Dear friends, december... · 2020. 1. 13. · Enjoy reading! Dear friends, We’re delighted to...


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Dear friends, We’re delighted to present you the Youth Resource Center’s (ORC) Tuzla and Youth Network's in B&H December edition of the monthly bulletin. At the moment this movement accounts for 186 organizations and 115 individuals from 75 places across B&H. Currently, the newsletter is published in Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian and English language. The newsletter contains information about Youth Resource Center’s (ORC) activities; monthly activities of the youth organizations, informal groups and individuals – Youth Network’s in B&H members, their plans for the upcoming period and all the other information intended for the young people of today and the NGO sector (donor invitations for projects, conferences, seminars, tuitions, scholarships etc.). If you wish to be on the mailing list for the upcoming editions of our monthly informative newsletter or if you have any questions or suggestions at all, please let us know. You can find the Monthly Informative Bulletin (as well as the archive of our previous editions) on the Youth Network’s in B&H website:


Activities in December 2019 ....................................... 2 Plans for January 2020 ............................................... 5 Network's members' activities ................................... 7 Announcements/information/donors/invitations ... 15

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On the 8th of December, at the Salt Square in Tuzla, as part of the event "Cat City", our cats promoted activities from the previous 6 months in the project "Citizens against Terrorism".

The beautiful area of Salt Square has hosted around 1000 Tuzla citizens with our cats, who, with the regular activities of the Sloboda Cafe, had the opportunity to have fun with great music and many interesting things prepared for the citizens by our kittens such as CAT balloons, cat ears , an Instagram frame with which everyone present could be photographed, then the game of "Badism", where citizens had the opportunity to symbolically sock concepts such as: fascism, nationalism, extremism, etc. There were also three of our booths where citizens could pick up leaflets shared by volunteers to read more about the entire CAT campaign. There was a canvas at the entrance where passers-by had the opportunity to write a message of peace and love.

The animators from the Kiki Clown team merrily laughed at our youngest fellow students throughout the day and complemented this beautiful Sunday afternoon with makeup and games.

On the set stage in Mačkograd - selected music was played by Fm Jam's DJs Elick & Shadow Kid, and citizens enjoyed coffee, juices and tea in the courtyard and Sloboda houses with coupons of our cats.

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The great interest of elementary school students and high school students, as well as their parents, was sparked by Tuzla's YouTuber VedoX - Vedad Haličević. The YouTube attraction, along with his fans, filmed the entire event, which will be available on his channel. The presence of Street magician from Gračanica - Amir Havić, caused a great deal of fuss. He also shared his magic with the guests and guests of Cat, and what the magic is - check out his YouTube or Facebook profile.

Video of Mačkograd is available here.


Students of the Agricultural and Medical School from Brčko, in cooperation with the Youth Resource Center Tuzla, organized a humanitarian action in Brčko to collect clothing, footwear and canned food for migrants in Tuzla. Collected clothing, footwear and food were handed over to migrants in Tuzla on December 16th. Our desire was to help migrants, but also to support young people, who independently initiate positive activities in their community. Also,

let them know that they are not alone in times when an increasing number of citizens provide their support only on the internet.

Talking to her, we learned that we were the first organized group of young people who volunteered to help.

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On the occasion of this action, we also talked to the graduate Ajla Redžić, who told us how the action came about: “The idea for this humanitarian action came from a student of our school, who suggested it at the student council, and I as an active member of the Council of our PI Agricultural and Medical School gladly responded and with great enthusiasm accepted to be one of the organizers. On behalf of the students of our school, I would like to thank all the good people who helped us raise a large number of donations, and we look forward to the successful actions of this character in the coming period.”

Youth Group of ORC Tuzla Prevention of Ethnonationalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Atlantic Initiative, with the support of the Dutch Embassy, is launching a project to prevent ethno-nationalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project includes, among other things, intensive cooperation with civil society organizations working on these issues. The first activity planned for the project is the research and analysis of ethno-nationalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first meeting of researchers took place in

Sarajevo on December 27, 2019, with Slobodan Blagovčanin taking part.

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A hate coalition meeting was held at the OSCE premises in Tuzla on December 20, starting at 11am. The meeting was attended by representatives of TOC, MIOS, AMICA EDUCA and Youth Resource Center Tuzla representative Duško Majkić.

The meeting discussed the activities carried out in 2019 and the activities that should be carried out in 2020. A detailed plan will be drawn up for upcoming activities, and coalition members will be notified in a timely manner.

REGULAR ORC/HCA TUZLA ACTIVITIES During December we worked on sustaining and development of coordination and communication within the Youth Network in B&H ( As a part of this we distributed interesting information for the youth and the youth activism in BiH on a daily basis to the mailing list of the network ( but also on other addresses across Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. We corresponded with organizations and the individuals appealed by the network's work and responded to queries about specific activities, education and all the other information about the activism of the youth in B&H. Also, our project team continued applying to projects


Continued implementation of the new campaign - CAT 19. As part of this project, we will continue to implement a global on-line and off-line campaign across Bosnia and Herzegovina, prepare sweepstakes, and select the best works in the form of: short stories, memes, and campaign promotional materials.

Continued application for projects and participation in partner projects in the region

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Association for Social Research and Communications - UDIK St. Grbavička 51, 71000 Sarajevo

Tel./fax: +387 33 978 600; +387 33 978 605 E-mail:; Web:;

The process of dealing with the past: challenges and results

On Sunday, December 1st, the Association for Social Research and Communications organized a series of lectures entitled "The Process of Confronting the Past: Challenges and Results." The lectures were held in Sarajevo and covered several areas: the issue of missing persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina, monumental culture and civic memorialization, and the role of the media in dealing with the past. The lecturers were: Edvin Kanka Ćudić, UDIK, Lejla Čengić, Institute for Missing Persons of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ibro Čavčić, journalist. The participants of the lecture were representatives of the non-governmental sector, local authorities, associations of victims' families and young activists.

Through a series of lectures, joint dialogue and exchange of experiences, many questions were sought to answer: Does civic memorialization contribute to community reconciliation? What are the solutions to the issue of missing persons? Are there controversial monuments and what are they? How important is the role of the media in the process of dealing with the past?

During the lecture session, an attempt was made to look at the actual state of the process of dealing with the past in our community and to come to useful conclusions. The next series of lectures will be organized in February 2020.

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St. 4. Viteške brigade

34 – 36 BA, 71210 Ilidža, Sarajevo

Tel: +387 33 778 778.

Fax: +387 33 778 79

E-mail:, web:

More than a hundred young people celebrated International Volunteer Day The Institute for Youth Development KULT organized the #YOUTHinkBiH event to mark International Volunteer Day on December 5, 2019. Mr. Rücker promoting the special engagement of young leaders, youth workers and youth officers in the past year. The event brought together over a hundred young people and representatives from various institutions working and caring for young people. Event participants offered specific solutions that they would implement in local communities. The top three proposals will receive financial and mentoring support from the Institute in the coming year. All the awarded ideas are from the field of ecology, some will launch Eco boxes in the markets, others will establish eco corners for eco moments, and the third will create hotspots for waste collection which will then be selected for secondary raw materials.

The #YOUTHinkBiH event is a kind of reward for young people who throughout the year have contributed to a better society and a better environment for all of us through their volunteer engagements. Over the past year, the institute has supported dozens of youth-driven initiatives and businesses that have presented themselves during the event.

#YOUTHinkBiH was organized with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in BiH, and Embassy representatives expressed their gratitude for having the opportunity to participate in an important event for young people from all over BiH and stated that they considered working with volunteers a very important job not only for youth in BiH, but also for institutions that need to create better conditions for youth development across the country.

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KULT Youth Development Institute invites young politicians to apply for UMiDp, Generation 3 training

The Youth Development Institute KULT has launched a Public Call for Participation in Training for Youth Political Leaders, called UMiDp. By invitation of the Institute, the Institute will select trainees to attend UMiDp training, which will consist of three five-day modules in three areas of the BiH political system and its activities, political brand development and political advocacy and negotiation to address youth problems and needs. All participants will have the opportunity to receive financial and mentoring support for the implementation of their ideas through local citizens' initiatives. To apply for the training you need to submit your Curriculum Vitae (CV), membership card of a political party or other documentation

confirming membership and an online application form, available at:

The applicant may also provide additional documentation which he / she considers to be significant in scoring all the applications received.

The call is open until Friday, January 12, 2020 until 10:00 pm. Any questions can be asked by email at, (Subject / Inquiry: 17.01.0-N2.1-4182) or by phone at +387 33 778 765.

The Youth Development Institute KULT supported the development of a robotic arm

Haris Salkić is a young entrepreneur starting his own company HAS Robotics, which will develop and produce robotic hands for educational purposes, and they already have the first prototype of HAS One. Harris says he will look into the development of industrial robots in the future, and his desire is that the final phase is actually the use of robotic arms for medical purposes. The Youth Development Institute KULT will provide financial and mentoring support to Haris in developing his business idea. Haris pointed out that the support of the Institute and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden was very important to him and that he would invest all his money in business development. Company registration should be in early April when we can expect the first products on the market, and Harris points out that pre-orders are currently available and already have a few robotic arms sold. Given that robotics in BiH is not the most popular branch of the industry, Haris says the public is very interested in his idea. He claims that his public support is a great impetus for future action and some kind of evidence that what he is doing is right. HAS Robotics will be the first company to engage in this type of activity in South East Europe, with two other companies in France and one in the UK, which is a great success for the young BiH entrepreneurs. Haris's message to young people is to never give up on their dreams, to strive, fight and work to fulfill their dreams, and then success will certainly not be missed.

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YOUTH ORGANIZATION “SVITAC” St. Jusufa Čampare bb, 76100 Brčko district BiH

Tel./Fax: +387 49 211 032 E-mail: Web: FB:

Daily workshops

The Svitac Youth Organization continued its daily activities on a regular schedule, the first group of participants from 11:00 - 13:00 4-7 years old, and the second group of participants 14:00 - 15:30 8+ years old. The younger participants created educational items with the help of local and international volunteers. The group of youngest participants had the opportunity to make various decorations: peacock paper, umbrella with worksheet and coloring, coloring by numbers, and a number of activities on the theme of tolerance: jigsaw puzzles on tolerance and camaraderie, flowers - garden of tolerance and crowns of peace. Like last month, we practiced words in English on the topic of peace. The participants also continued to practice the alphabet - letters Ć, D, Đ and Dž and numbers 1-10. At the music workshops, they taught the song "Through the clouds of the dream fly" and practiced the song in English "I have got peace in my heart", the song in German "Alle meine Entchen" ( "All My Ducks"), and dance steps with the song "Give My Bunny a Bunny". As part of our regular activities, we also had listening to stories: "Ivica and Marica", "Wolf and the Seven Little Doves", "Rainbow Fish" (this story is based on the theme of friendship and accepting a different one), and we looked at a puppet show adapted to the age participants. The second part of the workshop is intended for relaxation, refreshment, yoga, sports and various competitive games. The goal of these activities, as before, is for children to develop their imagination and to express their creativity, using various materials, and to develop motor skills, a sense of tolerance and respect for others and to adopt good behavior.

The participants of the second workshop (14:00 - 15:30), for the age of 8+, were valuable in various activities. On Mondays there was creative expression, on Tuesdays, participants practiced English and German, on Wednesdays they drew and read comics, on Thursdays they hung out with sports activities, social and teambuilding games, and on Friday they continued to work on free creative expression topics. The goal of these activities is for the participants to develop their imagination and to express their creativity, develop motor skills, sense of tolerance, respect for each other and adopt good behavior using various materials. Workshop coordinator was Adin Midžić with the assistance of local, Weltwärts and EVS / ESC international volunteers. All activities are held at the Youth Center of the Brčko district.

Guitar workshops

The participants of the guitar workshop rehearsed the etudes of F.Tarrega, M.Guilania, compositions by R. Dyens, HVLobos and D.Bogdanović, mole blues improvisation in different tonalities, melody and harmony of jazz standard "Four" (Miles Davis), "Ode to Joy" (LV Beethoven) and the Croatian folk song (Međimurje) "I was Rosary".

Samba workshops

The participants of this workshop continued to work on a new composition - the working name “The Pump”. The composition is at a slower pace in G minor with a text on poverty. The text of the verse and the chorus was written by the participants.


Members of the environmental project have held a couple of brief meetings, mainly on the topic of current and future activities and actions in the city, and planting saplings, for which funds have been raised over the past months.

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International Volunteer Day

We celebrated the International Volunteer Day with members of the Local Team of the Brčko district (AsuBiH) in the work with friends aged 4-7 years. We read the story "Ugly Duckling" and talked about how it feels to be different, how we should respect diversity and help when someone is in trouble.

The youth organization also held a tea party with local and international volunteers, where we discussed the importance of volunteering and shared personal experiences. With warm tea, conversation and laughter, we emphasized the most important thing, which is that good deeds do not take much time and mean a lot to someone. All activities were held at the Youth Center Brčko district.

International Human Rights Day

On December 10th, we celebrated International Human Rights Day with a workshop where we talked about human rights to participants from 4-7 years old. Throughout the game, the importance of equality and the opportunities themselves is emphasized, and we have shown that it is unfair when some children get juice and some do not. In the conversation, they learned that it was their responsibility and mutual assistance in maintaining human rights and respect. Afterwards, they were given a worksheet to color it, showing a balloon filled with hot air with the words "our rights" in which there were

many different children. This worksheet emphasized that all children, of all races and religions, can live and play together. On the back of the page, they learned the letters that make up the word "man" together. An interactive workshop for the age of 15+ was also held in the afternoon. They watched a video about how human rights have evolved so far and what challenges they have faced. Finally, a brief discussion followed about how human rights affect us in our daily lives.

The workshops were held on the premises of the Youth Center.

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Tolerance and cultural diversity through music, art and sport in 2019 Within the project, a series of music, creative and sports workshops were held to promote cultural diversity, values of tolerance and mutual respect. In this way, the creative expression, international engagement and collaborative work of the participants in building and maintaining a culture of reconciliation were fostered, providing children and young people with space for creative and educational learning to strengthen respect for the community they belong to. The project lasted from November 25 to December 14, 2019 and was held in the Brčko district, on the premises of the Youth Center. The project directly involved 60 children, teens and young people from the Brčko district.

New Year's party

The Svitac Youth Organization officially closed the project "Tolerance and Cultural Diversity through Music, Arts and Sports 2019" with the event "New Year's Party", which took place on the premises of the Youth Center. The New Year’s Eve party started at 6:00 pm for ages 8+. With the help of international and local volunteers, an interesting program was organized for workshop participants, their friends and parents. In the first part of the program, participants performed compositions on classical guitars and flutes; a couple of younger participants read poems about friendship, human rights and tolerance. The youngest participants performed three songs and a dance, "Bunny, gimme a paw." In the second part of the party, two stations were held where participants had the opportunity to participate in various competitive games, to make a New Year card or to decorate a wish tree with handwritten wishes. In the large hall of the Youth Center, an exhibition of all the works that were created during the last weeks of the project was set up. In the final part of the party, there was a raffle with various prizes and a snack was organized. More than 120 guests attended the New Year's party. All regular workshops of the Svitac Youth Organization are planned for January.

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PRONI Center for Youth Development

St. Hadži Vasvije Zejčirović 5, 76100 Brčko district BiH Tel./Fax: +387 49 217 695 E-mail:

Conference on Reconciliation and Trust Building in BiH

The PRONI Center for Youth Development has been working on reconciliation processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 21 years, using youth work, non-formal education, volunteerism, activism and youth mobility projects. We participated in the conference on Reconciliation and Trust Building in BiH, organized by the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law, with the support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The conference is being organized to facilitate dialogue between key actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina on reconciliation and confidence-building almost 25 years after the signing of the Dayton Agreement.


PRONI Celebrates Volunteer Day at PRONI Youth Clubs in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar and Bijeljina!

Volunteering at the PRONI Center in brief: “Thank you #proniyouth for all the past months, for having fun, positive energy, new experiences, wonderful friendships and the opportunity to be a part of this amazing organization. I LOVE YOU PEOPLE”

Congratulations to the volunteers of the year for 2019, namely: Sara Kukić, Benisa Bibuljica, Anja Pejić and Mersiha Čomor!

Call for participants

PRONI announces a call for new #PAOR participants. The PRONI Academy of Youth Work aims to provide young people with basic knowledge in the field of youth work in order to contribute to the personal and social development of young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and to integrate them into various socio - political processes affecting young people. All information about the program and how to apply:

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Erasmus+ info day

#PRONI as Contact Point BiH Erasmus + YOUTH and European Solidarity Corpse for BiH organized Info Day on mobility programs and training for writing Erasmus + projects at PRONI Youth Club Banja Luka.

This Info Day and Training was organized in cooperation with SALTO YOUTH South East Europe Resource Center from Ljubljana and the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH.

Activities at PRONI Youth Clubs


Workshop "Self-confidence - victory before the beginning" is actively implemented

Workshop "Healthy Lifestyles" is being actively implemented

Presentation skills workshop is being actively implemented

Workshop "Partnerships in emotional relationships" is being actively implemented


Workshop "For a Better Mostar" is being actively implemented

The Storytelling Academy workshop is being actively implemented

Workshop “I concern you” is being actively implemented


Participants of the #POKBN workshop "Roma means man" attended the movie "My City, My

Rules" and after completing the survey, they did surveys and compared the similarities observed

in the workshops with the scenes from the movie.

Workshop "Life Skills" is being actively implemented

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Invitation for US Embassy Projects: An Inter-Ethnic Reconciliation Program and Youth Camps We seek applications for medium and large-scale youth camp projects (more than 50 participants together for a minimum of four consecutive overnights in an interethnic setting) designed explicitly to promote interaction, the development of tolerance and reconciliation between the religiously and geographically diverse communities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Applicants must be able to demonstrate past performance in organizing camps of a similar size with participants from both entities, all ethnic groups, and BiH minorities. Proposals should aim to create cooperation with other groups interested in the following themes and/or take place in areas listed below: Priority themes:

Science, Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment Initiatives Connecting Divided Communities: Bringing together neighboring or nearby communities that have had little contact since the war to improve youth employability by skill development.

Fractured Education/Two Schools Under One Roof: Working with parents and students in schools across entity/ethnic borders to address issues that divide students along ethnic lines. These projects should help remove obstacles to integration in education.

Projects combating disinformation: Bringing young people together across ethnic lines to develop critical thinking, media literacy skills to combat disinformation.

Restoring Dignity to War Victims: Projects that involve youth in activities to restore dignity to victims of war and survivors of sexual violence and/or imprisonment camps from all ethnic groups.

Marginalized Groups: Projects that promote cooperation among marginalized minority groups from different ethnic communities, including (but not limited to) displaced persons, persons with disabilities, socio-economically disadvantaged persons, LGBT persons, Roma, and others.

Priority areas: Projects that reach out and promote cooperation between youth from different ethnic communities in the following areas:

Brčko District

Federation BiH:

Canton 1: Bihać, Cazin Canton 3: Srebrenik, Kladanj Canton 4: Zenica, Zavidovići Canton 6: Jajce, Uskoplje/Gornji Vakuf and Donji Vakuf Canton 10: Livno, Glamoč, Drvar

Republika Srpska: East Herzegovina Birač Region Prijedor Region

More info at: Youth Camps.

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Public call for Dialogue for the Future projects Public institutions, local self-government units and civil society organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia may participate in the invitation.

Project proposals are received by February 9 at 5 pm and more details on the call, project application documentation and info days can be found here.

The Regional Dialogue for the Future program began in January 2019 and is jointly implemented by UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO, in partnership with state institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia. The program is funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund.

The Regional Dialogue for the Future program began in January 2019 and is jointly implemented by UNDP, UNICEF and UNESCO, in partnership with state institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and the Republic of Serbia. The program is funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund.

Documents: 1 Project application form

2 Budget

3 Logical frameworks

4 Plan of activities and promotion

5 Administrative data

6 Financial identification form

7 Eligibility statement

8 Partnership statement

Public call for delivering project application - RegDFF More info at:

CSO and Media Program for BiH 2019 - Support to existing and emerging CSO networks in various fields

The overall objective of this Call for Proposals is to strengthen the capacity of CSOs to contribute to social development in specific sectors.

It seeks to empower civil society to fulfill the following key roles:

Build stronger relationships with citizens through their involvement in public policy-making

processes, reaching out to society as a whole, including marginalized groups and local

communities, and by encouraging civic activism and public participation in policy-making;

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Become professional and trusted partners in public

policy-making and reform processes by practicing

evidence-based advocacy across sectors and monitoring


Contribute to strengthening responsible and inclusive

leadership in the political, economic and social spheres

and provide early warning in the event of social change;

Strengthen economic development and create better

connections with the business community by promoting

entrepreneurship, social innovation and job creation.

The main issues that will be addressed by this program


Dialogue between the governmental and non-

governmental sectors is weak and not institutionalized at

all levels.

Citizens' involvement in local policy-making and decision-

making processes is sporadic and not institutionalized.

CSO capacities, especially at the local level, remain weak.

CSOs do little to combat corruption and support socio-

economic development.

Media freedoms remain at risk and must be secured and


The total indicative amount available for project proposals is EUR


Names of 11 groups - Support to CSO networks in the field:

Group 1: Education; Group 2: Health; Group 3: Social inclusion

and social entrepreneurship; Group 4: Ecology and Climate

Change; Group 5: Youth; Group 6: Culture; Group 7:

Entrepreneurship and the local economy; Group 8: Women's

Rights; Group 9: Freedom and integrity of the media; Group 10:

Corruption; Group 11: Strengthening political pluralism.

Indicative funding per group is EUR 500,000.

For more information and documentation regarding the Call for

Proposals, please visit:




Dear friends,

If you are interested in Youth Resource Center Tuzla (ORC) and BIH Youth Network monthly informative bulletin posting your: invitations for joint activities and collaboration, activities information, job openings, appeals for help or support, public announcements and all other non-commercial ads, you can write to us on one of the listed addresses

Deadline for information submission for every upcoming edition is the 30th of the current month.

Send your information for the monthly bulletin on the following addresses: Omladinski resursni centar Tuzla Hadži Bakirbega Tuzlića 1 75000 Tuzla tel/fax: 035 258 077 e-mail:

The monthly bulletin is edited by the Youth Resource Center – ORC Tuzla

Editor of the Bulletin: Mirela Biković

Translation of the Bulletin: Emir Karamujić

Network's website:

Network's mailing list:

