Delicacies: Sichuan local delights / Sichuan Cuisine ... · Validity: 01 JAN – 31 DEC 2017 Tour...


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Validity: 01 JAN – 31 DEC 2017 Tour Code: CHN-CTUCE8 / CTUCE9

Delicacies: Sichuan local delights / Sichuan Cuisine / Herbal hotpot / Leshan toufu feast

8D Tour - CHN-CTUCE8

Day 01: Singapore Chengdu (No Meals) Hotel: 5* Serengeti or Similar

Assemble at Singapore Changi International Airport for your flight to Chengdu, the provincial capital of Sichuan.

Day 02: Chengdu / Munigou Scenic Spot (Optional Itinerary) / Jiuzhaigou (B / L / D) Hotel: 5* Holiday Inn or Similar

After Breakfast, proceeds to Mounigou Scenic Area are a similar scenic and historic interest area as World Heritage Site

Huanglong. The various sounds of waterfalls echo throughout the forest. Some fall down from the calcific steps while others

pass through the woods creating an impressive spray and some misty fog.

Day 03: Jiuzhaigou (Non Charter Coach) (B / L / D) Hotel: 5* Holiday Inn or Similar

After breakfast, head to Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area. Located 2000-4300 meters

above sea level and characterized by its groups of lakes, waterfalls,

snow-capped peaks, forests, it is known as “Earthly Paradise” and for its

ever-changing seasonal landscapes. This primitive valley covers an area of 720

sq km. There are 118 green seas (mountain lakes), 12 groups of waterfalls,

large amount of calcified flood plains and many endangered species.

Jiuzhaigou is composed of three valleys arranged in a Y shape, which is

Shuzheng Valley and Rize, Zechawa valleys. Main attraction: Arrow Bamboo

Lake, Panda Lake, Long Lake, Sleeping Dragon Lake, Pearl Waterfalls,

Nuorilang Waterfalls and so on. It was also recognized as a UNESCO World

Heritage Site in 1992. In 2000, it was appraised as a national AAAAA scenic

area, the highest accolade possible for a China tourist area.

Day 04: Jiuzhaigou / Songfan Ancient Town / Diexihaizi / Dujiangyan (B / L / D) Hotel: 4* Mingcheng Times or Similar

This morning, we will head to visit Geology and Mineral Museum before we

proceed to visit the Songpan ancient town (exclude boarding the tower) and

Diexi Haizi. After continue journey to Maoxian, upon arrival visit Qiangzhai

(Optional Itinerary) visit the highlands Bee farms for honey products.

Day 05: Dujiangyan / Huanglongxi Town (Optional Itinerary) / Mt.Emei (B / L / D) Hotel: 5* Hongzhu Shan or Similar

Today, proceed to Huanglongxi Ancient Town. It has over 2100 years of history. Visitors who come in to explore this

beautiful town will be amazed by the ancient cobbled streets, temples, and wharves and houses along its curving alleys.

Having more than 180 films born here, it is known as “China’s Hollywood”. Thereafter, head to Mt. Emei, it is one of the

four sacred Buddhist Mountains in China. Since the 1st century, Mt. Emei has turned out many eminent Buddhist masters. In

1996, Mt. Emei was included in the World Natural and Cultural Heritage List.

Day 06: Mt.Emei / Fuhu Temple / Leshan Grand Buddha / Chengdu (B / L / D) Hotel: 5* Serengeti or Similar

After breakfast, start our journey to Baoguo Temple. It is the most impressive temple and the main place for Buddhist

activities in the region. Continue to visit Fuhu Temple, the largest temple and also a Guanyin nunnery in Mt Emei. This

temple is surrounded by forests and streams of pristine purity. Thereafter, head to Leshan, enjoying on a Leshan river cruise

to view the Minjiang Qingyi, Dadu Rivers and looking at the world’s largest stone carved Buddha statue - Leshan Giant

Buddha. It is also the world’s largest sitting statue of Maitreya carved in stone. In 1996, Leshan Giant Buddha was officially

put on the World Cultural and Heritage List by UNESCO. We will proceed to the jewelry shop for jade.

Day 07: Research base of Panda / Chun Xi Road (B / L / D) Hotel: 5* Serengeti or Similar

This morning, we visit Bao Shu Tang Herbal Shop & Research base of Panda, Tour through the baby and adult panda

areas and visit the red panda section to see these small adorable animals. You will amaze to see the rare and beautiful Pandas

lounging and nibbling on bamboo shouts. Some pandas very large and some small, also fun to watch the small Red Pandas as

well. After that, visit Silk Factory. Thereafter, we continue visit Chunxi Road - going to Chengdu without visiting Chunxi

Road is like going to Paris without visiting Champs Elysees, New York without visiting 5th Avenue, or more locally,

Shanghai without visiting Nanjing Road. With a history of 70 years, Chunxi Road boasts the most prosperous commercial

pedestrian street in Chengdu. Department stores, boutiques, modern cafes, a spacious square, and abundance of beautiful

people will leave you with pleasant memories of Chunxi Road.

Day 08: Chengdu Singapore (B)

After breakfast, we will head to the airport for your departure flight back to Singapore.

9D Tour: CHN-CTUE9 (Day 1-7 itinerary same as CHN-CTUE8)

Day 08: Chengdu (B) Hotel: 5* Serengeti or Similar

After breakfast, enjoy own free time.

Day 09: Chengdu Singapore (B)

After breakfast, we will head to the airport for your departure flight back to Singapore.

备注(Remark):导游/司机小费 (人民币 30/人/天). Local guide/Driver Tipping (RMB 30/day/person). 导游全程以中文讲解/ 2.行程游览顺序将会根据具体实践,路况,酒店安排做出调整/ 3.不同航班的团体将可能

合拼成一团/4.若中英文行程版本出现不符之处,将以中文版本为依据/5. 行程中所列的购物店, 执行自愿消费原

則, 绝无強制购买.1.Chinese Speaking Guide Throughout Tour/2.Sequence in Tour itinerary subject to

Changes/3.Groups on different flights can merge together/4.In any case of discrepancy, please refer

Chinese Itinerary/5.Shopping stops as per itinerary will be at your own discretion. Passengers are

not compelled to buy.

Updated: 03 JAN 2017

Shopping: Mineral Stone Factory, Honey, Jade, Sichuan Tea, Tsongkhapa Culture Centre, Silk factory,


Additional Tour (Compulsory): RMB 800 per person (same price for Adult & Child - paid at china)

Jiuzhaigou Tibetan & Qiang Ethnic Group Performance Mushroom Steamboat

Mounigou Scenic Spot Qiangzhai Huanglongxi Old Town

有效期: 2017 年 1 月 1 日 - 12 月 31 日 团号:CHN-CTUCE8 / CTUCE9


8 天团 - CHN-CTUCE8 第一天:新加坡成都( 不含餐)

齐集新加坡樟宜国际机场,乘客机飞往四川省省会成都市,自古以来这里被称为 “天府之国”。

宿成都 5*赛仑吉地大酒店或同级。

第二天:成都/牟尼沟扎嘎瀑布风景区(自费配套行程)/九寨沟 (早/午/晚餐)



宿准 5*甲蕃假日酒店或新九宾或同级

第三天:九寨沟一日游(非包车) (早/午/晚餐)





则查洼沟和日则沟。它以 3 沟 118 个海为代表,包括 5 滩,

12 个瀑布,10 流及数十条泉水等为主要景点,四季景色各




的感受。宿准 5*甲蕃假日酒店或新九宾或同级







第五天: 都江堰市/黄龙溪古镇(自费配套行程)峨眉山(早/午/晚餐)





宿 5*红珠山 5 号楼 B 型房或同级(无窗房)。

第六天:峨眉山报国寺/伏虎寺(不含电瓶车)/乐山大佛(乘船游江)/成都 (早/午/晚餐)

早餐后,游览峨眉山【峨眉山报国寺和伏虎寺】,接着前往乐山, 乘船游览誉满天下的【乐山大佛】。


视三江,至今保存完好.令中外游客叹赏。接着前往玉器店选购玉器。宿成都 5*赛仑吉地酒店或同级。

第七天:成都大熊猫基地/春熙路 (早/午/晚餐)



出没。我国 80%以上的大熊猫分布在四川境内。成都大熊猫繁育基地现建有齐全的各种齐全的各种



熙路】,在这里你可尽情享受购物乐趣,宿成都 5*赛仑吉地酒店或同级。

第八天:成都新加坡 (早餐)


9 天团: CHN-CTUCE9 (行程第一天至第七天和 CHN-CTUCE8 行程相同)

第八天:成都 (早餐)

早餐后, 自由活动.

第九天:成都新加坡 (早餐)



附加配套行程(必需参加):人民币 800/人( 大小同价)


备注(Remark):导游/司机小费 (人民币 30/人/天). Local guide/Driver Tipping (RMB 30/day/person). 导游全程以中文讲解/ 2.行程游览顺序将会根据具体实践,路况,酒店安排做出调整/ 3.不同航班的团体将可能

合拼成一团/4.若中英文行程版本出现不符之处,将以中文版本为依据/5. 行程中所列的购物店, 执行自愿消费原

則, 绝无強制购买.1.Chinese Speaking Guide Throughout Tour/2.Sequence in Tour itinerary subject to

Changes/3.Groups on different flights can merge together/4.In any case of discrepancy, please refer

Chinese Itinerary/5.Shopping stops as per itinerary will be at your own discretion. Passengers are

not compelled to buy.