Demographic Winter Heralds Same-sex Spring


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8/14/2019 Demographic Winter Heralds Same-sex Spring 1/3

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse • 663 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road Suite 222 San Marcos CA 92078 • email: • 760/295-9278©2007 No part of this document may be reproduced or disseminated in any way without the expressed written consent of theRuth Institute.

Demographic winter heralds

same-sex marriage spring

By Jennifer Roback Morse

The New England region is a sitting duck for the

further de-construction of marriage.

I would not like to be the governor of 

Vermont right now. But I must say the man

who has the job is showing a lot of  backbone in the face of a legislature on the

 brink of legalizing same-sex marriage.

Vermont has had civil unions since 2000.This legal status for same sex couples is now

deemed to be inadequate, which supposedly

accounts for the decline in the number of 

civil unions. In 2001, the state granted 1,876

civil unions, compared with only 262 lastyear. The Vermont Senate has already

approved the Freedom to Marry bill andDemocrats in the House say they will vote

for it on Friday. But Gov Jim Douglas says

he will veto the measure if passed.

The gay rights movement has targeted New

England for their “6 by 12” strategy of having same sex marriage in all six of the

 New England states by 2012. This strategy

makes sense from their point of view. Theyalready have same sex marriage in

Massachusetts and Connecticut, by judicial

fiat. In addition, New England is less

religious than the rest of the country. Andthis is a region which has already given up

on having babies as a viable way to create a


A priest from Vermont recently told me

what it is like to minister in one of the leastreligious states in America. It has one of the

highest proportions of the population who

consider themselves “unaffiliated” with anyreligious tradition, at 26 per cent, compared

with 16 per cent of the US population. Only

23 per cent of the Vermont populationattends church services at least once a week , 

compared with 39 per cent of the general US

 population. The priest has had one wedding

in the past year, and that was a couple intheir fifties. He has perhaps one or two

 baptisms per year. It sounded rather grim,

and a lot like Europe.

About the same time I happened to bereading P.D. James’ chilling novel, The

Children of Men. That dystopian novel

imagines what the world would be like if the

entire human race became sterile. Since noone can have kids, marriage doesn’t mean

much. Women lavish attention on child

substitutes: they have elaborate christeningsfor cats and drive dolls around in baby

carriages. Since no young people come into

 being, nothing new and energetic can reallyhappen. People lose hope and reason for 

living as they age. With the exception of the

cat christenings, it sounded a lot like the

 priest’s description of Vermont.

So this got me to thinking: what isVermont’s demographic situation? Are they

reproducing themselves?

8/14/2019 Demographic Winter Heralds Same-sex Spring 2/3

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse • 663 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road Suite 222 San Marcos CA 92078 • email: • 760/295-9278©2007 No part of this document may be reproduced or disseminated in any way without the expressed written consent of theRuth Institute.

Vermont has the lowest total fertility rate of 

any state in the union: 1.66 babies per woman. (Note: you have to click on the link 

for the excel file to see the birth rates.)

While you’re looking at the table, pleasenotice that the six New England states,

Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine,

Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode

Island, are in the “top ten” of the lowest totalfertility rate states in the country. Not

surprisingly, Vermont has a low population

growth rate compared with the rest of thecountry: Vermont’s population grew 2 per 

cent between 2000 and 2007, while the

entire country grew by 7.2 per cent over thesame period.

 None of these states are replacingthemselves with births. All of them have net

out-migration: more people left between

2006 and 2007 than moved into the NewEngland states. See pages 5 and 6 here.

Taking this demographic malaise together with the general low religious practice, the

whole region is a sitting duck for the further 

de-construction of marriage. And make nomistake: instituting same sex marriage

amounts to the de-construction of marriage.

 Natural, man woman marriage attaches

fathers to their children, and mothers and

fathers to each other. Redefining marriagefrom the union of a man and a woman to the

union of any two persons jettisons three

important principles: first, the principle thatchildren are entitled to a relationship with

 both parents, second, the biological principle

for determining parentage, and third, the

 principle that the state recognizes parentage,

 but does not assign it. Regular religious practice seems to inoculate people from

 believing that these principles are


Sometimes the arguments over same sex

marriage degenerate into an argument over cause and effect. Advocates of same sex

marriage argue that there is no real

connection between that legal change andchanges in other aspects of marriage, at least

not when looking at measurable

demographic indicators like non-marital

child-bearing. But that is not what I amsuggesting here.

My point here is that people who have

already excused themselves from

reproducing do not see any particular  problem in redefining marriage. The people

who have given up on reproducing don’t

mind uncoupling marriage from concern

about children. And if religious people arethe only ones who can muster the hope in

the future necessary to shoulder the effort of 

raising children, so much the worse for thenon-religious.

But the fact that the aging solons of NewEngland have given up doesn’t mean that

the rest of us ought to. The people of 

Vermont and the rest of New England arenot going to surrender this territory without

 putting up a good fight. Letters and emails

are pouring into Governor Jim Douglas’office. The principle that kids need mothers

and fathers is worth fighting for.

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Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse • 663 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road Suite 222 San Marcos CA 92078 • email: • 760/295-9278©2007 No part of this document may be reproduced or disseminated in any way without the expressed written consent of theRuth Institute.

Copyright © Jennifer Roback Morse.

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 Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. is an

economist and the Founder and President of 

the Ruth Institute , a nonprofit educational organization devoted to bringing hope and 

encouragement for lifelong married love.She is also the author of  Love and 

 Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a

Village and Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long  Love in a Hook-Up World.
