Development Unit 9. Developmental Research Nature vs. Nurture Continuity vs. Stages Stability vs....


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Unit 9

Developmental Research

Nature vs. Nurture Continuity vs. Stages Stability vs. Change

Periods of Development

Infancy: 0-24 months Early Childhood: 2-5 years Middle Childhood: 6-8 years Late Childhood: 9-11 Adolescence: 11ish – 20ish Early Adulthood: 20s-30s Middle Adulthood: 40s-65ish Late Adulthood: 65+


Physical Development Reflexes

Grasping Babinski Rooting Sucking

Maturation Developmental Norms


Jean Piaget

IQ Tests Schema

Assimilation Accommodation


Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor

0-2 Object Permanence

Preoperational 2-7 Animism/personification Egocentric Lacks Conservation and


Concrete Operational 7-11 Gains Conservation and

Reversibility Formal Operational


Sensorimotor stage video

Preoperational Stage video

Egocentrism video

Concrete Operational Stage video

Formal Operational video

Development Jigsaw 1= Lev Vygotsky (Social Dev./Piaget)

2= Lev Vygotsky (Zone of Proximal Development)

3= Thomas and Chess 4= Stages of Attachment 5=Attachment Theory 6=Harry Harlow 7= Konrad Lorenz – yellow book 75-76

8 = Ainworth and Bowlby (Secure and Ambivalent)

9= Ainworth and Bowlby (Avoidant and Disorganzied)

Thomas and Chess Temperament

Easy 40%

Difficult 10%

Slow-to-warm-up 15%

Lev Vygotsky

Zone of Proximal Development

Harry Harlow

Contact Attachment

Konrad Lorenz

Imprinting Critical Period

Mary Ainsworth

Attachment Theory John Bowlby

Strange Situation Amount of exploration Reaction to departure and return

Secure attachment Anxious-Ambivalent insecure attachment Anxious-Avoidant insecure attachment Disorganized/disoriented attachment

Mary Main

Sigmund Freud

Terms Id Libido Fixation


Psychosexual Stages The Oral Stage

0-1 ½ Oral fixation

The Anal Stage 1 ½ -3 Anal-expulsive Anal-retentive

The Phallic Stage 3-6 Oedipus Complex Electra Complex identification

The Latent Period 6-puberty

The Genital Stage Puberty-adulthood

Erik Erikson

Psychosocial Stages of Development Trust vs. Mistrust

0-1½ Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt

1½- 3 Initiative vs. Guilt

3-5 Industry vs. Inferiority



Identity vs. Role Confusion 12-18

Intimacy vs. Isolation 18-35

Generativity vs. Stagnation 35-65

Integrity vs. Despair 65+

Lawrence Kohlberg

Moral Development Pre-conventional Morality

0-Egocentric judgment 1-Punishment-Obedience Orientation 2-Instrumental Relativist Orientation

Conventional Morality 3-Good Boy-Nice Girl Orientation 4-Law and Order Orientation

Post-Conventional Morality 5-Social Contract Orientation 6-Universal Ethical Principle Orientation

Carol Gilligan

Moral Development Women


Process of Puberty Growth Spurt

Asynchrony Primary Sex Characteristics Secondary Sex Characteristics Reactions to growth

Personal Fable Spotlight Effect

Halo Effect


Theories G.Stanley Hall

Storm and Stress Margaret Mead

Influence of culture Robert Havighurst

Developmental Tasks


Gender Development Gender role Gender Identity Gender Stereotypes Androgynous


What causes Gender Differences Biological theory Psychoanalytic theory Social Learning theory Cognitive theory

Gender Schema

Diana Baumrind

Parenting Styles Authoritarian Authoritative

Democratic Permissive

Laissez faire

Daniel Levinson

Seasons of a Man’s Life Transitions

1st transition 17-22

Entering adult world 22-28

2nd transition 28-33

Settling down 33-40

3rd/midlife transition 40-45

Middle adulthood 45-50

4th transition 50-55

Late adult transition 60-65


Menopause Intelligence

Fluid intelligence Crystallized intelligence

Dementia Alzheimer’s Disease

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Stages of Death and Dying Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
