des Deisy 2013 - · with you during the Fall Wine Harvest event, he'll cheer up...


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PDF Guides for Harvest Moon : Friends Of Mineral Town. Doesn’t include the character events. (Sorry). I’ll make the character events separately. Enjoy, farmers!



New Years

Day festival


03 04



05 06 07 08




Goddess' alt.


10 11



12 13 14







Elli's birthday





Spring Horse






Elli's alt.


21 22




24 25 26



27 28 29 30




Beach Day








05 06






08 09


Popuri's alt.





12 13 14 15 16




Ann's birthday

18 19 20

Cow Festival

21 22

Ann's alt.


Kai's birthday








26 27 28 29




01 02

Gotz's birthday


Music festival

04 05

Ann's Mom's


Stu's birthday

06 07 08 09

Harvest Festival







12 13

Festival at

Mother's Hill








17 18

Fall Horse









Sheep festival

22 23

Karen's alt.


Anna's birthday

24 25 26 27



28 29 30



01 02




03 04 05 06



07 08 09

10 11



12 13










17 18 19






21 22




Mary's alt.



Starry Festival







27 28 29

Jeff's birthday


New Years

Birthday : Summer 17 (Alt Summer 22)

Special Foods : Truffle Rice, Cake, Cheese Fondu, Pancakes

Favorites : Egg dishes, Stew, Curry Rice, Strawberry Milk, Sandwitch, Sweets, Rice

Cakes, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Perfume.

Extra “Love” Points Buy food from the Inn (Water doesn't count)

Always the tomboy, Ann likes to spend her days outside. She also helps her dad run the Inn.

Doug is very proud of his daughter even if he thinks she's a little rough around the edges. Ann

loves to cook and will often win the Cooking Festival.

The easist time to catch Ann is when she's visiting the Goddess' Pond. She's there every day from

8am until 10am. At 11am she'll be back in the Inn and from there she'll either be on the 2nd floor

or on the 1st floor.

Your rival for her hand in marriage is Cliff, the easily depressed town resident. Cliff will

normally be in the Church or in his room on the 2nd floor of the Inn. If you invite him to work

with you during the Fall Wine Harvest event, he'll cheer up quite a bit. If you decide not to ask

him for help he'll eventually move out of town. Then Ann will be all yours! Mwa ha ha ha...

Heart Events :

Black Heart

Go to Doug's Inn between 10:40am and 1pm. Ann and her dad Doug are greeting people as they

come in the front door. Ann notices that you've decided to pay them a visit and asks if you would

like a meal. You automatically agree, so Ann asks if you would wait a little bit and then says

they're going to have a feast! Of course after she announces it she remembers to ask her dad if it's

all right. Doug says you're a special guest so it's all good. Ann is happy and asks you to confirm

if you would like to eat with them. Select that you would like to eat (option 1). Ann is happy so

Doug says he's going to organize some delicious food for them. Ann says her dad's cooking is

very yummy.

Soon Doug happily returns with the food and you scarf it down. Ann and Doug both ask if you

though it was good, which it was. Doug laughs and asks if it's hard to resist second helpings (of

food), then he and Ann both giggle.

After the meal is done, Ann sees that her dad is feeling pretty good. Doug says he likes to make

things, then says you should come and meet with Ann more often! Poor Ann becomes


Purple Heart

Go up to the second floor of the Inn between 10am and 1pm on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. In one of the rooms you'll find Ann, who appears to be practicing her singing. Enter the room and she'll become startled, unaware that anyone was listening to her. It turns out that Ann was really cleaning and she asks if you like to clean too. If you tell her you like cleaning, she'll be happy.

Blue Heart

If you go to the Inn on Monday or Friday between noon and 7pm, you'll find Ann and her Dad

having a conversation. Doug asks Ann what is wrong but she replies that she's alright. Doug

knows something is wrong because her face is very pale. Suddenly Ann starts complaining about

stomach pains and Doug gets worried. In you walk and Doug is gratefully for your arrival. He

asks what he should do, so tell him to take her to the Clinic.

At the Hospital Ann is feeling much better. The doctor said that she had something bad to eat.

When Doug asks Ann what she ate, she tells him nervously that she ate a Stir Fry, Omelette

Rice, Savory Pancake, AND Tempura. She's not done though and admits she also ate some

Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Cookies, Ice Cream, and some Pumpkin Pudding! No wonder she has a

tummy ache! Doug scolds her for eating so much food and Elli tells her not to eat so much.

Back at the Inn Ann says she's sorry for making a mess of things. To thank you she gives you her

favorite broken music box.

Yellow Heart

Go to the Inn on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday between 10am and 7pm. Doug will

welcome you in and then says he has something to discuss with you. He says it's been difficult to

raise Ann since her mother died and he's tried his best. Doug asks if you "like" his daugther. If

you tell him you do (option 1) he'll be happy.

Ann will then walk in and ask what the two of you are doing. Doug acts all innocent until she

walks up next to you, then he start acting cheerfull. Ann won't be fooled by her father and knows

he's talking about her with you. She gets mad at him and runs off. Doug nervously laughs at her.

Birthday : Winter 20 (alt Wi 25)

Special Foods : Veggie Juice, Veggie Latté, Relaxation Tea

Favorites : Wild Grapes, all Mushrooms, Chocolate, Blue Grass, Red Grass, Black Grass, White

Grass, Grape Juice, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Perfume, Bodigizer, Turbojolt.

Extra “Love” Point : Walk up to the 2nd floor of the Library.

Mary is the shy and quiet girl who looks after Mineral Town's Library. Her father, Basil, has written many

books about the creatures and plants that live around the village so Mary stores them in the Library. If

you want to stop by and say "hi", the Library is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10am until 6pm. On

Mondays when the Library is closed, Mary likes to help her mom go grocery shopping at Jeff's store.

Heart Events

Black Heart

Go to the Library between 10am and 4pm. You'll find Mary talking to herself in the corner. She's so lost in

thought that she runs into you when she's walking! After she realizes that it's just you, she thanks you for

coming to the Library. If you ask her how you can help, she explains that she's been working on a new

book and had a small case of writer's block.

Purple Heart

Visit the Library on Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday between 10am and 4pm. Mary will be

searching the bookcases for something she can't find. She's not aware of your presance and when

she finally does she says you startled her. Mary goes into her Librarian routine and asks if there's

any books you're wanting. Once she realizes that you've seen her searching she spills the beans.

One of the novels has gone missing and she can't seem to find it anywhere. Agree to help her

look and you'll start searching the bookcases. After a bit Mary will ask if you're found anything

yet, but you haven't.

The two of you check the next set of bookcases and you find the missing novel. Mary's grateful

your help and thanks you for finding the missing book.

Blue Heart

Walk up to the summit of Mother's Hill on Monday between noon and 5pm. Don't forget to have

an empty slot in your rucksack! At the top you'll find Mary, but it looks like she's been crying.

When you confront her, she says that she was cleaning and found a book. Mary wanted to read it

at a location with a nice view, so that's why she's at the top of the hill. Mary asks if you ever cry

when reading a really good book.

If you tell her "sometimes" (like all good men should!), she'll tell you she likes people who

respond well to books. Mary then gives you the book she had been reading.

Yellow Heart Go to Basil's house on Monday between 10am and 1pm. Inside you'll find Mary's parents, who

appear to be concerned about something. Mary is in an unhappy mood and Basil doesn't know

what to say. The two of them are pondering what to do when they get a brainstorm and ask you

to talk to her and find out what's wrong. They tell you she's on the 2nd floor. Upstairs, Mary

guesses that her Dad sent you up to talk to her. She's really not upset and thinks he must be

misunderstanding. She goes back downstairs to explain. Now that Mary's cleared things up, both

Basil and Mana are happy. Turns out the problem was about the subject of a new novel. Basil

asks if you would have an idea as to what it should be. You can choose from "you don't know",

working on the farm, or Basil's work. If you tell them to make the novel about working on the

farm, they all think it's a good idea. Mary asks if you would spend an hour explaining how farm

life is. The "interview" actually ended up being longer then expected so Mary apologizes. Then

she thanks you for the time you've spent with her. When you return back outside it'll be 6pm.

Birthday : Fall 15 (alt Fa 23)

Special Foods : Pizza, French Fries, Popcorn

Favorite Foods : Cheese, Wine, Truffles, Tempura, Sashimi, Bamboo Shoots, Pink

Diamonds, Diamonds, Perfume

Extra “love” points : Buy anything from the grocery store

Karen lives with her mom and dad at the Grocery Store. Sometimes she'll help Jeff and Sasha

run the place, but most of the time she'll be out and about in the village. Karen can be kind of a

snob at times and thinks her dad is a goofball, but she really does love him. She also likes

romantic things like walking along Mineral Beach at night and drinking fine wine.

Just like her mother, Karen is destined to marry a dork unless you intervene. Rick will meet her

every morning by the bench next to the store. The two of them will hang out for a few hours and

then call it a day and go their own ways. You can meet here there, inside the store, or at 8pm on

the beach.

Heart Events

Black Heart

Head to Jeff's Store on Wednesday or Friday between 10am and 1pm. You also have to have an

empty slot in the Tools section of your rucksack. Once you enter the store, Karen is there to greet

you. She knows you just started working on the farm and you might need a lot of new supplies.

If you tell her you need help, she'll walk to the back and ask her dad if they can supply you with

a bag of seeds. After some persuasion, Jeff agrees to hand out a bag of Grass Seeds for free.

Purple Heart

Head to the store between 10am and 1pm. Inside you'll find Karen and Sasha having a

disagreement. Both of them are being very defensive towards Jeff, who's just trying to find a

solution they would both agree on. Karen notices you walking in and asks for your opinion.

Turns out that a family member is sick and they want to send her seeds to help her feel better, but

they don't know what kind. Sasha says they should send Pink Cat seeds and Karen votes for

Moon Drop seeds.

It's up to you to decide which flower seeds they should send. If you agree with Karen then her

friendship level with you will increase.

Blue Heart

Go to the Grocery Store between 10am and 1pm. When you enter the building you'll see Jeff,

Sasha, Karen, and Duke talking. Karen asks if what Duke has said is true and how happy she is,

then thanks her mom and dad. When Karen was born, Jeff had asked Duke to make some wine

and now Duke's come by to let them know it's ready to be picked up. Jeff asks if you would like

to go with her to pick it up.

If you agree (option 1), you, Karen, and Duke head back to the winery. Duke fishes around in the

basement and find the wine that is labeled "Karen". She thanks him but before she leaves, Duke

says there's more in the basement! Apparently Jeff was so happy about the birth of his daughter,

he ordered Duke to make 3 cases of wine. Karen asks if you'll help them take it all back to the


Back at her place, Karen says she's tired but to thank you for your help she gives you a bottle of

her new wine.

Yellow Heart

Go to the Grocery Store on Monday, Thursday, or Saturday between 10am and 1pm. Karen has

been cooking in in the kitchen. She walks out from the back and tells her parents that she's

confident she was successful this time. Her mom and dad chuckle nervously and then agree that

she must have. Karen then asks her parents if they would like to taste what she's made! Poor Jeff

laughs and asks why she wants them to taste her food, so Karen tells them she wants to know if

it's any good. Sasha whispers to Jeff that Karen's food will probably make them sick. Jeff

whispers back that they probably have to taste it so as to not hurt their daughter's feelings. They

know their girl can't cook anything! Jeff's stomach problems "suddenly" acts-up again and he

can't eat her food. Karen then sees you walk in, much to Jeff and Sasha's delight! The two of

them are happy to see you've arrived. Jeff then volunteers you to taste Karen's cooking. If you

agree then you'll follow Karen back into the kitchen while Jeff and Sasha stay in the store and

softly apologize for the punishment you're about to endure. Back in the kitchen Karen tells you

to hurry up and eat the food. Reluctant at first, you take the food and eat it. Then you pass out

because it's so bad.

You'll wake up in the Hospital. Doc asks if you're all right, then asks Karen what might of

caused you to zonk out. Karen thinks you might of just been tired but Doc doesn't think that's the

reason for your trip to his office. Karen honestly doesn't realize her food is the cause and tells

you to remember to breath the next time you eat!

Birthday : Spring 16 (alt Sp 20)

Special Foods : Moon Dumpling, Red Magic Grass, Hot Milk

Favorites : Milk, Strawberries, Elli Leaves, all accessories, Pink Cat flower, Toy flower,

Blue Magic Grass, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Strawberry Milk, Noodles

Extra “LOVE” Points : Have the Doctor examine you.

If you go to the Hospital you'll find Elli behind the reception counter. She wants to be a good

nurse, so she helps the Doctor with anything medical. Elli also will sell you Bodigizer and

Turbojolt potions, which you can use to regain your stamina or cook up for a more potent potion.

You can have her sell the XL potions if you ship 50 Blue Grass and 50 Green Grass.

When the Hospital is closed on Wednesdays, she goes to visit her grandmother Ellen and her

little brother Stu. Elli's parents both died a long time ago and it's been up to her and Ellen to raise

Stu. Elli loves them both very much.

If you want to win Elli's heart, you're going to do battle with Doctor. Doctor is so serious in his

work that he doesn't even know that Elli has feelings for him. The two of them live together

upstairs in the Clinic, in separate bedrooms of course. The Doctor's rival events usually occur in

the Clinic, so it's inevitable that you'll run into one or two.

Heart Events

Black Heart

Go to Mineral Clinic on a Monday or Wednesday after 9am. Stu is inside showing something

special to his sister. Unfortunately the item is one of the things that Elli hates the most; a bug.

She's very irritated with Stu who knew that his sister didn't like bugs but decided to show her one

anyway. After you walk in, Stu decides it's a good idea to flee from his sister's wrath and hides

behind you.

Elli informs you that you have a person hiding behind you and Stu tries to explain why he

doesn't believe he did anything wrong. You can tell Stu you understand or you don't. Choosing

the "Not really" choice upsets Stu, but it makes Elli happy.

Purple Heart

Go to the Hospital on Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday between 9am and 7pm. When you walk in

the door Elli will ask if are having any problems. She's glad to hear you're fine but then Jeff

walks in, looking quite sick. Elli calls for the Doctor.

The Doctor will ask Elli to fetch Jeff's medicine, but she brings him the wrong one. She replies

that she'll get the correct one immediately. When Elli leaves, Jeff starts complaining that he

doesn't feel well. Elli returns and apologizes for not being prepaired, but the doctor comforts her

and says mistake's happen. Doctor helps Jeff, who starts to feel better and leaves.

Elli seems to be taking the fact that she made a mistake pretty hard. She asks if she'll ever get use

to being a nurse. Tell her that's she's a good nurse and you'll make her happy.

Blue Heart

On Wednesday between 9am and 1pm, go to Ellen's house. Elli and Ellen will be waiting for

you. Elli made some food but Stu ran out, saying he didn't want to eat it. Ellen's feet aren't what

they use to be and she can't go outside to look for him. Ellen thinks he went to the Church. Tell

Ellen that you'll go look for him (option 2) and she'll thank you.

Head to the Church and meet up with Stu outside. He didn't realize his made Elli so sad and

decides to head back. When the two of you return to Ellen's house, Stu apologizes to his grandma

and sister. To thank you for your help Elli gives you a Pressed Flower.

Yellow Heart

Go visit Mineral Beach on Wednesday between 9am and 6pm. You'll find Elli standing on the

dock and looking out into the sea. She asks if you think it's unusual for her to be at the Beach,

but then explains that her family use to go to the beach Vacation Villa every year. Today she's

thinking about her brother Stu. She asks if you like his practical jokes and if she should step in

and stop him. Elli wonders if she's raising him the same way her mother might have. When she

asks for your opinion, tell her not to worry about it (option 2). She'll thank you for giving her a

little boost of confidence, and then leaves to go play with her little brother.

Birthday : Summer 3 (alt Su 10)

Special Foods : Omlette Rice, Omlette, Scrambled Eggs

Favorites : Strawberry recipes, all Eggs, Chocolate, Apple recipes, Cakes, Sandwiches, all

accessories, Ice Cream, Diamonds.

Extra “love” Points : Own 8 chickens

Popuri lives on the poultry farm with her brother Rick and her mother Lila. She has a personality

you might describe as "bubbly". Her dad is currently away from Mineral Town, researching a

treatment for her mother's weak body. In his absence, big-brother Rick has taken the

responsibility of looking after her. Unfortunately he also tends to be a little over protective,

especially when it comes to Kai and his summertime visits.

Most every morning she'll walk up to the Hot Springs and hang out with Ann. Sundays are the

only exception and you might find her at the Church or walking along in Rose Plaza. During the

Summer her routine changes again to accommodate for a small trip to Mineral Beach to visit Kai

Heart Events

Black Heart

Walk from your farm towards the village between 10am and 6pm on a Wednesday or Friday.

While walking along the path you'll come across a chicken that is trying to flee from Lillia's

farm. The chicken stops right in front of you and you catch it. Popuri runs up to you and says she

accidentally let the chicken get away. She thank you for catching her chicken and then asks if

you like chickens. If you do, then Popuri says that people who like chickens are good people.

Some players have problems triggering this event. It seems to be easiest to activate if you walk

into Saibara's shop first and then leave. After you exit the Blacksmith's shop the event can


Purple Heart

When Popuri has a purple heart she will come by and visit your farm one morning. She's

interested in taking a tour of your farm. Tell her yes (2nd option) and the two of you will explore

the farm. The two of you will walk around your farm and she'll comment on how nice everything

is. She'll leave you at 1pm so the tour lasted about 7 hours.

Blue Heart

Between 10am and 1pm go to the Church on Sunday and you'll find Carter, Popuri, Stu, and

May. May is wants to play "house" so Carter get elected to be the dad and Popuri is the mom.

Carter rejects the whole dad-idea which irritates May a little bit, although Stu is more then

willing to play something else. Poor Carter looks distressed until he sees you walk in. Carter and

Popuri asks if you will play with the kids instead of Carter. Agree to play with them (option 1).

The 4 of you head up to the hot springs on Mother's Hill to play "house". Popuri pretends to be

your wife while May welcomes her "daddy" home. Something that May says upsets Stu and he

runs off crying. When the two kids leave Popuri thanks you for playing house with them and

gives you some Mud Dumplings. You were pretending to play house after all, might as well have

some mud food

This event doesn't occur during the Summer season because Popuri spends her time down at the

Beach with Kai instead of at the Church. You also must own the Large Rucksack.

Yellow Heart

Visit the poultry farm between 10am and 1pm. The 3 residents of the ranch are having a

discussion in the kitchen. Rick is calling his father irresponsible and he's upset that dad left his

mother to search for the medical flower. Popuri is mad at her brother for saying such bad things.

Lillia then notices you walking in and apologizes for their bickering. Popuri is still upset with

Rick for saying such bad things, but Rick insists that his dad is still irresponsible. Lillia thinks

they're both in the wrong and she'll ask what you think. You can choose that Popuri's correct,

Rick's correct, or "poor Lillia". If you express sympathy towards Lillia having to put up with her

bickering kids, they'll both realize how silly they've been and apologize to their mother. You'll

become better friends with all 3 of them.

This event does not occur during the Summer season.

Birthday : Fall 19

Favorites : Milk, Red Magic Grass, All Wild Grasses

The Doctor is the head fellow in charge of Mineral Clinic. If you aren't feeling well then you can go visit him and he'll give you an examination. His nurse Elli sells potions that you can drink (or cook with) that will make you feel better. If you ever work yourself until you pass out, you'll wake up in the clinic and have to listen to a stern scolding from the Doc.

Doctor usually keeps to himself since he's a very serious person. The only time you're going to see him outside the clinic is on Wednesdays when it's closed. Sometimes he goes to the yearly festivals to watch the events. He also likes to go to Mary's Library on Wednesdays and reads the books upstairs.

Elli has a lot of admiration towards Doctor and is secretly infatuated with him. Doctor is sometimes too busy to notice Elli's affection but if you see all of their Heart Events together, the two of them will get married.

Birthday : Winter 6

Favorites : All ores except for Junk Ore, all Jewels, Baked Corn

Gray is an apprentace to his Grandfather Saibara, who is the town's blacksmith. Gray doesn't like being in this "boonie" town so you'll see him complaining about having to be in Mineral Town. Gray spends his mornings at the blacksmith shop but in the afternoons he goes to Mary's Library to read the books. It seems books are the only way for Gray to fantasize about getting out of the small village.

Besides being at Saibara's or in the Library, you can find him in the upstairs room at the Inn where he lives. Gray is pretty easy to please since he likes any ores or jewels you dig up in the Spring and Lake mines. The only type he won't like is the Junk ore that you find in the Spring mine. Who wants a pile of junky rocks as a gift?

Since he spends so much time in the Library, he's obviously going to get to know Mary quite well. When the two of them get married the Library becomes closed on Thursdays as well, since it's Gray's day off from working at the Smithy.

Birthday : Summer 22

Favorites : All Summer crops, Eggs, Flour

Kai spends his Summer Vacation in Mineral Town. Once the Summer season ends he returns back to his home in the city. Popuri is quite fond of Kai's tanned skin and sexy purple headbandana, but her brother Rick thinks that Kai is a neusance. When ever he gets the

opportunity, Rick lets Kai know that he doesn't like him. During the Summer Kai has a "snack shack" open on the Beach. Most of the time you'll find him lounging on the bench and watching the waves, but during lunch and dinner time he opens up his food stall. Lunch is between 11am and 1pm while dinner is from 5pm to 7pm. He sells the same items during lunch and dinner. On Sundays Kai keeps his food stall closed all day.

Kai is your rival for Popuri's hand in marriage. Since he's only around during the Summer, that gives you 3 extra seasons to shower her with gifts. If you do allow the two of them to get married, Popuri will move out of Mineral Town and only return with Kai in the Summer. After you hit your second year on the farm, Kai will actually stop by on the 1st of Summer to let you know he's arrived. He will also pay you a visit on the 1st of Fall to say goodbye until next year.

Birthday : Fall 27

Favorites : Honey, Spa-Boiled Eggs, Chicken Feed

Rick lives with his mother and sister at the Chicken Farm. Ever since his dad left Mineral Town in search for Lila's medicine, Rick has been there to help his mom with the ranch. He and Popuri quarrel a lot, especially when it comes to Popuri's taste in men. Rick absolutely despises Kai for some reason and he constantly objects with his sister's fascination.

Every Summer he'll come by your farm on the 6th and ask if you would like to enter a chicken into the Chicken Sumo festival. If you do then he'll take your choice chicken away until the next day. During the festival talk to Rick again to start the sumo match. He'll ask if you need him to explain how the festival works, but insists on asking if you need an explanation every time you start a new match. Apparently Rick doesn't believe that his first explanation was good enough, or maybe he just likes to talk.

Rick is also your rival for Karen. How she can be interested in a dorky, jealous chicken-boy I don't know. The two of them spend many mornings together sitting on the bench outside the Hospital. After you see the Orange Heart event between Rick and Karen, their wedding will take place 7 days later. If you're good enough friends with Rick he'll invite you to attend his wedding in the morning. The wedding lasts all day and when it's over you'll be back in your farmhouse to start the next day.

Birthday : Summer 06

Favorites : Scrambled Eggs, Curry Rice, Miso Soup

Cliff recently moved to Mineral Town. He's very shy and prefers to keep to himself. During your first few months, he'll hide away from everyone else by spending the day with Carter in the Church. Even when you do stop by to say hello, he will only mumble a reply in return.

On the 14th of Fall during your first year, Duke will come by your farm and ask if you could help him with his wine harvest that year. If you agree to help, he suggests that you go around town and see if there is anyone else who might be interested in picking grapes. A good person to ask would be Cliff! If you choose to have him participate, then the two of you will pick grapes together on the 15th. Duke will then offer Cliff a job at the winery. If you choose not to ask Cliff, then at the end of the year he'll decide it's best if he moves out of Mineral Town. He'll pack his things and leave town, never to return.

Cliff is your rival for Ann. His "home" is a room on the 2nd floor of Doug's Inn so he's even in the same building where she lives. If you allow the two of them to get married, nothing really changes with their schedules. You'll still find Ann inside the Inn and Cliff outside working in the vineyard.

Besides the Bachelors and their heart rivals, there are 20 other villagers living in Mineral Town.


Birthday: Fall 23

Likes: Apple, Egg, Flour, Honey,

Oil, Strawberry, Sweet Potato

She is Basil's wife and Mary's mother. Often she will gossip with the ladies in Rose Plaza.


Birthday: Spring 17

Likes: Miso Soup, Rice Balls,

Rice Cake, Scrambled Eggs, Spa

Boiled Egg,

Owner of Yodel Farm. His daughter, Joanna, left her daughter in his care.


Birthday: Summer 11

Likes: colored Grass, Mushroom,

Poison Mushroom, Tomato Juice,

Wild Grape

The town's Naturalist. He writes books about the flowers and herbs he finds.


Birthday: Fall 20

Likes: Curry, Egg, Flour, Fish,

Milk, Oil, Turnips

Mineral Town's Pastor. He opens a confession booth on Monday, Wednesday, and rainy days.


Birthday: Winter 11

Likes: Apple, Honey, Fish, Milk,


Owner of the Inn. He spends all of his time managing his small hotel with his daughter Ann.


Birthday: Winter 15

Likes: Bread, Cheese, Cucumber,

Eggplant, Sashimi, Wine

Married to Manna, and owner of the Aja Winery. His wife feels he drinks too much alchohol.


Birthday: Winter 13

Likes: Carrot, Flour, Milk,

Pumpkin, Rice Cake, Spa Boiled


She takes care of Elli and Stu. A sickness has caused her to loose her ability to walk.


Birthday: Fall 02

Likes: Apple, Cheese, Egg, Flour,

Honey, Oil, Onion, Potato

He will upgrade your farm buildings. His wife and daughter passed away during a bad storm on the Mountain.


Birthday: Summer 04

Likes: Accessories, Energy

Drink, Small Fish, Spa Boiled

Egg, Wild Grape Juice


Birthday: Winter 29

Likes: Blue Grass, Blue Magic

Grass, Corn Flakes, Fruit Juice,


The Mayor's son and the local police officer. He makes sure the town stays safe.

Owner of the General Store. He has a stomach ailment that he uses to his advantage.


Birthday: Spring 19

Likes: Apple, Carrot, Honey,

Milk, Strawberry, Tomato

Runs the Poultry Farm. Her husband is searching the world for medicine to help her feel better.


Birthday: Fall 11

Likes: Bamboo Shoots, Fish,

Honey, Milk, Mushroom, Pinkcat


She is married to Duke and manages the Winery's store. Her daughter moved away and she misses her greatly.


Birthday: Winter 26

Likes: Apple, Fruit Juice, Honey,

Pineapple, Rubber Boot, Toy


Her grandfather is Barley. She likes to play with Stu and Carter outside the Church.


Birthday: Spring 11

Likes: Adamantite, Bamboo

Shoots, Large Fish, Miso Soup,

Mistril, Turnip

The town's Blacksmith. His grandson Gray is currently his apprentace.


Birthday: Spring 30

Likes: Accessories, Chocolate,

Cookies, Flowers, Honey

Karen's mother and married to Jeff. She typically gets her way when requesting something from her husband.


Birthday: Fall 05

Likes: Chocolate, Honey,

Sandwitch, Wild Grape, Yarn

He is Elli's younger brother. The two of them were raised by grandma Ellen when their parents passed away.


Birthday: Summer 25

Likes: Accessories, Jam Bun,

Soba Noodles, Wild Grape Juice,


The Mayor of the town. He introduces you to your farm at the beginning of the game.


Birthday: Summer 29

Likes: Apple, Cheese, Cucumber,

Strawberry, Tomato, Wine

All farm shipments are handled by him. He spends most of his day in his house on Mineral Beach.


Chef - Fall 14

Nappy - Winter 22

Hoggy - Fall 10

Timid - Summer 16

Aqua - Spring 26

Staid - Spring 15

Bold - Spring 4


Colored Grass, Flour, Honey, Apples, Bread


Recipes » Page 01

Mayonnaise (S) Regular Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (M) Good Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (L) High Quality Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (G) Golden Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (P) P Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (X) X Egg + Oil + Whisk + Vinegar

Mayonnaise (S) + Mayonnaise (M) + Mayonnaise (L) + Mayonnaise (G) +

Mayonnaise (P)

X Egg Regular Quality Egg + Good Quality Egg + High Quality Egg + Gold Egg

+ P Egg

Milk (X) Milk (S) + Milk (M) + Milk (L) + Milk (G) + Milk (P)

Recipes » Page 02

Cheese (X) Cheese (S) + Cheese (M) + Cheese (L) + Cheese (G) + Cheese (P)

Wild Grape Juice Wild Grape + Wine + Purple Grass + Pot

Pickles Cucumber + Salt

Salad (Cucumber/ Tomato/ Carrot/ Cabbage) + Knife

Curry Rice Curry Powder + Rice balls + Pot

Stew Flour + Milk + Pot + Salt

Miso Soup Miso + Pot + Salt + at least 1 edible item

Stir Fry Cabbage + Oil + Knife + Frying Pan + Soy Sauce

Recipes » Page 03

Fried Rice Rice balls + Oil + (any size) Egg + Frying Pan

Savory Pancake Cabbage + Oil + Flour + (any size) Egg + Frying Pan + Knife

Sandwitch (Tomato/ Cucumber/ Boiled Egg) + Bread + Knife

Fruit Juice (Apple/ Strawberry) + Mixer

Fruit Latte Fruit Juice + (any size) Milk + Mixer

(Apple/ Pineapple/ Wild Grape) + Milk + Mixer

Veggie Juice (Cucumber/ Cabbage/ Carrot) + Mixer

Veggie Latte Veggie Juice + (any size) Milk + Mixer

(Cucumber/ Cabbage/ Carrot) + (any size) Milk + Mixer

Mixed Juice (Strawberry/ Apple/ Pineapple/ SUGDW Apple/ AEPFE Apple/ HMSGB

Apple/ Wild Grape) + (Cucumber/ Cabbage/ Carrot) + Mixer

Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice + Mixer

Recipes » Page 04

Mixed Latte

(any size) Milk + (Strawberry/ Apple/ Pineapple/ SUGDW Apple/ AEPFE

Apple/ HMSGB Apple/ Wild Grape) + (Cucumber/ Cabbage/ Carrot) +


(any size) Milk + Mix Juice + Mixer

(any size) Milk + Fruit Juice + Veggie Juice + Mixer

Pickled Turnips Turnip + Knife + Vinegar

French Fries Potato + Oil + Knife + Frying Pan

Strawberry Jam Strawberry + Pot + Sugar

Strawberry Milk Strawberry + (any size) Milk + Mixer

Tomato Juice Tomato + Mixer

Ketchup Tomato + Onion + Mixer + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar

Popcorn Corn + Frying Pan

Recipes » Page 05

Corn Flakes Corn + Rolling Pin + (Oven/ Frying Pan)

Baked Corn Corn + Oven

Pineapple Juice Pineapple + Mixer

Pumpkin Pudding (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Pumpkin + Pot + Oven + Sugar

Pumpkin Stew Pumpkin + Pot + Sugar + Soy Sauce

Happy Eggplant Eggplant + Frying Pan + Sugar + Soy Sauce + Miso

Sweet Potatoes Butter + (any size) Egg + Sweet Potato + Sugar + Pot + Oven

Baked Sweet Potato Sweet Potato + Oven

Recipes » Page 06

Greens Spinich + Pot + Soy Sauce

Scrambled Eggs (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan

Omelet (any size) Egg + Oil + (any size) Milk + Frying Pan

Omelet Rice (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Oil + Rice Balls + Frying Pan

Boiled Egg (any size) Egg + Pot

Pudding (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Oven + Pot + Sugar

Hot Milk (any size) Milk + Pot

Butter (any size) Milk + Mixer

Recipes » Page 07

Cheese Cake (any size) Cheese + (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Pot + Whisk + Oven

+ Sugar

Cheese Fondue (any size) Cheese + Bread + Pot

Apple Pie Apple + (any size) Egg + Butter + Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling Pin +

Oven + Sugar

Apple Jam Apple + Pot + Sugar

Apple Soufflé (Apple/ SUGDW Apple/ HMSGB Apple/ AEPFE Apple) + Frying Pan

Bamboo Rice Bamboo Shoot + Rice ball

Grape Jam Wild Grape + Pot + Sugar

Grape Juice Wild Grape + Mixer

Recipes » Page 08

Mushroom Rice Mushroom + Rice Ball

Truffle Rice Truffle + Rice Ball

Sushi Sashimi + Rice Ball + Vinegar

Jam Bun (Apple Jam/ Strawberry Jam/ Grape Jam) + Bread

Dinner Roll Bread + Butter

Raisin Bread Bread + Wild Grape

Curry Bread Bread + Oil + Curry Powder + Frying Pan

Toast Bread + Oven

Recipes » Page 09

French Toast Bread + (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan

Sashimi (Medium Fish/ Large Fish) + Knife

Grilled Fish Medium Fish + Frying Pan

Chirashi Sushi Scrambled Eggs + Sashimi + Rice Ball + Knife + Vinegar

Pizza (any size) Cheese + Flour + Ketchup + Rolling Pin + Oven

Noodles Flour + Pot + Rolling Pin + Knife

Curry Noodles Noodles + Curry Powder + Pot

Tempura Noodles Tempura + Noodles + Pot

Flour + Tempura + Rolling Pin + Pot + Knife

Recipes » Page 10

Fried Noodles Noodles + Oil + (any size) Egg + Frying Pan

Buckwheat Noodles Buckwheat Flour + Knife + Pot + Rolling Pin

Noodles w/ Tempura Tempura + Buckwheat Noodles + Pot

Buckwheat Flour + Tempura + Rolling Pin + Pot + Knife

Fried Noodles Buckwheat Noodles + (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan + Salt +

Vinegar + Soy Sauce

Buckwheat Chips Buckwheat Flour + Pot

Tempura Flour + (any size) Egg + Oil + Frying Pan

Mountain Stew Carrot + Mushroom + Bamboo Shoots + Knife + Pot + Sugar + Soy


Moon Dumpling Muffin Mix + Sugar

Recipes » Page 11

Roasted Rice

Cake Rice Cake + (Oven/ Frying Pan)

Toasted Rice Balls Rice Balls + Oven

Rice Gruel Rice Balls + Pot + Salt

Tempura Rice Rice Ball + Tempura + Salt

Egg Over Rice (any size) Egg + Rice Ball + Pot

Candied Potato Sweet Potato + Honey + Pot

Potato Pancakes Potato + Onion + (any size) Egg + Oil + Flour + Knife + Frying Pan +


Fish Sticks (Medium Fish/ Large Fish) + Mixer + Salt

Recipes » Page 12

Cookies Flour + (any size) Egg + Butter + Rolling Pin + Oven + Sugar

Chocolate Cookies Flour + (any size) Egg + Chocolates + Butter + Rolling Pin + Oven +


Cookies + Chocolate

Ice Cream (any size) Milk + (any size) Egg + Whisk + Pot + Sugar

Cake Butter + Flour + (any size) Egg + Sugar + Whisk + Oven

Chocolate Cake Chocolate + Butter + Flour + (any size) Egg + Sugar + Whisk + Oven

Pancakes Flour + Oil + Butter + (any size) Egg + (any size) Milk + Honey + Sugar

+ Whisk + Frying Pan

Relaxation Tea Relax Tea Leaves + Pot

SUGDW Apple Apple + HMSGB Apple + AEPFE Apple

Recipes » Page 13

HMSGB Apple Apple + SUGDW Apple + AEPFE Apple

AEPFE Apple Apple + HMSGB Apple + SUGDW Apple

Bodigizer Honey + Orange Grass + Black Grass + Red Magic Grass + Pot

Bodigizer XL Bodigizer + Blue Grass + Mixer

Turbojolt Honey + Orange Grass + White Grass + Red Magicred Flower + Pot

Turbojolt XL Turbojolt + Green Grass + Mixer

Relax Tea Leaves Red Grass + Orange Grass + Yellow Grass + Green Grass + Purple Grass +

Blue Grass + Indigo Grass + Weed + Knife + Frying Pan

Elli Leaves 6 types of burnt food + Bodigizer XL + Turbojolt XL + Knife + Frying Pan

+ Oven + Pot + Sugar + Salt + Vinegar + Soy Sauce + Miso

Recipes » Page 14

Spring Sun Blue Magic Grass + Red Magic Grass + Moondrop Flower + Pinkcat

Flower + Toy Flower

Summer Sun Small Fish + Medium Fish + Large Fish + Fossil of Ancient Fish + Pirate


Autumn Sun Cheese (X) + Mayonaise (X) + X Egg + Milk (X) + Wool (X) + Yarn (X)

Winter Sun Alexandrite + Diamond + Emerald + Moonstone + Pink Diamond + Mythic

Stone + Sand Rose

Credit :

Google I guess

This is actually a collection of many sources that I found on the internet and I make it into a pdf to make

it easier to use.

Let me know if there's a mistake. And please don't hesitate to ask me if you need more info about the

guides. I'll do all I can to help.

Feel free to use it.