Design of a Rotating Permanent Magnet System for 5-DOF … · 2017. 11. 30. · ii Design of a...


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Design of a Rotating Permanent Magnet System for 5-DOF Control of Micro-Robots


Patrick Stanley Ryan

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Science

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto

© Copyright by Patrick Ryan 2016


Design of a Rotating Permanent Magnet System for 5-DOF

Control of Micro-Robots

Patrick Ryan

Master of Applied Science

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

University of Toronto



Recent work in magnetically-actuated micro-scale robots for biomedical and microfluidic

applications has resulted in magnetic actuation systems which can remotely command precise

five-degree-of-freedom control of magnetic devices. The objective of this work is to evaluate the

capabilities and limitations of these existing systems and to provide a more complete

understanding regarding the limits of field generation. As part of this study, a novel actuation

system composed of an array of rotating permanent magnets with the potential for increased field

and gradient strength, and minimal heat generation is presented. The nonlinear control input-

output relationship is modeled, a technique to determine the control inputs is developed, and an

optimization framework for designing system configurations for targeted applications is shown.

A proof-of-concept prototype system is used to demonstrate the feasibility of this type of

actuation by performing three standard microrobotic locomotion methods requiring independent

control over the applied magnetic fields and forces in three dimensions.



I would like to thank my advisor and committee chair Eric Diller for all his help during this

project and for providing a truly enjoyable master’s experience during these last two years. Also,

a special thanks to Professors Ridha Ben-Mrad and Goldie Nejat for serving on my thesis


To my fellow members of the Microrobotics Lab: Jiachen, Zhe, Mohammad, Onaizah, and

Sajad, I appreciate all the advice and feedback I have received while working on this project and

thank you for making the lab such a pleasant in which to work.

Thanks to Ahmed Ujjainwala for adding the magnetic encoders and creating the CAD model of

the prototype system and to Dongsub Shim for this thorough thermal analysis of this system.

Lastly, thanks to my family and friends for their support and perpetual interest regarding the

details of this project.


Table of Contents

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ iii

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ vii

List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. viii

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Contributions ........................................................................................................................ 2

Chapter 2 Magnetic Actuation Systems ......................................................................................... 5

2.1 Literature Review ................................................................................................................. 5

2.1.1 Electromagnetic Coil Systems ...................................................................................... 6

2.1.2 Permanent Magnet Systems .......................................................................................... 8

2.2 Rotating Permanent Magnet System .................................................................................. 13

2.2.1 Chapter Organization .................................................................................................. 14

Chapter 3 Control Using Rotatable Permanent Magnets ............................................................. 15

3.1 Magnetic Actuation Background ........................................................................................ 15

3.2 Determining Required Control Inputs ................................................................................ 17

3.2.1 Minimizing a Nonlinear Objective Function .............................................................. 18


3.2.2 Inverting the Rate Jacobian ......................................................................................... 21

3.3 Control Capability Metrics for System Optimization ......................................................... 23

3.3.1 Strength and Isotropy of Field and Force Production ................................................. 23

3.3.2 Minimum Singular Value of the Rate Jacobian .......................................................... 25

3.4 Minimum Number of Actuator Magnets Required for 5-DOF Control ............................. 27

3.5 System Parameter Optimization for Improved Control ...................................................... 30

3.5.1 General Considerations for System Optimization ....................................................... 30

3.5.2 Maximizing Combined Field and Force Strength and Isotropy .................................. 32

3.5.3 Maximizing the Smallest Singular Value.................................................................... 37

Chapter 4 Case Study – Proof of Concept Prototype Device ...................................................... 39

4.1 Design Considerations and System Details ........................................................................ 40

4.1.1 Physical Components .................................................................................................. 40

4.1.2 Motor Set Point Driving .............................................................................................. 43

4.1.3 System Configuration and Capabilities ....................................................................... 46

4.1.4 Heat Generation........................................................................................................... 48

4.2 Experimental Results .......................................................................................................... 49

4.2.1 Magnetic Model Verification ...................................................................................... 49

4.2.2 Experimental Control Results ..................................................................................... 51

4.3 Calibration of Magnet Positions and Rotational Axes ....................................................... 58


Chapter 5 Considerations for Future Systems ............................................................................. 60

5.1 Maximum Field and Field Gradient Strength ..................................................................... 60

5.2 Forces and Torques for Typical Magnetic Implements ...................................................... 66

5.3 Reducing Heat Generation .................................................................................................. 67

Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work ..................................................................................... 68

6.1 Summary of Contributions ................................................................................................. 68

6.2 Future Work ........................................................................................................................ 69

References ..................................................................................................................................... 71

Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 75

Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 76


List of Tables

Table 3.1: Performance Comparison for Five-, Six-, Eight-, Ten-, and Twelve-Magnet Systems

....................................................................................................................................................... 29

Table 3.2: Strength and Isotropy of the Control Outputs Pre- and Post- Optimization of the

System Parameters ........................................................................................................................ 34

Table 3.3: Strength and Isotropy of the Control Outputs Pre- and Post- Optimization of the

System Parameters for Systems with Constraints Related to a Pseudo-Medical Application ...... 36

Table 3.4: Strength and Isotropy of Control Outputs Pre- and Post-Optimization For Highly

Constrained System Parameters .................................................................................................... 37

Table 3.5: Minimum Singular Value Pre- and Post- Optimization of the System Parameters ..... 38

Table 4.1: Positions and Rotational Axes Defined using Spherical Coordinates for the Eight

Actuator Magnets in the Prototype Setup ..................................................................................... 47

Table 4.2: Comparison of the Measured Field to the Desired Field of 0 mT and 30 mT in Eight

Different Directions ...................................................................................................................... 50

Table 5.1: Magnet Radii and Workspace Separations that yield a 40% Area Ratio for Three

Different Workspace Sizes and the Corresponding Values of the Field, Gradient, and Inter-

Magnetic Torque ........................................................................................................................... 63


List of Figures

Figure 1.1: CAD model of the rotating magnet prototype system .................................................. 4

Figure 2.1: Control capability and field density comparison for magnetic actuation systems ....... 6

Figure 2.2: OctoMag: an electromagnetic system capable of 5-DOF magnetic control ................ 7

Figure 2.3: The Niobe Stereotaxis catheter steering system ........................................................... 9

Figure 2.4: Microrobot actuation methods that require applied rotational fields ........................... 9

Figure 2.5: Permanent magnet systems for the production of rotating fields ............................... 10

Figure 2.6: Permanent magnet systems for 4-DOF control of capsule endoscopes ..................... 12

Figure 2.7: Single, robotically-manipulated, permanent magnet system that is capable of full 5-

DOF control of a mock-up capsule endoscope ............................................................................. 13

Figure 3.1: Schematic image of the rotating magnet system ........................................................ 16

Figure 3.2: Smallest singular value of the control Jacobian vs. maximum motor rate ................. 27

Figure 3.3: System fitness values at the conclusion of each coordinate descent iteration during

the optimization starting from the prototype system parameters .................................................. 33

Figure 3.4: Constraint boundaries representing the patient trunk and imaging system field of

view for a pseudo-medical application ......................................................................................... 35

Figure 4.1: Photo of the rotating magnet prototype system .......................................................... 39

Figure 4.2: Physical components required to mount each actuator magnet ................................. 42

Figure 4.3: Swimming speed vs. rotational frequency for a helical swimmer ............................. 52

Figure 4.4: Two-dimensional path following results for a micromagnet being rolled using

rotating fields ................................................................................................................................ 53


Figure 4.5: Path deviation and speed vs. desired force magnitude and path following gain for

gradient pulling of a micromagnet in 3D ...................................................................................... 56

Figure 4.6: Three-dimensional path following results for a micromagnet being pulled using

magnetic field gradients ................................................................................................................ 58

Figure 5.1: Relative magnet spacing of the baseline system configuration for area ratios between

9 and 40% ..................................................................................................................................... 63

Figure 5.2: Maximum field strength, gradient strength, inter-magnetic torque, and magnet radii

for a rotating magnet system with eight magnets ......................................................................... 65

Figure A.1: Pictorial diagram of the electronic components in the prototype system .................. 75


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation

An intriguing area of research is the precise, untethered control of small-scale robotic devices.

Such devices can be wirelessly actuated within fully enclosed spaces for a wide range of

applications including minimally-invasive medical procedures and biomedical experiments in

microfluidic channels. The small size-scale of these devices makes actuation using onboard

power and control systems difficult. An established technique for driving these devices involves

externally-generated magnetic fields. Magnetic fields are able to penetrate most materials and

can be used to adjust the heading and position of small, magnetically-active devices without any

physical tethers. Externally-generated magnetic fields have been shown to be capable of driving

magnetic devices of many different sizes from micrometer-scale microrobots [1, 2], to

centimeter-scale medical devices including capsule endoscopes [3, 4], ophthalmic implements

[5], steerable needles [6] and catheters [7, 8].

These magnetic tools can be considered the end-effectors of a larger robotic system

consisting of the external field source, the camera or other feedback device, and the computer

that controls the tool’s motion. Two different types of external magnetic field source have been

proposed: 1) electromagnetic coils systems and 2) permanent magnet systems. Actuation systems

using either type of field source have been shown to be capable of controlling the position and

heading of a magnetic tool, however, with some notable limitations. Substantial temperature

increases within the coils of electromagnetic systems can result in workspace heating and these

systems are difficult to scale up in order to produce magnetic fields with clinically-relevant

magnitudes. There currently exists only one permanent magnet system with the ability to control

the position and heading of a magnetic tool. This system, however, requires an expensive robotic

manipulator that exhibits potentially dangerous translational movement and has less robust

heading control at low force applications.



1.2 Research Objectives

To accomplish positional and heading control of small-scale robotic devices while addressing the

limitations of existing magnetic actuation devices we propose a new magnetic actuation system.

This system uses multiple permanent magnets that can be rotated in place. The use of permanent

magnets allows the production of clinically-relevant magnetic fields and forces with no heat

generation. We present a control algorithm for calculating the desired control inputs in real time

during operation. We demonstrate experimentally the capabilities of this type of system by

performing three standard microrobotic locomotion methods.

The main objectives of this thesis are:

Evaluating existing magnetic actuation systems in terms of their abilities and weaknesses.

Developing a novel magnetic actuation platform with an equivalent level of micro-device


Demonstrating the dexterity of this novel system in a number of experimental tests.

Measuring the upper limits of system performance for this type of magnetic actuation and

how these limits compare to those of existing systems.

1.3 Contributions

The major contribution of this work is the development of a novel permanent magnet actuation

system that is capable of wirelessly driving small-scale robotic devices. This is the first

permanent magnet system that does not suffer from less robust heading control during small

force applications. The feasibility of using this system for untethered device actuation is explored

though characterization and feedback control experiments.

In summary, this thesis provides the following contributions to the field of magnetic



Development of a novel permanent magnet actuation system that is relatively low cost,

has no translating components, with no intrinsic heat generation near the workspace, and

is capable of untethered position and heading control of small-scale robotic devices.

Development of a technique for determining the nonlinear system inputs that produce a

desired field and force output.

Generalized optimization technique to determine the optimal magnet positions and

rotational axes for a targeted application.

Implementation of a preliminary calibration method for calculating the magnet positions

using experimental field measurements.

Design and construction of a prototype device for experimentally demonstrating the

control abilities of this type of system.

Characterization of the prototype device through the completion of static field and force

production trials.

Open loop helical swimming using a rotating field in one plane.

Automated path following in 2D for a micro-device using rotating fields in two planes.

Feedback-controlled path following in 3D for a micro-device using magnetic gradient


Analysis of the upper limits for this type of magnetic control relative to existing systems.


Figure 1.1: CAD model of the rotating magnet prototype system presented in

Chapter 4. Only six of the eight actuator magnets are shown here for clarity.


Chapter 2 Magnetic Actuation Systems

2.1 Literature Review

In general, magnet actuation systems must be able to position or orient the magnetic tool with a

high level of precision. The orientation of a magnetic tool can be adjusted by applying a

magnetic field, which interacts with the moment of the magnetic tool to produce a torque.

Similarly, the position of a magnetic tool can be adjusted by applying a magnetic field gradient

(i.e. a field that varies with distance) that interacts with the tool moment to produce a force. An

implement containing a single magnetic dipole can be driven with a maximum of five-degrees-

of-freedom (DOF), consisting of three translational DOF and two rotational DOF (the third

rotational DOF requires a torque to be applied about the magnetization axis which is not possible

for a single dipole). Existing magnetic control systems can be divided into two broad categories

based on the field source: 1) electromagnets that produce a field when current is applied to a

coiled wire and 2) permanent magnets that produce a constant field due to the alignment of the

domains in their internal microcrystalline structure.

A rudimentary comparison between electromagnetic coil and permanent magnet systems is

presented in Figure 2.1. This figure shows the demonstrated control DOF of each system plotted

versus the field density, defined as the maximum field strength the device can produce for a 10

cm workspace normalized by the volume of the field source. There are many electromagnetic

devices with wildly varying control capabilities that have been presented in literature, but only a

few are included here. This figure, however, does show the majority of permanent magnet

system that has been presented to date. Two important conclusions to draw are: 1) many

electromagnetic systems have been shown to be capable of 5-DOF control and only recently

have a small number of permanent magnet systems been demonstrated with equivalent abilities

and 2) the field density for permanent magnet systems is much greater than coil devices. The

rotating magnet system being presented in this paper is represented by point [32] in this figure

and is the first permanent magnet system with equal control to that of electromagnetic systems.



Figure 2.1: Control capability and field density comparison for select

electromagnetic devices and almost all permanent magnet systems.

2.1.1 Electromagnetic Coil Systems

For the majority of applications involving magnetic tool control, electromagnetic devices are the

preferred method for field generation. This is likely due to two characteristics of coil systems: 1)

the magnetic field that an electromagnetic coil produces is proportional to the applied current and

2) the size and spacing of the coils can be varied in order to produce different types of fields. The

first characteristic allows the magnetic field strength to be easily varied and even turned off

completely. Also, high frequency field modulation is limited only by the maximum frequency of

the coil current (approximately 100 – 5000 Hz depending on the coil inductance). The second

characteristic allows systems to be easily designed for specific applications including Helmholtz


style coils which produce a uniform field, Maxwell style coils which produce a fixed field-

gradient, and coils which produce an approximately dipole-shaped field.

Coil systems have been shown to be capable of driving a magnetic tool containing a single

magnetic dipole with 5-DOF [5, 9]. One such system is shown in Figure 2.2. If the magnetic

device has a more complicated magnetization profile, full 6-DOF has been demonstrated [10],

although the utility of these devices for practical applications is limited. Electromagnetic systems

have also been used to simultaneously control multiple magnetic implements in two or three-

dimensions [11, 12]. A potential issue with electromagnetic systems is that the high current

required for strong field generation results in a significant temperature rise within the coils due to

Joule heating. This heating often requires active cooling solutions, and can result in increased

workplace temperature, making this type of system undesirable for heat-sensitive applications

such as biomedical procedures involving cells.

Figure 2.2: OctoMag: an electromagnetic system that uses eight coil inputs to

generate fields and field gradients for 5-DOF untethered magnetic control. Image

from [5].


2.1.2 Permanent Magnet Systems

As an alternative to electromagnetic coils, permanent magnets can be used as the field source.

Permanent magnets produce a magnetic field using no input power, resulting in no heat

generation near the workspace. Additionally, relative to electromagnetic devices, permanent

magnet systems are able to generate stronger fields and field gradients by a factor of

approximately 10 to 20, and 2 to 3, respectively, depending on the workspace size [25]. The

static dipole-shaped field produced by a permanent magnet introduces some limitations for this

type of control relative to electromagnets, however. The field can never be turned off,

necessitating additional safety precautions; the permanent magnets must be physically

manipulated in order to vary the applied field which limits the maximum field frequency; and the

relationship between the control inputs and outputs is more complicated. Therefore permanent

magnet systems are best suited for applications that are heat-sensitive, or with large field and

field gradient requirements although with relatively lower frequencies. There is currently a

permanent magnet system used for catheter steering that is in clinical use whereas many of the

other permanent magnet systems proposed by researchers can be divided into two general

categories: 1) systems composed of one or more rotating magnets that are used to generate a

rotating magnetic field and 2) systems containing a single permanent magnet that is manipulated

in order to control the position and orientation of a capsule endoscope within the body.

The Niobe Stereotaxis system, shown in Figure 2.3, is used to generate a uniform magnetic

field for catheter steering in clinical cardiac procedures [7] using two enormous NdFeB

permanent magnets positioned beside the patient. The two opposing magnets can be positioned

in order to produce a uniform field in any direction with magnitude of approximately 80 to 100

mT inside a spherical workspace of size 20 cm diameter. This field is used to steer a

magnetically tipped catheter inside the blood vessels and heart. Since the field is uniform, no

magnetic force is induced on the catheter tip so the catheter is advanced manually or with the use

of an automatic advancement system. Compared to traditional catheter procedures in which the

catheter is manhandled through the blood vessels, magnetic catheter steering has the potential to

reduce tissue trauma, allow more precise probe placement, and shorten procedure times.


Figure 2.3: The Niobe Stereotaxis system which consists of (a, b) two large

permanent magnets positioned adjacent to (c) the patient’s table. Additional

features include (d) a fluoroscopic scanner for positional feedback and (e) the

automatic catheter advancement system. Image from [7].

A commonly proposed use for permanent magnetic actuation systems is the production of a

rotating magnetic field in order to drive micrometer- or millimeter-scale helical swimming and

rolling robots, shown in Figure 2.4. Helical swimmers are spiral-shaped devices that can be

driven through a liquid environment in 3D by applying a rotating magnetic field perpendicularly

to the desired direction of movement. Rolling robots are typically cube- or sphere-shaped and

can be rolled end-over-end on a horizontal surface by applying a rotating magnetic field that is

parallel to the desired motion.

Figure 2.4: Microrobot actuation methods that use applied rotational fields �⃗� to

produce motion in the direction of 𝑣: (a) helical swimming and (b) planar rolling.


An effective way to generate this rotating magnetic field, with clinically-relevant

magnitudes, is by using a single rotating permanent magnet [13-16]. The complex shape of the

dipole field produced by a permanent magnet leads to a non-intuitive relationship between the

pose of the rotating permanent magnet, and the plane in which the rotating field is produced. Due

to this complex relationship, the placement of the permanent magnet relative to the workspace is

typically constrained to be perpendicular or parallel to the rotational axis, although a method to

determine more general arrangements has been developed [17]. In addition to producing a

rotating field, a single rotating magnet will also induce a magnetic force on the micro-device.

Techniques to manage this force include setting the rotational speed of the magnet such that the

force applied on the micro-device is in a favorable direction (i.e. aligned with the direction of

micro-device motion) [18] or using two paired magnets that rotate in sync to produce an

approximately uniform field at the position of the micro-device with double the strength of a

single magnet system [19]. A slightly more complex system with the ability to generate a

rotating field that is approximately uniform across the entire workspace has been presented by

Zhang et al. [20]. This system uses multiple rotating permanent magnets that are spaced evenly

in a 2D ring surrounding the workspace.

Figure 2.5: Examples of systems with (a) one permanent magnet, (b) dual

permanent magnets, and (c) multiple permanent magnets, all of which produce

rotating magnetic fields. One magnet from each system has been circled in red.

Images for (a), (b), and (c) are from [17], [19], and [20], respectively.


Another potential application for permanent magnetic actuation systems is improving the

effectiveness of wireless capsule endoscopy by manipulating a single magnet outside of the

body. Wireless capsule endoscopy is a diagnostic procedure for disorders in the gastrointestinal

tract performed using a small pill-shaped camera that is swallowed by the patient. Traditional

wireless capsule endoscopy, in which the camera moves passively through the body, is limited

by the random orientation of the camera during its journey as well as the slow completion time.

The non-uniform field created by a single permanent magnet is able to both adjust the heading

of, and induce a magnetic force on a magnetic capsule endoscope. Therefore a single permanent

magnetic source that is maneuvered outside the body can be used to orient the camera to ensure

that targeted images are obtained, as well as pull the camera in order to repeatedly image the

same area or complete the procedure more quickly.

The simplest way of realizing this control is by maneuvering the permanent magnet by

hand. An investigation into this method by Keller et al. [9] found that driving the capsule

endoscope in this manner has a learning curve, but ultimately results in a more thorough set of

images. Another system uses a single permanent magnet that is positioned by hand but can be

rotated mechanically to more easily orient the capsule within the body [21]. Alternatively, the

permanent magnet can be mounted to the end of a multi-degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator

and maneuvered automatically to increase the precision and reliability of the capsule movement

relative to a manually positioned magnet, although at the cost of additional procedure time [22,

23]. The methods described here are able to achieve 4-DOF control of the capsule endoscope (2-

DOF heading control, and only 2-DOF position control since the capsule is always in contact

with a tissue surface).


Figure 2.6: (a) Handheld and (b) robotically-manipulated permanent magnet

systems for 4-DOF control of a capsule endoscope. The permanent magnet

actuator from each system has been circled in red. Images for (a) and (b) are from

[9], and [22], respectively.

Full 5-DOF control of a mock-up capsule endoscope containing a single magnetic dipole

has been shown by Mahoney and Abbott in [3] using a permanent magnet mounted to the end of

a 6-DOF robotic manipulator. The added capability of this system compared to the 4-DOF

capsule positioning systems described above is control over the vertical position of the capsule

above the tissue surface which is achieved using feedback of the capsule position obtained by

optical cameras. This 5-DOF control is the highest of any existing permanent magnet control

system, although this system does have some potential limitations. The device requires an

expensive 6-DOF robotic manipulator which exhibits potentially hazardous translating

movement (i.e. the robotic arm may harmfully collide with the workspace). Another limitation is

that the field magnitude scales with the applied magnetic force, and therefore small force

applications (i.e. to move the capsule downwards) result in less robust heading control. For

situations that require small applications of magnetic force, the corresponding susceptibility to

heading disturbances may invalidate the fundamental assumption that the capsule heading is

aligned with the field. In this situation, both the heading and position of the capsule may become

unstable since the capsule is no longer aligned with the field and the applied force varies with the

capsule heading.


Figure 2.7: Single, robotically-manipulated, permanent magnet system that is

capable of full 5-DOF control of a mock-up capsule endoscope. The permanent

magnet has been circled in red. Image from [3].

2.2 Rotating Permanent Magnet System

To address the limitations of these existing systems, we propose a new method to achieve full 5-

DOF control which uses permanent magnets that rotate in place. Unlike a robotically-

manipulated single magnet system such as that shown in [3], the proposed system is composed of

multiple permanent magnets, each with the ability to be rotated about its own fixed axis,

independently of the other magnets. This system configuration is similar to [20] but 3D magnet

positioning combined with nonparallel rotational axes and independent magnet rotation improve

the control output from 2D uniform fields to 3D fields and field gradients. Specifically, we show

that this new system can be used to generate magnetic fields and gradients in any direction with


strengths comparable to or exceeding those of existing electromagnetic and permanent magnet

systems. Each magnet rotates about its volumetric center, hence the new system contains no

translating components and the rotational motion can be realized using inexpensive DC or

stepper motors. Thus this system is a simple, low-cost option for untethered magnetic control.

2.2.1 Chapter Organization

In this thesis, Chapter 3 presents the details required to operate and construct a general rotating

magnet system. Techniques for determining the rotational positions of the magnets that produce

a desired field and force are described. An optimization framework for designing systems for

specific applications is presented. In Chapter 4, the design and capabilities of the prototype

system are given. System characterization and experimental trials demonstrating three typical

methods of microrobotic motion are presented. Also, a preliminary calibration technique for

determining magnet positions and rotational axes is shown. Chapter 5 provides details on the

upper limits of the field and force output for this type of system. Finally, conclusions and future

work directions are given in Chapter 6. Results from these chapters are adapted from published

work [32, 38].


Chapter 3 Control Using Rotatable Permanent Magnets

3.1 Magnetic Actuation Background

The untethered micro-device that is to be controlled is assumed to contain a permanent magnet

with moment �⃗⃗� 𝑑 and to be located at position 𝑝 𝑑 in the workspace. The torque �⃗� exerted on this

magnetic moment when subjected to an applied magnetic field with flux density �⃗� at point 𝑝 𝑑 is

given by

�⃗� = �⃗⃗� 𝑑 × �⃗� (𝑝 𝑑). (3.1)

This magnetic torque, when unopposed, will orient the magnetic moment in the direction of

the applied magnetic field. For device applications in a liquid environment at low rotational

speeds, the magnetic moment is able to quickly align with the field. In these cases, the magnetic

moment can be assumed to be always aligned with the field, and therefore the device heading

can be controlled simply by adjusting the direction of the applied field.

The rotatable permanent magnets that are used for device actuation (henceforth referred to

as actuator magnets) are approximated as point dipole sources located at the volumetric center of

the magnets. The error associated with this approximation is less than 1% for cubic magnets

located at least two side lengths from the workplace [24]. The volumetric center of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ

permanent magnet 𝑝 𝑖 is defined using spherical coordinates:

𝑝 𝑖(𝐷𝑖, 𝛼𝑖 , 𝜙𝑖) = [

𝐷𝑖 cos(𝛼𝑖) sin(𝜙𝑖)

𝐷𝑖 sin(𝛼𝑖) sin(𝜙𝑖)

𝐷𝑖 cos(𝜙𝑖)] (3.2)

where 𝐷𝑖 is the distance of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ permanent magnet from the workspace center, and 𝛼𝑖 and 𝜙𝑖

denote the azimuth and inclination angles, respectively.



Figure 3.1: (a) Schematic image showing 𝑁 = 3 actuator magnets, as well as the

magnetic moment of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ magnet �⃗⃗� 𝑖, the direction of which is defined by the

motor spin angle 𝜃𝑖 about its rotational axis �̂�𝑖. The magnet center points are

defined using spherical coordinates (𝐷𝑖 , 𝛼𝑖, 𝜑𝑖). (b) The position of the micro-

device 𝑝 𝑑 relative to the position of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ magnet 𝑝 𝑖 is denoted 𝑟 𝑖.

The magnetic field �⃗� at point 𝑝 𝑑 in the workplace is given by the linear addition of the

dipole fields from all N actuator magnets as

�⃗� = ∑𝜇0‖�⃗⃗� 𝑖‖

4𝜋‖𝑟 𝑖‖3 (3�̂�𝑖 �̂�𝑖

𝑇 − 𝑰 )



�̂�𝑖 (3.3)

where 𝜇0 = 4𝜋 ⋅ 10−7 Tm∙A-1 is the permeability of free-space, 𝑰 is the 3x3 identity matrix, 𝑟 𝑖 is

position of the micro-device relative to the center of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ permanent magnet 𝑟 𝑖 = 𝑝 𝑑 − 𝑝 𝑖, �⃗⃗� 𝑖

is the magnetic moment of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ magnet, and �̂�𝑖 and �̂�𝑖 are unit vectors such that 𝑟 𝑖 = ‖𝑟 𝑖‖�̂�𝑖

and �⃗⃗� 𝑖 = ‖�⃗⃗� 𝑖‖�̂�𝑖.

The actuator magnetic moment unit vector �̂�𝑖 can be parameterized by the rotational

position of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ magnet 𝜃𝑖 (henceforth referred to as motor angle) as


�̂�𝑖(𝜃𝑖) = 𝑹𝑧𝑦𝑖



] (3.4)

where 𝑹𝑧𝑦𝑖 is a 𝑧𝑦 Euler angle rotation matrix defined by two rotation angles 𝛽𝑖 and 𝜁𝑖 which

correspond to rotations around the 𝑧 and 𝑦 axes, respectively.

The change in the field with respect to the position, known as the field gradient 𝑮, is given


𝑮 = ∇�⃗�

= [𝜕�⃗�







= ∑3𝜇𝑜‖�⃗⃗� 𝑖‖

4𝜋‖𝑟 𝑖‖4 (�̂�𝑖�̂�𝑖

𝑇 + �̂�𝑖�̂�𝑖𝑇 − [5�̂�𝑖�̂�𝑖

𝑇 − 𝑰](�̂�𝑖 ⋅ �̂�𝑖))





The force 𝐹 exerted on the magnetic device with moment �⃗⃗� 𝑑 at location 𝑝 𝑑 from the field

gradient produced by the actuator magnets, assuming no current flowing in the workspace, is

given by

𝐹 = 𝑮�⃗⃗� 𝑑

= (∑3𝜇𝑜‖�⃗⃗� 𝑖‖

4𝜋‖𝑟 𝑖‖4 (�̂�𝑖�̂�𝑖

𝑇 + �̂�𝑖�̂�𝑖𝑇 − [5�̂�𝑖�̂�𝑖

𝑇 − 𝑰](�̂�𝑖 ⋅ �̂�𝑖))



) �⃗⃗� 𝑑 . (3.6)

3.2 Determining Required Control Inputs

In order to control a device with 5-DOF, the orientation and position of the micro-device are

adjusted by changing the magnetic field and force, respectively. As shown in equations (3.3) and

(3.6), the field and force that are applied to the micro-device are a function of the magnetic

moment direction �⃗⃗� 𝑖 of each actuator magnet, which in turn varies with the motor angle 𝜃𝑖 as


described in equation (3.4). This framework provides the forward relationship between the motor

angle control inputs 𝜃 = {𝜃1 𝜃2 … 𝜃𝑁}T and the field and force control outputs (i.e. for a

given permanent magnet configuration, if the device position and motor angles are known, then

the field and force that act upon the micro-device are straightforward to determine). For control

purposes the reverse relationship needs to be determined in as little time as possible (i.e. what is

the set of motor angles that produces a desired field and force). Due to the nonlinear relationship

between the motor angles and the field and force outputs, linear algebra techniques cannot be

used to determine the required inputs as they can be with electromagnetic systems. Instead the

motor angles that produce a desired field and force can be found using one of three methods: as

the solution to a nonlinear objective function, as a solution to a linear objective function with

nonlinear Lagrangian terms, and by considering the pseudoinverse of the rate Jacobian. The three

methods produce similar results and have similar limitations and therefore the first method will

be presented in detail and the others discussed more briefly.

3.2.1 Minimizing a Nonlinear Objective Function

The motor angles that produce a desired field �⃗� 0 can be found by minimizing the error between

the field vector produced for a given set of motor angles �⃗� (𝜃 ) and the desired field. Similarly, a

desired force 𝐹 0 can be determined by minimizing the error between the force vector 𝐹 (𝜃 ) and

the desired force. Since a set of motor angles is required that simultaneously produces a desired

field and force, this problem can be considered a multi-objective optimization which can be

formulated using a linear scalarization of the two component functions:

min 𝑓 = 𝐾‖�⃗� (𝜃 ) − �⃗� 0‖2+ (1 − 𝐾)‖𝐹 (𝜃 ) − 𝐹 0‖

2 (3.7)

where 𝐾 is used to equally weigh the field and force error by accounting for the difference in the

units of measurement, 0 < 𝐾 < 1.


For an arbitrary permanent magnet configuration and arbitrary desired field and force

vectors �⃗� 0 and 𝐹 0, this optimization problem is non-convex with one or more local minima. The

existence of multiple local minima increases the difficulty of finding the globally-optimal

solution. For magnet configurations with few actuator magnets, a brute force search over every

combination of magnet angles can be used to approximately determine the motor angles that

produce a global minimum (depending on the coarseness of the search). However, as the number

of actuator magnets increases, the time required for this approach becomes prohibitively long

because the number of function evaluations increases exponentially with the number of magnets.

Even considering a modest search coarseness of 10° increments of the motor angles, one full

rotation of each magnet would correspond to 36 function evaluations and therefore a brute force

search for a system with 𝑁 actuator magnets would require 36𝑁 function evaluations. Instead,

starting from some initial motor angle guess a gradient descent method is performed which uses

the gradient of equation (3.7) to determine a small change in motor angles that reduce the

function value, and these small motor angle steps are performed iteratively until a local

minimum is reached.

The gradient of equation (3.7) gives the change of the objective function with each motor

angle at the current motor angle state:


𝜕𝜃 = 2 [𝐾(�⃗� (𝜃 ) − �⃗� 0)

𝑇𝐾(𝐹 (𝜃 ) − 𝐹 0)

𝑇 ] [

𝑱B(𝜃 )

𝑱F(𝜃 )] (3.8)

where 𝑱B(𝜃 ) and 𝑱F(𝜃 ) are the rate Jacobians that locally relate a small change in motor angles

to a small change in the field and force that are produced, respectively. The 1 × 𝑁 gradient given

by equation (3.8) is equivalent to the 𝑁-dimensional motor angle directions in which the

maximum increase in the objective function occurs at the current motor angle state. Therefore,

iteratively considering small changes in motor angle corresponding to the negative direction of

the gradient can be used to find a local minimum of the function.

For many convex optimization problems, the 1st order function approximation provided by

the function gradient results in an inefficient search near the function minimum because the


gradient may point almost orthogonally to the shortest direction to the minimum point (i.e. the

search ‘zigzags’ instead of travelling directly toward the minimum). Therefore, a commonly used

technique is the Newton-Raphson method which uses the function hessian to determine a 2nd

order approximation of the function. The increased time required to calculate the hessian at each

iteration is offset by the improved step direction which reduces the total number of steps required

(and therefore the time). An issue with non-convex optimization problems, such as the one being

considered here, is that the step direction provided by the Newton-Raphson method is not

necessarily directed towards a local minimum but instead towards the closest 2nd order derivative

zero (i.e. the closest local minimum, local maximum, or saddle point). In these cases, the

direction provided by the gradient is used and the time required to calculate the hessian is

wasted. Therefore, the Newton-Raphson method when applied to the non-convex optimization

problem given by (3.7) results in an increase in the optimization time compared to the gradient

descent method and hence the gradient method is preferred.

The function gradient provides the direction of the change in motor angles and the step size

is calculated using the backtracking line search method. Once the direction is determined, this

backtracking line search is used to find a step size that roughly minimizes the objective function

in the given direction. An initially large step size is iteratively reduced until a step magnitude is

found that adequately reduces the objective function based on the magnitude of the local function

gradient. The gradient descent continues until the gradient magnitude is smaller than some

tolerance value indicating a local minimum has been reached.

Gradient descent iterations can be repeated from multiple starting points in order to find

potentially superior local minima. As more local minima are found, the likelihood of finding a

set of motor angles that exactly produce the desired field and force increases, however, for use in

a feedback controller, control outputs are needed quickly to ensure control over the device is not

lost, and therefore in general there will be insufficient time to find an arbitrarily small error for

the motor angles. Instead, the search is halted once an acceptably-accurate field and force are

obtained. The acceptability of the result is determined by comparing the magnitude error and

angle error between both �⃗� (𝜃 ) and �⃗� 0 as well as 𝐹 (𝜃 ) and 𝐹 0 to a user-controlled threshold error


value (in practice, several percent of the full magnitude and within a few degrees of the desired


A further consideration for feedback control is that the field and force applied to the device

will fluctuate as the magnets are rotated from one set of motor angles to the next. For systems

using motors with limited speed, this phenomenon can have a large effect on the position and

orientation of the device during these transitions. To minimize this effect, a Δ𝜃 term could be

added to (3.7), with the purpose of reducing the change in motor angles relative to the previous

set of angles at each instance of the control update.

A similar formulation proposed by Andrew Petruska involves reformulating the problem as

a constrained quadratic optimization [37]. The error between the desired field and desired

gradient is minimized instead of the desired force. Each permanent magnetic is treated as two

linear and orthogonal dipole sources and therefore the field and gradient error formulation is

linear, however, nonlinear Lagrangian multipliers must be introduced to incorporate the

constraints. Ultimately, this method performs similarly to the nonlinear optimization described


3.2.2 Inverting the Rate Jacobian

An alternate way to determine the motor angles that produce a desired field and force is by using

the pseudoinverse of the rate Jacobian at a particular motor angle state. If the magnetic micro-

device is assumed to be aligned with the field, (3.4) can be substituted into (3.3) and (3.6) to

produce the nonlinear formula that gives the magnetic field and force as purely a function of the

motor angles for a known arrangement of actuator magnets and micro-device location


𝐹 ] = [

�⃗� (𝜃 )

𝐹 (𝜃 )] = 𝐁𝐅(𝜃 ). (3.9)

Taking the time derivative of (3.9) yields


[�⃗� ̇

𝐹 ̇] = [

𝑱B(𝜃 )

𝑱F(𝜃 )] 𝜃 ̇ = 𝑱BF(𝜃 )𝜃 ̇ (3.10)

where �⃗� ̇, 𝐹 ̇, and 𝜃 ̇ are the rate of change of the field, force, and motor angles, respectively, and

𝑱BF is the 6 × 𝑁 Jacobian matrix computed by differentiating (3.9) with respect to 𝜃 . The

Jacobian is a function of the fixed actuator magnet configuration, as well as the current state of

the motor angles and micro-device position. The matrix 𝑱BF can also be used to approximately

map small changes in the motor angles to small changes in the field and force:


𝛿𝐹 ] ≈ 𝑱BF(𝜃 )𝛿𝜃 . (3.11)

Assuming that 𝑱BF(𝜃 ) is full rank (determining the Jacobian rank will be discussed in

Section 3.3.2), the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of 𝑱BF(𝜃 ) can be used to determine the

required change in the motor angles that reduce the error between the current field and force

relative to the desired field and force:

𝛿𝜃 ≈ 𝑱BF(𝜃 )+

[𝛿 (�⃗� 0 − �⃗� (𝜃 ))

𝛿 (𝐹 0 − 𝐹 (𝜃 ))]. (3.12)

All three motor angle determination methods have a common limitation; the resultant motor

angles that are found depend on the starting angle guess from which the search is initialized. An

ideal set of motor angles may be found if the search is started from one initial guess but not

another (although conducting multiple searches from many different starting guesses reduces

this likelihood). The use of any of these three methods cannot guarantee with certainty that an

arbitrary, desired field and force can be exactly produced. However, the nonlinear objective

function method is able to reliably find motor angles that produce adequate fields and forces for

feedback control as exhibited in Section 4.2.2. A more rigorous method to exactly determine the

motor angles independently of the starting guess is ongoing work.


3.3 Control Capability Metrics for System Optimization

There are a number of ways to quantify the control capabilities of an arbitrary configuration of

actuator magnets. Here we present several metrics that can be used to define an optimal system

for a given application. The strength of the magnetic fields and forces that can be produced

within the workspace is an important consideration for most applications. The ability to produce

isotropic fields and forces ensures that control of the micro-device is not limited in some

directions. The smallest singular value of the rate Jacobian relating motor angle speed to the time

rate of change of the field and force output gives an approximate measure of the maximum motor

rates required. More specific application-dependent system fitness measurements can be defined

as well such as the region of uniform workspace size or the maximum inter-magnetic torque

between the actuator magnets. In this thesis, two separate fitness metrics will be considered for

measurement and optimization of the control capabilities of a given magnet configuration: 1) a

combined weighting of the strength and isotropy of the force and field generation, and 2) the

minimum singular value of the rate Jacobian.

3.3.1 Strength and Isotropy of Field and Force Production

The isotropy and strength of the fields and forces that a system is able to produce can be

calculated based on the maximum field and force that can be generated in a number of sample

directions. For each sample direction, the maximum field that the system can generate while

simultaneously applying a zero magnitude force is determined, as well as the maximum force

that can be generated for a number of microrobot orientations while simultaneously applying a

low strength field aligned with the microrobot heading. These maximum field and force samples

are denoted �⃗� 𝑠𝑚 and 𝐹 𝑠𝑚 respectively. The strength of the field production capability of the

system can be taken as the average of the field sample magnitudes and similarly, the force

production capability is equal to the average magnitude of the of the force samples:

𝐵𝑠𝑡𝑟 = 𝐴𝑉𝐺(�⃗� 𝑠𝑚), (3.13)


𝐹𝑠𝑡𝑟 = 𝐴𝑉𝐺(𝐹 𝑠𝑚) (3.14)

where 𝐴𝑉𝐺(�⃗� 𝑠𝑚) and 𝐴𝑉𝐺(𝐹 𝑠𝑚) denote the average of the sampled field and force magnitudes,


There is no simple formula to calculate the isotropy of the sampled magnitudes (�⃗� 𝑠𝑚 and

𝐹 𝑠𝑚) that is suitable for use as an optimization metric. An ideal isotropy measurement would

have the following characteristics:

1) Be unaffected by uniform scaling (i.e. the isotropy of �⃗� 𝑠𝑚 = [1 2 3] should be equal

to that of �⃗� 𝑠𝑚 = [2 4 6]).

2) Have a lower bound corresponding to 0% isotropy.

3) Have an upper bound corresponding to 100% isotropy which occurs when every

sampled magnitude is identical.

4) Provide a semi-intuitive relationship for the variance between the sampled magnitudes.

With these criteria in mind, an initial candidate considered as an isotropy metric was one minus

the average percent difference between the sampled magnitudes and the mean sample magnitude:

𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑦 = 1 −



|𝑣 𝑖 − 𝐴𝑉𝐺(𝑣 )|

𝐴𝑉𝐺(𝑣 ))




where 𝑣 is the array of sampled field or force magnitudes, 𝐴𝑉𝐺(𝑣 ) is the mean of 𝑣 , and 𝑛 is the

number of elements of 𝑣 . This metric fulfills criteria one, three and four (an isotropy value of

0.85 corresponds to an average percent difference of 15% between the sampled magnitudes and

the mean sampled magnitude). When used with relatively capable systems, where the number of

control inputs is greater to or equal than the number of desired control outputs, every sampled

magnitude is likely to be greater than zero (i.e. the system can make a field or force in every

sampled direction) and this isotropy measure performs adequately. However, when used for less

capable systems that are not able to produce a desired output in every sampled direction, the

average percent difference between the sampled magnitudes and the mean magnitude can be


greater than one and therefore the isotropy measure becomes negative. As the number of

sampled magnitudes 𝑛 increases, the lower bound on this isotropy measurement goes to negative

infinity. Therefore this isotropy measure does not satisfy criteria two.

This problem was solved by designing an isotropy measure that is bounded between 0% and

100% and is approximately equal to the isotropy given by equation (3.15) at isotropy values

greater than 0.7 (which is a rough lower bound on the isotropy of a relatively capable system).

The isotropy measures are given as:

𝐵𝑖𝑠𝑜 = (1 −𝑆𝐷(�⃗� 𝑠𝑚)

𝐵𝑠𝑡𝑟√𝑛𝐵 − 1)



𝐹𝑖𝑠𝑜 = (1 −𝑆𝐷(𝐹 𝑠𝑚)

𝐹𝑠𝑡𝑟√𝑛𝐹 − 1)



where 𝑆𝐷(�⃗� 𝑠𝑚) and 𝑆𝐷(𝐹 𝑠𝑚) denote the standard deviation of the sampled field and force

magnitudes, respectively, and 𝑛𝐵 and 𝑛𝐹 are the number of samples contained in �⃗� 𝑠𝑚 and 𝐹 𝑠𝑚,

respectively. One metric to quantify the overall performance of a desired configuration of

rotating magnets is the weighted sum 𝑄 of the field and force strength and isotropy:

𝑄 = 𝐾1𝐵𝑠𝑡𝑟 + 𝐾2𝐵𝑖𝑠𝑜 + 𝐾3𝐹𝑠𝑡𝑟 + 𝐾4𝐹𝑖𝑠𝑜 (3.18)

where 𝐾1, 𝐾2, 𝐾3, and 𝐾4 are used to weigh the constituent fitness metrics.

3.3.2 Minimum Singular Value of the Rate Jacobian

Another way to quantify the control capability is to consider the smallest singular value of the

rate Jacobian 𝑱BF as given in equation (3.10). A full rank Jacobian at every motor angle state and

micro-device position indicates that singularity-free control over the field and force per unit time

is possible. The rank of the Jacobian at each state can be determined using a singular value

decomposition; 𝑱BF is full rank if the smallest singular value is larger than zero. However, as the


smallest singular value approaches zero, the maximum required motor angle speed goes to

infinity so a full rank Jacobian at every motor angle state and micro-device position would

theoretically imply singularity-free control can be achieved, but in practice the required motor

angle rates may be unachievable. To determine the minimum singular value, the columns and

rows of 𝑱BF are scaled to produce a non-dimensional Jacobian �̃�BF that maps changes in motor

angle speed to non-dimensional changes in field and force per unit time

�̃�BF(𝜃 ) =



𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑰 𝟎


𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑰]

𝑱BF(𝜃 ) (3.19)

where 𝑰 is the 3𝑥3 identity matrix, 𝟎 is a 3𝑥3 matrix of zeros, and 𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 and 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 are equal to

the maximum field and force, respectively, that the system would be able to produce if the total

magnetic volume of all 𝑁 actuator magnets was concentrated at a single point ‖𝑝 ‖ distance from

the workspace center. (The formulation of 𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 and 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 is given in Appendix A.) The non-

dimensional Jacobian �̃�BF has the same rank as 𝑱BF and a singular value decomposition of �̃�BF

yields unit-consistent singular values [6]. The smallest unit-consistent singular value for many

motor angle states and micro-device positions also provides a measure of system fitness because

this value is an indicator of the maximum motor rotation speed that is required in worst-case

control scenarios near singularities.

The relationship between maximum motor speed and minimum singular value is

determined using the following method. The pseudoinverse of �̃�BF can be used to find the motor

rotational rates that are required to produce a desired non-dimensional field and force per unit

time at the current motor angle state and microrobot position. For a random system state (the

system configuration being considered consists of six permanent magnets spaced evenly around

the workspace), the pseudoinverse of �̃�BF is used to calculate the maximum motor angle rate

required to produce a unit magnitude, non-dimensional field and force per unit time in a random

direction. The minimum singular value of �̃�BF is also determined for this state. This process is

repeated for thousands of different system states and unit magnitude, non-dimensional field and


force rates and the relationship between maximum required motor speed and minimum singular

value is shown in Figure 3.2. The maximum required motor speed (measured in radians per

second) roughly scales with the reciprocal of the minimum singular value. Repeating this test for

system configurations with more than six magnets produces similar results.

Figure 3.2: Smallest singular value of the control Jacobian and corresponding

maximum motor rate required to produce unit magnitude field and force rates

plotted for 100,000 random motor angle states and micro-device positions. The

maximum motor rate is roughly equal to the reciprocal of the smallest singular


3.4 Minimum Number of Actuator Magnets Required for 5-

DOF Control

The minimum number of rotating permanent magnets required to achieve the desired control

DOF is a valuable piece of information when designing a new system. The minimum number of

control inputs for different levels of untethered magnetic control has been well-defined for

electromagnetic systems but is less clear when using permanent magnets as the field source.

The minimum number of statically positioned electromagnetic coils required for different

levels of untethered magnetic control has been thoroughly investigated [26]. Full 5-DOF control


requires a minimum of eight coil inputs. In some special cases, 5-DOF control can be achieved

using only seven coil inputs but such systems may not have robust heading control during small

force applications, and a non-magnetic restoring force (i.e. gravity) is required for stability.

The minimum number of inputs required for permanent magnet systems is less clear.

Permanent magnet systems are briefly discussed by Petruska and Nelson in [26], ending with the

conclusion that the nonlinear relationship between the non-static pose of the permanent actuator

magnet(s) and the resultant field and field gradients reduces the minimum number of control

inputs by two relative to an electromagnetic device for force related applications. This claim is

substantiated by the robotically-actuated, single permanent magnet system developed by

Mahoney and Abbott in [3] that is able to achieve 5-DOF control with only five control inputs

instead of the seven required by static electromagnetic systems (although similarly exhibiting the

potential heading robustness issue and non-magnetic restoring force requirement). Therefore a

rotating magnet setup should require a minimum of six actuator magnets in order to achieve 5-

DOF actuation with full heading control at any force magnitude, and no restoring force

requirement (compared to the eight inputs required by electromagnetic systems).

A preliminary investigation into the control capability based on the number of actuator

magnets supports this claim. This investigation was conducted for setups with five, six, eight,

ten, and twelve magnets, and the system fitness was measured using the two methods described

in the previous section. Typical system fitness values for non-optimized arrangements of the

actuator magnets are shown in Table 3.1. Although the number of actuator magnets is varied in

these cases, the magnet-workspace separation distance and total magnetic volume is held

constant (and is equal to that of the prototype system). These system fitness measurements were

made using 20 sample field directions, 144 sample force directions (for a micro-device with

dipole moment of 10-6 Am2 and varying orientation) and 1500 combined motor angle states and

micro-device positions for finding the minimum unit-consistent singular value.


Table 3.1: Performance Comparison for Five-, Six-, Eight-, Ten-, and Twelve-

Magnet Systems

Number of

Actuator Magnets

5 6 8 10 12


(mT) 25.6 34.4 35.5 34.6 35.2


(µN) 0.56 0.80 0.94 0.93 0.93


(%) 71.9 87.5 92.4 92.5 92.7


(%) 50.4 72.0 84.9 87.5 88.6

Smallest Singular

Value 0 0.00001 0.0035 0.0045 0.0049

The Jacobian for any configuration with 𝑁 ≤ 5 actuator magnets has fewer than six singular

values, which means that singularity-free control of the field and force per unit time is never

possible. Correspondingly, the 𝑁 = 5 configurations were unable to produce a force in every

sample direction, resulting in low force isotropy for these systems. The minimum singular value

of the Jacobian for the 𝑁 ≥ 6 configurations is non-zero (for the 1500 test cases), although the

motor speeds required at some states may be undesirably high. A more rigorous examination of

the minimum number of actuator magnets required for singularity-free control at every system

state is ongoing work. The smallest singular value, as well as the strength and isotropy of the

outputs increase dramatically with the number of actuator magnets from 𝑁 = 5 to 𝑁 = 8, but

increasing 𝑁 greater than eight has a diminishing effect on further improvements. An advantage,

however, to using more actuator magnets is that the size of the solution set for a particular

desired field and force is increased, i.e. a field and force can be generated using a larger number

of different actuator motor angles. This additional solution space makes it easier to minimize the

change in motor angles between control updates.


3.5 System Parameter Optimization for Improved Control

The system fitness, as defined either by the combined strength and isotropy of the field and force

production (given in Section 3.3.1) or the minimum singular value of the rate Jacobian (given in

Section 3.3.2), can be used in an objective function to optimize the system parameters in order to

design a rotating magnet system for a targeted application. Alternative fitness metrics can also be

considered but will not be discussed here. In this section, a general optimization framework for

rotating magnet systems will be presented as well as more specific methods for each of the two

fitness metrics. Optimization results will be given for multiple unconstrained rotating magnet

setups and for two types of constrained systems: 1) a pseudo-medical application in which the

magnets are restricted by the position of the patient and feedback device and 2) a more extreme

limitation on the allowable magnet positions representing applications where the actuator space

is largely inaccessible.

3.5.1 General Considerations for System Optimization

In an optimization of the system control capability, potential choices for the optimization

variables include the positions of the centers of the actuator magnets, the direction of the

rotational axes of the magnets, the number of magnets, and the magnitude of the dipole moments

of the magnets, which is proportional to the magnet volume. The magnitude of the field and

force produced by each magnet scale linearly with the dipole moment as given in equations (3.3)

and (3.6), respectively, and therefore any increase in dipole moment magnitude will result in an

increase in field and force strength. In practice, however, the dipole moment will be limited by

the size of the actuator magnets that are available. Therefore the dipole magnitude is an

unsuitable variable when considering the field and force strength as the optimization metric.

Also, the non-dimensional Jacobian �̃�BF is normalized using the 𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 and 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 terms as shown

in equation (3.19), so the minimum unit-consistent singular value is independent of the dipole


magnitude. The relationship between control capability and the number of actuator magnets was

analyzed in Section 3.4. The optimization results discussed hereafter will be for system

configurations with 𝑁 = 8 actuator magnets with fixed dipole moment magnitudes but with

variable positions and rotational axes.

A major consideration for this optimization is the large size of the remaining parameter

search space. The position and rotational axis of each actuator magnet can be defined using three

and two parameters, respectively, for a total of five variables per magnet. Placing the magnets

closer to the workspace increases the magnitude of the field and force generation, as described in

equations (3.3) and (3.6), respectively. If all the magnets are placed at an equal separation

distance from the workspace (the minimum distance is typically necessitated by the physical

workspace constraints and the dipole approximation spacing), each magnet position can be

defined using two spherical coordinates reducing the number of variables from five to four. This

constraint was implemented for the optimization trials resulting in a search space for an eight

magnet configuration with 32 dimensions.

The optimization trials were performed using the MATLAB fminsearch algorithm. This

algorithm uses the Nelder-Mead simplex method which is inefficient when optimizing over a

large number of variables [27]. One way to reduce the search complexity is to use a coordinate

descent algorithm to iteratively optimize over a smaller search space until convergence is

achieved for the full optimization problem. In practice this was done by optimizing over the four

free parameters of a single magnet at one time while holding the parameters of the other seven

magnets constant (hereafter referred to as a coordinate descent iteration). A coordinate descent

iteration was performed for each of the eight magnets in sequence repeatedly until convergence

was reached. This method has similar convergence properties to a steepest descent algorithm

performed over all the variables simultaneously [28] and therefore is suitable for finding a local

optimal solution near the starting configuration. Due to the nonlinearity of the fitness functions

and the large search space, it is unlikely that the globally-optimal solution will be found, so the

search is ended when a local optimum is reached. Four non-optimized system configurations

were considered as the initial setups for the optimizations. These initial setups include: 1) the

prototype system described in Section 4.1.3; 2) magnet centers equally spaced on cube vertices;


3) magnet centers randomly positioned but equally spaced; 4) magnet centers arbitrarily

positioned. The initial rotational axes for setups 2, 3, and 4 were arbitrarily selected.

3.5.2 Maximizing Combined Field and Force Strength and


For system applications requiring large magnetic fields and forces, one way to design a suitable

rotating magnet system is to optimize the system parameters in order to maximize the weighted

sum of the strength and isotropy of the field and force production given by equation (3.18).

Although equation (3.18) can be optimized using the fminsearch function, it requires the

maximum force to be sampled for many different robot directions to form the 𝐹 𝑠𝑚 vector and this

step represents the majority of the calculation time required to measure the fitness. The total

optimization time can be greatly reduced if 𝐹 𝑠𝑚 is not calculated at all and the system fitness is

calculated solely on the ability to produce strong and isotropic fields by considering only the

portion of the total system fitness given in the objective function

𝑄𝐵 = 𝐾1𝐵𝑠𝑡𝑟 + 𝐾2𝐵𝑖𝑠𝑜 . (3.20)

In most of the cases analyzed, as the field production capabilities are improved, so too are the

force production capabilities. In other words, optimizing the fitness of a system as given by

(3.20) usually improves the isotropy and strength of both the fields and forces that can be


The objective function given in equation (3.20) was calculated using ten representative field

samples which are indicative of the system’s ability to produce a field in every direction. To

ensure that the system fitness given by equation (3.18) was monotonically increasing during the

optimization of (3.20), a more thorough check of the total system fitness was completed using 20

sample field directions and 144 combined force and microrobot orientation directions after each

coordinate descent iteration. In instances where the total system fitness failed to increase after a

coordinate descent iteration, this configuration change was discarded and the optimization was


continued using the parameters of the next magnet in the sequence. The optimization was

considered to have reached convergence once the total fitness failed to increase for five of the

eight coordinate descent iterations in a given sequence. The system fitness, normalized field and

force strengths, and field and force isotropies are shown in Figure 3.3 for each coordinate

descent iteration of the manually optimized prototype setup.

Figure 3.3: System fitness values at the conclusion of each coordinate descent

iteration during the optimization starting from the prototype system parameters.

The × symbol represents instances where the optimization failed to find an

improvement in total system fitness. The field and force strength have been

normalized as a percentage of the maximum field and force that can be produced

by the total actuator magnetic volume placed at a single point R distance from the



The numerical values of the system fitness components before and after the optimization are

given in Table 3.2 for the four starting configurations that were considered. The field and force

strength are improved by approximately 10 to 50% depending on the initial fitness values while

the isotropy increase is capped at about ten percentage points.

Table 3.2: Strength and Isotropy of the Control Outputs Pre- and Post-

Optimization of the System Parameters

Starting Configuration

1 2 3 4

Q Initial 0.507 0.446 0.547 0.448

Final 0.584 0.583 0.588 0.588



Initial 31.2 26.4 35.3 25.7

Final 37.9 37.6 38.2 38.2



Initial 0.85 0.74 0.90 0.77

Final 1.03 1.04 1.02 1.02



Initial 90.7 81.7 95.9 87.7

Final 92.5 90.7 95.8 96.3



Initial 82.9 79.7 84.2 74.8

Final 86.3 88.4 87.9 87.6

In situations where the desired application requires strict constraints on the positions of the

magnets, the optimization technique described above has the ability to find non-intuitive setups

with relatively high fitness that are not likely to be found through manual manipulation of the

system parameters. For example in a medical application, the actuator magnets would need to be

located some minimum distance from the patient and be positioned such that the imaging system

is unobscured. Optimization trials with pseudo-medical application constraints are considered

here; specifically the magnets centers cannot be placed within an ellipse with major and minor

axis of 4.5 cm and 3.5 cm, respectively (to approximately represent a scaled-down human trunk)


nor placed within a truncated cone with radius of 4 cm (to represent the field of view required by

the imaging system. These two constraints are shown graphically in Figure 3.4. For these trials,

the workspace separation 𝐷 can be varied for each of the eight actuator magnets individually

because the cylindrical constraint provides the minimum separation distance.

Figure 3.4: Constraint boundaries representing the patient trunk and imaging

system field of view for a pseudo-medical application.

Three starting arrangements are considered, each with the magnets placed as close to the

workspace as allowed by the constraints. The optimization results are shown in Table 3.3. The

fitness values cannot be directly compared to the results given in Table 3.2 since the workspace

separation 𝐷 is not constant for each magnet. The increase in workspace distance results in a


decrease in optimized field and force strength by approximately 30%. Field and force isotropy

results are similar to those shown above.

Table 3.3: Strength and Isotropy of the Control Outputs Pre- and Post-

Optimization of the System Parameters for Systems with Constraints Related to a

Pseudo-Medical Application




Q Initial 0.244 0.260 0.352

Final 0.409 0.413 0.421



Initial 14.1 13.1 22.3

Final 27.8 28.5 30.3



Initial 0.30 0.27 0.60

Final 0.70 0.72 0.78



Initial 80.3 81.9 86.0

Final 93.6 95.8 89.3



Initial 54.3 78.5 78.5

Final 86.6 83.3 82.4

To represent an application that requires extreme restrictions on the magnet positions,

consider constraining the azimuth angle of the magnet centers to be between 0° and 90° (i.e. a

bird’s eye view of the setup would show all magnets placed in the first quadrant). The initial

configuration consists of actuator magnets evenly spaced within the first quadrant. All magnets

are the same distance from the workspace and therefore the results of this trial can be directly

compared to the non-constrained cases. Performing the automated optimization with this

constraint yields a system with fitness components given in Table 3.4. The control capabilities of

this highly constrained system are approximately equal to those of the prototype system despite

the extreme limitation on the magnet positions. This result also demonstrates the rotating magnet


system concept presented in this paper has the ability to achieve a high level of control in

applications where a significant portion of the actuator space is inaccessible.

Table 3.4: Strength and Isotropy of Control Outputs Pre- and Post-Optimization

For Highly Constrained System Parameters


Optimization Prototype

System Initial Final

Q 0.372 0.494 0.507


(mT) 18.9 29.4 31.2


(µN) 0.62 0.86 0.85


(%) 80.2 90.6 90.7


(%) 73.9 80.3 82.9

3.5.3 Maximizing the Smallest Singular Value

For system applications in which the maximum motor speed is a more important consideration

compared to the field and force strength, the system parameters can be optimized in order to

increase the minimum unit-consistent singular value of the non-dimension Jacobian �̃�BF given in

equation (3.19) in order to reduce the maximum motor rates required during operation. The

smallest singular value was calculated for 100 motor angle states at 15 micro-device locations

consisting of the workspace center as well as 14 equally spaced points that define a sphere of

radius 5 mm. The optimization metric was taken as the smallest minimum singular value from

these 1500 states. The coordinate descent method described above was used to optimize over the

parameters of each of the magnets individually in order to reduce the size of the search space. A


non-constrained optimization was performed on the same four initial setups as the non-

constrained optimizations performed previously. The minimum unit-consistent singular values

for the systems before and after the optimization are shown in Table 3.5. The minimum singular

values are improved by a factor of roughly 1.5 to 4.

Table 3.5: Minimum Singular Value Pre- and Post- Optimization of the System


Starting Configuration

1 2 3 4




Initial 0.003 0.002 0.007 0.002

Final 0.013 0.007 0.011 0.007

The analysis completed in Section 3.3.2 shows that the maximum required motor speed

roughly scales with the reciprocal of the minimum singular value. Therefore improving the

minimum singular value by a factor of approximately 1.5 to 4 results in a decrease of the

maximum required motor speed by roughly 40 to 70% in worst-case scenarios near singularities.


Chapter 4 Case Study – Proof of Concept Prototype Device

A prototype device was constructed in order to demonstrate the feasibility of using rotating

permanent magnets to generate fields and forces for 5-DOF control of microrobots. The analysis

conducted in Section 3.4 indicates that 5-DOF control is theoretically achievable using only six

actuator magnets, however the prototype system was designed with eight magnets for better

conditioned control capabilities and greatly reduced motor speed requirements for worst-case

scenario control conditions. The magnets are rotated using stepper motors which are fixed in

place using a custom-made framework of high density fibreboard (hardboard). This section will

present the design considerations for the prototype system, the basic system capabilities,

verification of the control model, and experimental results showcasing the different methods of

microrobot locomotion that can be achieved.

Figure 4.1: Photo of the rotating magnet prototype system.



4.1 Design Considerations and System Details

The following section explains the design choices made for the prototype system, including the

actuator magnets, motors, structural frame and encoders. The components required to operate the

motors are given and the motor set point driving algorithm is explained. Finally the system

parameters defining the position and rotational axes of the magnets in the prototype system are

given along with the corresponding control capabilities.

4.1.1 Physical Components

Potential choices of permanent magnet type for the prototype system include ferrite, alnico,

samarium-cobalt, and neodymium. Neodymium magnets were selected due to the stronger field

production per unit volume compared to the other types. Neodymium magnets have a high

coercivity and the field produced by adjacent magnets is not strong enough for demagnetization

and therefore the magnetic hysteresis in this application is non-existent.

The ideal shape of the actuator magnets is spherical because the magnetic model used to

derive the control algorithms uses the assumption that each magnet produces a perfect dipole

field, which is true for spherical magnets. Spherical magnets, however, are impossible to mount

to the motor shafts in a secure but non-permanent way. The field produced by non-spherical

magnets can be calculated exactly using a more complicated multipole expansion [24], but can

also be approximated as a simple dipole field at sufficient magnet separation distances. Cubic

magnets were chosen for this application since cubes have the lowest dipole approximation error

of the commonly available magnet shapes (consisting of rectangular prisms and cylinders with

different aspect ratios) and can be mechanically fixed to the motor shafts.

The magnet volume is proportional both to the magnitude of the field and field gradients

that are produced as well as the cost of the magnet. Relatively large cubic magnets of size

2.54 𝑐𝑚 × 2.54 𝑐𝑚 × 2.54 𝑐𝑚 with dipole moments of 16.6 Am2 were selected because they

can produce fields and gradients with application-relevant strengths at a sufficient distance from


the workspace (15 mT field and 0.75 T/m gradient at 6 cm separation) which allows the motors

to be more easily positioned without physical interference. Larger magnets are available but

would require more powerful motors to overcome the increased inter-magnetic torque and would

be more expensive.

Potential motor choices were evaluated based on torque output, speed, and cost. Stepper

motors were chosen over DC motors for three reasons: 1) a static power input will cause stepper

motors to hold a constant angular position with maximum torque, 2) the intrinsic positional

control that stepper motors exhibit is more suited to the motor angle determination algorithm

compared to the velocity control that DC motors use, and 3) keeping track of the step inputs

would allow the motors to be driven without encoders to reduce the system complexity (this

assumption turned out to be false). NEMA 23-size, two-phase, hybrid stepper motors capable of

0.39 Nm stall torque and no-load speed of 600 RPM were selected for their moderately high

torque and speed capabilities and low cost.

The magnets are mounted to the motors using custom-built enclosures make of hardboard.

The magnet position is fully constrained within the enclosure. The opposite end of the enclosure

is attached to a motor hub which is used to fix the enclosure onto the motor shaft. The face of

each motor is mounted to a hardboard faceplate that is attached to the base of the system using

two cantilever support pieces (also custom designed hardboard). The rotational axis of each

magnet is defined using two spherical coordinates: an azimuth angle 𝛽, and an inclination angle

𝜁, which are set by the angle between the support pieces and the base, and the angle between the

faceplate and the support pieces, respectively. The height of the support pieces and length of the

magnet enclosure are chosen to position the magnet center correctly in the workspace. This

structural configuration is easy to design and assemble but results in somewhat limited magnet

positions in order to ensure no physical interference between the structural components.


Figure 4.2: Physical components required for each actuator magnet of the

prototype system. The actuator magnet (a) is attached to the stepper motor (b)

using a magnet enclosure (c). The stepper motor is bolted to the faceplate (d)

which connects to the base of the system using two cantilever support pieces (e).

One cantilever support piece is transparent in this image so the inner details can

be seen.

During initial control experiments, the stepper motors were operated with open loop control

based on the current step count. A major issue with this technique is that inter-magnetic torques

between actuator magnets can be greater than the torque supplied by the motor causing the motor

to rotate away from its set point position (referred to as motor diversion). Due to the open loop

control of the angular position, any instance of motor diversion results in loss of the motor

position and hence ruins the experimental trial. This problem was initially mitigated by running

the motors at a small fraction of their top speed in order to increase the torque output, however,

the low motor speed severely limited the control update rate. A more effective solution involved

operating the motors at higher speeds and accounting for motor diversion using encoders that

provide feedback of the angular motor position.

Since the encoders were added after the system had been designed and built, the encoder

choice needed to be compatible with the existing system. Finding a suitable encoder was difficult


because the motor shaft on the front of the motor is largely inaccessible due to the closely

positioned structural faceplate and magnet enclosure while the motor shaft on the rear of the

motor is recessed and can be accessed only through a cut-out in the motor casing. A suitable

encoder was found in the AS5040 Rotary Sensor produced by AMS. This encoder requires a

small disc shaped magnet to be attached to the end of the motor shaft and four field sensors

positioned above this magnet are used to determine the absolute angular position. This encoder

has a resolution of 10 bits which corresponds to angular position errors of ± 0.2° which is less

than the 0.9° stepper motor increments. The encoder signal is robust to magnetic interference

from alternate sources (such as the larger actuator magnets located in the workspace). Finally,

these encoders are small enough to be mounted onto the rear side of the motors, are not

prohibitively expensive, and are a fitting way to determine angular position feedback for this

rotating magnet system.

4.1.2 Motor Set Point Driving

The magnetic control algorithm given in Section 3.2 requires the magnets to be rotated to

specific angular positions in order to produce the desired fields and forces. The power signals

provided to the stepper motors to achieve this rotational motion are generated by two Sparkfun

Quadstepper motor driver boards. Each Quadstepper board is able to provide the power signals

for four stepper motors simultaneously and draws power from an AC/DC power converter.

The required voltage and current outputs from the AC/DC power converter can be

determined by looking at the required inputs of the stepper motor. The rated power inputs for

each two-phase stepper motor, provided by the manufacturer, are a rated voltage and current of

5.7 V and 1 A per phase (for a total of 2 A total), respectively, while a maximum voltage of 30V

can be supplied to each Quadstepper. Although providing the motors with current greater than

the rated current will cause damage, a higher than rated voltage will not cause damage and will

allow the current to ramp up faster in order to achieve higher step rates compared to using the

rated voltage. At higher voltages the motors also draw less current. Therefore a power converter

with a high voltage output (but less than 30V) and adequate current output is required. A suitable


power supply was found in the PMT-24V150W1AA converter which is capable of 24 V and 6.5

A output. At 24 V input voltage, each motor draws roughly 0.87 A of current and therefore the

current output required to drive the four stepper motors from a single Quadstepper board is 3.48

A. Two power converters are required, one to provide the power to each of the two Quadstepper

boards used.

The Quadstepper board requires three digital input signals, (denoted ENB, DIR, and STP) in

order to control the motor stepping of each motor. The ENB signal acts as an on/off switch to

allow power to the coils, the DIR signal indicates the rotational direction (clockwise or counter

clockwise), and the STP signal is a square-wave that corresponds to individual motor steps. The

angular displacement of each motor step is also set by the Quadstepper board. The default

amount is 1.8° per step but this amount can be iteratively halved in order to get steps equal to

0.9°, 0.45°, 0.225°, etc. Smaller steps result in slower motor rotations but increased motor

torque. The prototype system uses 0.9° steps for slightly increased torque. Twenty-four digital

output signals are required to control the motor stepping of eight stepper motors simultaneously,

and these digital signals are provided by a digital input/output (DIO) module that is controlled

using a computer.

The DIO module is used to both send the command signals to the Quadstepper boards and

to read the angular position provided by the encoders. The AS5040 encoder output mode used

for this application is the synchronous serial interface. This method requires two digital output

signals and one digital input signal, denoted SEL, CLK and DAT, respectively, from the DIO

module for each encoder. The process of reading the encoder position is started by setting SEL

low. CLK is set low and then high which shifts out one bit of data which can be read on the DAT

signal. CLK is repeatedly set low and high in order to read the ten bits of absolute angular

position data given by the DAT signal. Once DAT has been read ten times, SEL is set high and

the process can be begun again to read the next angular position. Determining the angular

position of the eight motors requires 16 digital output signals and 8 digital input signals to be

provided by the DIO module.


The DIO module chosen for this application is the Accessio USBDIO-48 which has 48

channels that are independently selectable for digital inputs or outputs (separated into six ports of

eight channels each) and is capable of processing approximately 4000 commands per second for

the six channels on a single port. Twenty-four of these channels are set as digital outputs in order

to provide the ENB, DIR, and STP signals for each of the eight motors. Every motor step

requires a minimum of three commands since a single motor step is generated when the STP pin

is set low, then high, then low. Therefore at 4000 commands per second, and considering 0.9°

motor steps, the maximum rotational speed for a single motor is approximately 3.3 rotations per

second or 200 RPM. The remaining twenty four channels are split into 16 digital output channels

and 8 digital input channels in order to read the eight encoder values. Determining a single

encoder position requires 32 total input/output commands to be completed and therefore the

encoder positions can theoretically be updated at a rate of approximately 125 Hz. The digital

input and output signals that are required to run the motors and read the encoders are generated

by a PC running Ubuntu Linus using custom C++ code.

The frequency of each square wave STP signal provided to the Quadstepper board sets the

frequency of the corresponding motor steps. If the motors are stopped and a square wave

frequency corresponding to the fastest motor speed is applied, the motors will not have sufficient

inertia to match this top speed and will not move. The fastest motor speed can only be achieved

if the motors are accelerated from rest up to this top speed by linearly increasing the frequency of

the square wave STP signal. This motor acceleration is handled using the AccelStepper Arduino

library that has been modified for compatibility with the custom C++ code used to interface with

the DIO module. When given a desired motor angular position, the AccelStepper library

calculates the square wave STP signal profile that will accelerate the motor to the desired set

point and sends the low and high STP outputs at the required times. The AccelStepper library is

able to control the eight stepper motors simultaneously.


4.1.3 System Configuration and Capabilities

The prototype system was designed by manually varying the positions and rotational axes of the

eight actuator magnets in order to improve the combined field and force strength and isotropy

system fitness given by equation (3.18). The separation distance between the magnet centers and

the workspace center was set at a constant value of 𝐷 = 7.5 cm. This distance was chosen as a

compromise between maximizing the magnitude of the field and force generation while limiting

the inter-magnetic torque that would have to be overcome by the motors, allowing for the

components to be placed without physical interference, and ensuring a sufficient workspace

separation to justify the dipole approximation which in this case has an error of less than 0.2%

[24]. Since the workspace separation distance is the same for each of the eight actuator magnets,

the positions and rotational axes can be more concisely defined using spherical coordinates: the

azimuth and inclination angles for the magnet positions and rotational axes are denoted by (𝛼, 𝜙)

and (𝛽, 𝜁) respectively, and are given in Table 4.1.


Table 4.1: Positions and Rotational Axes Defined using Spherical Coordinates for

the Eight Actuator Magnets in the Prototype Setup




Rotational Axes


𝛼 𝜙 𝛽 𝜁

1 335 115 70 60

2 40 105 225 145

3 235 112 315 20

4 90 45 148 235

5 198 45 265 260

6 305 55 25 225

7 70 180 275 90

8 166 115 350 130

A moderately good system fitness was achieved despite a number of configuration

constraints, most notably the limited motor placement positions that result from the simple

structural pieces used to mount the motors to the base. The fitness metrics for the prototype

device are 𝐵𝑠𝑡𝑟 = 31.2 mT, 𝐹𝑠𝑡𝑟 = 0.85 µN, 𝐵𝑖𝑠𝑜 = 90.7%, 𝐹𝑖𝑠𝑜 = 82.9%, and a minimum

singular value of 0.003. The prototype is able to produce magnetic fields and field gradients in

every direction with magnitudes of at least 30 mT and 0.83 T/m, respectively. For a spherical

workspace of approximately 5 mm diameter, the field is uniform within 10% and 2° of the

nominal magnitude and orientation, respectively, when a gradient of zero magnitude is

requested. Stronger gradients reduce the volume over which the field is uniform. For applications

requiring a larger workspace, the position of the micro-device must be tracked in order to

determine the field and force at the correct location. The theoretical top motor speed and encoder

update rate using the DIO module is 3.3 rotations per second and 125 Hz, respectively, although


in practice simultaneously sending motor pulses and reading the encoder values reduces these

capabilities by approximately 50% to 1.5 rotations per second and 67 Hz, respectively.

The inter-magnetic torque between the 𝑖𝑡ℎ and 𝑗𝑡ℎ actuator magnets �⃗� 𝑖𝑗 can be found by

considering a modified version of equation (3.1):

�⃗� 𝑖𝑗 = �⃗⃗� 𝑖 × �⃗� 𝑗(𝑝 𝑖) (4.1)

where �⃗⃗� 𝑖 is the moment of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ actuator magnet and �⃗� 𝑗(𝑝 𝑖) is the field produced by the 𝑗𝑡ℎ

magnet at position 𝑝 𝑖. The maximum inter-magnetic torque between any two magnets can be

found using equation (4.1) by considering every combination of the two motor angles. Only the

component of the torque that is aligned with the rotational axis will have to be overcome by the

motor torque. For any actuator magnet, this process can be repeated for each of the seven other

magnets in the workspace and the sum of these seven inter-magnetic torques can be used to

determine the upper bound on the total torque that the corresponding motor will experience

during operation. The largest upper bound on inter-magnetic torque for the eight actuator

magnets is 0.34 Nm.

4.1.4 Heat Generation

One of the advantages of using permanent magnets instead of electromagnets is that permanent

magnets do not generate heat. The prototype system, however, uses stepper motors to rotate the

magnets and these stepper motors are positioned relatively close to the workspace and do

generate heat. Dongsub Shim, a fourth-year student, conducted an investigation regarding the

heat generation of the prototype system as part of his thesis project [36]. The purpose of the

investigation was to compare the heat generation for two magnetic control devices in the

Microrobotics Lab at the University of Toronto: the rotating magnet system shown here, and the

3-axis Helmholtz electromagnetic coil system presented by Zhang and Diller in [33]. The results

of this analysis will be summarized below.


The thermal analysis was conducted for stepper motors that have full voltage delivered to

both coil phases and therefore exhibit a maximum amount of heat generation. The steady state

temperature in the workspace was measured both experimentally and numerically using

SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulator. The steady state workspace temperature increased from

ambient 22°C to approximately 28°C. The majority of this heat is generated by a single motor

that is positioned almost directly beneath the workspace. This temperature increase is small

compared to that of the coil system with full current input which results in a workspace

temperature of around 83°C. The report found that introducing a modest amount of forced

convection from air applied by a fan at 1 cm/s reduces the workspace temperature of the rotating

magnet system to 22°C. Techniques for reducing the heat transfer in future versions of this

system with more powerful motors will be discussed in Section 5.3

4.2 Experimental Results

The magnetic model presented in Section 3.1 that relates the motor angles of the eight actuator

magnets to the field and force that are produced is verified though the demonstration of static

field and force production in two separate tests. The effectiveness of the control input

determination method presented in Section 3.2.1 in which the motor angles are taken as the

solution to a non-convex optimization is demonstrated using several proof-of-concept field and

force-application experiments.

4.2.1 Magnetic Model Verification

The static field generated by the system is verified by requesting a 30 mT field in eight directions

as well as a field of zero magnitude and comparing this desired field to the field produced by the

system at the center of the workspace, measured using a single-axis gaussmeter (model 425,

Lakeshore) in the x, y, and z directions. Table 4.2 shows the desired field, the average measured

field for two trials, the magnitude ratio of desired field to measured field, and the angle between


the desired and measured field. The misalignment and magnitude difference between the desired

field and measured field is small, less than 3.35° and 4.6%, respectively. These errors are likely

due to fabrication and position errors in the laser-cut prototype frame since the errors predicted

from the model are less than 0.09° and 0.3%.

Table 4.2: Comparison of the Measured Field to the Desired Field of 0 mT and 30

mT in Eight Different Directions

The static force produced by the system is characterized by measuring the heading of a

small magnetic device as it is subjected to a desired force. The device used for this test is a cubic

neodymium magnet with side length equal to 250 µm and the test is conducted in a horizontal

container filled with silicone oil with a viscosity of 350 cSt. The position of the device is

detected using a stationary camera (FO134TB, Foculus) and the openCV library. The device

appears dark against the backlight and the grayscale image is passed through a threshold function

in order to isolate the device. A contour finding algorithm is used to detect the outside edge of

the device within the image range of interest and the center of this contour is taken to be the

position of the device. This tracking is done at 60 fps.

The micromagnet is maneuvered away from the walls of the workspace and then held

stationary by applying a zero force. Once stationary, a set of motor angles is found that result in a

desired force direction and magnitude. After the motors have completed the rotation to the set of

motor angles, the heading of the micromagnet over time is measured and compared to the


requested force direction. Three different force directions were tested (x, y, and xy) and the

heading error averaged over five trials per heading direction was found to be 4.6°, 5.2°, and 5.3°,

respectively. The speed of the micromagnet during each experiment varies between trials, an

effect likely due to changing friction and viscous drag from dragging the magnet along the

bottom of the container.

4.2.2 Experimental Control Results

The feasibility of using a rotating permanent magnet system for control of small-scale robotic

devices is shown for several control experiments that showcase different modes of microrobot

locomotion including 1D open loop helical swimming, 2D feedback-controlled rolling path-

following, and 3D feedback-controlled path following using gradient pulling.

The ability to dynamically generate magnetic fields for micro-device control is

demonstrated by two experiments. For the first, a helical, millimeter-scale swimmer was driven

using a rotating field. The swimmer was assembled using a steel spring (length 6.4 mm, diameter

3 mm, period 1.3 mm) attached to a spherical NdFeB magnet head (diameter 1.9 mm) with

magnetic moment oriented perpendicular to the spring axis. The helical swimmer was immersed

in 350 cSt viscosity silicone oil inside a tube with inner diameter 4.1 mm. A rotational field was

applied in the plane perpendicular to the tube axis causing the swimmer to rotate and “screw”

through the liquid. A magnetic force of zero magnitude was requested during the experiment.

The linear speed of the swimmer was measured for field rotation frequencies of 0 to 1.6 Hz, as

shown in Figure 4.3. For applied field frequencies up to roughly 1.5 Hz, the swimming speed

increases with frequency at approximately 0.02 body lengths per second times the frequency in

hertz, although the relationship is not exactly linear most likely due to intermittent contact

between the swimmer and the tube wall. This approximately linear relationship between speed

and field frequency is similar to the results given by [29] and [30] of 0.021 and 0.028 body

lengths per second times frequency in hertz for millimetre-scale swimmers actuated in 500 and

1000 cSt silicone oil, respectively. At frequencies above 1.5 Hz, the magnitude of the magnetic

torque is not sufficient to keep the swimmer synchronized with the field frequency so the


swimmer velocity decreases. This is known as the “step-out” frequency [29]. The maximum

rotating field frequency that the prototype system is able to generate is approximately 2 Hz while

a highly engineered system with high torque, DC motors would be capable of producing

rotational fields with frequency greater than 100 Hz.

Figure 4.3: (a) Image of the 6.4 mm helical swimmer used to demonstrate

rotational field production. (b) Swimmer speed as a function of applied field

frequency from 0 to 1.6 Hz.

The second proof of concept experiment involved rolling a 250 µm cubic magnet in a 2D

path-following demonstration by applying rotational fields with no magnetic force application.

The average path deviation and speed for five trials was 102 μm and 149 μm/s, respectively. The

outcome of a typical trial is shown in Figure 4.4. The rotational frequency of the applied field

was around 0.2 Hz.


Figure 4.4: A typical result for rolling a 250 µm magnet on a horizontal surface.

The micromagnet position has been low-pass filtered. (a) Path of the micromagnet

in black and the goal points and desired path in red. Elapsed time at each goal

point is indicated. The micromagnet deviation from the path (b) and speed (c).

The dynamic force generation capabilities of the prototype are demonstrated in a 3D

feedback control experiment. The task was to pull the 250 µm micromagnet along a

predetermined path defined by seven goal points using magnetic forces. The position of the

micromagnet was obtained from the top and side-view cameras at a rate of 60 Hz. The required

change in motor angles at each control update was reduced by limiting the change between


consecutive desired force vectors. For example, the large change in desired force vector direction

after a goal point was reached would require a large change in motor angles. Instead, the desired

force was decreased to zero as each goal was approached, then increased in the direction of the

next goal point. This approach reduced the average change in motor angle between control

updates to less than three degrees. In addition, a constant, vertical, magnetic force offset was

applied to counteract the weight of the micro-device. The magnitude of this vertical offset force

was found by driving the micro-device to the center of the workspace and manually tuning the

gain value until there was no vertical motion.

The heading of the micromagnet was set by requesting a field constant in magnitude (7 mT)

and direction but with allowable error up to 5 mT and 12° in order to increase the speed of

finding a suitable solution to equation (3.7) in the shortest amount of time. For each control

update, the allowable force error is initially set at 5% and 5° relative to the magnitude and

direction of the desired force and the maximum change in motor angle is set to 10°. If a suitable

solution to equation (3.7) is not found in 0.001 s, the allowable force error is iteratively increased

to a maximum of 10% and 7.5° and the maximum change in motor angle is increased to 60°.

Using the simple gradient-descent search algorithm, the average computation time for one

control update was 0.001 s.

The direction of the requested force during each control update is determined using a simple

path following algorithm. The desired force is chosen such that the micro-device is driven along

the path towards to the next goal point and perpendicularly back to the path to reduce the

deviation error. The direction is given by

�̂�𝐹 = (1 − 𝐾1)(𝐾2)�̂�𝐺 + (𝐾1)(1 − 𝐾2)�̂�𝑃 (4.2)

where �̂�𝐹 is a unit vector in the direction of the desired force; �̂�𝐺 is a unit vector in the direction

of the next goal point; �̂�𝑃 is a unit vector from the microrobot back to the path; 𝐾1 is gain value

that increases as the perpendicular distance from the micromagnet to the path increases, 0 <

𝐾1 < 1; and 𝐾2 is a gain value that can be used to tune the relative amount of path following,

0 < 𝐾2 < 1. The magnitude of the desired force can also be modified to affect the micromagnet


motion. In order to tune the values of 𝐾2 and the desired force magnitude, multiple trials of a

short 3D path were completed using a range of gain parameters. During these trials, the average

micromagnet path deviation and speed along the path, defined as the perpendicular distance

between the agent and the path, and the path length divided by the completion time, respectively,

were analyzed.

For 3D path following, random instances of motor diversion, as described in Section 4.1.1,

can cause a large deviation of the micromagnet from the path. After the motor diversion is

detected by the encoder, the motor will be driven back to its set point and the micromagnet will

return to the path, however, the deviation during this interval can be quite large compared to the

rest of the trial. The large path deviations that result from randomly occurring motor diversions

(which, for identical trial parameters, may occur multiple times in a single trial or not at all) can

produce wildly varying average path deviations and path speeds between trials despite identical

gain values. Therefore in order to determine a clear relationship between the gain parameters and

the path deviation and speed, any portion of each trial in which a motor diverted was omitted

from the analysis. The results of this experiment are shown in Figure 4.5.


Figure 4.5: Path deviation and speed as a function of desired force magnitude and

path following gain K2 for gradient pulling of a micromagnet in 3D. The results

for ten trials of each parameter value are shown as open circles along with the

average of the ten trials with filled circles. Points marked by * represent a single

trial. This analysis omits any section of the trials during which a motor diverted.

As the 𝐾2 gain is decreased from a value of 1, path following is weighed more heavily over

waypoint following and the average deviation decreases. At 𝐾2 values lower than 0.7, however,

the micromagnet starts to overshoot the path resulting in an increase in average deviation and a

decrease in path speed. For values of 𝐾2 much smaller than 0.5, the motor speed is not fast

enough to achieve the rapid changes in desired force direction and the micromagnet oscillates

around the path making no progress. Additionally the incidence of motor diversion increases as

𝐾2 is decreased; this result is omitted from this set of tests but will have an effect on the

comprehensive path following results given below. The magnitude of the desired force has a

negligible effect on the path deviation but shows an approximately linear relationship with path

speed. The results indicate that choosing 𝐾2 to be 0.7 and force magnitude to be 0.5 µN will

produce results with minimal deviation and the quickest path speed.


For the full 3D path following demonstration, the path deviation and speed were determined

for the entirety of each trial even in the presence of motor diversion. Path following was

conducted using two different silicone oil viscosities: 350 cSt and 1000 cSt. In the 350 cSt trials,

instances of motor diversion can cause large path deviations and therefore the 𝐾2 gain was set at

0.85 to reduce the diversion frequency. The average deviation across ten trials was 38 µm and

the average velocity 580 µm∙s-1. In the 1000 cSt trials, motor diversion causes smaller deviations

so the 𝐾2 gain was set at 0.7. The average deviation across ten trials was 25 µm and the average

velocity 310 µm∙s-1. The outcome of a typical feedback control test conducted in 1000 cSt

silicone oil is shown in Figure 4.6. The average deviation for this single trial is 22 µm.


Figure 4.6: A typical feedback result for a 250 µm magnet performing path

following in the three dimensions. The micromagnet position has been low-pass

filtered. (a) Path of the micromagnet in black and the goal points and desired path

in red. Elapsed time at each goal point is indicated. The micromagnet deviation

from the path (b) and speed (c).

4.3 Calibration of Magnet Positions and Rotational Axes

When physically constructing a rotating magnet system, small errors in the positions and

rotational axes of the magnets can cause the field and force at the micro-device position to differ

from the expected value. Positional deviations of 5 mm for the volumetric centres of the actuator

magnets result in average errors in the expected field direction and magnitude of approximately

6° and 7%, respectively, and average errors in the expected force direction and magnitude of 13°


and 12%, respectively. Similarly, rotational axis deviations of 10° result in average field errors of

6° and 5% and force errors 8° and 7% for the directions and magnitudes, respectively. Therefore,

if the construction process used to make the rotating magnet system is likely to introduce errors

in the positions and rotational axes of the magnets, a calibration technique to determine the true

system parameters is needed in order to reduce the field and force error during operation.

A preliminary calibration of the prototype system was conducted using the following

method. The position and rotational axis of each magnet was calibrated individually by removing

the other seven magnets from their fixtures in the workspace. A gaussmeter was used to measure

the field produced in the x, y, and z directions at the center of the workspace by the magnet

during three full rotations. An optimization was performed over the magnet position and

rotational axis in order to reduce the root mean squared error between the expected field and the

measured field. This optimization was conducted using the MATLAB fminsearch algorithm

using the expected magnet parameters as the initial guess for the optimization variables.

The average difference between the expected field and measured field for the non-calibrated

prototype setup is 0.16 mT. Performing this calibration for the prototype system yields relatively

small changes in the magnet positions and rotational axes: approximately 1 mm and 5° on

average. However, this small change in the calibrated parameters reduces the average field error

from 0.16 mT to 0.08 mT and the maximum field error from 0.41 mT to 0.22 mT.

This basic calibration method performs adequately for calibrating the parameters of the

prototype system, however, it can be improved. The method presented here is only able to find

very local solutions to the optimization that is performed, and therefore requires the starting

parameter guess to be very close to the actual parameters. Taking field measurements from a

single position in the workspace does not provide any information about the field gradient which

is required to more accurately determine the positions of the magnets. Also, calibrating each of

the actuator magnets requires the other magnets to be removed from the setup which is time

consuming and may reintroduce errors when reattached. Development of a calibration method

that can be completed for all the magnets simultaneously using field measurements from

multiple positions is ongoing work.


Chapter 5 Considerations for Future Systems

5.1 Maximum Field and Field Gradient Strength

The optimization results in Section 3.5 show that the field and force production capabilities of a

system can be moderately improved by adjusting the positions and rotational axis of the actuator

magnets. These optimization trials, however, do not consider the effects of varying the actuator

magnet size or workspace separation distance. In this section, the upper limit on the output

capabilities of the system that can be achieved by modifying the magnet shape, magnet volume,

workspace distance, and motor choice, will be determined. Specifically, the system output will

be quantified by the minimum field and field gradient magnitude that can be produced in every


As a baseline for the field and gradient strength, consider the optimized prototype system

configuration given in Table 3.2 with no constraints on the magnet positions. This system is

capable of generating a field and field gradient with magnitude of at least 37.5 mT and 1.01 T/m,

respectively, in every direction. This field and gradient strength are an approximate upper bound

on the capabilities for a rotating magnet system that uses eight magnets of volume 16.4 cm3 with

7.5 cm workspace separation (i.e. the magnet volume and spacing of the physical prototype

system). Adjusting the magnet volume and spacing will also change the magnitude of the inter-

magnetic torque, potentially necessitating the use of more powerful motors. For this baseline

system, the upper bound on the inter-magnetic torque is 0.35 Nm.

The scaling relationship between the system parameters and the field, field gradient, and

inter-magnetic torque magnitude can be analyzed in order to determine the upper limits on the

system outputs. This analysis assumes that the relative positions of the magnets remain

unchanged. If all the actuator magnets have the same moment ‖�⃗⃗� ‖ and same workspace



separation 𝐷, equations (3.3), (3.5), and (4.1) can be used to determine the following


‖�⃗� ‖ ∝

‖�⃗⃗� ‖

𝐷3, ‖𝐺 ‖ ∝

‖�⃗⃗� ‖

𝐷4, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ‖�⃗� ‖ ∝

‖�⃗⃗� ‖‖�⃗⃗� ‖

𝐷3 (5.1)

where ‖�⃗� ‖ is the field strength, ‖𝐺 ‖ is the gradient strength, and ‖�⃗� ‖ is the inter-magnetic

torque. The magnetic moment ‖�⃗⃗� ‖ is proportional to the magnet volume 𝑉 and therefore the

relationships given in equation (5.1) can be simplified to

‖�⃗� ‖ ∝


𝐷3, ‖𝐺 ‖ ∝


𝐷4, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ‖�⃗� ‖ ∝


𝐷3. (5.2)

If the system is scaled uniformly by a constant 𝐶 (i.e. the distance 𝐷 increases proportionally

to 𝐶 and the volume 𝑉 increases relative to 𝐶3) then the proportionalities given in equation (5.2)

reduce to:

‖�⃗� ‖ ∝ 1, ‖𝐺 ‖ ∝


𝐶, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ‖�⃗� ‖ ∝ 𝐶3. (5.3)

As an example, consider a system that has been uniformly scaled by a factor of 𝐶 = 2. The

magnets would have eight times the volume, the workspace distance would be doubled, the field

output would remain unchanged, the gradient output would be halved and the inter-magnetic

torque would increase by a factor of eight. Conversely consider a system uniformly scaled by a

factor of 𝐶 =1

2. The field output remains unchanged, the gradient output is doubled and the inter-

magnetic torque is decreased by a factor of eight. It is clear that for uniformly scaled systems, it

is advantageous to consider smaller magnet volumes positioned closer to the workspace.

Analyzing the effect of uniform scaling shows the importance of positioning the magnets as

close to the workspace as possible even as the magnet volume is decreased. The system

parameters, however, do not need to be uniformed scaled; the workspace separation can be

decreased and the magnet volume increased in order to increase the field and gradient production

at the expense of increasing the inter-magnetic torque. The upper limits of the system ability


occur when the magnets are positioned as close to the workspace as possible and the magnetic

volume increased to the maximum physically realizable amount. As discussed in Section 4.1.1,

the dipole error associated with non-spherical magnets increases as the magnets are positioned

more closely to the workspace. Therefore a system with large magnets that are positioned close

to the workspace should use spherical magnets because they exactly produce the field predicted

by the dipole model.

The size of the workspace has a large effect on the magnitudes of the system outputs that

can be produced. The workspace is defined as a spherical volume inside which no portion of the

actuator magnets can be positioned. Three workspace sizes of interest have been defined in the

literature [25] with radii of 5 cm, 10 cm, and 40 cm, corresponding to proposed applications of in

vitro manipulation, manipulation in the brains and eyes, and applications in the heart and

intestines, respectively. Note that the workspace separation distance 𝐷 is defined as the distance

between the magnet center and the workspace center and is therefore equal to the sum of the

workspace radius and the magnet radius (because the entirety of the magnet must lie outside the

workspace). This means that increasing the magnet volume, and therefore the magnet radius, also

results in an increase in workspace separation.

The maximum physically realizable volume of the actuator magnets for a given workspace

size can be approximately determined by considering the ratio between the total cross-sectional

area of the 𝑁 magnets and the surface area of the sphere defined by the workspace separation 𝐷

(this ratio will henceforth referred to as the area ratio). As the area ratio increases, it becomes

increasingly hard to position the magnets without physical interference. The area ratio for the

baseline system is 9%. A rough upper limit of 40% area ratio can be seen by analyzing CAD

models of the baseline system configuration with different magnet sizes and the corresponding

area ratio as shown in Figure 5.1.


Figure 5.1: Relative magnet spacing of the baseline system configuration for area

ratios of (a) 9%, (b) 20%, (c) 35%, and (d) 45%.

For each of the three workspace sizes, the magnet radius and minimum workspace

separation distance that result in an area ratio of 40% can be calculated. These magnet radii and

separation distances can be used with the relationships given in equation (5.2) to scale the

baseline field, gradient, and inter-magnetic torque magnitude relative to the new system

parameters. The results are given in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Magnet Radii and Workspace Separations that yield a 40% Area Ratio

for Three Different Workspace Sizes and the Corresponding Values of the Field,

Gradient, and Inter-Magnetic Torque

Workspace Radius


5 10 40

Magnet Radius

(cm) 4.0 8.1 32.4

Workspace Separation 𝐷

(cm) 9.0 18.1 72.4

Field Strength ‖�⃗� ‖

(mT) 359.1 359.1 359.1

Gradient Strength ‖𝐺 ‖

(T/m) 7.98 3.99 1.00

Torque ‖�⃗� ‖

(Nm) 56.2 449.5 28770


These field and gradient magnitudes are an upper limit on the capabilities of a rotating

magnet system with eight permanent magnets. The maximum field and gradient that can be

produced for an equivalent electromagnetic system is difficult to determine because the field and

gradient strength are dependent on many factors including the shape of the coils, the number of

windings, the core material, and the maximum current. Based on the relative output strength for

existing permanent magnet and electromagnetic systems, it’s reasonable to assume that the

maximum field and gradient magnitude that can be generated by an electromagnetic system

would be weaker by a factor of 10 to 100 compared to the values given in Table 5.1. For

example, consider the abilities of the coil system presented in [6]. This system is similar to the

Octomag configuration but scaled-up for a 10×10×10 cm3 workspace (which sets the spherical

workspace size to somewhere between the small 5 cm radius and medium 10 cm radius

workspaces described above). This system is capable of producing fields and gradients in every

direction with magnitudes of 90 mT and 0.1 T/m.

A more rigorous comparison can be made between rotating magnet systems and systems

that use a single permanent magnet robotically-manipulated above the workspace such as the one

presented by Mahoney and Abbott in [3]. If both systems have an equivalent magnetic volume

and workspace separation, the field and gradient output of a rotating magnet setup with eight

magnets is approximately 40% and 60% weaker, respectively, compared to a single magnet.

Each of the eight magnets, however, is only one eighth the volume of the single magnet and

therefore can be positioned closer to the workspace in order to increase the field and gradient

output. The field, gradient, inter-magnetic torque, and magnet size of the rotating magnet system

are shown as a function of area ratio in Figure 5.2 along with the values for a single magnet

system with equal magnetic volume and minimum workspace separation (assuming the single

permanent magnet is also spherical in shape).


Figure 5.2: Maximum field strength, gradient strength, and magnet radii for a

rotating magnet system with eight magnets for area ratios between 0 and 40% as

well as the upper bound on inter-magnetic torque. System outputs for a single,

robotically-manipulated permanent magnet with equivalent magnetic volume is

also shown.


The field and gradient strength for rotating magnet systems with area ratios less than 15%

are approximately equal to those of single magnet systems. At higher area ratios the rotating

magnet output is superior. In reality, the inter-magnetic torque between actuator magnets for the

medium and especially the large workspace sizes would pose significant design challenges. This

type of system is unquestionably suitable for magnetic actuation in small workspaces due to the

high field and gradient strength and surmountable inter-magnetic torques. For medium sized

workspaces, some applications requiring large system outputs would motivate the use of this

type of system although the system design would have to account for the large inter-magnetic

torques and forces. The colossal inter-magnetic torques required in applications with large

workspaces would make system design extremely challenging. For large workspaces, a more

suitable system choice is likely a robotically-manipulated, single permanent magnet, despite the

somewhat limited field and gradient strength capabilities relative to a rotating magnet system.

5.2 Forces and Torques for Typical Magnetic Implements

The magnitude of the forces and torques that can be applied to a magnetic tool by the actuation

system is dependent on the magnetic moment of the tool and the field and gradient strength of

the system. Table 5.2 shows the torque and force that can be applied to four different magnetic

implements for the small, medium, and large workspace sizes based on the field and field

gradient capabilities for rotating magnets corresponding to an area ratio of 40%. The four

implements include the capsule endoscope discussed in [3], the steerable needle discussed in [6],

the catheter discussed in [8], and the microparticles discussed in [1]. The soft magnetic

implements are assumed to be at saturation magnetization. The torque is calculated assuming the

tool moment and the field and are perpendicular, while the force is calculated assuming the tool

moment is aligned favorably with the gradient to produce the maximum force.


Table 5.2: Maximum Applicable Forces and Torques on Four Magnetic

Implements by a Rotating Magnet System with Small, Medium, and Large

Workspace Sizes and 40% Area Ratio of the Actuator Magnets






5 cm Workspace 10 cm Workspace 40 cm Workspace


(Nm) Force (N)










Endoscope 126∙10-3 45.2∙10-3 1.0 45.2∙10-3 0.5 45.2∙10-3 0.1


Needle 9.6∙10-3 3.5∙10-3 77.3∙10-3 3.5∙10-3 38.7∙10-3 3.5∙10-3 9.7∙10-3

Catheter 2.3∙10-3 0.8∙10-3 18.3∙10-3 0.8∙10-3 9.2∙10-3 0.8∙10-3 2.3∙10-3


particle 3.2∙10-9 1.1∙10-9 25.2∙10-9 1.1∙10-9 12.6∙10-9 1.1∙10-9 3.2∙10-9

5.3 Reducing Heat Generation

The increased inter-magnetic torque between larger and more closely positioned permanent

magnets will necessitate more powerful motors. More powerful motors will result in an increase

in heat transferred to the workspace, and therefore heat generation may pose to be a more

significant issue compared the small amount of heat generated by the prototype system.

However, since the motors do not necessarily have to be positioned near the workspace (unlike

the magnetic coils in electromagnetic systems) there are some ways to mitigate this heat transfer.

The thermal analysis conducted in [36] found that the majority of the heat transferred to the

workspace by the prototype system was generated by a single motor positioned under the

workspace. Therefore positioning each of the motors above the workspace will lower the amount

of heat transfer. In addition to positioning the motors above the workspace, the motors can be

placed further from the workspace though the use of extended motor shafts or drive belts to

further reduce the heat transfer. Lastly, as suggested in the thermal analysis conducted in [36],

forced convection using a fan is also an effective method for reducing the workspace



Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work

6.1 Summary of Contributions

This thesis presents a novel magnetic actuation system that is capable of untethered control of

small-scale robotic devices with 5-DOF. Although this level of control has been demonstrated by

existing magnetic actuation systems, the system described here has a number of advantages. The

use of permanent magnets as the field source allows for stronger fields and field gradients to be

produced relative to electromagnetic systems with no intrinsic heat generation near the

workspace. The rotating motion of the permanent magnets used in this system can be realized

using a simpler and less expensive setup compared to existing permanent magnet systems. Also

the system presented here has no issues regarding heading robustness at low force applications.

A number of considerations regarding the design and operation of a general rotating magnet

system are discussed. We present a control strategy for calculating the motor angle control inputs

that produce a desired field and force output. We show that the magnet configuration can be

optimized for a high level of control even in the presence of strict constraints on the positions of

the magnets. Finally, we present a calibration method that uses experimental field measurements

to adjust the magnet positions and rotational axes in the magnetic model to be more consistent

with the physical device. A prototype system consisting of eight permanent magnets is shown to

be capable of independent field and force control in a number of experiments involving different

methods of microrobotic locomotion.

The upper limits on the strength of the field and gradient production for this type of system

are analyzed in detail for small, medium, and large workspace sizes. The strong fields and

gradients that can be produced for small- and medium-sized workspaces make this type of

system superior to existing permanent magnet and electromagnetic devices. For large

workspaces, however, finding suitable mechatronic and structural components that can withstand



the massive inter-magnetic torques and forces would be challenging. The use of a rotating

magnet system for magnetic actuation is ill-suited to tasks requiring the use of high frequency or

uniform magnetic fields, situations where the field must be turned off over the entire space

around the system, and applications with a workspace size much larger than 10 cm. This type of

system, however, is particularly capable for heat-sensitive procedures requiring strong magnetic

fields and forces for full 5-DOF control in small and medium sized workspaces. Potential

applications include laboratory experiments such as the manipulation of single cells as well as

medical procedures involving larger magnetic implements such as steerable needles inside the


6.2 Future Work

One major question to be answered definitively is: What is the minimum number of rotating

permanent magnets required to achieve singularity-free 5-DOF control of a micro-device? The

minimum number of control inputs required by existing magnetic actuation systems is well

described. The linear input-output relationship of electromagnetic systems makes this analysis

relatively straightforward [26] whereas the linearized rate Jacobian for the single, robotically-

manipulated permanent magnet system can be shown to be always invertible due to the axial

symmetry of the dipole field [3]. The numerical analysis of the rate Jacobian for rotating magnet

systems conducted in Section 3.4 indicates that a minimum of six magnets is sufficient, however,

this analysis of 1500 combined motor angle states and micro-device positions is not conclusive

proof. Ideally, an analytical investigation of the rate Jacobian for a general rotating magnet

system with a variable number of actuator magnets could be used to determine the minimum

number required. However, due to the complex relationship between the control outputs and the

motor angles, and the lack of symmetry to simplify the analysis, a suitably thorough numerical

analysis may have to suffice.

Other future work involves the development of techniques to improve the precision of the

control results. Instead of determining the control inputs as the solution to a non-convex


optimization problem, a dynamic system formulation can be considered. The nonlinear system

state will have nine components (three field, three force, and three micro-device position) and the

motor velocities will be taken as the control input. For micro-device actuation at low Reynold’s

number, the micro-device velocity is proportional to the force. Therefore a series of ordinary

differential equations can be used to define the 𝐴 and 𝐵 matrices that relate the change in system

state �̇� to the current state 𝑥 and the control input 𝑢:

�̇� = 𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵𝑢. (6.1)

The motor velocities 𝑢 that drive the current system state to the desired system state at every

control update can be found using a suitable gain matrix 𝐾. A number of test cases can be used to

find a 𝐾 matrix that is always stable. This system formulation may result in the control input

calculation being completed in a shorter time and yield more precise fields and forces.

This dynamic formulation requires an accurate representation of how the field and force

vary with the micro-device position and the motor angles in order to form the 𝐴 and 𝐵 matrices

in equation (6.1). An analytical relationship between these variables can be formulated, however,

it requires the error for physical magnet positions and rotational axes to be low. This motivates

the use of a robust calibration technique to exactly determine parameters of the physical setup.

Although a preliminary calibration method is presented in Section 4.3, an improved method that

is able to precisely calibrate the magnet parameters for all actuator magnets simultaneously using

field measurements taken from a number of different positions should be developed.



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Appendix A

Electrical Diagram

Figure A.1: Pictorial diagram of the electronic components required to rotate a single magnet including the (a) PMT-

24V150W1AA AC/DC converter, (b) SparkFun Quadstepper motor driver board, (c) Pololu NEMA-23 stepper motor

(item number 1476), (d) ACCESS USB-DIO-48 DAQ board, (e) ACCESS spring-cage terminal board, and (f) AS5040

magnetic encoder with custom PCB board._____________________________________________________________


Appendix B

Determination of 𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 and 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥

A useful system measurement is the maximum field and force that can be produced by the

combined volume of all the actuator magnets placed at a single point, some fixed distance from

the workspace, denoted 𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 and 𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥, respectively. These maximum field and force terms

provide a general scale factor that can be used to compare setups with varying parameters (i.e.

number of actuator magnets, actuator magnet volume, or workspace separation), provide relative

weights for the non-convex control input optimization given in equation (3.7), provide relative

weights for the combined field and force strength and isotropy optimization given in equation

(3.18), and non-dimensionalize the rate Jacobian as given in equation (3.19).

For an arbitrary arrangement of 𝑁 permanent magnets, each with magnetic volume 𝑉,

magnetization 𝑀, and distance 𝐷 from the center of the workspace, the maximum field 𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 can

be determined as follows. If all the magnets are combined at a single point, the field that is

produced at a relative position �̂� by this aggregate-magnet is given by:

�⃗� =


4𝜋𝐷3 (3�̂� �̂�𝑇 − 𝑰 )�̂�

where �̂� is the direction of the magnetic moment. The field produced by a single dipole is

axially symmetric, and therefore the maximum field can be found by simplifying the 3D dipole

equation above to a 2D case where the moment vector is fixed in a single direction (in this case

the positive x direction):

�̂� = [1 0 0]𝑇

and the relative position is given by a unit magnitude circle parameterized by angle 𝜓:

�̂� = [cos(𝜓) sin(𝜓) 0]𝑇 .

𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 can be determined by finding the angle 𝜓 that maximizes the field magnitude:


𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 =


4𝜋𝐷3 max

𝜓(3�̂� �̂�𝑇 − 𝑰 )�̂�.

Solving this maximization problem yields a maximum field magnitude when 𝜓 = ±180𝑚

where 𝑚 is an integer (i.e. the field is maximized when the relative position is in line with the

moment direction �̂�). The maximum field is given by:

𝐵𝑚𝑎𝑥 =



Similarly, the maximum force on a micro-device with moment 𝑀𝑑 for an arbitrary

arrangement of 𝑁 permanent magnets, each with magnetic volume 𝑉, magnetization 𝑀, and

distance 𝐷 from the device, can be determined by conducting an optimization over the 2D

position and orientation of the device. The maximum force occurs when the micro-device

heading and position are both aligned with the moment direction of the aggregate-magnet and is

given by:

𝐹𝑚𝑎𝑥 =


