; through the ECN network if possible. Even if the number is not for an Ericsson extension, the call will be routed through the ECN network and then out again to the public network at the destination country, if this is legal in that country.

Note: When abroad disconnect the corporate calling card and use normal GSM.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

24 October 2003

Call backIn the flip open corporate view Press “Call back” button

Call back is now activated.

Conference call1. Set up the first call.

2. With the flip open, go to Contacts and select a number, or, in the call view press “New call”, dial the next participant’s number and press OK.You are now talking to the new party.

3. To join all parties into a conference press “Join calls”

To set up a call between two other partiesSet up a conference as above, and then hang up yourself. FUN!!

It is customary to introduce the other parties to each other before hanging up.

To handover a call from the P900 to any fixed phone1. During a call, call the fixed phone

2. Answer

3. Press “Join calls” and hang up the mobile

Tip You can define a “Handover” button on your mobile. Enter your desk phone number, as a speed dial no. in flip open and give it the label “Handover”.

To handover a call from your desktop system phone to the P9001. During a call, call your mobile. E. g. by pressing the “mobile button”.

2. Answer

3. Press the button “Conference”, “Transfer” (or 3) on your fixed phone and hang it up

Note: Your system phone already has a “mobile” button for your mobile. It is lit when there is a call going on with the mobile involved. You can also call the mobile by pressing it. Put a label “Mobile” beside that button.

Absence informationYou can register absence reasons in the switch, so that incoming callers will be informed. You select one of the feature commands from the corporate status bar icon. You will be prompted to enter return time or date.

The following registration possibilities exist:

• Lunch

• Gone for the day

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

25 October 2003

• Meeting

• Business trip

• Sick leave

• Vacation

• On course

• Cancel absence information

Onebox –your corporate voicemailOnebox is the corporate voicemail system that you access from any phone. It allows you to send voice-mail to colleagues. Reach it from the corporate status bar icon, button “Command”; or dial 33395.

Your cellular voicemailThe short code for voicemail, like 133 or 888 does not work, unless you first disable the calling card for that call.

To get easy access your cellular voicemail, define a Contact card for it. The card should include your

number and PIN in one long string as follows:

• for Telia +46706133133ppp0705931234p9876

• Vodafone +46708222888ppp0705931234#p9876#

Note: With certain SIM cards this string is cut off when powering off the phone. Only the first 20 characters are then visible after power on.

How to store numbersStore numbers in Contacts using normal public numbers, like +46 8 568 1234. This makes it possible to call both via the corporate switch and directly through the GSM network. You can also use these numbers when abroad or when sending SMS or MMS.

What GSM subscriptions can be used?You can use any subscription. The service works much better if the subscription provides display of Anumbers on both incoming and outgoing calls. The phone needs to be configured for the subscription you use; see below about activating the service.

Display of CLI (calling line identification)For internal calls, the internal number or the full public number will be displayed. For calls incoming calls from an external line, the full public number will be displayed if received from the network.

Power usersIf you are accustomed to the MD110 services and codes, you can yourself send codes to the PBX. Enter a “p” by pressing * for one second. Then press e. g. an 8 digit ECN number or *# command. On pressing OK, the phone will connect to the PBX and send the tones without modifying them. Please note that if you forget the “p”, the command will instead be sent to the GSM network.

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

26 October 2003

Command strings and 8 digit ECN-numbers can be stored in a Contact card. Numbers shall be stored with a leading “p” and commands (to the PBX or to a phone bank etc) with a leading “pc”.

You can dial a full 8 digit ECN number with a leading “p”, e. g. “p85212345”. You can also get an external line by dialing 00, and when hearing the dial tone, continue to send the public number as tones. Least cost routing in the corporate switch works also in this case.

Please note that with the flip open, you can not send DTMF tones from the corporate keypad. Instead, exit the corporate call view and use the normal keypad.

How to activate the service1. Order the service from your IT administrator.

What you need is :• To convert your fixed extension to a mobile extension. Register your GSM nr as your mobile exten-

sion.• A new extension number for your old “system phone”. The system phone should on one of its but-

tons have the features “Monitoring” and “Call pick up” of the mobile extension. You can name this button “Mobile”. From now on, you can take incoming calls on either phone.

2. Setting up the phoneOnce you start receiving internal calls on your mobile, you know that the first step is taken, and you have been properly registered. You can then set up your P900 to start using a corporate calling card, which is delivered in a pbx- file.1. Place the file in the Document > Unfiled area of the P900 or the Memory Stick.2. Select Edit > Preferences > Calling cards.3. Tap Import.4. Select the settings file and tap Import.5. Select the card among the imported cards in the Selected card control.6. Activate the card by setting the Calling Card Mode to either "Always use or calling card" or "Prompt before call"

How to activate the service for your home phoneYou can make calls from your home phone if you register it as an extra number for your mobile extension. You can then call internationally by calling the direct access number of your corporate switch, just like a calling card service. You can direct incoming calls to your home phone by calling the corporate switch access number from that phone and press *9#. The mobile is once again activated by sending a command from the mobile, either p*9# or p#9#, depending on what GSM subscription you use.

Note: You can find the direct access number by looking in the pbx- file under the tag <DIRECTACCESSNUMBER>

Call forwardingCall forwarding is not normally needed for a mobile extension. It can however be activated by p*21*number# and deactivated by p#21# For external numbers the code is p*22#number# and p#22# resp.


End of Corporate telephony user guide – Example

Developers Guideline Corporate Telephony in P900

27 October 2003


BBasic flow ...................................................8Business Phone® .........................................7

CCall using the R2 number .............................14Cancel callback ..........................................17Corporate number plans ..............................12

DDefinition of tone string ..................................8

EExamples of valid and invalid numbers .............9

IInquiry and conference with a 3rd party ....12, 13

MMalicious attempt to route calls .....................15MD110® .....................................................7

NNumber analysis ...........................................9Number modifications .................................10

OOverview ....................................................8

SSending commands on the existing line ..........17Standard calling card settings .......................15

TThe phone is idle ........................................16The phone was already connected .................16The phone was in ageneral GSM call ..............17
