DEVOTIONSPersonal Devotions: Week 1 Monday Stepping out of Darkness TEXT: Psalm 139:11-12 - If I...


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Personal Devotions: Week 1 Monday

Stepping out of Darkness

TEXT: Psalm 139:11-12 - If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You. As Christians, we have the light of Christ shining in us. When things are going our way, we may feel exceptionally bright, finding it easy to shine in the lives of others. But, even as Christians, we find ourselves in the dark at times too. Are you going through a dark time? Do you feel alone? If so, you may be wondering where that source of light went that was so bright just days or weeks ago.

Read again the above Bible passage for this devotion. You are not alone. God is with you. You may not be able to see Him or find your way out of this darkness, but God is always with you. He can see through darkness as if it wasn’t there. He knows the way out. Ask for help. Ask God to show you the way out of this darkness. He can help you in every possible way. One way God may help you is through other Christians. When you feel surrounded by darkness, talk to a Christian friend. Ask them if they’ve gone through a similar valley. Find out how God helped them through it. Allow their light to ignite you. Pray together.

Remember this: God loves you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Where the devil has lied to you, telling you that you are not good enough, that you are alone, that your sins are too great—allow God to reveal truth. The truth is you are loved. You are valuable, and you are forgiven because of the price Christ paid on the cross for your sins. God has good plans for you.

THE PRAYER: God, thank You for being with me. Please reveal Yourself to me and lead me out of this darkness into Your marvelous light. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Sarah Guldalian is the manager of evangelism training for Lutheran Hour Ministries and the creator of five14. She is married to Justin Guldalian, drummer of five14 band Of Time & Tide.

Personal Devotions: Week 1 Tuesday

Old and Gray Proclaim Light

TEXT: Psalm 71:1a - In You, O Lord, I have taken refuge …

Have you ever stopped to think about what you’d like to be doing when you’re 80? I know that it’s hard enough for me to try to organize what I’m going to be doing tomorrow, let alone when I’m old and gray! You might have grandparents or friends about that age. We tend to think that when you arrive at that point, you won’t have energy to do much more than play shuffleboard, sit in a rocker, and knit blankets! But God has amazing plans for those more advanced in years so that others come to know him. These folks have seen God’s faithfulness and can declare with certainty His goodness.

The writer of Psalm 71 reflects back on God’s faithfulness from the day he was born, throughout his childhood and into his teenage years. As he reflects, he sees God’s strong presence and deliverance in his life and can’t help but proclaim His goodness, splendor and power! His burning request is that God would allow him to continue proclaiming that power and might to his children and grandchildren’s generation. He knows his identity as a child of God and his natural response is to shine and proclaim!

So, what do you want to do when you’re 80? Do you want to continue doing what God calls and prompts you to do today? Look back on your life. How has God been faithful to you? What has He blessed you with even today?

God loves and cares for you SO MUCH! He formed you inside your mother and created you EXACTLY as He wanted you to be. He has given you gifts, abilities, skills and experiences along the way. When we look back and see His faithfulness, we are overwhelmed with His love for us—and can’t help but proclaim it—both now and on your 80th birthday! He is Savior and wants all to know it! To whom can you proclaim God’s goodness today?

THE PRAYER: Lord, Father, God, You have created me for such a time as this. I am uniquely made by Your hand and You know the number of my days. Help me to make every day count towards bring others closer to You. Amen.

Biography of Author: Abby Dawkins is a director of christian outreach and a five14 presenter. She has spent years in places like Chiclayo, Peru; Kansas City, Mo; and Fergus Falls, Minn., loving God and loving the people He has created.

Personal Devotions: Week 1 Wednesday

You Are

TEXT: Matthew 5:14a – (Jesus said) “You are the light of the world. ...”

I was under a lot of pressure when I met with my long-time mentor. I was fidgety with the question of what does God want me to do? I knew I wanted to serve Him. But I was obsessing over what exactly I should do. How can I serve God best? What if I get it wrong?

Seeing visible signs of anxiety—twitching, sweat, a bouncing foot—my mentor said calmly, “Sit still.” And then he spoke very slowly: “You are loved by God.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” I shot back.

“No, you didn’t hear me, Jeff. You are loved by God. It’s been proven with blood on a cross.” It was one of those times when the words sunk in completely; the moment was filled with power. I heard the Gospel spoken to me, and it told me who I was.

“Share the good news.” We hear this outreach encouragement all the time. But it’s really hard to share good news if you have no good news to share. Jesus says, “You are the light of the world.” You are. He offers no strategy, program or manual. He just tells you who you are. And that’s good news!

Evangelism is a struggle when you don’t know who you are. Strategy, training and practice are all good things. But before you get fidgety with what to do, let me tell you who you are. “You are the light of the world.” You are loved by God. I know this because it’s been proven with blood on a cross. You are a son/daughter of the Heavenly Father. With water and the Name of God, you were marked.

And you belong to Him.

Okay, now you’ve got work to do. And you can do it because of who you are—a child of the King.

THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, it’s so easy to forget who we are as Your children. When we are weak, unstable in our faith and doubting, remind us that we—empowered by Your Holy Spirit—are lights for the world. Strengthen our faith and the brightness with which we share the Good News of salvation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Jeff Cloeter is a pastor at Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in St. Louis, where he leads its city mission called Reliant, and writes for

Personal Devotions: Week 1 Thursday

You Are Light within the Church

TEXT: 1 Timothy 4:12 - Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.

Sometimes it’s easy to think that as a teen, you don’t matter much to your church. After all, you don’t call any of the shots. You don’t make decisions for your congregation; you aren’t in charge. “Church” isn’t just a building or a time of worship. The church is a community of believers and you are part of it. You are not just the church of tomorrow you are the church of today—right now!

God spoke through the apostle Paul when he wrote to a young believer named Timothy in these words: “Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” You can be an example to the adults in your congregation! There may be things they can learn only from you. Your example in how you talk, act and live may change their lives by helping them see God’s love in a whole new way.

Not only does your congregation need you, but you need them too! They might not all understand what life is like for you, but chances are there are lots of adults at your congregation who are willing to listen and pray for you. As you interact with the adults at your church, they can see new ways to support you. As a result, they learn from your godly example, and it makes a difference in their lives.

God doesn’t look down on you because you are young. He loves you and considers you just as important as the adults who are in charge. He knows you have something to offer your congregation, and He will help you see what that is. Just ask Him!

THE PRAYER: Lord, help me remember the words taught to Timothy. Help me to know my words and actions can impact Your people of any age. Help me be a part of the church—both inside and outside the building. They are many who have never stepped into a church. I pray that by my actions they see Your love and thirst for more. Amen.

Biography of Author: Jessica Bordeleau is the young adult ministry consultant to the LCMS Youth Ministry office. She is incredibly blessed to be a forgiven and loved child of God and wants everyone to know how amazing it is.

Personal Devotions: Week 1 Friday

A Punk Can Light the Way Too!

TEXT: Psalm 119:105 - Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

Going to the fireworks tent to buy sparklers and bottle rockets, the vendor will add a couple of punks for free. You know those little sticks that look like incense that you use to light your firework. In order to get your firework to do its job you have to ignite it! That’s one meaning of a “punk.” The other more recognizable meaning is a “punk kid.” Two kids I am very familiar with come to mind immediately … Kris and Justin!

I have known these boys since they were 14 or 15. They were the ones who would show up on Sunday mornings for Sunday school each week, sit in the back of the room and talk and laugh with each other, disrupt the discussion and sometimes get out of hand. Some Sundays they drove me crazy! They made others come unglued too. The choir director of church even called them out during a church service because they were being rude. (Our church held over 800 people during service, so you know they were sticking out like a sore thumb if their behavior was being noticed.) I was always glad they showed up but knew in the back of my mind there would be problems!

These guys showed up for the rest of their high school years! Their maturity grew little by little and soon they both came into a real and personal relationship with Jesus. Each dude played in bands and always stayed connected with the youth group. Even though they were known as “punks,” as they grew others would come to learn that there was something different about them. Underneath the “to-cool-for-school” attitudes they were on fire for Jesus. They talked to the kids in their circles about Him, invited them to hang out with the youth group and witnessed to the “alternative” kids that others couldn’t reach. They were the punks that lit the fire in the hearts of their peers to get them to know Jesus as they did! Just like the punk used to ignite the fireworks, these guys fire up their friends. Does it get any better than that?

So if this is your type or you know someone who is like you, they could be secret agents for God! He uses ALL His children to glorify His Name. You are an original creation, uniquely made and like no other. God can use you in a powerful way to share His message with a lost world.

By the way Justin and Kris are now grown with wives and children of their own, and the best part is they are still very deeply rooted in their faith. They don’t look the part they used to but they still have that edginess to them. The next time you meet a punk, look past the exterior and into their hearts—just as God does!

THE PRAYER: Dear Jesus, You are awesome! Thank You for using each and every one of us to reach out to Your people. Continue to give me the passion and fire in my soul to ignite the spark in others I know and will meet. Amen.

Biography of Author: Suzie Sallee is the project manager of JCPlayZone and Project Connect for Lutheran Hour Ministries. She was a youth leader for eight years and continues to mentor and cultivate relationships with her “kids,” many of whom are now well into their twenties.

Personal Devotions: Week 2 Monday

Beginning in Light

TEXT: Genesis 1:3-4a - And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good ….

The Bible begins with light, and the light was good. Even before the creation of the sun, God’s light is shining. God’s words illuminated the universe and made it possible for life to exist. Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, illuminates our world making it possible for us to have eternal life. Just as God’s Word in Genesis brought light to creation, Jesus Christ (the Word made flesh) brings the light of His salvation into our lives and empowers us to be a reflection of His light to the world around us. Jesus’ crucifixion paid the price demanded by our sins. In Baptism and through the Scriptures we’ve been given the amazing gift of forgiveness and eternal life with God in Heaven. But that life doesn’t start when we get to heaven, we’re given the light of Christ right now! Christ calls us to shine that light through the darkness so that others can see the light of His love—so they can receive His forgiveness and live with Him in Heaven eternally. And just like God didn’t need the sun for His light to shine at creation, in Heaven the sun isn’t needed either.

Revelation 21:23b tells us that heaven “… does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.” The true Light, the eternal Light is Christ Himself. The glory of God shines everyday because Christ, the Lamb of God, is our lamp in a dark world. Let His light shine through you to your friends today so they can live in the glory of His eternal light! THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, lead us by Your Holy Spirit to be lamps of light in this dark and difficult world. As Your Son, the Word of Light, gives eyes to see to those who believe in Him, let us share His love with so many who are blind around us. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Chris Coletti has served as the director of youth and family ministries at Faith Lutheran Church and Schools in Vista, California, working with children and families from first grade through college-age students. He also serves on the five14 team as a presenter.

Personal Devotions: Week 2 Tuesday

Be Light!

TEXT: 1 John 2:8b - … the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.

Let’s say, just for the sake of argument, that you’re a photon. You know … a particle of light. And yes, I’m well aware that light comes in waves—amplitude and frequency and all that scientific mumbo-jumbo. But light comes in particles, too. And, again, for the sake of argument, we’re imagining you as one of those particles—a photon.

You’re zipping along at, well, at the speed of light, because that’s what light does. It can’t stand still. It can’t loiter or rest. It doesn’t take a coffee break. It moves—ever maintaining that maximum constant—the tip-top velocity that puts the “C” in E=MC2.

You can’t be stopped or slowed. Oh, you can bounce off of things. Reflective surfaces will send you careening in unexpected and exciting directions. And you can be bent—refracted through prisms and liquids, splayed out in rich rainbow hues—but even when you’re bent you’re more beautiful than ever.

With you comes warmth and light. You illuminate all who pine in the shadows. Darkness can’t touch you. No one can flip on a “dark” switch, after all. In a matchup with darkness, you always win.

Fun to imagine … if imagining were necessary. Thankfully, it’s not. When Jesus called you “the light of the world,” He meant it. All the properties of that photon are all true of you. Christ has empowered you, through His own shadow-shattering resurrection from death’s darkness, to zip along into the waiting world … to bounce and careen … to bend and refract … to warm and illuminate.

The Bible speaks of the Spirit as wind and flame—not too different from wave and photon. Today, as back then, God’s children are called to be light!

THE PRAYER: Lord, make me an energetic witness. Please fill me with Your light. Amen.

Biography of Author: Peter Mead has been writing for all the people of God—youth, children and adults—for the better part of a quarter of a century. It is pure joy!

Personal Devotions: Week 2 Wednesday

Mosquito Light

TEXT: John 1:5 - The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

When I was 18 years old, I worked for a summer at a camp in the Colorado Rocky Mountains as a mountain bike instructor. (Don’t hate me; someone’s got to do it.) While my friends thought this was the easiest job in the world, it proved demanding on both my body and my spirit. From 5 a.m. to 11 p.m., I had to be on. People expected me to lead, to fix flat tires, teach, be funny, fix flat tires, entertain, lead bike treks, fix flat tires, prepare their meals, be relationship counselor and did I mention, fix flat tires.

By the time all the students went to bed, I was exhausted. I didn’t want to see another person, let alone have another conversation. I wanted some me-time. I would hide in my tent, grab a sports magazine and turn on my flashlight with the hope reading would provide me a little solitude and relaxation. Within minutes of my attempt I discovered my goal was impossible with my light on. Every mosquito in the United States saw my light and somehow teleported into my tent. There was no way I could relax while swatting blood-sucking buzzing mosquitoes away from my body. It was awful! I even tried to trick the mosquitoes by turning off the light for a few minutes with the hope they would fly to another flashlight somewhere in Australia. After the buzzing stopped, I would turn my light back on. This didn’t work either; I could see the mosquitoes laughing at me on their way back to suck on my face.

It was in my tent, surrounded by mosquitoes, when I really understood what Jesus meant when He spoke of being like the light. He used this word-picture to describe Himself, as well as to describe Christians. He knew this powerful image helped communicate His holiness and our need to stand out while living in the darkness.

God created you and me to produce light in a dark world. But we can’t produce light until we receive it from an outside source. That source is Jesus Christ—the Light of the world. Like our Source, we are called to walk in the light, to be set apart and to recognize the desperation that lives within the darkness and respond to it with the love of Jesus .Often, like those mosquitoes, bringing the light attracts hardship, struggle and even discomfort. Still, I can think of no better challenge to start each new day than to remember we are set apart to let His light shine brightly.

THE PRAYER: God help me to receive the light and the love You have given me. Give me the strength and the courage to shine in the lives of those around me. Amen

Biography of Author: Leon Jameson is the director of discipleship at Immanuel Lutheran Church in St. Charles, Mo. He is husband to Gretchen, dad to Sydney Grace, and German chocolate cake eater. Leon’s mission is to live for Jesus, leading others to do the same.

Personal Devotions: Week 2 Thursday

From Darkness to Light

TEXT: 1 John 1:5-7 This is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.

Have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night and tried to make your way to the kitchen or bathroom without turning on a light? You take baby steps and wave your arms in front of you before running into a bed post or corner in the hallway that has been there your entire life. Would you move the same way if the light was on? Think about how funny you would look if you moved the same way in the light as you do the dark!

If light represents goodness and truth, then darkness represents the opposite or what is evil and sinful. When you’re in a dark room it’s impossible to tell what is good and what is evil as everything seems the same, but hit the switch and the light changes everything! The light exposes what existed in the darkness. Satan prefers us to live in darkness so we fumble and fall. In that way it takes much longer to find our way, if we find it at all.

There is nothing hidden from God. He gives us light to find our way. We don’t have to feel around and trust ourselves to find our way, as He knows we’re completely lost in darkness. He gives us light so we can see where to go and live in His truth.

Don’t rely on yourself to get where you need to go in the dark. If you do, you’re sure to walk smack into a wall. Instead, start with the light on—His light—so darkness never gets the best of you.

THE PRAYER: Jesus, I find myself walking around in the darkness more than I should. I think I can find my way when in reality I have no idea where I’m going on my own. Keep me in Your light. Keep me in Your care and nudge me each and every day to remember that without Your light I am lost in this world of darkness. Help me to share Your light with my friends and family so they too can see. In Your Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Suzie Sallee is the project manager of JCPlayZone and Project Connect for Lutheran Hour Ministries. She was a youth leader for eight years and continues to mentor and cultivate relationships with her “kids,” many of whom are now well into their twenties.

Personal Devotions: Week 2 Friday

Don’t Fear the Light

TEXT: Acts 2:13-17 - Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine.” Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: “Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning! No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’”

I used to pay my brother three dollars to weed around my dad’s office. I received 10 dollars to mow and weed. Oh man, was I ripping him off! I hate weeding. Still to this day, there is just no easy way to weed. Even when you spray the weed killer on them, you still have to collect the dead weeds. We live in a society where we are accustomed to new chemicals, gadgets and machines that make projects easier. Honestly, sometimes I do challenging projects just because we can “app up” everything. You heard me right; we live in a culture of apps.

I looked up an app for evangelism (they really have one). It is an app where you can just hand over your phone to tell your friend about Jesus. Easy, right? Wrong. The hardest part of evangelism is starting the conversation, not telling the story of Jesus. Peter was watching others make fun of God’s work; this is probably the scariest part of sharing our faith. We fear something or someone making fun of us. In verse 14, “Peter stood up” and “raised his voice”; that was all he had to do. Once he started, the fear was over. He knew the story. He had to step forward and start the conversation.

Weeds may be tough to pull because the idea of them is annoying, pulling them one by one. In order to see the beauty of God’s creation they must be pulled and the only way to get the job done is to start. In order for someone to hear the beauty of what God did for them, you have to make it through the hard part: standing up and speaking. Only then, in that one-on-one relationship can you share the story of the Savior that means so much to you. The good news is they can’t make an app of you, and you are the one needed to share that story. Stand up, speak up and share away.

THE PRAYER: Dear God, give me strength that only comes from You to stand firm in my faith. You are the potter and I am the clay, mold me to be as You created me to be. Amen.

Biography of Author: Will Hanke is a pastor who has been blessed with an incredible wife and two awesome kids.

Personal Devotions: Week 3 Monday

Urgent Light

TEXT: Matthew 28:19a – (Jesus said) “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ….”

When is the last time you felt an urgency to know if someone knows Jesus? A few years ago I was speaking at a week-long Fellowship of Christian Athletes camp. Each night I would speak to the group of high school athletes about what it meant to be a Christian, who happened to be an athlete. One night I finished with this question: “Are you ready to die today?” Later that night we took the boys from the camp to a water park and had a great time.

At the end of the evening, everyone got out of the pool and each huddle leader counted his guys. Two groups were missing someone. After looking all over the park, they decided to check the pool. Two boys were found to have drowned in the deep end. I had an URGENT need to find out from their huddle leaders if the boys knew Christ. The next day I spoke to the group that now included many people from the town, including the lifeguards who were working at the pool.

The boys were refugees from the earthquake in Haiti. One huddle leader said the boy in his group knew the Lord when he came. The other huddle leader was convinced his boy gave his life to Christ the day before the accident.

Do you have friends who still don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior? How would you feel if a friend or loved one passed away and you never told them about Jesus? Don’t take for granted that they’ll be here tomorrow. Matthew 28:19 is not a suggestion, Christians, it’s a command.

The Gospel is an URGENT message. Don’t assume it can be done another time.

THE PRAYER: Dear God, the time is now. Help me not to put off Your love that needs to be shared today. Remind me I can make the difference in the lives of others—an eternal difference! Amen.

Biography of Author: Dr. Micah Parker is a sought-out, nationally known speaker, and is the founder of Trust Guy Ministries, He and his family currently live in Riverside, Calif.

Personal Devotions: Week 3 Tuesday

All-Star Example

TEXT: Philippians 2:15 - So that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.

My waitress had just brought the chicken Caesar salad I had ordered for lunch. Before I could even take a bite I heard a voice over my right shoulder. “Jeremy?” I turned to see one of my former high school youth. His name was Brian. I had not spoken to or seen him in a little over six years. It was fun to talk for a few minutes and catch up on lost time. We exchanged cell-phone numbers and said goodbye.

As Brian was walking away he turned, pointed at my shoes and said, “I knew it was you. I could see the stars on your Chucks from halfway across the room. You always wear those things.” Brian was commenting on the Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars that I wear just about every day.

That afternoon I began thinking about how Brian recognized me. If I began to ask what my family and friends associated me with, what would be first on their list? If Brian noticed my shoes from halfway across the room, what example or message was I sharing with strangers next to me or my waitress?

We are often aware of the impact and communication we share when talking to or interacting with others, but what about with those we don’t see, or when our example is less than Christ-like?

It is so important to remember we communicate in all we do. The Holy Spirit is able to use us as His vessel in all aspects of our lives. It is our example that can truly enlighten and direct others to Christ. Through God’s grace we have been given the privilege to shine like stars, the opportunity to share the Gospel with, well, everyone.

How can the Lord use you to be an all-star example for Him?

THE PRAYER: Good and gracious God, make me an example of Your love so that others may ask what makes me so different and so I can share YOU! Amen.

Biography of Author: Jeremy DaPena is a 10-year youth ministry veteran who has mainly served high school students. Jeremy’s most recent aspirations include opening a second satellite campus, in which he leads a ministry focused on outreach, entitled Mega Life.

Personal Devotions: Week 3 Wednesday

Lamb Light

TEXT: Revelations 21:23 - The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.

I love summer! Who doesn’t? Sleeping in, no school, vacations and plenty of fun make for a great summer. Do you know why I love summer? It’s because of the light. Yes, light. Let me explain. During the summer the sun stays up longer and extends the warm days more than the rest of the year. The more north you live, the more daylight. I used to live in Alaska (which is way north) and for me the best part of the summer there was that the sun was always in the sky. That’s right. We had round-the-clock hours of daylight to enjoy, and it was awesome!

Can you imagine a world with no darkness? You might think it would make it tough to sleep, or see the stars, but did you know that in heaven there will be no need for the sun? In the book of Revelation—which is God’s revelation to John about what is to come—chapter 21 tells us that heaven does not need the sun or moon to shine. Why? Because the glory of God gives it light! This is the same glory that Moses experienced in Exodus 33 when God passed by. God’s glory was so powerful that seeing God’s face would have killed Moses, who was a sinner just like us.

However, because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross that restored us to righteousness, we can confidently know that in heaven we will experience the amazing glory of God. Heaven will be a place of no death, mourning, crying, pain or darkness! There are people in our world experiencing each of these right now that need the hope of God’s wonderful glory. Will you be the one to share His light?

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I offer the words of this song as my prayer to you. “I’m forgiven because You were forsaken. I’m accepted, You were condemned. I am alive and well, Your Spirit is within me, because You died and rose again. Amazing love, how can it be, that You, my King, should die for me? Amazing love, I know it’s true; it’s my joy to honor You, In all I do, I honor You.” Amen.

Biography of Author: Grant Carey has been a director of Christian education for 10 years, sharing Jesus in Alaska, Arizona, and now in Nebraska at King of Kings, Omaha. He loves working with teens and hanging out with his wife and two amazing daughters. He’s into watching movies, snowboarding, reading, hanging at the beach, doing yard work, and soaking up plenty of sun!

Personal Devotions: Week 3 Thursday

Turning Darkness to Light

TEXT: 2 Sam 22:29 - You, LORD, are my lamp; the LORD turns my darkness into light.

King David had seen some pretty dark days. His family was a mess. His kingdom was at war. His best friend’s dad even tried to kill him—for years! Life was never easy for David, but he never walked through those dark days alone. God was always guiding, protecting and delivering him. In fact, at the end of his life, David marvels at how God had worked in his life. David sings out in joy, “You, LORD, are my lamp; the LORD turns my darkness into light.”

Like David, some of our days are awfully dark. Tragedy strikes. Relationships break down. Sins of our past weigh heavy on our conscience. Maybe today is one of those days for you. But as dark as our days may seem, the love of Christ always shines brighter. Jesus died on the cross; He rose from the grave, and He promises to return one day to restore all things. With Christ, sins are forgiven; relationships are restored; death is defeated, and a new creation is dawning.

Today, you may talk to someone having a really dark day. Today, then, is the day to shine Christ into their lives. Tell them how God is with them. Tell them about what God did at the cross and empty tomb. Tell them how Christ promises a new creation—a day when all things will be made new. On that day, there will be no more death, sadness or tears. Darkness will be gone forever! On that day, all of our darkness will be turned into the marvelous light of Christ.

THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, sometimes our lives seem so bleak we just want to give up. Like Your servant David, remind us that You alone can turn our dark days into light and our sadness into joy, through what Your Son had done in laying down His life for us. In His Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Todd Liefer serves as the associate pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church and School in Wentzville, Mo.

Personal Devotions: Week 3 Friday

Power Light

TEXT: 2 Timothy 1:7 - For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline.

This verse has been a great inspiration to me for many years. I know it is relevant to your life as well. When it comes to being a witness for Christ’s love, the road is not always easy. However, like the verse says, God didn’t make you to be a pushover. God crafted you to be a shining star for Him! When He formed you, He instilled the power to be bold. God has given you a unique set of abilities to do this for Him. What are some of the things you are good at? What are your special talents? Write them down. Now, think about how you could use each of these talents to show God’s love to someone else. What do you think “a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline” means? It sounds like God has already equipped you to be a disciple for Him. A “spirit of power” means you have the courage to shine Christ’s light in the darkest of places. A “spirit of love” means you are designed to love others as Christ first loved you. A “spirit of self-discipline” means you are able to make good decisions in life based on what God has said. With a spirit like that, He has given you all you need! In your journal, write down a few people you care about who could use a Christian friend. Pray for them. Ask God to show you how you can use this unique spirit you’ve been given to shine in their lives. He will guide you. Remember, people don’t need friends; they need Christian friends. That’s you!

THE PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You have blessed me to be a blessing to others through Your Holy Spirit. Grant me the spirit of power, love and self-discipline to make good choices that will glorify Your Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Annie Hutchison is a five14 presenter and the host of this awesome video series! In her every day life, Annie is a wife, a mom and a hair stylist. She loves the opportunity to share Christ with people of all walks of life.

Personal Devotions: Week 4 Monday

Be Salty

TEXT: Matthew 5:13a - (Jesus said) “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? ...”

When you stand in the line at the grocery store, would Jesus beam with pride about your kindness toward others? When spending time with your family, would He rejoice with all the company of heaven at how you live for nothing but sharing Him with others? When you finish a game of golf or basketball, would He be thrilled to call you His own?

The truth is we do not understand the enormity of the Gospel. God will love us always, but we need to live as His people to a much greater degree. The Bible is filled with real-life testimonies of people who lived recklessly for our Father. It may seem crazy, but why would they live otherwise? Think about it. Let your heart ponder it. He bled and died on a cross to bear our sins, and set us free. That is something that needs to understood!

In Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount,” He said, “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet” (Matthew 5:13). Jesus placed us on earth to act as salt—a preservative for souls. But as we spend more time thinking about ourselves, we begin to lose our saltiness.

Our sinful nature will try to stop us from thinking about others before ourselves, but we must! A practical idea for today is this. Whenever you find yourself saying “I,” replace it immediately with “Jesus Christ.” This will lead to asking yourself daily what Christ would have you do before what you would like to do. You will remain salty, and lives will be saved.

THE PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, when we neglect to be about the work of Your Son, convict us of our self-centeredness and make us more like Him. As salt we are to be useful in the lives of others. Teach us each day to seek Your will and direction for our lives. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.

Biography of Author: Shanna Decker, age 21, resides in Winona, Minn. She is a cancer survivor of 13 years; she spends her time sharing the Gospel, while visiting hundreds of cancer patients and speaking professionally nationwide. Learn more about her by visiting her website:

Personal Devotions: Week 4 Tuesday

Running Light

TEXT: Psalm 71:17-18 - Since my youth, God, You have taught me, and to this day I declare Your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray do not forsake me, my God, till I declare Your power to the next generation, Your mighty acts to all who are to come.

Have you ever felt like Aahhh! I WANT to share Jesus’ love with someone else, but I JUST DON’T KNOW HOW! I felt like that a lot, especially in high school. I wanted to be a witness for Jesus, but I just didn’t know what to do.

Track was one of my favorite sports. I did a lot of running and competed in lots of relays. Well, even though I liked to run, I got so nervous when it was time to compete—like, REALLY NERVOUS! And there were only two things that would calm me down: eating a granola bar and praying for strength!

Since I was in a relay with three other girls, I would often gather those girls together and say, “Okay, before we run, we need to pray!” We’d all get in a huddle, and I’d lead the girls in a prayer, asking God to help us run fast and give us strength.

Now at the time, I thought I was really the one who needed the prayers, but little did I know that God was using me as His witness Many years later, one of the girls that I ran with sent me a letter telling me that those prayers before our track meets helped plant the seed of faith in her life. And even though she didn’t care about God very much at the time, now, years later, she has connected with some Christians and she is a strong and proud follower of Jesus Christ today!

In Colossians 4:2-5 it says, “Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders, making the most of every opportunity.”

Don’t worry about having the “perfect word” to say. Just be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you and use you whether you know it or not! God WILL open doors for you to shine His light to others!

THE PRAYER: God, open the eyes of the hearts of others who are in need of knowing You. Help me be a vessel to witness in a way that meets their heart where they are. Encourage me, carry me and give me the words to share with Your people. Amen.

Biography of Author: Sarah Legband is a five14 presenter who studied Christian outreach in college and loves teen ministry! She has worked with church youth groups, teens struggling with addictions and teens overseas.

Personal Devotions: Week 4 Wednesday

A Young Light

TEXT: Ephesians 6:1-3 - Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—“that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth.”

When I was 15, my mom and I would really get into it. It was frustrating knowing I was totally dependent on her for money, transportation and, worse, permission! I knew exactly where I wanted to go, when and with whom. When she told me, “No,” I would scream horrible, disrespectful things at her—things I would never say to a friend. With my friends, I was encouraging and loving. I wanted to shine for Christ when I was around them. But when I didn’t get my way at home, I acted the opposite of loving and encouraging, and I didn’t care who was around.

My friends saw the way I treated my mom and became confused about who I really was. They asked why I was so mean. I didn’t consider that although I was kind to them, my behavior with my mom minimized their trust in me and the power of my witness. They heard a warm, caring person with them, but they saw a cold and uncaring person when they saw me with my mom. I hadn’t realized they were listening and watching my life so closely. By showing my mom love, I could have been a light to my friends. I could have also been a light to my mom.

Don’t underestimate your actions. Being a Christian witness is greater than words; it includes actions. Do your words line up with your actions? Do you treat all people with love or just some?

If you have been disrespectful to your parents, I encourage you to apologize and start anew. Show them the love you show your friends. This will be a godly example to them and to your friends who are watching.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I am not always willing to listen to my parents. Sometimes I think I know better which, honestly, isn’t always the case. Sometime I treat people that aren’t even close to me better than I do my own parents. Please forgive me. As You are my Heavenly Father, You have given me earthly parents. Even though they fall short, forgive them also. In Your Holy Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Sarah Guldalian is the manager of evangelism-training for Lutheran Hour Ministries and the creator of five14. She is married to Justin Guldalian, drummer of five14 band Of Time & Tide.

Personal Devotions: Week 4 Thursday

The Right to be Heard

TEXT: Acts 2:47a - ... praising God and having favor with all the people. ...

Meredith was a non-Christian classmate who was beginning to hang out with some of us church kids. She was witty and sophisticated. One Monday during lunch, she declared to our table, “I’ve had such a crummy day. The gods must be angry with me.” Seeing this as a chance to witness, my good friend Jay proceeded to launch into a sermon.

If he would have known her better, he might have changed his approach. Unfortunately, he offered a one-size-fits-all message. He proceeded to expound on Adam and Eve, the serpent, the flood, Levitical law, judges, kings and the prophets. Getting to the exile, Meredith started laughing at him. “Are you trying to convert me?” She dismissed Jay before he even got to the Name of Jesus.

I have a missionary friend who works with this motto when it comes to evangelism: “Earn the right to be heard.” How well do you listen to strangers? Do you listen at all when it’s someone you don’t respect? We listen best to people we trust. Early believers in Jesus modeled such trust and gained “favor with all the people.” There was something in their way of life and how they treated outsiders that gained the trust of the people.

“Earn the right to be heard” means investing in relationships. It means truly loving the non-Christian. It means meeting them on their turf and their terms. It means listening before you speak. It means sometimes you need to be silent for the best exchange to take place. And if a person ever asks you, “What do you think?” well, then you’re in a good position. You know you’ve listened enough and earned the right to speak of deeper things. Now you’ve got an opening—a natural bridge into a conversation about salvation. Now you can tell them about the man from Nazareth whose death and resurrection have turned your world upside down.

THE PRAYER: Dearest Lord Jesus, I want to tell others about You but I often rush the conversation. Teach me to be patient—even as You have been patient with me—when sharing the greatest news this world has ever heard: salvation is possible through Jesus Christ. In Your Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Jeff Cloeter is a pastor at Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in St. Louis, where he leads its city mission called Reliant, and writes for

Personal Devotions: Week 4 Friday

Faithful Citizens of the Kingdom

TEXT: Acts 1:3 - After His suffering, He showed Himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the Kingdom of God.

There is one interesting sentence tucked into perhaps the most important section of the most important story of all time. It comes after Jesus’ resurrection and before His ascension. (That’s when He floats up and away, and tells us He’ll come back.) The sentence is interesting as much for what it doesn’t say as for what it does say. See the story goes like this: Jesus, by raising Himself from the dead, has just demonstrated that the life in Him won’t be subdued by death. He’s now walking around on earth in a body that is past the reach of death; that means no aging, disease or pain. He’s about to go away to heaven and await the final end of this earth when He’ll return to recreate an earth that is itself past the reach of death. He has forty days to kill with His followers, and He spends it giving them advice on how to endure a world that is dying, in bodies that are dying, while they nurture in them life that is beyond death. It’s not going to be easy so His advice is probably pretty important, here’s where the interesting sentence comes in. It says, “He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the Kingdom of God.”

Remember it’s interesting for what it doesn’t say. It doesn’t say He spoke about forgiveness or salvation; it doesn’t talk about sin or repentance. Jesus is talking to the people He’ll send out to change the world and He prepares them by making sure they understand the Kingdom of God. This is how faith starts: the Holy Spirit working in folks to recognize there’s a new King in town.

We help that cause by living as faithful citizens. That means allowing Jesus to be King in your life, trusting His way is better than yours: practicing forgiveness, mercy, service and love. You see, Jesus just had to help His people understand how His Kingdom operates because once people see it in action they want to be a part of it. The best way we invite people in is by living there ourselves.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, create in us hearts that are eager to tell others of the citizenship we hold and how they too can become Your child. In Your Name. Amen.

Biography of Author: Ben Hoyer graduated from Concordia Seminary St. Louis in 2008. He is now working to establish a new congregation for Holy Cross Lutheran Ministries in downtown Orlando called theCross Orlando. His hope is that the church will always model for the world a different way of life—one made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus and the power of His Holy Spirit and cultivated in community.

Sarah Guldalian

Manager, Evangelism Training

Lutheran Hour Ministries

660 Mason Ridge Center Drive

Saint Louis, MO 63122