Dear Elders and Firs, doing amazingly. incredible learners; positive ...€¦ · on a storyboard....


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Morning Message Friday 15th May 2020Dear Elders and Firs,

Another fantastic week of learning at home. You are all doing amazingly.

Keep sending us your work- it shows us that you are incredible learners; positive, strong and resilient.

Enjoy today’s learning!

Love,Miss Perkins and Ms Shaswar

We Miss You!

9:00-9:30 Reading lesson

9:30-10:30 English lesson

10:30-11:00 Break (walk, gonoodle, youtube exercise, rest, snack, tv)

11:00-11:15 Mathletics

11:15-12:00 Maths Lesson

12:00-1:00 Lunch/Break

1:00-1:30 Silent reading

1:30-3:00 Science

3:00-3:15 Spelling Test

Today’s Schedule

for Greatness!

Reading 9:00-9:30Today you will be doing an activity about our class text Stormbreaker.You are going to pretend that you work at MI6 and are in charge of choosing spies.

If you would like to DEAR time today you may also do that.Here are some websites that you can use for listening to reading.

Reading 9:00-9:30

9:30-10:30 English: Story Writing

L.S. I am learning to describe settings, characters and atmosphere.

Today you will be creating the setting...

First you will read and spy on Alex’s mission.Then you will be creating your own mission on a storyboard.

Think and Discuss

Let’s find out . . .

– What are your favourite settings to read about?

– Why is it important to have a strong setting?

Read the next slide and highlight examples as shown

Suddenly the clouds rolled back and the midday sun brought the whole city, shining, into view. There was Battersea Power Station, standing proud with its four great chimneys still intact, even though much of its roof had long ago been eaten away. Behind it, Battersea Park appeared as a square of dense green bushes and trees that were making a last stand, fighting back the urban spread. In the far distance, the Millennium Wheel perched like a fabulous silver coin, balancing effortlessly on its rim. And all around it, London crouched; gas towers and apartment blocks, endless rows of shops and houses, roads, railways and bridges stretching away on both sides, separated only by the bright silver crack in the landscape that was the River Thames. Alex saw all this with a clenched stomach, looking out through the open door of the aircraft. He’d had fifty minutes to think about what he had to do. Fifty minutes while the plane droned over Cornwall and Devon, then Somerset and the Salisbury Plains before reaching the North Downs and flying on towards Windsor and London.1. Highlight any powerful words that stand out to you.2. Highlight as many ADJECTIVES as you can. 3. Highlight as many ADVERBS as you can. 4. Highlight any SIMILES and METAPHORS.

Read the extract and then find examples of great writing.

Great setting descriptions evoke the senses.

Read the description on the next slide and notice how all the senses are used.

One morning there was a different smell in the air, and the ship was moving oddly, with a brisker rocking from side to side instead of the plunging and soaring. Lyra was on deck a minute after she woke up, gazing greedily at the land: such a strange sight, after all that water, for though they had only been at sea a few days, Lyra felt as if they’d been on the ocean for months. Directly ahead of the ship a mountain rose, green-flanked and snow capped, and a little town and harbour lay below it: wooden houses with steep roofs, an oratory spire, cranes in the harbour, and clouds of gulls wheeling and crying. The smell was of fish, but mixed with it came land smells too: pine-resin and earth and something animal and musky, and something else that was cold and blank and wild: it might have been snow. It was the smell of the North.Seals frisked around the ship, showing their clown-faces above the water before sinking back without a splash. The wind that lifted spray off the white-capped waves was monstrously cold, and searched out every gap in Lyra’s wolfskin.

Notice how all the senses are used in this description.

Note down ideas

Now, imagine a setting of your own or look at the pictures to help you. It can be a real place, a city just like in the extract, or somewhere in your imagination.

How would you use sensory description to write about your chosen setting? Note down any key words or phrases that you would use to evoke each of the five senses.

Look at the next slide to see how you can organise your ideas.

Choose how to organise your ideas

Now you can write your description Write a vivid setting description using your notes.

Here are some images that you can use for ideas. Look at the next few slides for a larger image.

10:30-11:00 Break

11:00-11:15 Mental Maths: Mathletics

Do some assigned

activities on


Today we will review what we learnt this week and also try some maths challenges!

Do your best at solving the following problems. Show your working out.



Tanya climbed 5.93 metres

2.68 =+ 3.25=5.93




The next slides are challenges that use a combination of different maths knowledge.

Try at least 1 of the challenges today!

Then, go to and click on Friday Maths Challenge Week 1 to find the answers!

12:00-1:00 Lunch and Break

1:00-1:30 Silent Reading

(or for 30 minutes at a time of your choice, like before bed)

1:30-3:00 ScienceLS: I am learning to make observations over time

Hey Scientists! For Science today we have set up an optional experiment! To do this experiment you will need skittles.

You will need :

A bag of Skittles

A shallow bowl/plate


Key Vocabulary

solid, liquid, gas, dissolve, solution, soluble.

DissolvingWe are learning to know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution

We are going to set up an introductory experiment to get us talking about dissolving.

Watch this video to learn a bit about dissolving first!

Scientific Skill you will need - Observing over time - This means no touching!

What happens if you leave skittles in water?

Place your skittles in shallow water.

Take careful notes about what time you start and make observations.

What happens to the skittles?

How could you speed up the reaction?

What happens if you leave them

over night?

Write down a conclusion (example on next slide)When I left skittles in water…

I found that…

The skittles…

I think this happened because...

Example conclusion

Do you understand the process of dissolving?

Watch this clip again to clarify dissolving and solution if you need!

We are going to test different materials in water to see which will dissolve.

If you don’t have skittles, you can do this experiment! Why not try both?

Soluble or Insoluble?You will need some materials to test in water. You could try:




Gravy Granules




Make a table like this to record your results.

Think about the variables that will keep it a fair testEg. number of stirsSize of glass, volume of water/spoons of solid

Classify the materials you tested

Example table

This child independently chose to add a column for solubility

You did it! Great science everyone!

Here is one more clip that explains how some solids will dissolve in water and others need different solvents.

3:00-3:15Spelling TestWeek 4