Devotions for Advent 2018 - Hyde Park United...


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Devotions for Advent 2018

Table of Contents

Welcome to Devotions for Advent Mandy Cloninger

Your “This Is Love” Story

Art by Kai and Samantha James

First Week in AdventFamily Devotion, Loving Like They Need It The Schroden Family

Dec. 2 Faith and Deeds Gray Caron

Dec. 3 Caring for the Flock Lindsey Hale

Dec. 4 Love Campaign Gator Wesley Foundation

Dec. 5 Love Begins at Home Trish Krider

Dec. 6 Love in Action Bike Repair Ministry

Dec. 7 Will this Time be Different? Hillsborough House of Hope

Dec. 8 Love Grows from a Seed Jeff Schweizer

Art by Lily and Claire McDonough

Second Week in Advent Family Devotion, Slowing Down to Experience God’s Love The Zajac Family

Dec. 9 This is Love Genna Dalence

Dec. 10 Community is Love Christina Pacelle

Dec. 11 Surrender and Wait Elio and Drema Muller

Dec. 12 Have Faith. I Will Provide. Abe Brown Ministries

Dec. 13 Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe The Rev. William Cruz

Dec. 14 I am HER. I am Love. The Rev. Beth Bostrom

Dec. 15 The Breath of Life Patrick and Melenda Edmiston

Art by Meghan Zajac

Third Week in Advent Family Devotion, Learning to Love The James Family

Dec. 16 Love Makes a Difference Florida United Methodist Children’s Home

Dec. 17 Where Can You Find Yourself Surrounded by Love? Celia Ferman

Dec. 18 Smiles are Love Sally Ordway

Dec. 19 Doing the Word The Society of St. Andrew, Gleaning Network

Dec. 20 God Sees the Heart Beneath the Act of Mercy Christy Smith

Dec. 21 Love, Sweet Love Kathy Pegram

Dec. 22 Love Like a Storm The Rev. Amy Greene

Art by Mark Zajac

Fourth Week in Advent Family Devotion, This is Love The McDonough Family

Dec. 23 (Not) Speaking of Love Külli Tõniste

Dec. 24 Masiwa is Love Berit Kimrey

Dec. 25 Friendship is Love Keri LaBrant

Art by Oliver and Jack Henry Schroden

This Is Love

This year has been full of change for our family as we adjusted to becoming parents of a teenager, Alyssa, and Luna was born in January. I shared with my mom recently the overwhelming gratitude for her that I have now that I’m a mom myself. All the times she said, “You’ll understand when you become a parent,” now mean so much more.

There are moments that I want to capture in my mind and never let go. Seeing Alyssa dancing silly and blowing kisses simply to see little Luna smile and giggle. Luna pulling one of us close for a hug. Brad shaking the tambourine and making up songs to sing. The memories we create as a family while exploring a pumpkin patch. I’ve loved and been loved so much my whole life, yet I’ve never known love quite like this.

It overwhelms me to think that God’s love for all his children is greater than the love I have for my own. I imagine God has feelings like this that overwhelm and delight him for each of us. Smiling to see we are pursuing his plan for our lives. Proud of our efforts to love one another and be kind. Grateful for the time we carve out to spend with him. Cherishing the time we invest to sit down, talk and pray with him.

God has relentlessly pursued each of us and showed his love in a myriad of ways. His blessings never fail to amaze, inspire and encourage because they show up day after day without fail. I was blown away when returning from maternity leave, the number of our neighbors in need who stopped to ask me how I was, how Luna, Alyssa and Brad were doing, as we settled into becoming a new family. We simply need to pause, listen and observe God’s wonderous love at work in our lives.

The greatest gift God has given each of us is his son, Jesus Christ! Let’s reflect on the sacrifice that he made for each of us and celebrate in his birth, in much the same way we celebrate the arrival of a dear friend, the birth, adoption or welcoming of a new child. With smiles, time, love, prayers and circling around one another to celebrate. This is love. Abundant, graceful and never ending.

A special thank you to my dear friend and sister in Christ, Leslie McCabe-Holm, for assisting with the compilation of the devotions again this year. Your friendship is a gift of love whether you are near or far!

I pray that you pause as a daily practice this Advent season to recognize each, “This Is Love” moment and savor it. May God’s love and the birth of his son, Jesus Christ, fill your lives full this Christmas and all year long! Mandy Cloninger, Editor, Devotions for Advent: This is

Welcome to Devotions for Advent

Your “This Is Love” Story

Write your own story on these pages about this year’s Advent theme:

“This Is Love”

Love can be hard to define. It can be something we feel, or something we do. Something we have, or something we give. But we might all agree that it

is something we need more of in the world today. There are many who are

longing for evidence that love exists in such a heartbreaking world, and that

it will prevail.

In his first letter, John writes with absolute conviction: THIS is love. If you are looking for a love that is demonstrable, powerful and transformative,

begin with God’s love revealed in Jesus, whose incarnation and resurrection

brings healing to us all. We are called to show this love in the way we offer

hope, peace and joy to the world.

Advent is a time for us to direct our hearts and show the world THIS love,

given to us in Jesus.

Art by Kai and Samantha James. Kai is 5 years old and is active in Sunday Morning

Live and Jr. Zone. Samantha is 3 years old and is active in Sunday Morning Live.

The First Week of Advent

Dec. 2-8Family Devotion: Loving Like They Need It

Start the conversation: When do you feel most loved? What is one thing I

could do or say to let you know how much I love you?

Scripture Reflection: Jesus demonstrates his love in many ways: all perfect,

all based on the needs, desires and situation of the person he encounters.

Matthew 9:10-17; John 13:1-17; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 5:12-14; John 15:9.

Talk About It: I have two amazing boys. While they share a love of so

many things, how they like to be loved is very different. Jack Henry, 6,

craves a soft touch and encouraging words. I will often hear him ask,

“Mommy, can you come snuggle with me?” I see his face light up and his

feet dance when he hears, “Buddy, that was so great!” Oliver, 4, on the

other hand, relishes a bear-cub-wrestle; no soft touch will do. He wakes up

asking, “Mommy will you come play with me?” The boy loves rough-and-

tumble and time spent doing.

Jesus also recognized the importance to love others as they need to be

loved. Jesus showed love through physical touch when he healed the lepers,

who were thought to be untouchable. Jesus loved with acts of service

when he washed the disciples’ feet. When Jesus ate meals with the “societal

outcasts,” he demonstrated a you-are-worthy love that fed their bodies and

hearts. Jesus commands us to “love each other as I have loved you.” A

charge to love by seeing and listening to the unique heart in front of us.

Pray: Dear Lord, thank you for loving me just as I am and just as I need.

Thank you for sending us your Son, the greatest love gift of all. Please help

me to see, listen and respond with love to the people around me.

Things to try this week: Look, Listen and Love: Find someone in your

family, ask them “what is one thing I could do or say to let you know how

much I love you,” then act in love by doing what they asked to the best of

your ability. Have each member of your family write down 3-4 ways they

feel loved. Each family member places their love ideas in a jar with their

name on it. Throughout the week, gather, choose from each other’s jars,

then act in love.

Author: The Schroden Family, Angela, Jonathan, Jack Henry and Oliver

Faith and Deeds

Gray Caron is a member of Hyde Park United Methodist and has been involved

with the Manna Ministry for eight years, and she has led the team for the last

six. To help stuff or sell Manna Bags, please contact Gray at 813.839.0083 or

What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food.

If one of you says to him, “Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:4-17

Our sermon series on the book of James gave me a “look in the mirror.” I’ve been involved with the Manna Bag ministry for more than eight years, and it has changed how I view the underserved of our city. Buying and sharing Manna Bags gives me the ability to reach out to those less fortunate on a daily basis. Manna Bags contain enough food for a day and a new pair of socks and important information on where to get help locally. When I offer someone a bag, I ask them what their name is and offer them a blessing. This moment might be their only one-on-one contact that day. It’s an amazing feeling, and I’m still not sure who gets the most out of this encounter!

Manna Bags are available for $5 each on the last Sunday of every month in the Courtyard, after the 11 a.m. Magnolia worship service and in the Aldersgate Coffee Shop on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Think about making this work part of your relationship with God. You will be amazed how easy it is to offer someone in need a hand up.

Loving Father, Guide me to love others like they need your love. Help me to share a meal that feeds the body, heart and soul. Amen.

December 2

Caring for the Flock

Lindsey Hale is the church recruiting coordinator of Love INC of Metro Tampa.

Love INC’s mission is to mobilize the Church to transform lives and communities

In the Name of Christ – helping churches help people. Love INC enables churches

in the community to coordinate their resources and services so that those in

need are not turned away.

Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”

Again, Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?” Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”

John 21:15 and 16 (NIV)

Jesus clearly instructed Peter to not only feed, but to care for his flock. Caring requires our investment of time and energy. Everything we do at Love INC begins with striving to be the eyes, heart, hands and feet of Christ. Jesus always left those he encountered transformed.

Love INC’s focus looks beyond immediate needs, including rent, utility, food, etc. and instead, focuses on that person created in the image of Christ. Our care is holistic, looking at their value, what they can contribute and how we can equip them to end their cycle of chaos. Partner church volunteers enter into relationships: guiding, encouraging, and modeling the love of Christ to create “Love Stories.” This can be as simple as praying over a single mom, the first of her family to attend college and providing tuition assistance. Or as complex as advocating for a grandmother caring for her six orphaned grandkids, in need of legal services, home repair, transportation, budgeting guidance and most of all to know that she is seen, cared for and not alone on her journey.

Loving at this level involves encouragement, empowerment, and accountability. Love is messy requiring both commitment and prayerful discernment. Love transforms people, allowing them to see their value and realize their God-given potential.

Loving Lord, help us to serve others as you served. Help us to recognize each soul’s value as we encounter your flock daily. May we take the extra time to invest relationally in another’s life and to recognize all the ways you have loved and invested in us. Amen.

December 3

Love Campaign is a project from the Gator Wesley Foundation in Gainesville,

Florida. Love Campaign seeks to remind students of their inherent worth. At

Gator Wesley, students are invited into an authentic community that encourages

a life with Jesus as we discover who we are becoming, and how we are connecting

to our community and to the world.

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.

Romans 12:10 (NIV)

From the time each new semester starts on a college campus, everyone seems to be in a hurry. Whether they’re walking to class while speedily sipping a coffee or flipping through a tornado of notes right before an exam, it can be hard for students to make time for themselves, let alone others.

If you look up from your notes occasionally, you might notice that there are unique individuals all around you with one thing in common – they need to know that they are loved.

A group of students at Gator Wesley, the United Methodist campus ministry for the University of Florida and Santa Fe College, made that very same observation. They set out on a mission to remind college students in Gainesville of their inherent worth and value.

When it first started, Love Campaign was a week-long event around Valentine’s Day. Now, it is a year-round endeavor. The focus is on loving without an agenda to push – the way our Creator loves us, unconditionally.

At first, it might be difficult to understand how handing out free iced coffee and snacks is showing love to our fellow students. College can be a lonely time. Sometimes something as simple as a free granola bar and someone asking how your day has been sticks with you.

There’s no catch and no gimmick. It’s showing others the love God has for us. It’s love without a catch.

God, thank you for the unconditional love you show us every day. Help me to be intentional enough to love others in that same way. Amen.

Love Campaign

December 4

Trish Krider has been a member at Hyde Park United Methodist since 2007,

which is the year she participated in her first mission trip. Since then, she has participated in at least one mission trip per year to places such as Nicaragua,

Cuba, The Bahamas and Costa Rica.

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatians 6:10 (NIV)

Having learned from the commitment of this church the importance of Making God’s Love Real in the world, I have participated in more than a dozen international mission trips. My most recent one was with my grandson on the family mission trip this past summer. As opposed to the adult mission trips in which I have participated, the dynamic on a family trip is very different as we get to watch how the younger generation reacts to the tasks presented, to the compromises required and to the general idea of what a mission trip really is. Teaching Bible stories to children not much younger than themselves, the youth handled their charges with gentle patience and love, forming strong bonds with these children. The end result of these bonds they formed was tears from more than one Bahamian child as they said farewell to their new friends from Florida.

It was even more heartwarming to see our own young people interact with each other. Although there was a wide range of ages, there was no silly pettiness among them. No one was ever left out, and they were always moving around as a group. Where you would find one of them, you would most likely find them all. This is not to say that they always agreed with each other, but all differences of opinion were handled with respect, humor and love. Clearly these youth had learned that love begins at home, and the best way to share love with the people you serve is to show love and to live love with the people who are serving along side of you.

Lord, let the love that I share with the world begin with those that are closest to me.

Love Begins at Home

December 5

The Bike Repair Ministry of Hyde Park United Methodist supports the

transportation needs of people in need in our community by repairing bicycles

in an interactive setting. For more information or to get involved, contact

church member Maria Colfer,

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 (KJV)

The Bike Repair Ministry at Hyde Park United Methodist was started about three years ago as an offshoot of a much larger local ministry that disbanded into smaller operations in various parts of Hillsborough County. Ever since that time, the Ministry has relied on many elements for its existence. Most importantly: God’s will, staffing, provision. Never knowing anything from the outset except how to turn a wrench and seeing how this could help people in a very meaningful way, the Ministry continues to evolve in how we meet the transportation needs of so many homeless and car-less people in our community.

We had a young couple new to the area come one Sunday, with no jobs, and staying at the Salvation Army after two recent deaths in the family. They were clearly at a loss in these hot new surroundings. While we normally do not have an inventory of bikes ready to go, the couple went in to the church for breakfast during which a car pulled up with two bikes needing minimal tuning and ready for them to use to look for work. It has become common for people to drop of bikes, tools and parts after hearing about our work from a friend or church member.

While we live in a world where we tend to not trust and even fear the unknown, the Bike Repair Ministry has blessed not only the many with their transportation needs, it also serves as a continual testimony to a greater truth, that when we rely on God and are aligned with God, greater things can happen that build and unite people as a whole.

This is Love in action, hand in hand with God in action.

Most Holy God, we thank you for your every blessing to those who work and those we serve through the Bike Ministry at Hyde Park United Methodist. We ask your continued guidance as we grow, and your protection over those on the road. May our small contribution to the lives of those we help be multiplied.

Love in Action

December 6

Hillsborough House of Hope mission statement “is helping formerly incarcerated

women become the person God created them to be.” The mission was founded

by Hyde Park United Methodist member Margaret Palmer and operates two

homes in the Tampa Area.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

Barbara looked bewildered when she came to Hillsborough House of Hope from jail. She had failed so many times in her life. She was tired of starting over and over. Life on the street and in and out of jail had taken its toll on her spirit and body. Why would this time be any different? God works on us in his time, not ours.

That night she unpacked her belongings in her own room, she met her new mentor who encouraged her, prayed with her and gave her a hug. Her roommates came in and soon they were laughing and said a prayer together as a group. This was starting to feel different. All this love seemed to push her old anxiety into a very small place. Was this what God’s love feels like? She could feel the direction of her life was about to turn.

Today, Barbara has reunited with her sons and family, has a great job which she loves, stays connected to her recovery support group and continues to go to church for the last 2.5 years.

Lord, Help me always keep the women in the Hillsborough House of Hope and our graduates in our thoughts and prayers. Amen.

Will this Time be Different?

December 7

Jeff Schweizer, is married to Dr. Heather Schweizer, father of seven, grandfather

of five, and co-founder, president and executive director of Shining the Light Ministries, Shining the Light Ministries is shining

the light of Jesus through spreading the Gospel, equipping the poor by teaching

self-sustainability, feeding the hungry and clothing the homeless.

In the same way, let your light shine before others,so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16 (ESV)

On a mission trip in 2012 to Nicaragua, through El Ayudante, our lives were forever changed by a visit to Tomas Borge. This community was on a former landfill and was inhabited by the poorest people in Leon, Nicaragua.The medical and sustenance needs were overwhelming. “We live in the bread basket of our nation, our church is full of agricultural people, surely we can do something,” were the words of our senior pastor on the way home.

The trip actually birthed two ministries: ours and a local sewing ministry, Tapestry of Love, that serves locally, nationally and internationally. The ladies made 600 tapestries that were handed out at Tomas Borge and other communities during three mission trips from 2013 to 2015.

The trip in 2013 started our first gardening community. The love that we poured out opened more doors than we could ever imagine. Thirty gardens in one community has grown to more than 200 gardens and two poultry operations in eight communities. The sewing ministry is in five churches. We now partner with El Ayudante to teach rural and urban gardening techniques to students and their parents while also providing food from the crops for children and their families.

Asociacion Brillando la Luz de Cristo is now the Nicaraguan non-governmental organization that spreads the gospel and teaches self-sustainability.

We have shone our light brightly and continue to be blessed by God to help more and more people in Nicaragua. Let your light Shine!

Dear Lord, Let our love flow out of us like a light everywhere we go. Amen y Amen.

Love Grows from a Seed

December 8

Art by Lily and Claire McDonough. Claire is four years old and active in Sunday

Morning Live and Jr. Zone. Lily is six years old and active in Sunday Morning Live

and The Zone.

The Second Week of Advent

Dec. 9-15Family Devotion: Slowing Down to Experience God’s


Start the conversation: If Jesus were to visit us today, and we were to walk

with Him in the garden of our lives, where would we walk? Would we hurry

ahead of him, chattering of our plans and meetings for the day? Or would

we slacken our pace to walk quietly beside him, listening to what he has to

teach us?

Scripture Reflection: “The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the

desert shall rejoice and blossom.” Isaiah 35:1 (NRSV)

Talk About It: Many years have passed since I lost my grandfather, but

recently I received an unexpected gift of his wisdom at a terribly busy time

in my life. On my way to bed, I grabbed a book that had fallen off our

bookshelves. Out fell an article with my grandfather’s writing at the top.

The piece was about how our days are often too busy as we scurry around

feeling we can never get everything done. It suggested that we need to step

back and take a look at the pace at which we live and reevaluate.

As I looked at my grandfather’s faded writing, I smiled and remembered my

favorite summer activity as a child helping tend his beautiful garden. “Pop”

is still helping me now as he continues to redirect me to the presence and

love of God. Since then, I’ve been trying to make more time unstructured,

to watch my kids playing on the backyard swing set, to listen for God’s

word. As my grandfather’s article stated, “We would not consider running

our car at top speed all the time, or leaving the motor running when we are

not using it. And yet, this is exactly what we are doing to our bodies as we

let clocks and deadlines regulate our lives.

Pray: Dear Father of us all, we thank you that just as your precious Son

said to his disciples, “Come, follow me,” so he holds out his hand to invite

each of us to walk with him along the path of this life and then, one day,

into the next. In You, the deserts of our souls rejoice and blossom. In You

we find abundant life. Amen.Things to try this week: Seek quiet time with God and daily “minute

vacations” to enjoy his breathtaking natural world.

Authors: The Zajac Family, Kristen, Mark, Meghan and Mark

Genna Dalence is a member of Hyde Park United Methodist. Upon her college

graduation, she heard God’s call to literally go around the world to serve him.

Follow Genna Dalence at The World Race,

This is Love

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

My name is Genna Dalence, and I am currently participating in a year-long mission trip to 11 different countries. I chose to spend a year of my life in search of God’s love.

God has shown his love primarily through my family. When I was preparing to leave the country for a year, I was a bit stressed and distracted. It was the weekend called “parent launch,” where parents and participants gather for the send-off. This time was packed with a lot of information and a whole lot of emotion. I was feeling scared. I was having a hard time concentrating during worship, but I heard a couple of lines stand out to me. “The evidence is all around because the spirit of the Lord is here.” We sang, “fill our hearts with your love, your love surrounds us.”

I remember listening to the word evidence. Evidence of God is something I have doubted so much, but this song broke through my mind and made me ask myself, “Where is the evidence?” Then, I heard the line “your love surrounds us.” It was simple, I looked to my right and left, and there were my parents to support me.

In my second month of the trip, we were in Romania. I was afraid of how I would feel God’s love without my family around for my birthday. One of our ministry host’s son, Sammy, has the same birthday. What made it the best was this was another time that made me believe that God’s love is really all around, and the evidence is here. The family brought me into their house, sang me “Happy Birthday” in Romanian, and they served cake! Wow this was surely a birthday to remember.

This is love. Love is being welcomed into a Romanian family and watching them celebrate and sing like you’re their own child.

O God, Wherever I go, allow evidence of your love to always surround me and those I encounter

December 9

If there is among you anyone in need, a member of your community in any of your townswithin the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hard-hearted

or tight-fisted toward your needy neighbor. Deuteronomy 15:7 (NRSV)

We all have had a person in our life that needed something they didn’t have – whether it be a material possession, a skill or ability, or even a person or friend to share in their excitement or sorrow. Friendship is an invaluable part of life and is important at every stage of life. Sometimes we are more aware of our need for it than at other times. Sometimes we are more aware of others’ need for it than our own. God calls each of us to be in relationship with him and with others around us – our community.

Have you ever witnessed a baptism when after the believer was raised out of the water, they were immediately surrounded? When those celebrating were so overjoyed that one in the group would choose to intentionally walk closer and deeper with God and all wanted to share in the excitement? This is the way we build community with each. What if this exceedingly generous love, joy and faith that we share with our friends and family could also be shared with those who aren’t yet friends?

This type of community exists in campus ministry, and the baptisms are some of my favorite memories. Watching a hundred college students cheering on old and new friends as they walk deeper into the ocean, to be baptized by their campus pastor, and then enthusiastically celebrating with each other is a beautiful representation of community. This is love.

God, open my eyes and heart to see those in need of community. Amen.

Community is Love

Christina Pacelle has served the Wesley Foundation at Florida State University

and Tallahassee Community College for the last 16 years. Her favorite thing about

campus ministry is watching young adults grow in their faith and leadership

during college, and then sharing their gifts with the world. To learn more, visit

December 10

Hyde Park United Methodist members, Elio Eduardo Muller, Jr. and his wife

Drema serve as liaisons to our Cuba missions.

Surrender yourself to the Lord and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7

I recently visited the little church where I was a member during college. I was reminded that this is where I was blessed with an answered prayer in my youth.

At the end of my senior year, I met a visiting delegation to our church from the Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church who wished to meet with immigrant college students like myself. When I shared with them that I had recently been admitted to law school, they asked me how I was going to pay for it. I replied that I was applying for some student loans and praying for a means to pay the remainder. They turned to my pastor and instructed him on how to help me apply for a “Crusade Scholarship” of the Board of Global Ministries. Shortly thereafter, I was awarded a full scholarship for tuition and books for all three years of law school.

Crusade Scholarship Program is the premier scholarship of The United Methodist Church for students who are directly related to Global Ministries mission partners so that they may carry out their graduate studies. Today they are called World Communion Scholarships.

Thank you for answered prayer. Help me recognize your love and path at work in my life.

Surrender and Wait

December 11

The mission of Abe Brown Ministries is to compassionately demonstrate the

Love of Jesus Christ by helping offenders, ex-offenders and their families achieve productive and fulfilling lives. To learn more, visit

If I speak God’s Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, “Jump,” and it jumps,

but I don’t love, I’m nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2 (MSG)

“God, I don’t understand why you would call me to this work, open the door for me, and then slam it shut!” The response I heard was audible, “Have faith in me. I will provide.”

I had been feeling called to prison ministry; it was not something I would have come up with on my own, and it was completely outside of my comfort zone. And yet, the idea of it made me feel so peaceful and safe. After months of trying to figure out how to get into prison ministry, I had finally made contact on an opportunity to serve. However, the contact told me it would not work out. That was when I called out to God and heard him ask me to have faith, so he could provide.

He did. A few days later I happened to learn about Abe Brown Ministries and their Prison Crusade team. I knew immediately that this was God providing for me.

Being a part of this Prison Crusade team and worshipping with inmates inside the walls of the prison made me feel closer to God than I ever had been before.

I believe that God calls us to serve in ways that make us dependent solely on him. He stretches our faith by blessing us with gifts and opportunities far outside our comfort zones. And yet, as I discovered in the prison ministry work he called me to, the reward of being in an unlikely place is being in worship with those who feel God’s love the deepest.

Dear Lord, fill our hearts with your love and challenge us to have faith strong enough to make a mountain jump and love deep enough to worship you in the deepest of valleys.

Have Faith. I Will Provide.

December 12

The Rev. William R. Cruz, M.A., L.M.F.T. is the C.E.O. of Good Samaritan Mission,

Inc., Sun City Center, FL,

Have this attitude in yourselves, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,

but emptied himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeliness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death,

even death on a cross.Philippians 2:5-8

I have had the unique opportunity of being a “weekend actor.” This is one who works a regular 9-5 job and, occasionally, gets to appear in either a TV series or an independent or major movie in the weekend. I particularly enjoy going through hair, make-up, and wardrobe, where I am transformed into the particular character needed for the shoot. When we wrap the shoot, my hair goes back to normal, the make-up comes off, and the wardrobe is returned to the wardrobe department. And, I am back to my ole self.

In contrast, Jesus, the second person of the Trinity, also underwent “hair, make-up, and wardrobe,” as he was incarnated to be like us, live like us, die for us. What is mind blowing is the fact that, after He accomplished what He was called to do, and was resurrected from the dead, He did not shed his “hair, make-up, and wardrobe” (John 20:27). Why? I can think of no other reason than his deep love for us.

Now, that is love!

Clothe me in love, dear God!

Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe

December 13

The Rev. Beth Bostrom serves as Director of Spiritual Formation at Metropolitan

Ministries. She is an Elder in the Florida Conference. Metropolitan Ministries

mission is to care for the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in

our community through services that alleviate suffering, promote dignity, and

instill self-sufficiency… as an expression of the ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ

I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

John 13:34-35 (NRSV)

I had only been at Metropolitan Ministries for a couple of months when a resident looked at me and said, “You know what we need? A women’s empowerment group. We need to learn to get along and to love ourselves. What if we walked out of here with 50 friends?” The other women in the group nodded and chimed in, and I spent the next two months meeting with the five of them weekly to dream, plan and discern. Almost immediately, they named the group: I Am HER, noting that every woman has some experience in common with others. We can see our commonality when we look at each other and think, “I am her.” We wrote a declaration describing some things the group would hold in common: “We are women who… encourage and empower each other… have seen some things and been through things… have been broken and are picking up the pieces…” Line after line, they poured out the pain, hope, and joy of their experiences. Today in our weekly meetings, we recite the declaration, taking turns claiming these truths.

The five founders have all graduated from the program, each making their own kind of progress. This fall three of them returned for the graduation ceremony, and from the stage they read the declaration – claiming their identity as women who “need love and give so much of it.”

Loving God, when we feel alone and discouraged, remind us that we are not alone. Empower us to find strength in your love and to reach out to others. Amen.

I am HER. I am Love.

December 14

Patrick and Melenda Edmiston serve as Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua, New

Guinea. Wycliffe Partners in Bible Translation is a nondenominational mission

organization dedicated to translating the Scriptures and teaching people to read

and write in their own language. Hyde Park partners with missionary families in

Brazil and Papua, New Guinea.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

The woman had been in labor for several hours. With Carol’s background in nursing, it was only natural that she would want to be there to lend a hand. Bible translation includes reaching out to whatever need presents itself. In this case, the need was very real.

The woman had a history of losing children in childbirth, not surprising in light of the cultural taboos surrounding it. For one thing, a child was never touched until the placenta was delivered. On at least one occasion, the woman’s child had been born covered with fecal matter and died of infection. Now it looked as though it might happen again.

Sure enough, as the child was delivered, he was covered in his own feces. All the women refused to touch him. Carol quickly held him in her arms and began to clean away the foulness. The child lay there, limp and unwilling to breath. Carol looked around at the women in attendance, but no offer of help was made. She gently put her mouth over the child’s and began to breath her own life into his. In a few minutes, there was a cry of life.

We all enter this world tainted by sin. But Christ loved us enough to die for us in order to remove our sin and give us a new life. Like us, Carol and Murray Honsberger are striving to bring the breath of life, God’s Word, to a group of people for whom Christ died.

Father, Let your word and life breathe into all my actions and show your glory.

The Breath of Life

December 15

Art by Meghan Zajac. Meghan is 10 years old and is active in Sunday Morning Live

and Club 45.

The Third Week of Advent

Dec. 16-22

Family Devotion: Learning to love

Start the conversation: How do we teach our children to love? Hopefully,

we show them. We love them, and we love others. We role model patience,

honesty and understanding. We show them there are lots of different ways

to demonstrate love: gifts, time, words, acts and touch.

Scripture Reflection: “We love because he first loved us.”1 John 4:19 (NRSV)

Talk About It: But sometimes it’s not that easy. Loving our kids is easy but

what about that obnoxious neighbor, that crazy uncle or the stranger we

pass begging for money? How do we love them? Well, we can love them

because God loved us first. He not only loves us perfectly, but he gives us the strength and the mandate to love others. We love not because of

anything we have done, but because of what He has done in our lives.

Advent is a time to reexamine the way we love others, and a time to share

love with those who might least expect it.

Pray: Dear God, Please help us to love ourselves and each other. Help us

to love especially when it’s hard; when we don’t feel worthy or when we feel

that others are not worthy of our love. Help us remember that you love us

always, perfectly, and first. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Things to try this week: Have each family member think of someone

who is hard to love (someone outside the immediate family,) then think of

something positive about that person and share thoughts with each other.

As a family, pick someone (neighbor, school friend, coworker, stranger, a

neighbor in need) who might not expect it and share your love with them

by sharing kind words, baking a treat, writing a card, spending time with

them, or anything that might brighten their day.

Authors: The James Family, Kristi, Mike, Kai and Samantha

The Florida United Methodist Children’s Home works to empower children and

families to experience the transforming love of Christ through (w)holistic care.

When they finished eating, Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” Simon replied, “Yes, Lord, you know I love you.”

Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.” John 21:15 (CEB)

A young lady recently spoke with a group of volunteers about the journey that led her to the Florida United Methodist Children’s Home. Experiences of abandonment, along with multiple home placements along the way, had contributed to her living in residential group care. While the Children’s Home provided quality care, living there also reminded her that hers was not a “normal” situation.

“It isn’t every child’s dream to grow up at a children’s home, and it certainly wasn’t mine. But, living here was one of the best things that has happened to me. I felt loved and cared for, and I have been pushed to be the best version of myself.”

Through the efforts of the Children’s Home, children just like this young lady have experienced a love that transforms.

Each of us has a call on our lives to make our love tangible. We are charged with showing love to others. Love should leave people better, and Christmas gives us an opportunity to reflect on the love of God that impacts lives.

God, prepare me to live in a way that embodies Your love.

Love Makes A Difference

December 16

Celia Ferman is a member of Hyde Park United Methodist and served as the chair

of the Memorial Garden Refresh Committee. Celia is also a long-time volunteer with Meals on Wheels, which seeks to “Nourish, enrich and strengthen.”

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles,

and let us run with perseverance the race that is marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)

Recently I have been a part of a team refreshing our Memorial Garden. It is located immediately to the left of the Sanctuary by the Aldersgate Coffee Shop. Interred there are the ashes of “the Saints” of Hyde Park who have gone before us.

While working there weeding, trimming and watering, ordinary garden chores, I can glance at the plaques mounted on the wall of our historic brick church. Reading the names, I see the faces of those who have been a part of the fabric of Hyde Park. I remember in those faces: smiles, laughs, tears and love radiating out.

Reading over the names, I am reminded of the hymn: “I sing a song of the saints of God, patient and brave and true… one was a doctor and one was a queen…” Included in our saints are Bishops and babies, brothers and friends. “They were all of them saints of God – and I mean, God helping, to be one too.”

Come sit in our garden. Take some time in this special place of serenity, sacredness and remembrance to be surrounded by God’s love and his saints.

Dear God, thank you for gardens and saints, grant us your peace and love.

Where Can You Find Yourself Surrounded by Love?

December 17

Hyde Park United Methodist member, Sally Ordway serves as a volunteer with

Mission Smiles, a dental service outreach mission providing emergency dental

and spiritual care to the poor of Hillsborough and Pinellas counties.

I will sing of steadfast love and justice to you, O Lord, I will make music. Psalm 101:1

A Mission Smiles dental clinic is not the most obvious place to create a bridge of love with Muslim refugee families from the Middle East, but in late 2015, a small group from Hyde Park United Methodist met and began working with five Muslim families from Syria and Iraq.Most of the families had not had access to dental care for several years; the younger children had never been to a dentist and were clearly in need of care. In the spring of 2016, most of the recently arrived families had no English skills, no transportation except for public buses, and were near the end of the assistance provided by their resettlement agencies. How to address efficiently the need for dental care?Mission Smiles agreed to add our refugee families to its upcoming clinic at the church, so that parents and children could be examined and treated together and ease anxiety.

It was an interesting group in the waiting area: Open Arms guests, dads looking on, moms in hijab, children with huge eyes taking all of it in. No one quite sure about what was to happen next.

One of the Open Arms guests began playing some tunes on a piano in the corner, a magnet for the children, who went to explore. The resulting piano lessons relaxed everyone, and the dental exams went smoothly.

Mission Smiles referred us to dentists who accepted Medicaid and could provide further treatment, and to excellent pediatric dentists who continue to treat the children with great success.

Dental clinics turn out to be a perfect place to cross cultural divides and connect with love. Just add a gifted pianist and a way to rejoice and connect.

Lord, help me recognize when to sing, play music, smile and share your love.

Smiles are Love

December 18

The Society of St. Andrew Gleaning Network coordinates thousands of volunteers

each year to glean/salvage 4-5 million pounds of healthy food for the hungry. For information on how you can be involved in our gleaning programs visit

Every good and perfect gift is from above. Do not merely listen to the word. Whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom,

and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

James 1:17-25

Lilly was a beautiful girl inside and out, she looked for the good in everyone, befriended those who were outcast and lived her faith, she was known for ‘doing the Word.’ An auto accident took Lilly’s life on earth at only 17, but her legacy lives on in the people whose lives she impacted. Along with her parents, Lilly’s community honors her life by gleaning the fields with the Society of St. Andrew (SoSA) and distributing nutritious food to those who need it. A special gleaning is held every year on the anniversary of her passing to honor Lilly’s memory, and her parents are front and center.

“It is healing to be out here in nature honoring our daughter with something so fitting to her personality. Lilly cared so much about people who were hungry and downtrodden, if she were here she would be in the field with us!” The Word is not something that is heard on Sunday and quickly forgotten until the next time, but something that is absorbed into your mind and soul so that you are transformed by it. This is something Lilly knew even at such a young age. This is love.

God as we read and hear your word, may we be transformed to be living instruments of your love. Amen.

Doing the Word

December 19

Christy Smith is a disaster consultant for the United Methodist Committee on

Relief (UMCOR), the humanitarian and relief agency of the United Methodist

Church. For ways to partner in mission and ministry, visit

And above all these, put on love... And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts,to which indeed you were called in the one body.

Colossians 3:14-15 (RSV)

What if mission is more a matter of the heart than a matter of geography? We speak of mission “trips” and mission “events” and mission “opportunities;” we go on trips around the corner and across the globe to be present with those who need to see a bright glimmer of hope.

If mission is about the destination, does that mean that the only real importance of the trip is being somewhere else…other than where we are our most real selves?

In Ephesians 6:6, Paul speaks of doing the will of God “from the heart,” and in Romans 8:27, God searches our very hearts to know what is in our intentions. Very likely Paul meant more than motivation, since it is abundantly clear that we cannot hide behind our good acts and right-seeming behavior to camouflage a heart that is unchanged by Jesus Christ. We are called to be such a presence in the world that we look like light and we flavor the world with salty love.The early Christian church, the church that still held on to the very essence of Jesus’ earthly and heavenly DNA understood its calling to be in relationship, to build community, to reinforce the gifts of those nearest to us. If our hearts hold animosity towards those in our home or national communities, how can we leave the place where we are angry or judgmental or jealous or spiteful to take the love of God to someone far away?

Love begins in your heart…at home.

God of knowing, may I wear my heart of love so visibly that others can see you and not me. Amen.

God Sees the Heart Beneath the Act of Mercy

December 20

Kathy Pegram is a member of Hyde Park United Methodist. She has served as

the ministry leader for the church’s Serve Day at Metropolitan Ministries for

several years.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

John 13:34-35 (NIV)

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love, No not just for some but for everyone.” This song by Jackie DeShannon says so much about love.

One of the first Bible verses I learned is, “God is Love” (1 John 4:7), and “Love one another” (John 13:34). God doesn’t ask us to choose whom to love or how to love. He tells us to love.

Our love should not be limited by convenience or mood of the day. God loves the homeless, rich and all those in between. Those with different sexual orientations or religious beliefs are not exempt from God’s love and should not be exempt from our love either. Serve Day through Metropolitan Ministries gives all of us an opportunity to share God’s love with our neighbors in Tampa Bay and to make God’s love real in our own community.

“Jesus loves the little children, All the children of the world, Red, yellow, black and white.”

Shouldn’t we do the same?

Lord, I want a merciful heart. Teach me how to love others.

Love, Sweet Love

December 21

The Rev. Amy Greene is a member of Hyde Park United Methodist and is the

Disaster Recovery Chaplain for the Florida United Methodist Conference.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

In my work as chaplain of the Disaster Recovery Ministry for the Florida United Methodist Conference, I’ve learned more than I ever thought I would about storms, particularly hurricanes and their paths.

I’ve found some similarities between the way storms travel and the way Jesus operated.

Storms like Irma and Maria have one thing in common with Jesus: they didn’t discriminate.

Anyone and anything that came across their path was fair game. Now, with the storms, that meant destruction and devastation. With Jesus, that meant extravagant acceptance and care. He didn’t care where you were from, what you had done, or how much status or worth society claimed you had. He didn’t just love people, he became love so that people would know God.

Bob Goff sums it up like this: “Jesus talked a lot about how we should identify ourselves. He said it wouldn’t be what we said we believed or all the good we hoped to do someday…Love isn’t something we fall into; love is someone we become.”

It’s easier to keep our distance from the neighbor that we’d rather not love, the family member that frustrates us, or the coworker that we disagree with.

But, we have been given everybody (the weird, the hard to love, the poor, the addicted, the ill, the mean, the spiteful and the kind), always (when we feel like it, when we don’t, when we’re ready, when we’re unprepared, when we’re glad and when we’re angry) to love.

We’ve been given everybody, always.

Help us hold onto the Advent promise that we’re never alone in our work of becoming love. We can give love away like we’re made of it, because we are. You, me, and all the people we serve. We’re made of love, for love.

Love like a Storm

December 22

Art by Mark Zajac. Mark is ten years old and is active in Sunday Morning Live and

Club 45.

The Fourth Week of Advent

Dec. 23-25

Family Devotion: This is Love

Start the conversation: The message of Christmas is simple – you are

loved! Even when our mistakes seem huge and our best efforts seem

minimal, you are enough just the way you are.

Scripture Reflection: “He will be great and will be called the Son of the

Most High.” Luke 1:32 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one

and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal

life.” John 3:16.

Talk About It: Can you imagine you’re a first-time parent looking at your new baby with love and passion with an echoing voice that, “He will be

great,” and the “Son of the Highest.” What pressure!

Mary was told she would carry the King of Kings, and that her son would

save the world. By today’s standards, she’d have every excuse to feel afraid,

less than qualified, or not enough. Talk about mom shame! Today, Mary may have felt embarrassed that Jesus didn’t enter the world extravagantly.

And he didn’t. He was born in a manger in the most modest way for one

reason: God’s proof that you are loved just the way you are.

I imagine nothing else mattered to Mary but having that baby-delivering the

message of love through Christ’s birth, and later His death. The Savior has

been born! We so often muddy this message during the Christmas season

when we worry about the details, try too hard for perfection, or feel stress

when something’s gone wrong.

Let us love with Mary-like faith without the blinders of the world.

Pray: Lord, thank you for loving us and sending your son to show it. Help

us focus our love on the people around us and not the things. Guide our

hearts to love unconditionally, not just in this season, but throughout the

year. Amen.

Things to try this week: Have a family dance party to laugh and be silly,

letting go of the weights of the world. Write a note or draw a picture

of appreciation to someone not in your inner circle: mail carrier, school

receptionist, neighbor, etc.

Authors: The McDonough Family, Catherine, Kirby, Lily, Claire and Emma Kate.

Külli Tõniste is a General Board of Global Ministries missionary in Tallinn,

Estonia, serving as the rector of the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary. The

goal of the seminary is to prepare leaders for ministry in the church as well as in

Christian and charitable organizations, offering theological higher education in

the Methodist tradition based on needs of the church and society.

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12

In Estonia it is not customary to say, “I love you,” and answer “I love you too!” Except for exclusively romantic relationships and in popular music, the word “love” is not spoken very much. Even parents do not say “I love you,” to their children. The absence of the word may be confusing for those who come from other cultures.

Limited use of the word “love” in the Estonian language does not mean that Estonians do not love other people or their own children, of course they do! Estonians use words like “dear,” “beloved,” or phrases like, “I was worried about you,” “come home soon,” “do not forget your hat,” or “take another piece of cake,” to express tenderness, concern and care to speak of “love” without saying that word.

Estonians believe that love is best communicated through actions. Love is expressed through extra time given to children to read a bedtime story, sharing a cup of tea with a friend, listening to concerns or a complaint patiently, going an extra mile, and through giving second chances. Often love means we hold our tongue entirely.

We are called to live in response to God’s love expressed in Jesus. Jesus did not command that we should speak of love more often. He gave a command to love and an example how.

Loving God, I pray that my daily actions would always speak of love.

(Not) Speaking of Love

December 23

Berit Kimrey works for Heifer International at its world headquarters in Little

Rock, Arkansas. This was her second international trip.

Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.

Isaiah 58:10 (NLT)

As part of the U.S. based team that helped develop Heifer’s Tanzania School Milk Program (, I was eager to visit the project. I got the opportunity, accompanying the truck that delivers milk to hungry children. As we neared the school, our driver said, “Can you hear that?” They were chanting a word: Masiwa! Masiwa!

A crowd of children came towards our vehicles. I stepped out, expecting to be surrounded by sweet kids, full of hugs and joy. Except it wasn’t me they were chanting for, they wanted the milk coolers. I was embarrassed because I thought they were all looking for me. The children were hungry: Masiwa means milk.

I was handed scissors and invited to help cut open eight-ounce packages of milk, a very important task. As I snipped the corner of the packets, each child thanked me. The lines of hungry children seemed to stretch forever. I worked faster trying to keep up with demand. But is there really any keeping up with demand when hungry children are standing in front of you?

As the children eagerly drank their packets of milk, a hush came across the crowd of children, interrupted occasionally by a slurping noise. Gradually, though, it grew noisier as games began. When children have the proper nutrition, they have energy to run, play, jump and skip.

I was standing alone when a seven-year-old boy approached me. He looked up, with a milky grin, grabbed my hand, then hugged me. Soon I was surrounded by hundreds of children, and my heart begin to swell. I saw what Jesus had been trying to show me through my work at my desk thousands of miles from the school: that package of milk symbolized love.

Lord, help me to shine my light and recognize where your love is calling me to meet the great need in the world for your masiwa.

December 24

Masiwa is Love

Friendship is Love

December 25

Simeon took Jesus in his arms and praised God. He said, “Now, master, let your servantgo in peace according to your word, because my eyes have seen your salvation.

Luke 2:28-29 (CEB)

Since eighth grade, my best friend Amber and I have lived in different states. The distance has been hard, but over those years, we’ve made in-person time a priority in North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, and Hawaii.

Recently, awaiting Jesus has felt similar to awaiting Amber. When she comes to visit, I’m counting days – making plans, preparing room and generally looking forward to togetherness. That she would come at all means something, costs something; it is an act of love, and my heart is full. On spotting each other in the airport, we break into smiles and weave around people toward each other, embracing and laughing loudly. Joy! Let the world know! She has come!

The world had never met Jesus before at that first Christmas, but the shepherds, this man Simeon, Anna the prophetess, and others were waiting eagerly for him all the same, and joy spilled over at sight of him. In Simeon’s response, the days-old Jesus is greeted with celebration, love, familiarity, and yes, even relief.

In a cultural moment full of so much angst, fear and anger, I invite you into the JOY of the coming King, as you would welcome one of the dearest people in your life. What redemption are you eager for? What brokenness in the world will cause you to exclaim with relief when the Deliverer arrives? The King is Coming! Rejoice and be glad.

Rejoice and be glad! The King is coming!

Keri LaBrant is the interim director of Wesley at USF and the district coordinator

for Fresh Expressions. For information on how you can support this ministry

on a campus of more than 30,000 students or to learn more about the ways

fresh expressions are connecting people outside the church to a transforming

relationship with Jesus, email Your prayers for both

these initiatives are so appreciated.

Art by Oliver and Jack Henry Schroden. Oliver is three years old and is active in

Sunday Morning Live. Jack Henry is six years old and is active in Sunday Morning

Live and The Zone.



Sunday Worship in Advent - “This is Love” - Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23 We long for a love that is real – to know that we are loved, and are capable of love. Are

you looking for evidence that love still exists in such a heartbreaking world? Are you

longing for a love that will prevail? Join us this December in the season of Advent, as

we experience God’s love revealed in Jesus, and hear the words “This is Love.”

Blue Christmas Service - 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14 Chapel at the Hyde Park campus

This is supposed to be a joyful time of year, but for some of us, the holidays are hard.

You are not alone. Childcare available with RSVP to

Family Christmas Service - 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 23Sanctuary at the Hyde Park campus

A joyful retelling of the Christmas story, led by our children and youth.

Christmas Candlelight in the Park - 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 23Water Works Park. Come -as-you-are Christmas service with coffee, music and

candlelighting. Family and pet friendly. No childcare available.

CHRISTMAS EVE Candlelight Services - Monday, Dec. 24Celebrate the coming of the Christ child with Scripture, candles and music.

Childcare (4 and under) available at all services except 11 p.m.

TRADITIONAL WORSHIP - 3 p.m. // 5 p.m. // 7 p.m. // 11 p.m.

at the Hyde Park campus Sanctuary with the Chancel Choir, traditional carols and

pipe organ. The Rev. Magrey deVega preaching.

CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP - 4 p.m. // 6 p.m.

at The Portico campus Community Hall with uplifting carols, guitars, drums and

keyboard. Experience Christmas in this beautifully restored Sanctuary where people

have worshipped for more than 50 years. The Rev. Magrey deVega preaching.

Live stream available for all services at

HydeParkChristmas.orgHyde Park campus: 500 W. Platt St. - Tampa - 813.253.5388

The Portico campus: 1001 N. Florida Ave. - Tampa - 813.223.2299
