Developmental Milestones babies



Dev milestone for parents

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MilestonesBy Aishath Almas and Fathimath Luha

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What is child development ?

Development and growth are two different things.

A child improving their skills from simple to comple.

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What is included in a child!s


"ross motor

Fine motor


#ognitive or thinking skills


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Developmental milestones.

Age specific tasks that your child can do at different ages.

%his can vary from child to child since every child is different.

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First two years

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First month

Makes &erky' (uivering arm thrusts.

Focuses )*+,inches away.

-ecognies some sounds.

/refers sweet smell

Avoids 0itter and acidic smells

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By the end of third month

-aises head and chest when lying on stomach

$tretches legs out and kicks

1pen and shut hands

Brings hand to mouth

%akes swipes at dangling o0&ects with hands

"rasps and shakes toys

Watches faces intently

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By the end of third month

Follows moving o0&ects

$tarts using hands and eyes in coordination

-ecognie familiar o0&ects and sound

Begins to 0a00le

%urns head toward the direction of the sound

Develops emotionally

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By the end of seven months

-olls 0oth ways

$its with and then without the support of their hands or 0ack

$upports the child2s whole weight on their legs

-eaches with one hand

%ransfers o0&ects from hand to hand

Develops full color vision

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By the end of seven months

Distance vision matures

"ains the a0ility to track moving o0&ects

-esponds to own name

-esponds to 3no4

Distinguishes emotions

Makes sounds in response

5se voices to epress &oy

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By the end of seven months

Finds partially hidden o0&ects

6plores with hands and mouth

7nterested in mirror images

6n&oys social play

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6nd of twelve months

$hy and anious with strangers

#ries when mother or father leaves

6n&oys imitating people

Learns to 0e fearful in some situations

%ests parental response to their 0ehavior

/refers the regular care giver over all others

Finger feeds himself 

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6nd of twelve months

8elps in getting dressed

Learns to sit and stand on their own

#rawls forward in 0elly

May walk two or three steps

Walks holding on furniture

-esponds to simple ver0al re(uests

5ses simple gestures

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6nd of twelve months

Ba00les with inflection

6plores o0&ects in many different ways

Finds hidden o0&ects easily

Begins to use o0&ects correctly

7dentifies the image when told ver0ally

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6ighteen months

Like to pull push and dump things

/ull of hats' socks and shoes

%urn pages

$cri00le with crayons walk without help

-un stiffly with eyes on the ground

Develops secondary thinking skills

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%wo years

Drink with straw

Feeds himself 

8elp in washing hands

%oss and roll large 0all

1pen ca0inets and drawers and 0oes

Walks up steps using help

6plore surroundings

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%wo years

8ave a voca0ulary of several hundred words

$ay names of toys

8um or try to sing

Like to imitate parents

#omfort a distressed friend or parent

Asks for information of the o0&ects

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%hree years

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6nd of three years

#lim0s well

Walks up and down the stairs

-uns easily

/edals tricycle

Bends over easily without falling

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6nd of three years

7mproves hand and finger skills

Follows, or 9 component commands

-ecognies all common o0&ects

#an say name age and se

5nderstands most of the sentences

$trangers can understand most of their words Makes mechanical toys

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6nd of three years

$orts o0&ects 0y color and shape

/lays make 0elieve with dolls

#ompletes pule with 9 : ; pieces

5nderstands the concepts of mine and his

6presses affection openly and in a wide range

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Four and five yeas

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6nd of four years

8ops and stands on one foot

<icks 0alls forward

%hrows 0all overhand

#atches 0ounced 0alls most of the times

5ses scissors

Draw circles and s(uares Begins to copy some capital letters

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6nd of four years

5nderstands the concept of same and different

Masters some 0asic rules of grammar

$peaks in sentences of five to si words

%ell stories

#orrectly name some colors

5nderstands the concept of counting -ecalls parts of story

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6nd of four years

7nterested in new eperience

#ooperates with other children plays

Dresses and undresses

More independent

8as imaginations

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6nd of five years

$tands on one foot for a longer time

$wings and clim0s

May 0e a0le to skip

#opies geometric patterns draws persons with 0ody

5se fork and spoon properly

"oes to the toilet alone

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6nd of five years

5ses future tense

%ells longer stories

$ays name and address

#an count += or more o0&ects

Better understands the concept of time

<nows a0out things used daily at their home

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6nd of five years

Wants to please friends

Wants to 0e like their friends

More likely to agree to rules

Likes to sing' dance and act

Aware of seuality
