DCT2023 Data Structures and File Processing



DCT2023 Data Structures and File Processing. Spring 2009. Lectures. LECTURE: SURIATI JAMALLUDIN Lectures: L22: SUNDAY 2h-0900 UNTIL 1100 LP2: TUESDAY 3h-1400 until 1700 Web site: Lecture notes and tutorial material Assignments, test cases and solutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DCT2023 Data Structures and File Processing

Spring 2009

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L22: SUNDAY 2h-0900 UNTIL 1100 LP2: TUESDAY 3h-1400 until 1700

Web site: Lecture notes and tutorial material Assignments, test cases and solutions Download course material before class

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Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss

- Latest version = 3rd Edition

- Source codes are available online

- Available at library for 2-hour loan

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Grading Scheme

Grading is based on Written Assignments (2*5%=10%) Programming Assignments (3*10%=30%) Midterm Examination (25%) Final Examination (35%)

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Plagiarism Policy

1st Time: both get 0 2nd Time: need to terminate Midterm or Final: an automatic FAIL

You are encouraged to collaborate in study groups. But, you cannot copy or slightly change other students’ solutions or codes

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Course Overview

A fundamental computer science course

- Essential for programming

- Essential for advanced courses, e.g. 271 A challenging course, which needs

- Programming

- Mathematical and logic thinking

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Course Prerequisite

COMP103 or COMP104 Need to know C and C++ Visual Studio or other PC programming environment Good programming skills Translate pseudo-codes into codes Speedy review in the 1st week

COMP151 Not essential Highly recommended to be taken concurrently

Basic mathematical skills Solving recursive equations, manipulation of symbols, etc.

Computer architecture Pointers, storage, memory access, etc.

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Course Outline C++ review Lists, stacks, and queues Algorithmic asymptotic analysis

Big-Oh, big-Theta, and big-Gamma Sorting

Insertion, radix, mergesort, quicksort, heapsort, etc. Lowest bound on sorting

Search trees Binary search tree AVL tree B+ tree

Graphs Breadth-first search Depth-first search


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Overall Goal of the Course

From programmer to architect Learn to solve problems Algorithms and Programming go hand in hand Learn to analyze your solutions

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Lecture Format Lectures:

Slides are available before class It is important to attend the lectures (because not all material

and concepts are covered in slides) If you miss any lectures, learn from your friends

Tutorials Supplement the lectures Some important exercises Welcome to attend other tutorials if you miss the your signed

session Programming and homework assignments

More rigorous problems to consolidate your knowledge

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Assignments Written assignments

Due by time specified Contact TAs directly for re-grades Re-grade requests will only be entertained within 1 week after

the homework are handed back Late policy: 20% reduction, allows only one day late.

Programming assignments Due by time specified Run on PC Submit it using CASS Re-grade policy will be announced Late policy : 20% reduction, allows only one day late.

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Midterm and Final Examinations

Midterm: Thur, April, 12th 2007, 7-9:30pm (LTA, LTB)

Final: TBA Closed-book, closed-notes No make-ups will be given

Unless under very unusual circumstances, with letters of proof

Instructor informed beforehand
