Dallas Brown Andrea Hoover Tiffany Zuniga February 3 rd, 2015 Professor Johnson Focus Inquiry 112


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Group 4: Chapter 7Isolation

Dallas BrownAndrea HooverTiffany Zuniga

February 3rd, 2015Professor JohnsonFocus Inquiry 112

Research Question #1

What is Redniss’ reason for using cyanotype printing in Radioactive? Redniss' visual presentation is

used by cyanotype printing she uses this to challenge

the reader to understand that science, like art, is interpreted, and to draw connections between the making of science, the control of science, and the social, political, and human consequences of science.

Research Question #2

Was there a reason for the contrast of text face between the facts and the dialogue? (pg. 110) “In Radioactive, Redniss

utilizes the traditional historical sources of letters, writings, and interviews; she then juxtaposes these with photographs of both people and archival items. (625-626) ”

Research Question #3

Were there any alterations to the map that Redniss provided? (pg. 114-115) Redniss used research

from the New York Library’s Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers

She utilized the map division as well as the rare book division

Research Question #4

Why did Redniss feel the story of the birds was so significant to include in the story? (pg. 116-117) With the feather-degrading

bacteria increased in barn swallow colony size, it showed a possible decrease in survival.

The data found can conclude the ecological effects of Chernobyl may have long-term implications for the overall function of the ecosystem

Research Question #5

If the birds were affected by the radiation, why did Redniss choose a black and white visual? (pg. 116-117) With the effects of

radioactive contamination on diversity, Redniss wanted to show the reader the albinism in the barn swallows

Research Question #6

What other instances or places were similar to this case other than Chernobyl? An accidental explosion

occurred in Seversk, Russia that shared many similarities to the effects of Chernobyl. The explosion was known to be named as Tomsk-7, and was effected ecologically and socially.

Research Question #7

Does the title of the Chapter “Isolation” correlate with how the situational area has been isolated? “It’s this tension between

beauty and danger both in love and scientific progress that the book tries to explore, because this is what the Curies were grappling with. They were so enamored of their discovery, even as they could see it was hurting them.” 

Research Question #8

Was there a reason for Marie’s lackadaisical response towards her profound achievement of receiving the professorship? “I want to tell you, too, that I have been named to

your chair, and that there have been some imbeciles to congratulate me on it. I want to tell you that I no longer love the sun or the flowers. The sight of them makes me suffer.” –Marie Currie

Works Cited

Alkana, Linda K. "Radioactive: Marie And Pierre Curie, A Tale Of Love And Fallout." History Teacher 46.4 (2013): 625-626. Academic Search Complete. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

Czirják, Gábor Á,  Møller, Anders P, Mousseau, Timothy A,  Heeb, Phillip. “Microorganisms Associated with Feathers of Barn Swallows in Radioactively Contaminated Areas Around Chernobyl.” Microbial Ecology. 6.2 (2010): 373-380. Springer Link. Web. 29 Jan. 2015

O’Grady Megan. “Radiant Days.” Environmental Biographies. 35.3 (2011): 67-72. Springer Link. Web. 27 Jan. 2015

Porfiriev, Boris N. “Environmental Aftermath Tomsk-7 of the Radiation Accident.” Environmental Management. 20.1 (1996): 25-33. Springer Link. Web. 30 Jan. 2015

Shell, Hanna R. "A Séance for Science." Science Magazine: Sign In. American Association for the Advancement of Science, (2011). Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

Snyble, Gayle. “About the Rare Book Division.” (2011) New York Public Library. Web. 30 Jan. 2015


1. Each table is a group (Total of 6 groups)

2. Starting with group 1, you have 20 sec. to answer the question.

3. If you get it wrong, it is the next group’s turn to attempt to answer the same question

4. Each correct answer results in the chance to answer one question as a bonus

5. Team to accumulate the most points by the end of the game/time WINS!!!