Date The Other Civil War and Industrialization. Extra Credit #1 Chapter 10 What does “The Other...



Extra Credit #2

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The Other Civil WarandIndustrialization

Extra Credit #1

Chapter 10What does “The Other Civil War”, the title of the chapter, mean?


Chapter 11What factors transformed the workplace from 1865-1900, and what impact did they have on American society?

Extra Credit #2

What was the Other Civil War?✤ Class war (rich vs. poor)

✤ Same time as Civil War

“Why...should 12 thousand working people in Rhode Island without the vote submit to 5 thousand who

had land and could vote?”

Why are we studying this, anyway?

✤ “The stories of the Anti-Renter Movement and Dorr’s Rebellion are not usually found in textbooks on U.S. history. In these books...there is little on class struggle in the 19th century. The period before and after the Civil War is filled with politics, elections, slavery, and the race question. Even where specialized books on the Jacksonian period deal with labor and economic issues, they center on the presidency, and thus perpetuate the traditional dependency on heroic leaders rather than people’s struggles.” - page 216

Civil War did not end class division

• “an entire generation was side-tracked in the 1860s because of the Civil War” –p. 233 • “And on these issues the political parties took positions, offered choices, obscured the fact that the political system itself and the wealthy classes it represented were responsible for the problems they now offered to solve” – p. 233

• “Class-consciousness was overwhelmed during the Civil War, both North and South, by military and political unity in the crisis of war.” p. 233

• “The psychology of patriotism, the lure of adventure, the aura of moral crusade created by political leaders, worked effectively to dim class resentments against the rich and powerful, and turn much of the anger against the ‘enemy’.” p. 237

Dorr’s Rebellion

✤ 1840s - RI - Working to gain equal voting rights

✤ Thomas Dorr - lawyer from wealthy family

✤ “People’s Convention” held to draw up new constitution that left out property qualifications for voting

✤ But...kept blacks out of voting clause

✤ A majority of Rhode Islanders voted for Dorr for Governor, but the US government supported the existing governor of RI, so Dorr fled because he would be arrested

✤ Dorr returned a year later hoping things had changed, but he was arrested and put in jail.

✤ He became a martyr, and a later governor released him to end his martyrdom.

✤ He’s now listed as one of the former governors of RI

Thomas Dorr’s Grave

Flour Riots

1863 Draft Riots

1863 Draft Riots

Chicago Fire

On to Industrialization•Working conditions worsen!!

Factors that transformed the workplace

• Steam and electricity• Iron• Steel•Oil•Railroads• Inventions – telephone, typewriter•Meatpacking

Effect those changes had on American society

• Jobs• Immigration• Population•Working conditions•Monopolies


✤ Department of Labor and Training

✤ child labor laws

• By 1864, 200,000 workers were in unions• Terrible working conditions both before and after the war