departure destination. exaltation. didn'


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Ascension of our Lord Thursday, May 14th is Ascension Day, and we're celebrating it this year at 7pm. You should come. But why would we make such a big deal of Jesus' departure? I can sympathize with that question. When I was growing up, I never really understood Ascension. I understood Christmas—you know it's a big deal when a whole army of angels shows up to sing Christmas carols. I understood Good Friday—the beating, the darkness, the earthquake, the dying breath—all this was for me. And I certainly understood Easter—Christ broke the choke-hold of death and promised to do the same for everybody who believes. Those I understood. But Ascension? Our Lord floated up like a balloon and then the angels told us all us to go home until the Holy Spirit would show up ten days later. What an odd way to say goodbye. But Ascension is not simply about Jesus' departure, but more about His destination. The Creed says, “He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the Father Almighty...” Many a six-year-old has imagined that the Father is sitting up in heaven, and Jesus is awkwardly sitting on top of His right hand. But of course, that isn't what it means. “Right hand” simply means “next in charge.” We keep some sense of this meaning in our own idiom, “right hand man.” So when Jesus ascends, He doesn't just go up to heaven to hang out with His dad. He ascends to the second most powerful position in the universe. In church-talk, it's His exaltation. He takes his rightful position of power at His Father's side. This too probably seems odd to us: odd that Jesus didn't always sit at the right hand of the Father, odd that there is apparently some ranking among the persons of the Trinity, and odd at the idea that Jesus could somehow be promoted. (How can you get higher than “Son of God?”) But we understand Jesus' exaltation best when we first understand His humiliation (think “make humble” more than “humiliate”).

It began when Jesus became man. Not only did He take on lowly flesh, but He came into our world as a nobody: born to two young nobodies in a dirty, plain old stable in the unremarkable town of Bethlehem. And although He was a king, Jesus hardly lived like one. He was baptized just like all those sinners. He hungered and thirsted and had no place to lay his head. He was misunderstood and demonized (the religious leaders did accuse him of having a demon), and rejected. He was beaten, mocked, condemned and crucified. He was forsaken by God and then He died. His descent into humiliation was complete when they finally laid his lifeless body down into the cold tomb.

Philippians 2 shortens all this up a bit as it hastens on to Jesus' exaltation.

5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:5-11)

But His humiliation is only half of the picture, because Jesus didn't stay dead. When he strode from the tomb, he began his upward ascent that would not stop until he was seated next to the Father. He may have been killed by men, but He was raised by the Father. He may have descended to a lowly stable, but now he ascends into heaven. He may have laid aside his glory, but now He sits at the right hand of God. He may have been judged, but He will return to be our judge. Ephesians 1 describes Jesus' exaltation like this:

… when he [God] raised him [Jesus] from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. 22 And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. (Ephesians 1:20-23)

So Ascension isn't Jesus' going away party, it's a promotion party. We celebrate that the king, our king, is now taking his rightful place on the throne. He no longer lives to be humiliated, beaten, and crucified, but he lives in glory, power, and authority. He ascends to be the head of the Church. He ascends to be our king. And our king will return once more to finally right all wrongs and to pronounce the fate of the whole world.

Jesus may be leaving the earth, but ascension is hardly the ending. It is, in one sense, only the beginning of Jesus' reign that will have no end.

And if that's not worth celebrating, I don't know what is. Pastor Johnson

Easter 5 (May 3, 2015) – John 15:1-8

“Vine and the Branches” “I am the vine and you are the branches,” which is to say that we find life connected to Christ. As soon as you cut a branch off of a tree, it quickly dies. Only branches that are connected to the root can live and grow and bear fruit. This is the same with us. Apart from Christ, we can do nothing; we die. We cannot live or grow or produce fruit in the faith if we're a branch laying on the ground. But we thrive and produce good fruit when we are planted in the soil of the word and are nourished by His own flesh and blood. Yet this passage can easily be twisted around. “You better start bearing fruit if you want to be part of the vine.” No, it's a description, not a condition. Apple trees produce apples. Tomato plants produce tomatoes. Grapevines produce grapes. Branches that remain connected to Jesus simply bear fruit.

Easter 6 (May 10, 2015) – John 15:9-17

“All You Need is Love” As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. (John 15:9)

Who doesn't like love? Everyone talks about it. Everyone is looking for it. Everyone wants it. But what is love? Our culture has many answers to this question, and not all of them are right. But when Jesus speaks of love, he has something every specific in mind. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends.”

What is love? No answer would be complete apart from Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Christ's selfless death defines and shapes what love is. It is not a dozen roses or a strong feeling in your gut. It's not an abstract concept. What is love? Christ emptying himself, and dying so that you might live. The love of Christ is what keeps us in the faith. The love of Christ is the nourishment that produces fruit in our lives. The love of Christ is what enables us to love one another.

This is not just “love”, but the love of Christ.

Easter 7 (May 17, 2015) – Acts 1:12-26

“Eleven plus One” Jesus has now ascended, but is not gone. Just this last Thursday was the Ascension, where Jesus was taken up into heaven 40 days after Easter. Yet Pentecost is still a week away, so Jesus' disciples are in a holding pattern as they await the gift of the Holy Spirit. Yet as our lesson from Acts tells us, the church had to be made complete again. Judas had removed himself by taking his own life, but God's people are always a complete twelve (think: twelve sons of Jacob, twelve tribes of Israel) and never an incomplete eleven. So Matthias is chosen to join to make the number complete. What, you've never heard of Matthias? Well, the scriptures never speak of him again, but that should say something to us. The church is full of Matthiases—ones who are faithful but never become famous. Certainly the church is blessed by Peters and Pauls, but you may not be one of those. Not to fear—the Lord picks His Matthiases too.

Worship this Month

Pentecost (May 24, 2015)

Having received the apostolic preaching and this faith, as I have said, the Church, although scattered in the whole world, carefully preserves it, as if living in one house. She believes these things everywhere alike, as if she had but one heart and soul; and preaches them harmoniously, teaches them, and hands them down, as if she had but one mouth. For the languages of the world are different, but the meaning of the apostolic tradition is one and the same. Neither do the churches that have been established in Germany believe otherwise, or hand down any other tradition, nor those among the Iberians, nor those among the Celts, nor in Egypt, nor in Libya, nor those established in the middle parts of the world. But as God’s creature, the sun, is one and the same in the whole world, so also the preaching of the truth shines everywhere, and illumines all who wish to come to the knowledge of the truth. -Irenaeus

A SPECIAL THANKS to all the dedicated ladies, who spent many hours cutting squares, sewing, ironing, assembling and tying the 62 quilts completed this season! Many went to Pastor Fehrmann, Orphan Grain Train and The Dwelling Place (local Christian women's shelter). We would also like to Thank all the people who donated sheets, yarn and fabrics. Please continue to save them for us. We ask you to bring them to church next fall as we do not have any space to store them over the summer. Without your help we would not have been able to make the quantity we did. God Bless You for helping this Mission Project! The G of C Quilters

Missions Fiesta

Missions Fiesta 2015 was a GREAT SUCCESS!

We surpassed our goal of $25,000.00, even after

expenses. Thank you to everyone who contributed

to help make it so successful!


Women of Faith Update: Join us for food and fellowship on Saturday, May 16th at 11:30 am, as we wrap up our meetings for the summer. Please bring a salad or a dessert to share and a friend!

Schedule Change: Monday Night Divine Services have begun and will continue through summer. Service time is at 7:00 pm, unless otherwise noted on the calendar.

Elders Meeting will be on Tuesday May 5th at 7:00 pm.

Informational Meeting: On Sunday May 10th, after Bible Study, there will be a short informational meeting (10 to 15 minutes) regarding the status of our Call Process. Please plan to attend!

Church Council meeting will be on Tuesday May 19th at 6:30.

Assistance needed for Bread Ministry! We are in need of some additional volunteers for our Bread Ministry program. If you can assist, please let Charlotte Smith know. Thanks! Come and celebrate Jesus’ Ascension with us! Join us at 7:00 pm on Thursday May 14th for our first annual Ascension Divine Service. Want to Sponsor a New Member here at GoC? Some of you may remember our New Member Sponsor program that we use to have here at church and it is time to resurrect it! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor to a New Member, please talk to Pastor Johnson for details. Thank You! Mark your calendar for the Annual Johnson Christmas in July Party! Sunday, July 12th 2:00 pm start with a rain date of Sunday, August 16th. More information coming at a later date. Thank You! Spring has Sprung! That means the garden beds need tending to for planting. We are in need of volunteers to assist in preparing and planting the garden beds and then, assistance throughout the summer is needed for weeding. Please let Brenda know if you can help out. Thank You!

There will be NO Divine Service on Monday May 25th Due to the Memorial Day Holiday

Mom’s Group: Last Mom's Group for the school year will be on Wednesday, May 13th. We will resume play dates in the park on Tuesday, June 16th at 10 am. Details on park locations will be forthcoming.

General News & Updates

Youth Group Snack Drive – The GoC Youth Group is conducting a snack drive for IOCP to assist low income children who will be out of school soon, and may not have enough to eat during the day. Please see the information by the Youth Group bulletin board in the Narthex to see the items that they are collecting. Collections will be taken until Sunday, May 17th. Next GOC Youth Group Event: Sunday, May 17th 11:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Lunch, Devotions and Kick-Ball!! All existing snack contributions will be collected and processed into snack packs. Contact Julie for more information; or 612-791-0163.

Wednesday, May 13th will be the last rehearsal for Children’s Choir and Children’s Chimes. There will be a pizza party for both groups at 5:00 pm that day. Look for more information from Ms. Heeren and Mrs. Leimer. NO Hand Bell Rehearsal on Wednesday May 6th. We will rehearse at our normal time on Wednesday May 13th.

Dear Glory of Christ Member, The Church Council Meeting was held April 21st. Pastor Johnson reported on the Mexico Missions project. Things are moving forward very well with a few changes in whom the new missionary was going to be - a letter will be sent out soon to the congregation informing us on what is happening in the Mexico Mission. Jesse Huber, our Treasurer, submitted his report to the Council showing the general offerings for the month of March were $2,000 favorable to budget. The mission auction was very successful as we rose over $28,000 which was over our $25,000 goal. I wish to thank everyone who served in putting together the mission festival this year! We did send in the order for the new church pews and it looks like we should be receiving them sometime in July. The Council approved a new lawn care and snow removal bid. We also looked at a couple of bids for our church cleaning; these bids were not solicited but gave us some guidance in what we may want to ask for in our present cleaning service. Building and grounds member, Dan Gruenhagen also let the Council know a new air compressor was purchased for the sprinkler system. We will be looking at the next meeting to approve replacing 4 windows (glass) in the church as the seals are broken. I appointed a new committee (Project Insight Committee) this committee will serve in two ways. First, it will assist in the interview and selection of which company we hire to assess our structural needs. Second, it will help to gather insight from the church and work with the new company as to what the desires of our structural growth may be. Members: Dennis Karius Andy Madson - Advisory Mike Lindh - Sunday School, Youth Charlotte Smith - Ladies Services Groups - kitchen Travis Dorweiler - General Grounds and Maintenance Please feel free to speak to any or all of these members as to how you would like to see our church building better serve its members. No rush, as we still are at the beginning steps of looking at these needs. Yours in Christ, Dennis Karius President 2015

Serving Sunday May 10, 2015

Coffee: Marilyn & Chuck Scharlau Acolyte: Will Brolsma Elders: Peter Krenzke & Todd Schoolman Ushers: Travis Dorweiler & Tim Lavanger Altar Guild: Beth Schoolman & Lisa Gallmeyer Offering Counters: Barbie Gruenhagen & Mike Miller Bread Baker: Julie Anderson Bread Deliverer: Julie Anderson Serving Thursday May 14, 2015 – Ascension

Acolyte: Billy Anderson Processional: Austin Corey Elders: Peter Krenzke & Todd Schoolman Ushers: ??? Altar Guild: Brenda Richards Serving Sunday May 17, 2015

Coffee: Ann Milbrath & Linda Corey Acolyte: Jack Teske Elders: Peter Krenzke & Todd Schoolman Ushers: Patton Hoffarth & Jesse Huber Altar Guild: Jill Larson & Gayle McGriff Offering Counters: Lori Beck & Carl Hartness Bread Baker: Susan Johnson Bread Deliverer: Carl Hartness Serving Sunday May 24, 2015

Coffee: Carla Claussen & Sue Torkelson Acolyte: Claudia Wikman Processional: ??? Elders: Peter Krenzke & Todd Schoolman Ushers: Steve Rains & Roger Hargreaves Altar Guild: Barb Rains & Brenda Richards Offering Counters: Craig & Charlotte Smith Bread Baker: Charlotte Smith Bread Deliverer: Janis Kimmel

Serving Sunday May 31, 2015

Coffee: Janel Koosman & Gen Dykhoff Acolyte: ??? Processional: Austin Corey Elders: Peter Krenzke & Todd Schoolman Ushers: Mark Swenson & Jacob Olson Altar Guild: Chad & Denae Kuenzel Offering Counters: Bob & Arlene Strom Bread Baker: Charlotte Smith Bread Deliverer: Craig Smith

Serving this Month

May 1st Emily Fuchs Birthday May 2nd Arta Walter Birthday May 3rd Amanda Malo Birthday Brad Schoolman Birthday Philippe DeBlois Birthday May 4th Shirley Lavanger Birthday

May 7th Kevin Barry Birthday May 8th Chuck & Marilyn Scharlau Anniversary May 9th Alexander Johnson Birthday Eleanor Rolf Birthday May 10th Kent Rudeen & Janelle Franzmeier Anniversary

May 15th LeRoy & Betty Reinke Anniversary Janet Karius Birthday Jill Eickhoff Birthday May 16th Charlotte Smith Birthday

May 20th Sarah DeBlois Birthday May 28th Isadora Lee Eickhoff Birthday Andrea Neumann Birthday May 30th Andrew Johnson Birthday Travis & Kelly Dorweiler Anniversary May 31st Barry & Emily Fuchs Anniversary Mike & Lea Connealy Anniversary

Birthdays & Anniversaries

