Development of Quality System for Engine Assembly


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  • 7/28/2019 Development of Quality System for Engine Assembly




    What is QUALITY?

    The various definition of Quality are as follows:-

    1. Quality itself has been defined fundamentally relationally. Quality is

    ongoing process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing,anticipating and fulfilling stated and implemented.

    2. Quality is customers perception of value of Suppliers work output

    3. Quality is Fitness for use (Juran)

    4. Quality means conformance to requirement (Crosby)

    5. Quality is the system of means to economically produce goods &

    service which satisfy customer requirements (Japanese Industrial

    Standard Comittee)

    6. Quality refers to the amount of upriced attributes contained in each

    unit of priced attribute (Leffler)

    7. Quality is degree of excellence (Webster)

    8. Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of product or

    service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs. (American

    Society For Quality)

    9. Quality, an inherent or distinguishing characteristics a degree of

    excellence (American Heritage Dictionary )

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    The most commonly used defination is Quality means

    conformance to requirement Today in the competitive world Quality

    means Customer Satisfaction.

    What is Quality Control?

    Quality Control(QC) is a system of routine technical activities, tomeasure and control the quality of the inventory as it is being developed.

    The QC system is designed to:

    (i) Provide routine and consistent checks to ensure data integrity,

    correctness, and completeness;

    (ii) Identify and address errors and omissions;

    (iii) Document and archive inventory material and record all QC


    QC activities include general methods such as accuracy checks on data

    acquisition and calculations and the use of approved standardised

    procedures for emission calculations, measurements, estimating

    uncertainties, archiving information and reporting. Higher tier QC

    activities include technical reviews of source categories, activity and

    emission factor data, and methods.

    What is Quality Assurance?

    Quality assurance demands a degree of detail in order to be fully

    implemented at every step. For example, Planning could include

    investigation into the quality of the raw materials used in manufacturing,

    the actual assembly, or the inspection processes used. The Checkingstepcould include customer feedback, surveys, or other marketing vehicles to

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    determine if customer needs are being exceeded and why they are or are

    not. Actingcould mean a total revision in the manufacturing process inorder to correct a technical or cosmetic flaw.

    Quality Assurance(QA) activities include a planned system of reviewprocedures conducted by personnel not directly involved in the inventory

    compilation/development process. Reviews, preferably by independent

    third parties, should be performed upon a finalised inventory following

    the implementation of QC procedures. Reviews verify that data quality

    objectives were met, ensure that the inventory represents the best possible

    estimates of emissions and sinks given the current state of scientific

    knowledge and data available, and support the effectiveness of the QC


    Quality assurance verifies that any customer offering, regardless if it is

    new or evolved, is produced and offered with the best possible materials,

    in the most comprehensive way, with the highest standards. The goal to

    exceed customer expectations in a measurable and accountable process is

    provided by quality assurance.

    What is Quality System ?

    Quality Management System can be defined as a set of policies

    processes and procedures required for Planning and execution

    (production/development/service) in the core business area of an


    Quality Management System Enables the organisation to identify,

    measure, control and improve the various core business process that

    will ultimately lead to improved business performance

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    Steps in Development of Quality System for Engine Assembly

    Petrol Engine :-

    Process Flow Diagram.

    Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.

    Development of Control Plans.

    Development of Audit Sheets(Check Sheets).

    Study of Customer Complaint.

    Analysis of customer complaint

    Explanation on Each Step of Quality System:-

    1. Process Flow Diagram

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    2. Process FMEA:-

    Failure Mode Effect Analysis


    The FMEA process was originally developed by the US military in 1949

    to classify failures "according to their impact on mission success and

    personnel/equipment safety". FMEA has since been used on the 1960s

    Apollo space missions. In the 1980s it was used by Ford to reduce risks

    after one model of car, the Pinto, suffered a fault in several vehiclescausing the fuel tank to rupture and it to subsequently burst into flames

    after crashes.

    What is FMEA?

    Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a tool that examines

    potential product or process failures, evaluates risk priorities, and helps

    determine remedial actions to avoid identified problems.

    FMEA is a procedure for analysis of potential failure mode within a

    system for classification by severity or determination of failures effect

    upon the system. It is widely used in manufacturing industries in various

    phases of product life cycle.

    An FMEA is a form of Brainstorming that generally follows a Cause and

    Effect Analysis or Process mapping and it is usually followed by a Pareto

    Analysis. It is a granular analysis of a process, a system or a product

    design for the purpose of identifying possible deficiencies. It is generally

    conducted by a cross functional group with all the participants having a

    stake or knowledge about the process, system or product being assessed.

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    When to use it?

    Failure mode and effect analysis is primarily a quality-planning tool. It is

    useful in developing features and goals for both products and processes,

    in identifying critical product/process factors and designing

    countermeasures to potential problems, in establishing controls to prevent

    process errors, and in prioritizing process subunits to ensure reliability.

    Types of FMEA:-

    1. Process Analysis of Manufacturing and Assembly process2. Design Analysis of Product prior to production

    3. Concept Analysis of Systems or Subsystems in the early design

    Concept Stages

    4. Equipment Analysis of Machinery and Equipment Design before


    Salient Features of FMEA

    First Time Right

    Identifies inadequacies in the development of the product

    Test and trial may be limited to a few products

    Regulatory Reasons

    Continues Improvement

    Preventive (not Corrective) Approach

    Team Building

    Required by Procedures

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    FMEA Benefits

    The FMEA analysis procedure is a tool that has been adapted in many

    different ways for many different purposes. It can contribute to improved

    designs, products and processes, resulting in:

    Reducing the likelihood of customer complaints

    Reducing the likelihood of campaign changes

    Reducing maintenance and warranty cost

    Reducing the possibility of safety failure

    Reducing the possibility of extended life or reliability failure Reducing the likelihood of Product Liability claim

    3. Development of Control Plan:-

    The intent of a process control plan is to control the product

    characteristics and the associated process variables to ensure capability

    (around the identified target or nominal) and stability of the product over


    The Process Control Plan assures that the good improvements established

    by your project will not deteriorate once the improved process is returned

    to the process owners. Control plan is means of setting out practices,

    resources, and sequences of activities relevant to the quality control of a

    particular product, service, contract, or project.

    The process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a document

    to identify the risks associated with something potentially going wrong

    (creating a defect - out of specification) in the production of the product.

    The FMEA identifies what controls are placed in the production process

    to catch any defects at various stages on the processing.

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    Development of System for Engine Assembly

    The system for Engine assembly is developed as follows:-

    .We have studied the total process for petrol Engine. After that

    we studied different component their product and process

    characteristics, same component for different Petrol Engine. Torque

    for various component was taken, type of nuts, bolts, studs. The whole

    data was collected then started Process Flow Diagram. After process

    flow diagram was finished, we started FMEA. After FMEA ,we

    started Control Plans. After that we Started Control Plans, Check

    Sheets were completed.

    Process flow Diagram

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    .A process FMEA should begin with a Flow chart/ Process Flow

    Diagram of the general process. The Process FMEA Chart is explained as


    1. Process Function

    Enter the simple description of the process or

    operation being analyzed. Indicate the purpose of process or operation of

    which is analyzed. The process where numerous operation are present ,

    the operation must be list as separate operation.

    2. Potential Failure Mode

    Potential Failure Mode is defined as the

    manner in which the process could potentially fail to meet the process

    requirements and design intent. It can be the cause associated with failure

    of previous operation. In preparing FMEA the assumption is made that

    incoming parts/materials are correct. The various failure modes are

    Bent, Binding, Burred, Handling Damaged, Cracked, Deformed, Dirty,

    Improper Set up.

    3. Potential Effect of Failure:-

    Potential Effects of Failure are defined as

    the effects of failure mode on the function perceived by customer. The

    effect of failure must be described what customer experience and itshould be clearly mentioned the function could affect safety or

    noncompliance to regulations. The effect should be properly stated in

    specific system. The various types of potential effect of failure are

    Noise, Erratic operation, Poor Appearance, Unstable, Intermittent

    operation, Rough, Inoperative, Unpleasant odor.

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    4. Severity:-

    Severity is an assessment of the seriousness of effect of

    potential failure mode to the next component, subsystem, system or

    customer if it occurs. Severity applies to the effect only. A reduction in

    Severity Ranking Index can be effected only through a design change.

    Severity should be estimated on a 1-10 scale.

    Evaluation Criteria:-


    Hazardous without warning 10

    Hazardous with warning 9

    Very High 8

    High 7

    Moderate 6

    Low 5Very low 4

    Minor 3

    Very minor 2

    None 1

    5. Potential Mechanism of Failure:-

    Potential Cause of Failure is

    defined as how the failure could occur, described in terms of

    something that can be corrected or can be controlled. The causes

    should be described so that remedial efforts can be aimed at those

    cause which are pertint. Failure causes may include Improper torque,

    Improper weld, Improper Heat treat, Part Missing.

    6. Occurrence :-

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    Occurrence is how frequently Failure cause/

    mechanism is projected to occur. The occurrence ranking has a

    meaning rather than a value.

    Probability of Failure Possible Failure Rates Ranking

    Very High 1 in 2 10

    1 in 3 9

    High 1 in 8 8

    1 in 20 7

    Moderate 1 in 80 61 in 400 5

    1 in 2000 4

    Low 1 in 15000 3

    Very Low 1 in 150000 2

    Remote 1 in 1500000 1

    7. Current Process controls:-

    Current process control are descriptions of

    the controls that either prevent to the extent possible the failure mode

    from occurring. The evaluation may occur at the subject operation. There

    are three types of process controls to consider

    1. Prevent the cause or failure mode from occurring or reduce their rate

    of occurrence.

    2. Detect the cause and lead to corrective actions

    3. Detect the failure mode.

    8. Detection:-

    Detection is an assessment of the probability that the

    proposed type failure mode is detected. Do not assume that Detection

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    ranking is low because occurrence ranking is low. Random quality checks

    are unlikely to detect the existence of an defect and should not influence

    the detection ranking.

    Evaluation Criteria:-

    Detection Ranking

    Almost Impossible 10

    Very Remote 9

    Remote 8

    Very Low 7

    Low 6

    Moderate 5

    Moderately High 4

    High 3

    Very High 2

    Almost Certain 1

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    10.Risk Priority Number (RPN):-

    .The Risk Priority Number is the

    product of Severity, Occurrence and Detection Ranking.

    RPN = S*O*D.

    .The Range of value of RPN is 1-1000. Incase where the RPN is

    high then special attention is to be given.

    11.Recommended Action:-

    When the Failure modes have been rank

    ordered by RPN, corrective action should be first directed at the highest

    ranked concerns and critical items. The intent of any recommended action

    is to reduced Severity, Occurrence and Detection Ranking.

    12.Action taken:-

    After an action has been implemented, enter a brief

    description of action.

    13. Resulting RPN:-

    After corrective action has been taken, then

    Severity ,Occurrence and Detection again should be recorded. The RPN

    has to be calculated again.

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    4. Audit Sheets:- The following is the Check Sheet which can

    checks/assess the process and product characteristics.

    Check Sheet

    Area :- Engine Assembly

    Sub Assembly-Block Sub Assembly

    Station:-MB Cap Tightening

    SR.NO Description Specification Actual Remark

    1 Tightening TorqueTightening Torque should be 5.55% Kgm


    Malleting of MB Caps before

    Tightening Malleting

    3 Socket ConditionNo Wear and Tear of Socket andNo crack

    4 Calibration of Nut Runner It is to be Calibrated after 15 Days

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    Critical To Quality

    CTQs (Critical to Quality) are the key measurable characteristics of

    a product or process whose performance standards or specification

    limits must be met in order to satisfy the customer. They align

    improvement or design efforts with customer requirements.

    It is Specific, measurable characteristics of a product or process

    that are identified by customers as necessary for their satisfaction

    CTQs represent the product or service characteristics that are

    defined by the customer (internal or external). They may include

    the upper and lower specification limits or any other factors related

    to the product or service. A CTQ usually must be interpreted from

    a qualitative customer statement to an actionable, quantitative

    business specification.

    .There are 8 CTQ(Critical To Quality ) Stations in Engine

    Assembly which are as follows:-

    1. MB Cap Tightening.

    2. Conrod Tightening.

    3. Cylinder Head Valve Leakage Testing.

    4. Cylinder Head Tightening.

    5. Idler Bolt Tightening.6. Belt Tensioning.

    7. Rocker Arm Setting.

    8. Oil And Water Leakage Testing.

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    Seven Quality Control Tools for Problem Solving:-

    Kaoru Ishikawa developed seven basic visual tools of quality so

    that the average person could analyze and interpret data.

    These tools have been used worldwide by companies, managers of

    all levels and employees.

    The Seven QC tools for Problem Solving are as follows:-

    1. Pareto diagrams

    2. Cause & Effect diagram Ishikawa diagram Fishbone diagramCheck sheet

    3. Stratification

    4. Check sheets

    5. Histogram & frequency distributions

    6. Scatter diagrams (concept of correlations)

    7. Graph & control charts

    1. Pareto charts

    Definition: A bar graph used to arrange information in such a way that

    priorities for process improvement can be established. A Pareto chart is a

    special type of bar chart where the values being plotted are arranged in

    descending order.


    1. To display the relative importance of data.

    2. To direct efforts to the biggest improvement opportunity by

    highlighting the vital few

    in contrast to the useful many.

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    Pareto diagrams are named after Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian sociologist

    and economist, who invented this method of information presentation

    toward the end of the 19th century.This method was made popular by

    Joseph Juran. The basic underlying rule behind Pareto's law is that in

    almost every case, 80% of the total problems incurred are caused by 20%

    of the problem cause types; such as people, machines, parts, processes,

    and other factors related to the production of the product. The Pareto

    diagram is a graphical overview of the process problems, in ranking order

    of the most frequent, down to the least frequent, in descending order fromleft to right. Thus, the Pareto diagram illustrates the frequency of fault

    types. Using a Pareto, you can decide which fault is the most serious or

    most frequent offender.



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    2. Ishikawa Diagram:-

    Definition: A graphic tool used to explore and display opinion about

    sources of variation in a process. (Also called a Cause-and-Effect or

    Fishbone Diagram.)

    Purpose: To arrive at a few key sources that contribute most significantly

    to the problem being examined. These sources are then targeted for

    improvement. The diagram also illustrates the relationships among the

    wide variety of possible contributors to the effect.

    The basic concept in the Cause-and-Effect diagram is that the name of a

    basic problem of interest is entered at the right of the diagram at the end

    of the main "bone". The main possible causes of the problem (the

    effect) are drawn as bones off of the main backbone. The "Four-M"

    categories are typically used as a starting point: "Materials", "Machines",

    "Manpower", and "Methods". Different names can be chosen to suit the

    problem at hand, or these general categories can be revised. The key is to

    have three to six main categories that encompass all possible influences.

    Brainstorming is typically done to add possible causes to the main

    "bones" and more specific causes to the "bones" on the main "bones".

    This subdivision into ever increasing specificity continues as long as the

    problem areas can be further subdivided. The practical maximum depth

    of this tree is usually about four or five levels. When the fishbone is

    complete, one has a rather complete picture of all the possibilities about

    what could be the root cause for the designated problem

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    3. Stratification:-

    A technique used to analyze/divide a universe of data into homogeneous

    groups (strata) often data collected about a problem or event represents

    multiple sources that need to treated separately.

    It involves looking at process data, splitting it into distinct layers (almost

    like rock is stratified) and doing analysis to possibly see a different


    Dividing the data up into different strata is called stratification

    Neither improvement nor control is possible withoutstratification

    Must for achieving control & for detecting problems

    Used for studying improvement measures

    Data stratification

    Different conditions




    e.g. stratify by type of defect, raw material, day, shift, time, group,

    person, machine, process, operating method, weather, measuring

    instrument, jig, tool, etc

    5. Check Sheet


    A check sheet is a structured, prepared form for collecting and analyzing

    data. This is a generic tool that can be adapted for a wide variety of


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    When to Use a Check Sheet

    When data can be observed and collected repeatedly by the same

    person or at the same location. When collecting data on the frequency or patterns of events,

    problems, defects, defect location, defect causes, etc.

    When collecting data from a production process.

    Check tick / tally

    Reliable data collection tool

    Simple format just ticks & no calculations

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