Dairy Industry Strategy


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  • 8/8/2019 Dairy Industry Strategy


    S o u t h A u s t r a l i a n D a i r y I n d u s t r y S T R A T E G I C

    P L A N

    F O R

    2 0 1 0

    D A I R Y I N D U S T R Y D E V E L O P M E N T B O A R D 2 0 0 2

  • 8/8/2019 Dairy Industry Strategy


  • 8/8/2019 Dairy Industry Strategy


    1T H E S O U T H A U S T R A L I A N D A I R Y I N D U S T R Y 1

    "Growing to1

    .5 billion litres annually achieving thehighest added value per litre of milk in the Australasianregion and earning $ 1 billion."

    Dairy in 2 0 1 0Dairy in 2 0 1 0

    Milk production from 700 million to1.5 billion litres

    State herd from 105,000 to 200,000 cows

    Processing capacity from 480 million to1.6 billion litres

    Wholesale value of industry from$318 million to $1 billion

    Employment from 3,000 to 6,500 people

    Exports from $47 million to $570 million

    Key Strategi es

    1 Ensure a sustainable resource base Water Power People

    2 Consolidate a viable production sector

    Farm consolidation Farm expansion and new farms3 Att ract dairy investment

    Commodity manufacturing Specialised further processing Large scale dairy farming

    4 Ensure a diverse product market mix

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    T H E S O U T H A U S T R A L I A N D A I R Y I N D U S T R Y


    I ndustry and Government need to work together conti nued

    Invest in an effective dairy development functionto co-ordinate and streamline interaction betweenindustry and Government, and to foster farminvestment through demonstration

    Promote the opportunities for farm investmentsto potential investors in overseas and interstate

    regions Clarify and promote practices for the

    management of animal di sease (parti cularlyBovine Johnes Disease)

    The areas of strategy that deal with individual dairycompany strategies are not the domain of this plan.

    The cost of delayUncertainty is the greatest barrier to the further development and expansion of the production and processing sectors of the South Australian dairy industry.

    This strategic plan estimates that a lack ofproactivity will cost the States dairy industry

    $420 million per annum the difference in the value of t he industry between a " strong growth" scenario and a " slow growth" outcome.

    E x e c u t i v e s u m m a r yC O N T I N U E D

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    T h e o b j e c t i v e sT h e o b j e c t i v e s

    There are a number of objectives that underpin the

    deli very of t he vision for t he future:

    Foster the ongoing development of a sustainableresource base that provides confidence andcertaint y for milk producti on

    Create and maintain an environment fora sustainable, viable and expanding milkproduction sector

    Enhance the positive relationship betweenthe South Australian Dairy Industry andthe community regarding the use of naturalresources and environmental management

    Provide the environment to maintaininternationally competitive processing andmanufacturing facil it ies

    Foster the uptake of innovation in the farm andprocessing sectors

    Ensure South Australia is an attractiveinvestment dest inat ion for farmers, processorsand manufacturers of dairy products andingredients

    Foster the ongoing development of an appropriateand secure mix of markets and specialised anddiff erenti ated products t hat opt imise the valueextracted from the States milk production

    Measuring progress against outcomes

    The most effective way for the industry to measure its

    future progress against this plan is to rely on a set ofquantif iable output s:

    Production Growth Volume of total milk production

    (target: 1.5 billion litres by 2010) Number of dairy cows in milking

    (t arget: 200,000)

    Value The wholesale value of dairy produce to the

    St ate (target: $1 billion) The per-litre value of dairy product processed

    from South Australian milk (target: 67 cpl) The proportion of production which is

    processed in the State (t arget : 110% - forexample, South Australia is a net importer

    of milk)

    Efficiency Per-farm (per-cow productivity

    target: 7,500 litres per annum)

    Appropriate measures of water use efficiency Forage production and utilisation efficiencies

    Employment Measured against targets for the total number

    of people directly and indirectly employed indairy farming and processing enterprises, andin supporting industries and capacities

    Investment attraction The number of new enterprises at farm level The investments in existing farm and

    processing enterprises The investments in new farm and processing

    enterprises The investment in industry capacity building

    (in water/ power and transport i nfrast ructure)

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    10/248T H E S O U T H A U S T R A L I A N D A I R Y I N D U S T R Y8

    T h e e n a b l e r s t o u n d e r p i n t h ep r e f e r r e d s c e n a r i oT h e e n a b l e r s t o u n d e r p i n t h ep r e f e r r e d s c e n a r i o


    A committed set of stakeholders

    focused on outcomes that are basedon achievement of the vision

    An attractive investment destination

    Certainty and clarity of the investmentdecision parameters that affect productionand processing sectors

    A resource and infrastructure policy andincentive environment that is attractiveto investors

    A sustainable resource baseunderpinning certainty in theproduction sector

    Access to sufficientand competitively pricedwater, land and stockfeed and fodder

    Access to reliable andcompetitive sourcesof energy

    High mobility of capital

    Competitive processing capacity

    Significant and expandableprocessing capacit y l ocated

    in or adjacent to key SouthAustralian production regions

    A critical mass ofmanufacturing providingattraction to furtherspecialised food processors

    A viable & sustainable production sector

    Enterprises of varying size and typeprovide long-term wealth creation for

    their owners High-level business skills used in

    managing and operating farm enterprises High standards of water-use efficiency,

    food safety, environmental responsibilityand animal welfare

    Dairy providing attractive careeremployment opportunities for young

    people and skilled farm labour

    A diverse and secure market-product mix

    Access to the ongoing growth in thevolume and value of the world marketfor dairy commodities, ingredients andvalue-added dairy foods

    Access to the national domestic marketfor dairy products

    Exploitation of premium branded foods

    and specialist food ingredients andapplications in local and int ernationaldairy markets




    Marketsfor dairy


    Leadership and responsibili ty

    Share and articulate the vision and its elements

    Promote the vision based on the gains and benefits

    Monitor progress against strategies (manage andco-ordinate plan implementation)

    Measurement of outcomes against plan

    Foster a positive industry image

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    T H E S O U T H A U S T R A L I A N D A I R Y I N D U S T R Y





    Strengths/ Opportunit ie s

    Strong long-term demand from world market for dairy productsand ingredients

    Expanding markets for high value nutritional ingredients

    Existi ng premium food/ wine marketing

    Strong interest in t he establishment of commodit y/ ingredientmanufacture in 2-5 years

    Versatility of milk production profile suits the diversity ofdomest ic/ export markets

    Opportunities for specialised ingredient facilities off a base ofcommodity manufacturing in western Victoria and south eastof South Australia

    Opportunit y for rati onali sation of processing facil it ies

    Existing biotechnology capacity in South Australian food industry

    Low-cost milk production in line with world-class efficiencies

    Demonstrated milk production growth in recent years

    Mobile investment capital from overseas and interstate seeking newfarm investments

    Relatively flat production profile provides attraction to manufacturersalongside existing high seasonality of the south west Victorian region

    No viable alternative enterprises or activities have been identifiedon the lower Murray River flats

    Barrie rs / Threats

    Access to the high end nutritional markets given the focus on thisactivity by the global conglomerates

    Limited export infrastructure for container-based freight

    Limited access to growth, or capture of market share in domesticmarkets due to location

    Competition from production areas that can offer greater productionsecurit y (western Vict oria/ Riverina)

    Lack of critical mass in cheese manufacturing facilities, and anabsence of milk powder production

    Short -t erm uncertaint y over corporate/ brand ownership scenarios

    Poor quality road infrastructure limits milk transport access

    Competition for milk amongst dairy companies may restrictdevelopment of single site facility

    Lack of water resource security undermines investment confidence

    Competition from western Victoria in attracting new farm investors

    Limited technical consulting expertise due to small scale areasof farming

    Limited understanding of the economies of farm conversion

    Lack of 3-phase power in all areas of potential expansion

    Competition for land and resource use from other high-valueindustries and rural-urban encroachment

    Lack of clarity for the management of animal disease (such asBovine Johnes Disease)

    P o s i t i o n a s s e s s m e n t t h e S A d a i r y i n d u s t r y t o d a yP o s i t i o n a s s e s s m e n t t h e S A d a i r y i n d u s t r y t o d a y

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    Strengths/ Opportunit ie s

    Abundant water resources in the south east region which areunder-utilised by other grazing industries

    Suitable land for significant farm conversions in South Australiassouth east

    Relatively low land prices in most dairy regions in South Australia

    Dairy can demonstrate a more effective and value-adding use of watercompared to other activit ies

    Accessible supplementary feed

    South Australia is a better place to employ labour as it has a loweron-cost structure

    Barrie rs / Threats

    Strong support from other State Governments for its industrydevelopment

    Poor knowledge of the ground water resource in the southern regionof South Australia

    Poor image of the lifestyle and career opportunities in the industry

    Poor understanding of issues associated wi th wat er poli cyaffecti ng dairying

    Threats to water quality in the Meningie lakes district

    Lack of well-developed culture for the attraction and developmentof skilled labour and staff

    Lack of suitable training resources focused on the needs of dairyfarm and processing enterprises

    P o s i t i o n a s s e s s m e n t t h e S A d a i r y i n d u s t r y t o d a y

    C O N T I N U E D

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    C h a l l e n g e s a n d s t r a t e g i e sC h a l l e n g e s a n d s t r a t e g i e s

    11T H E S O U T H A U S T R A L I A N D A I R Y I N D U S T R Y 11


    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Collecti ve industry init iati ve

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative


    Collecti ve industry init iati ve

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    1 Sustainable resource base


    The critical resources for the ongoing development of the dairy industry are land, water, feed, qualityli vestock, skil led farm management and labour. The priori ty is to overcome signi fi cant uncert aint y as tothe long-term arrangements for access to water in key production regions of the State that have thecapacity to underpin future growth.



    1.1 Improve the knowledge of water usage, environmental impact and land capacity in South Australianregions, including through supporting research into:

    The usage of the water resources by dairy and other industries The effects of usage on the sustainability of the key water resources Enhancing and capitalising on knowledge with respect to pasture development and

    water use efficiency

    1.2 Promoting dairys "high-value add" use of water compared with other uses

    1.3 Support the adoption of water-use metering by all irrigators

    1.4 Support and facilitate the adoption of full-cost water charges

    1.5 Facilitate an active, transparent market for water rights in all regions


    1.6 Improve access to, and reliability of three-phase power infrastructure in key growth areas


    1.7 Develop and promote models for ownership/ income part icipat ion opti ons to enhance t angible career pathoptions for young entrants to the industry

    1.8 Enhance access to extension skil ls and farm management t ools/ aids

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    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Collective industry i niti ative

    Collective industry i niti ative


    Collective industry i nit iati ve

    Collective industry init iati ve/ I ndustry parti cipant

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Collective industry init iati ve/ I ndustry participant

    Collective industry i nit iati ve

    Sustainable resource base / Strategies / People continued

    1.9 Enhance farm management skills to focus on: Managing a business in a volatile environment Farm expansion/ development opti ons Labour management

    1.10 Develop and/ or support a leadership and ent erprise development program for young dairy business people

    1.11 Develop a uniform professional approach to the attraction of farm labour supply to dairying regions,including roles, career paths and on-farm training

    2 A viable production sector


    Provide an environment for sustained industry expansion, from existing and new farm investments closely aligned to those aimed at securing a sustainable resource base.


    Farm consolidation

    2.1 Facilitate certainty of the cost sharing arrangements for rehabilitation works on the lower Murray River flats

    2.2 Facilitate greater understanding of the opportunities for consolidation of farming operations

    Farm expansion and new farms

    2.3 Develop and promote the "business case" for new farm conversions and expansions (based onregional conditions)

    2.4 Develop and promote "model" dairy farming enterprises relevant to growth regions of the State

    2.5 Use available farm management and decision tools as basis for Research, Development and Extension toassist existing, and emerging farmers with the evaluation of expansion

    2.6 Enhance the understanding of the gains through the use of supplementary feed

    2.7 Improve the understanding of the finance sector as to the farm economies in the regions of the State

    C h a l l e n g e s a n d s t r a t e g i e sC O N T I N U E D

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    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Collecti ve industry init iati ve/ I ndustry participant

    Collecti ve industry init iati ve/ I ndustry participant

    Collecti ve industry init iati ve/ I ndustry participant

    Government / Collecti ve industry ini ti ative /I ndustry parti cipant

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Collecti ve industry init iati ve

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    C h a l l e n g e s a n d s t r a t e g i e sC O N T I N U E D

    A viable product sector / Strategies / Farm expansion and new farms continued

    2.8 Foster the adoption of water-use efficiency practices in the State

    2.9 Undertake an audit of road infrastructure needs that would support dairy production expansion

    2.10 Enhance the access to risk management options applicable to feed grains to provide producers withcost certaint y

    2.11 Evaluate the opportunities to further develop markets for dairy veal

    2.12 Improve the working relationships between the milk production sector and managers of environmentalpolicy in the State

    2.13 Clarify and promote proactive practices for the management of animal disease (such as Bovine JohnesDisease) in the context of the national industry

    3 Promote South Australia as an attractive dairy investment destination


    Strategies to ensure greater resource security and a greater crit ical mass of milk production in the southernregions of South Australia will underpin the attraction of the State as an investment destination.

    South Australia competes for future investment funds with major dairying regions in Victoria to secure: Commodit y manufacturi ng Specialised further processing of dairy food applications Large scale dairy farming.


    3.1 Develop a promotional package that identifies the advantages of dairy farming in South Australia,including natural features, labour cost structures, etc

    3.2 Improve the relationships between local and State government and industry relevant to approvalprocesses associated with the establishment of dairy farm infrastructure and transport access

    3.3 Develop a one-stop-shop service function that streamlines the approval processes by government and

    local government for new farm investments and conversions

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    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Collective industry i niti ative

    Collective industry init iati ve/ I ndustry participant


    Government / Collecti ve industry ini ti ative /I ndustry parti cipant

    Government / Collecti ve industry i niti ative

    Government / Collecti ve industry ini ti ative /I ndustry parti cipant

    Collective industry init iati ve/ I ndustry participant

    Government / Collecti ve industry ini ti ative /I ndustry parti cipant

    C h a l l e n g e s a n d s t r a t e g i e sC O N T I N U E D

    Promote South Australia as an attractive dairy investment destination / Strategies continued

    3.4 Evaluate a dairy farm development function to assist with the targeting and development of farmexpansion cases

    3.5 Promote the opportunities for farm conversions in South Australian regions to specific potentialinvestor markets in New Zealand, the US, South Africa, Zimbabwe and selected regions of Europe

    3.6 Facil it ate t he adoption of full input and production traceabilit y t hrough t he supply chain

    3.7 Enhance the presentati on of advantages available to f ood manufacturers

    4 Ensuring South Australia has a diverse product-market mix


    The development of an appropriately differentiated mix of dairy product markets to enhance the valueof the contribution of the industry to the State and reduce market risk.

    Strategies4.1 Assist in the facilitation of a merger, integration and expansion of existing cheese processing facilities

    in collaboration with owners and Government agencies

    4.2 Establish and maintain close relationships with major manufacturers to assist in their evaluation ofmajor manufacturing investments in South Australias regions, including:

    Clarifying and monitoring investment criteria Enhancing access to supporting infrastructure arrangements

    4.3 Identify and develop relationships with potential investors in functional food and other applications ofspecialised dairy ingredients with a view to securing investment in facilities in the State

    4.4 Create and build on linkages between the dairy industry and existing biotechnology and research anddevelopment capability

    4.5 Align with food export initiatives to access export market opportunities across food groups

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    Government / Collective industry initi ative /I ndustry participant

    C h a l l e n g e s a n d s t r a t e g i e sC O N T I N U E D

    Ensuring South Australia has a diverse product-market mix / Strategies continued

    4.6 Enhance infrastructure (transport) access arrangements for products from the regions

    4.7 Foster the development of regional marketing networks of niche cheese and other dairy productsmanufacturers. These will include partnerships wit h other regional food and wine "brands" , for t hemutual benefit of all:

    Developing a cheese and fresh dairy aspect of Food Barossa Developing effective cheese marketing in McLaren Vale, Coonawarra and Clare regions

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    F r o m t h e c h a i r m a nF r o m t h e c h a i r m a n

    The Dairy I ndustry Development Board has worked

    wit h i ndustry t o develop thi s challenging plan andvision for South Australias dairy industry.

    The South Australian dairy industry has potential tocontribute significantly more to the State food industryas it is recognised as being highly efficient andcompetit ive in both nat ional and int ernational t erms.The cost to the State for not realising this potentialwould be $420 million per annum by 2010.

    The plan is based on a positive period of incrementaland sustainable growth and establishes clear directionand st rategies for it s implementat ion. It incorporatescurrent knowledge, recognised potential and credibleassumptions provided to the Board by major industrysectors including manufacturers with a stake in thefuture of this States industry.

    The Board has used this process to set realisticproduction and manufacturing targets and to identifystrategies that stakeholders and Government needto work on collaboratively to achieve the predictedoutcomes.

    Achievement of our vision for South Australias dairyindustry will result in a S1 billion regional based

    industry, employing over 6000 people, with a strongfocus on export and value adding. I t wi ll requirestrong leadership from industry and Government as

    well as relevant policies and strategies which instil

    confidence and provide a positive investmentenvironment for production and manufacturing sectors.

    We look forward to your participation.

    Perry GunnerCHAI RMAN

    L to R standing:Grahame Tonkin Managing Director, Tarac Australia Pty Ltd; Calvin BoyleChief Operat ions Offi cer, Dairy Farmers Pty Ltd ; Brenton HigginsManaging Director, Golden North; Frank Beauchamp Past General President, SA Dairyfarmers Association Inc; Brian Bartsch Manager Industry Development, Livestock Industries PIRSA; John Busse Food Indu stry Consultant , TAFE Lecturer; James Mann Chief Executive Officer, Donovans Dairying Pty Ltd, Mt Gambier; Neil M cNishInvestment Director, Department of Industry and Trade.L to R sitt ing:Fiona Keen Senior Brand Manager, Orlando Wyndham; Perry Gunner (Chair)Chairman, Coorong Dairies P/L;

    Carol SchofieldDairy farmer and Proprietor Galloway Yabbies; Tony MorbeyDairy Industry Development Board, Executive Officer.

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    C o n t a c tC o n t a c t

    0T H E S O U T H A U S T R A L I A N D A I R Y I N D U S T R Y20

    If you wish to obtain further information, or

    provide your comments and views on this document,please contact Tony Morbey , Executive Officerof the Board on 08 8207 7956 or by email onmorbey.tony@ saugov.sa.gov.au

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