Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1907-01-18


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-EN ATRE ''"'''t't> :' 1 d l\faI13rer. Rt'$i(lfo'l1l Mi\l\l'ller,


Company venlng

~r1day Evening

UARY 17,

Ir of


KA 1 she will


: Production

I and $1.50.

esday evening

IA RY 18

ltre Company

Ig Musical


)RDLAND n McDonougil,

)rt, Staged by



troduction Ie year and a

.eatre, In New

I Principals

I ot 60.

I and $1.50.

nesday eve at

to each pur·

g >gue of

tic Goods rc interested in [college IJics.

tic Library

Lthlctic port 1JlY·

,ETE 1.1 T


~ &.Bros.

ICl1ur, hicago

~-... ;choof. ,

larj{C hos­'. and lee­I with all !lIIlCr, the


Ig to tu 1 tructioll. ark in ,all

I. well as ricllcrd b : different

w r ex­the 13 t


go. Ill-






The Meeting Tomorrow.Night Should Be Representative-Good Speak­

ers Provided.


Dean Charles Noble Gregory Givp.s An Address Before the Law



Last night tbe Phi Delta Pbi's were MISS PFLAUM DIED AT 10:30 YES, faVOred with an address at th8,ir reg­ular meeting by Dean Gregory. The subject taken hy the Dean was Jer· emy Benthnm, one of the first codl· eyers. Tbls Is the first of a series ot


Had Beeh III Only A Week-A Losing Struggle With Death.

A crisis that has been coming for literary numbers which the law fl'a· The death of Miss Pauline Pflaum, years will be met tomorrow evenln~. ternity expect to have in the near fu· which occurred yesterday morning. at The rlehatlng Situation has resolved ture. Worl{ is in progress for the an- ten o'clock, while not wholly unex­Itself at last into the ouestion. shall nual banquet which will be given In pf!cted Since her operation for appell· we? or shan't we? And whethe. we the near future. dlcitist last Friday, comes neverthe-shall or shall not is a matter that reo less as a. great shocl, to Universltv Quires a ~oOd many of us to decide. Mock Trial. people.

Probably no issue that ever came) A part of the bUSiness of the Mar· Miss ,Pflanm had had several quitl" up in the scbool has caused as much shall Law SOCiety this evening will be serious attacl{s of appendicitis before dll'ficnlty for the student body as a mock trial. The case Is of unusual this time and a Year and a half ago the management of debate. Hav· Interest on account of the importan~ criticallay ill with it; but she fouglit ing outgrown the old arrangemen\ questions Involved: it appears that It bravely and would never submit the prob1 pm was to make , new on~ some difficult question In domestic re- to an operation. A weel, ago Wednes that wonld be fair to all concerneu. lations, theology, and the raiSing of day she was seized with a violent at· The Debating League has a splend!l noultry are now about to be cleared up tacl{ of her old affliction while In a rpcorel of meritorious service, bllt The attorneys for the plaintiff ar3 I)hyslology class and on last Thurs· nothlne- It has ever achleveel entitle" Reed and Collinson, for defendant, rlay she consulted a phySician fo r It to quite as much credit as tbls fln&l Nolte and Lamb. Judge Stevenson th(' first time-sbe was tben dangel', voluntary effort to merge Itself Into will hand down the declslon . oU81y ill, It b('lng found that the ap-a larger body, for the good of the pendlcitls had. de"eloped Into septic


Will Play According to Schedule.­Are Starting on Severe Cam'­



There have been newspaper nlm- FIRST ANNUAL BANQUET TOMOR aI's to th(f effect that the conference ROW NIGHT. ruling bad hrol,en up our basket baH tenm entirely. Notblng could b(l The 'Varsity and Freshman Team. rurthf'r from the truth. Mr. Rule an(! Will Be Entertained at the Burk-hiS lll('ll wlIl demonstrate tonlgbt that the Iowa basl{et ba\1 team Is very

ley Imperial Tomorrow Night

much alive. The Des Moines Y. M. Tomor/'ow night at tbe Burkley Tm­C. A. game Is to be played this even· perlal the Atbl tic Boarel of Control lng, and promises to be one ot tbe will banquet all the football men who harclest fights of the season. The tool, an acUve part In pr paring lIl" men who wilt leave tbls afternoon fo~ varsity team the past season. This the strenuous western trip are Jimmie wiJl the offiCial winding up of thl1 Borton, Chester. Bucl{ner, J. O. Per· football season at the University for rlne, I. A. Burl{helmer B. A. Brown, the year 1906. It. M. Harwood, H. R: Heath, D. A. At this time the footbal\ emblems Norton , Walter Stewart and E. A. will be grantee!. The men wh! mad!.'! Rule. up the varsity el ven will each 1'''-

celve his gole! sweater with the orrh'­Your opinion Is wanted at tbe mas!! lal foothalJ "I" npon It.' This Is tho3

meetlug tomorrow night. high st athletic honor given by th~

University, and tbose who have


By the action of the executive

boa.rd of the Oratorical Association

earned this distinction may f el prou,! of their distinctIOn. Each man on the

greatest number. . A BIT OF HISTORY. peritonitis. Meanwblle her famll' the preliminary N. O. L. contest, to

Freshman team will be given a foot. ball fob as an embl m for his servlc'-lS to the University during the season.

The new league as proposed has b'\ had been summoned to ber bedside seJect the univerSity's representatlvl;! BeSides the football heroes wIll b'!

Mme qult(' well understood, through Debating Le(olgue Is Now Fourteen and Friday evening an emergency op. present the memb fa Df ilia atnU tIc general dlscmsslon. It wl11 be open Years Od-Flrst Debated With eJ'atlon was pel'formpd as a last resort In tbe tina1 contest at Madison, will board of control. Coach John G. Chalm to any student, whether a member ()~ Minnesota. However the bood poisoning hali be held In the audltorlllm of the Hall ers and Mauager Mark Catlin. Dr. a. literary soclety or not. If the pro- made such headway that the operation Eastman will preslele as toastmaster. pasal carries, no one can pretend fuJt Tbe Debating League was organ- was futile. The caSe was one of tbe ot LJberal Arts on the evening ot A wholesome lot of speeches are pra-our d-ebatlng Is not representa.tive. 12ed in the y ar 18~2-93 and wa'!! most severe ever "eated In the hDs- Tuel3day. 'February 12, 1907, ,at eig", nared anel wUl he presenteel by A. n. Another desirable result that will fol- formed out ot tbe two literary soclet- pital, but tbe patient made a wondm-- Smith. presIdent of the Board, Protes­low Is the Introduotion of a coach ies. the Zetagathlan and Irving Instl- rnl fight; she was consc.lous all tbe o'clock. All orations for the cuntest SOl' Byers, Coach Chalmers, Manager here. And above all. there will be tutes, the ony debating organizations the time and for six days and nights must be typewritten upon paper fur. Catlln. Ex-Capt. Allen and Capt. sl1ch r guJation of debate that whut- In existence at that time. never slept. Her endurance and her nlshed by the department of public White of the team of 1907. ever forensic ability we develop maY Ac<'orillng to the S. U. I. QullI for strength of mind were remarkable In, ThiS Is the Inltlal nnmber of tbe be applied to a reasonable numb or 1892-9:{, the first Interstate debate for deed perhaps this very fortitude WllS speaking, and two copies must be in series of annual dinners which tb~ of debates or oratorical contests. rt 1892-83 was held with Minnesota in the cauSe of ber death as It made hel' tbe bands of the 'Professor of public Board of Control bave decided to gh'~ Is not !?;enerally known, but true not Minneapolis, May 26, 1893. Our tealu fight the disease until It was too late. at the close of the football season eaclt the less . that thirteen debates, tlv"! was COmposed of Mason, Stevenson Miss ;Pflaum made her own way in

speaking on or before Friday, Jan· year. It will be a joyOUS event fol' uary 25, 1907. A meeting of the con· the men who worl{ccl so loyally to of them Intercol1eglate. are schednle:i anil Sanford, the first two Zetagath- tile UniverSity, doing stenograpblc

to be held next semester. We can't lans. Tbe Qu('stion for illscusslon wad worl, for Professor F. E. BoUon. Sh~ whip the whole earth in one season, "Resolvee! that the U. S. should own was a perservel'lng, careful student, thore's no us trying. Our energies and operate the telegraph system." whos worl, always received commen-

testanls, for the purpose of selecting make the past season a Sllccess at ~. U. 1.. In the future It wil1 be an an,

jjudges and arranging other d _talis, nual affair looked forward to with

will be held in room 313 Hall of Llb- great Interest. need to be dlr cled to a reasonablo Our teAm upheld the affirmative dation. tasle

, The declslon was unanimous for low!!. Last evening at seven o'clock a

eral Arts, Saturday, January 26, 1907, Tn the words of tbe Quill, "In fact thtlv brief memorial service was held in the Junior Pictures. All these things will be considered

.tomorrow nlgllt, and settled, we mllY hope.

al1 covered themselves with glory." Ladies DraWing room. Reverend at 9 o'clOCk a.m. All Junior pictures for the Hawk­eye must be bandeel to the edltor'IU­chief or department managers on or before Jan. 26. 1907. Tbe appenderJ schedule at office hours at Room lA, Liberal Arts Building, bas bern

H th Questions are to be settled Yestere!ay morning at th(' weekly satisfactorily, a goad attendance I:> assembly, Towll. had the pleasure of needeel. EvC'ry man and woman In listening to short addresses by Vlsltl:lg the University has a voice In this prpsldents of Towa colleges. President. matter, anrl WC' OUght not to permlt Smith, of Coe, spol{e on the "Rhodes a mere mInority to lcglslate for u~. S('ho1arshlp and Anglo-Saxon Unlver· If aoyon has obj ('tions, now III tho sltlcs." Pr('slelent King. of Cornell, time to sp alc, or tor ver holel hiS Town, who Is the elean of Iowa Eilllcat­peace. 01'1'1. spokc on the "Eilucatlon 1,1

'l'l1e mrct itn~ Ie to h(' h lei In tM Towa." ASRembly room, at eight o'clock The speakrrs are Ih(' Prflsfd('nt, nnel tPn- Go to the mass meeting and hp\1) tessors Wll<,ox, W('l11 and Byers. Tho maim history. banel will piny.

¥on ar nrflc]flC1. ("010(' 011t nn(l b('\p

Octave Thanet, Dialect Program .Jan. 19. 1907.

'Music. 1. nllf'Y's Dllntl'Y Dial(,l'l: "Wallin' for the Cat to TIl." "How It IT!I)111('llNl," l~lIznhf'th Hunt

er. 2. R nrllng- Miss Malon y, on th

('hhlPAO QUPfltlon- ld yl ne Tov<,y. 3. Paper-Dlalecl of the Pcnnsyl­

vnn\ln Dulch-L<'nn Mlall Is.

Yest relay the Engln('erlng depart· ml'nt rIlcplvee! thp new milling mao rhino from thp ('Inclnnati Milling Ma· chln(' ('o.,Tt Is modern In every re.'· 11f1('t nnrl will be 11S cl here by the Junior Moohanlcnl Engineers In theIr n(l\'on('erl flhop worl{.

MIRS 111'11(' H t7.pl, of Avoca,

Jlh'clg<'!1 10 ,PI Beta PhI.

Mrs. Volland will go to Cedar Rail'

4. Solectlon Scolc11 Dlnlrct Syl- Irlll to mfl('t h('1' moth r, who wlll vln hamhorlnln . ' multi) her a short visit.

5. R arllng- "'l'IHl SurrendC'1' or Marcus ornwnllls," J nnll' BIal{ MISB Ollv hall. WIIO has been

t!'lnolllng In Mnn('hC'st 1', has acceDte'l

Worn n's 8utrrag goes at th mast! n 110sltlon In tll Boone high school

meeting, for Ih 11 xt 8 m('sl r.

Clarl;: conducted the service, asslstcu John W. Conaway,

President of the Oratorical Assn.

Let us not permit a handful of peo·

by Reverend Seaner. President Mac· Lean made appropriate and sympatbet

Ic relllarl(s. The remains wlll be ta',{­

en to Grand Junction at eight o'cloci,

this morning, where the funeral will

be held.

pie to legislate for us tomorrow night. arranged, and pictures may be hand­ed In at this time:

It will be more thau a talkfest.

Miss HOlle Hess, of Bedtord, IOWIl,

Is pledged to Delta Delta Delta.

Dally 2:30 to 4:30, p. m. Saturdays, 10 to 12, a. m.

Joe S. Beem, Editor-in-Cbief.

To-day's Bulletin

I: 00 p. m.-Rehearsal of Women's Glee \ull in Mlss Proffit's studIo .

(i: 00 p. m.-Rchearsal ot Men's Glee Club. L. A. assembly ball.

5: 00 p. m.-Meetlng of Poweshelk. Co. students in room 204, L. A.

R: 00 p. m.-Meeting of Classlcl~1

Cluh in lasslcal Library. Reading fro~ 8netonlus by Professor Weller.

8: 00 p. m.-Baconlan meeting. Read cr, Dt'. Albert. Subject, "Diseases of Animals TransmissIble to the Humail Being."

~ Talk tomorrow night, or forever at-~ tel' be silent.

~ ~ Manager Marc Catlln Is in commun-~ Icatlon with the Kansas university ~ athletlr authorities. Rome of whom

" h " e met ln Kansas City. when be was ~ at the conference meeting there lately ~ A game of football b tween the T<an-

, sans and Ha.wkeyes may be the out­come. The report sent to Chicago from Kansas City that Iowa was to

join the Missouri, Kansas and Nebras­

ka conference, was baseel on a mis.

~ apprehension. As stated before Marc

~ Callln was delegated by S. U. I. · tn rep

resent Iowa Institution in Kansas CIty


merely to lend moral torce to tho

meeting, and to show that the Iowa

Instllutlon was In favor of any move·

ment tendIng towards the uplift of

~",.""""~,~~ amateur atbl tics.



• •••••••• l' H E D A I L Y I \V A 'l\ I Resolutions. • • Whereas, It has pleased Almightv • When you are looking fo r .1 \T OLUME 6 NUJI(BER 7 .. I God to take to hfmself, Ellis, the little « Novelties in Hardware, there are • ==========-'-----

• I every ~Jorltil1R' EXCt'l l t H.uurc1av w aucl MOIH I~H • many things that will Interest • you at the corner Hardware • Store of • • WILL S. THOMAS ..

• )i the Vld"tl ~Hel>"r\~r lile Ihlrly·.,hclllb Y"a, • and of Ih. 'I . U. 1 Quill Ihe fifleelllh )ea ,

• • • I



« Knives and cutlery are al· « A~SOCIATI< EOITOWS

• ways in demand and you will •

son of Mr. and Mrs. Teeter, we th,' •

:e~:::rtSes~ifrytl~~r ~:~::l~~YIO~~Ui~; t~~ ~ j

following resolutions: Q Resolved, That we extend our bean. ~

felt sympathy to Mr. a~d Mrs, Teet· I ers in their sM bereavement, and be t ' It further

Resolved, Tbat a copy of these res·

The YWrTI~R'S Big- Clearing- Sale of all kinds of Winter Dry Goods reg-ardless of cost. All tin\!

• find a complete assortment of • • them, as well as LockS, Keys • • and Scissors at the store of •

• • • •


F:DI'rn V. BA I.L n. K . (;R [10'1"1 N

~~~i;,n: C~~y ~:~p:~adthu~:n ~~e t!~~I: ,

utes of the Club. and that a copy he •

sent for publication to the Daily ~

loakl' /.!o.· all fine Fur oats g-o, all Comforters, all Blankets. all Winter I1d )rwear, Ilosiery, Wil"­ter Ures' Goods, etc. Be 011 time. Trade at head­quarters,

• •


• Skating is now In season. • • The Ice on Iowa River will be * • good most of the winter. See * • new assortment of Skates, Guns •

P. E . Rl'[,Z PAUL J. AA1'>Zr.JK



Wayland R. Gray, ! rowan.


• and Rifles which are shown '\t • I AssrSTASTH

W. 'l. "Y I, '1'. 1'. IH IlEH


FI'anl, H. Conway,

Rudolph A. Knever,

Committe"!. • the big hardware store on the • • oOrner of •

• •

• Washington and Dubuaue St. • IOWAN PUBLJRIIJ!\:G Co .• PunLI~II'gRS

(J IICMII"l"ar erl)

Reso lutions.

• • •


For as much as God In His infin­

MANAGER l ite wlsr]om has seen fit to call to hIm·

self Ellis, the little son of Prof. anll •

• • • • • • • • • •

.. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~.~.~.~.

· 0 ~ D. H. MILLER, ~ • Trunks, Baggage and Parcel • ~ 0 • Delivery. Call Smith & Cilek's, • (0 Roth Phones, ro, • • ·0·0·0·0~0·~.~.~·~ .~.~.~ .~

• N 3nCe & Springmire

Manufacturers of

Pure Food Ice Cream


Address nil cumnlul1lc..1.llnns tU

THI': UArr .. Y TOWAN Iowa City. Towa.

, Mrs. W. J. Teeters. therefore be it

Resolved, That on account of his

endearing qualities and lovable dlspo· Entered a~ ~ec"ll/l·cla." nta,l ntaller. No- sitlon, we deeply feel the loss to au ~

J ~nJ""r 12. 1903. al the po_t·"fflce at Towa City. worthy Dean and his good wife. The 'nwn, under the :lCI of COlIlI'ress of I'Itarcil 3,

1.79 tiE'S which bind us as students to our

instructor, malta it possible for us, as 'er yt'ar. If paid befor. NI>vemiler 151h - ~.OO bis students, to comprehend, in a meas 'er year. I( paid afler NnV('lItber' 15th • $2.50 ~r .p ntps'er . • . _ • _ • $1.25 lire, the loss sustained, and be it

'tr ntfll1lh ••••• - .. • .. .. .... . 40 Resolved, That we, deeply mourning 'er .lnll'lp COpy • - • - • - •• -

Office-21S Wa.hlIlIl'IOI1 Rlrl'el.

li, lh 'PhOl1eR

.05 his loss, tender to the bereaved par·

ents our heartfelt sympathy, and I.J~

It further

THE SATURDAY INFORMALS. There will be more cadet informals.

The only thing now needed Is the COq· sent of the powers that be, and It is

I thought that there will be little diffi· culty on that score, The 'doubtful

Resolved, That a copy of these re.~,

olutions be ,placed upon the minutes

of our respective classes, that a copy

be sent to the bereaved parents, and

that a copy be published in the col·

Fresh Oysters and Eggs qucstlon was whether tbe idea would lege and city papers,

Blanche Brink,

Ora L. Rogers,

Ed. M. Wertz, 15 W. College Sf.

I t:lke, anrl after the very successful Bolh Phones trial of last week that question seem .. :....-------------..! to be answered. The University pub-

;:=========:=::::::;::~ l liC has shown its approval and inter· I est, and the cadets are encollraged to continue ..

M d· 1 B k I There was a mistaken Idea preval· e lea 00 S ent last week that only cadets were . I expected to attend. This Is quite CO ,l­

, trary to the plan of the Infol'mals; t.hey are Intended to promote ac·

A large shipment of

Medical Books

has juSt been received



quaintance, to supplement the formal tartles, and to these ends are open to all students. They wlll be of bene·

t fit to the military department In build. ,Ing up spirit, and If there were nll other reason, there Is sufficient justl·

I i flcatlon for them In the fact that they

I provide wholesome recreation for

. students whose Saturday afternoons

i are free. They ffll a very definite

I place in the social life of the scbool,

an rl in view of tho way they have be"n I ' received, It seems as thougb tbe ca·

dets may bave hit upon something I destined to become a permanent aj·

' dition to our customs.

Notice. _______ ..-_____ -: ' To Students in tbe College of Lbel'

I al Arts:-Give Us a Call

We carry

Text Books and


At Lowest Prices

I In order to facilitate reglgstration

for the second semester, and save tho

time of tbe students, students In th~

College at Liberal Arts are requestd

to file In the office of the Registrar

at the earliest possible date, Oll

forms wbich may be obtained eltber

In this ofrice or at the office of Dean


Ladles' Suits, Cloaks, Furs, ,MIIII·

nery, Dress Goods, S. U. I. ~olors In

Felts, Velvets, Satins and Ribbons at

H. A. Strub & Co.'s,

The Sign of Prosperity is a Diamond ...

Do You Wear One? That' · our business, and if you don't have one we would like to intere ·t you in that line, We J1ever misrepresent goods either . intentional)' or through in exp'rience .....

Keith ®, McChesney The Reliable Jewelers 104 S, Clinton St ree t


i ~

Special to all Lady Students. Our great WIlrn: SA LI ': has just started is drawing Big crowds. You are ilwited to come. ' t'e tit> "H'stQuality" all-new Musl ill l 'nclerwear, Lace~, El11uroiderie:-, Wh ite Good " Wash Goods. etc.,

Correct Lowest


r~"""""""""""""""""'~"""~""'~~~ , ~

~ D A. G. PRiNCE $ ~ " ~ ~ FLORIST ~ , ~

~ Fre~h Cut Flowers and Potted Plants, Funeral , ~ Work a Specialty, Greenhollse no Walnut treet, ~ " Near Summit ~treet Viaduct. Both Tell'phones. ~ " ~ ~ ~ " 208 S. Clinton S 1. Iowa Cit)' ,Iowa I " I " - I. ,~~"~"""""""'~"""""~""'~"'~~~~~"

LUlV\SD E BR OS. The Leading Panitorium Club' and Steam Dye Works We clean and press your Clothes and shine your Shocs for $1 per mon th We guarantee all work done by us, Goods called for and delivered free PHONE 166 110 IOWA AVE'


SABINS' EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE Henry Sabin ... 1907, 14th SEASON ...... Elbrldll H. Sabin During each year places teacher in at Ica5t 80 of the 99 counties in JOII'a, and in Minnesota, North and South Da!.;ota. Nebr:lska, Colorado, Wyo­ming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, \Vashingl on and Orl'j.{on . \Vritc and ce what we can do for you, Address HENRY SABIN,

Manholtnn Bldg. , DES MOINES, IOWA

t:ilP:lill CIIV t~mnltrdilJ toll~\J~. Dts nJolnu, IOIDa. The rl'col!rized learler nmonr, bllsln('~~ trlllnlnll !;Chool~. Tbt 10 rlre'~ lind ~Lron:.:(',. tDcult.v or on" comml'l'clal COll(,~601 tho 'Vl'sL lIl':~uLl· ! ',l ~ch(lol1JChl0 -;vl~b modorn et'uIVlJlcnt. 000<1 lIoJlrutnj( lilC'lItl s IlL low rates. Students mllY worl! for lx,;\T(!!! n'CI""Lr:.', Bnnd,Olcbes' tru.. Olee CIJb. Mnnd'olln Club Gymnasium. un,' t1llCtll-. ood situations for II'rndUtllC!I. No vnrJltjoD~ ena lOr 1"lIllnt new cnta· logue, Addrc W. 11 l\lOCAULlrlk, !>rcsldcn~


, .. Staple and Fancy GrJceries",

• •

I) Old Phone. 120 M ~ V._._~~ .•. _ .•. _o._. New Phone, 317 ,


~~'~~~~~~~'~~~'~~~~"~'~"" """ ~" " ~~~~~ ~


Currier a list of the courses for I whiCh they expect to register tor tbo

second semester, Reichardt • • • •

~ Barth, Schuppert & Co. : " have nearly everthing that you can

think of in the Grocery Line . . . . We have' all kinds of delicacies for


-- AT --

University Book Store


1 Care should be taken to select courses In accordance wltb tbe re­

qUirements tor graduation publlsbed

In the current announcemen.

I In gencral, first year students are

expected to continue In the courses I for which they are reglsted thiJ

semester. H. C. Dorcas,


75he Confectioner

Pal metto Chocolates our

sp'cialty All candies

hom' mari e Ice ream

mad ' in all

furnish'd £0.'



hape' and

parties and


" ~ a ~ ~


i 6 and 8 South Dubuque Street. ~~~~


AHA fus \y it equipment. one on rcqu

chool al ed auy ti m


tl f

• •

i , • I , • I • • • I t I •

THE DAILY IOWAN --~~~====~~~~~==~~~~~~~----~~.-------~----~------~~~~~~==~~= T

I Band Men! NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC· I---.... -.:II---~

~~::::!::;::ii~' The University band will meet at 1-------------- C kl-' 7.:::0 Saturday eYl~ning, to play for The Chicago Cash Man is in I on In s

You are in Luck if you need an


In order to reduce our stock before in­voiceing we are selling all WINTER OVERCOA TS and HEAVY ~. SUITS in fancy Plaids and Grays at ,,~

20 per cent ~ discount

The greatest opportunity ever offered to get

more than your money's worth


e ••• • 0.8 .~.~ .0 • • • 8 . 0 . 0 • • • 1:1 •

Kid Gloves cleaned. Prompt ann satisfactory work guaranteed. Leave

the mass meeting. I T own. S1>!f· Pen

Go to Murphy &. Reha for fine foot. j The highest price paid for a 1:,.::;::l<1g wear 128 South , Dubuque street. 2.1


second · hand Clothes and Shoes. For busy people.

No bother. The Zetagathlan society have declrl I '\tV rite me a postal and I will Fills itself.

ed to give "The Virginian" for their call. Cleans itself.

annual play, this spring. II A. Pollock, No dropper. Nothingtotakeapart. Nothing to spill. A dip in ink, a P. O. General Delivery.

, When in need of a good d" /vlng I

team call up Murphy's Livery. Both =:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::: touch of thumb to nickel cres. ' phones.

Resolutions of the Sophomore Class. cent and the Since God in His infinite wisdom pen is full,

Ivy Lane will give an Informal dance bas seen fit to tal,e from among us ready to v1rite. h • I ff t .~ 1\ the \1(>tt d.alcNI P~"J-next Wednesciay evening. The alum· one of our most c eerLU , e lcien an,1 '1~~":i~;~,I'~~:~~hnnJ l(~ uJf;

nj are Invited. self-sacrificing members; one en- tonklill ""11 or rUil FIll pI,. IL Ir YOII Inll&t U\X'II h.,'lng

deared to us by her noble charact r It. (\)SU'UOlllo,ell""I,thH fonllt..'\ln )K·n. of blot llTade.

and untiring devotion to duty and I 100 lyle. ."'I.'.' . to ... lpc~ ~~~~ LOST-Soliel Gold Opal RIng set frl~nds '. I from Ohll\\,l1 III (II I rOlOl0f, f;

~ ~~~f~~~/~~t~1~~:\~f'~~~:n: with 4 claws. Finder return to) I We of the Sophomore Class of the 1Aln pen r cpnlrl'( l prunlpUy,

Til" {,O'1 KUN PI:"1 co. Iowan office. 2t College of Liberal Arls xt end to the, 6lt·Hft J.II ... ". ' ... ,Tol"" ••

B.ht Ilrn Ilonklln ~!f.l'lIIl.r bereaved family of Miss ,paulyur' l .. ____________ ~

Frederica Pflaum, our most slnC!'lo , ============== Die Germania will give an informal sympathy. I party next Saturday afternoon. William L. Carl> ny, 1'-------.... ----"

Robert N. Jones, WEBSTER'S Room mate Want('rl-Grntlcmnn at

'{o. 2 Bloom 'rerrace. L. Jeannette Mather, Ailce E. Manney, Meda M . Holman,

The Whist Leag\le met last night a~ Com.mlttee. I the Sigma Nu house. The result oC The State University of Iowa. Iowa the contest was not to be had at th~ time of going to press. City, January 17. 1907.

Tne most stylish turnouts city at Murphy's Livery.

Mrs. R A. Davidson, of Waterloo, In the is visIting her daugbter, Mrs. Byron

.T. Lambert.

~.~.~ .~.~.~. - . ~

i Cure that Cough! Get your drlvir1g horses '''om C. A.

Murphy. Both Phones.

Tallyhos ad rubber-tired rigs Murphy's Livery.



~ By using a large bottle of t dt ~ our COUGH MEDICINE II


~ Your money refunded if it ~ I ~ does not prove effective ... : • •






25,000 New Words and Phrases ALSO ADDED

New Gazetteer of tho World New Blocrapbloal Dlotionary

E<lItodn Chlot. W. '1'. naT1'!a, rh.n .• T L.D .• L;ulLed Statu Comml.louct ot l:.iu(.:At.1on.

2380 Quarto Peeee. 5000 /IIusl1'e:looo. IT IS A PAOICtO OTORCHoutc OJ ACCU".AT= IU'Or.~.1ATIO~J

GRANO PRI:C(._it;:If' • I.W~ ,"'10"1.0-0 rAI{1 CT.LOU10

Also Webstcl"o Collegiate Dlctionory 11 10 Par;n. 1100 1I":.lratl • .,.,

Regular E dition 7 • lOx 21,lnrh... 3 blndlniO­Dc Luxe Edition lj:\,:x 8).:x 1 ';a Ill, rrin t ~t from

umopln.t<'''"on IJIL'o lJ!\r~I·. 2 Iii ,lcf:rul It nll ln~

FREE."Dictlonarr Wrinkle "Ulu&tnUoo p"mpblc:o.

~ Marshall Dental Mfg. Co. ~ ~ 2 1 N. Clintllll Street. ~

; Supplies for Dental Students ~

orders at Mrs. L. L. Kenyon's To ilet Red Men's Hall, (formerly Kenyon's Parlors, 26\12 Dubupue stre et. Over Hall), newly furnished and the finest Smith &. Cllek's Hardware store. \ dance floor In the city. This hall Is

I Mc GUAN BROS.' Phar- ~ i • macy, 115 Dubuque Street. 'i ® 'I .0·.·. ·0·0 .• ·0°.·. ·.·. · .~

G.lI C. MCr' ... n.IAM CO. Publisher!), Sprin~ic!d. l'k:;~. , U.S. t..


t w. R. JENNEY. :\[anagcr ~ The selecl10n committee for the for rent, for parties and dances, etc. • 0 · ...•..•.•.•.•.•.•..•. ~

Rhodes scholarship have gathered he,',,) Price six dollars per night .. Arrange c ...... &»::!JtlAl:t __ =::z: ",,5

They are Presicient Main, of Grinnell; for dotes at Martin Gerber's Store, M Gay & Co. 1\ ' "~~-t~~~~~~~i-"E-"E-E-E-f-E-E-E-~"'", King, of Cornell; Smith, of Cae; an,1 essner ."., BelI of Drake. iPresldent MacLean Is 218 East College st. 1·17 w

and Draperies at H. A. Strub &. Co.'s. FRESH AND SALT MEATS III,), YOUNG MEN ~ chairman. '

CEDAR RAPIDS Business College


A businl' llll" shurt hawl chool of thc hi~l1<' t /-!rad • which otTe r a cour" of Irdinillg' to ambitious

young 111el1 a lid wumell lha t clHlhlps them to ecure the best em 1)10.' mellt the bu.illt!IIS world hn ~ t .. on'er, aucl Ill> ist ali its g-rndllate~ to

(lOOD POSITIONS AHA~D~ :.m 'Al'ALO lJ~pro·

'uselv illustratcd wIth chool "lewlI. eq uipment. etc. cheerflilly Cllt to any­one ()Il rcq L1est.

WHY IS IT That when any fan cy

Dinner or Luncheon

in town is given, the groceries are almost al· ways fnrnished by m? ONE TRIAL ORDER



Carpets, Rugs, Mattlngs, Curtains FISH. GAME AND POULTRY I ~ AND MAIDENS : .. .. Corner College and Dubuque Sireeis .... ,~ \AI . '" NEW PHONE ~8 BELLPHO E.AI6 ,~ A,·.n lwa)' IlIter·ptedinthalklllcl '"

1M flf phfllOl(ral,hy thal SUIJlreSl~ the '" C. A. Murphy for fine liveries. : lrCnll'lh afld, IItOr"f manhood and :t

, .II lh" ,daiul v charm lOr wIlluallhoud ... '"

:\O'I'l c r~. M Y E R S & SON tIo "-,\II PUlV tf,'1!iitlk ('0. :;t., <ie:1t>l UI'C r l' ' : STYLE AND ~

ql1l~tt'tl to n1l'lIt in r00"11 ~O-l Libornl Parcel Delivery and Transfer i ELEGANCE ! Art~ £Tall, Fritlay, J an. 1', at fivo P . Calls Promptly Answered 80th Phones III "

.\1. , for the' purposo 01' organizing It =======.========= ~ ~III R t ",ark all s ucce~flll pnrlrai- = III tureo( today. and Ih h.,iMj U_l whal '"

P()\'.'I~h·(·t ('0. Club. Hob(1rt K Long, I~ the 'fownseud Studio s la ud~ for ... '"

Ladles' SUits, Cloaks, Furs, MIIII, nery. Dress Goods, S. U. I. Colors In

Felts, Satins, Velvets and Ribbons at

H. A. Strub &. Co.' ••

lilt Happened in Nordland."

w. McCELLAND ~ ~~ i ~' ~':', Basgage and

'P r(el Delivery Line .••• Office Miller & Miller Stove Store


* ~

~ Townsend & Co. * ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~I-I-.I-U E-E-."t:t-t"t-!:!:t-t"t"t:t"t:J~~

School ail the yl'ar . Pupil admitt ed allY time.

Grocery I There aro more "whlstling num-

• E~til hlished 1879. hers" In the score of "It Happene:l ~ 1906 22 So. Dubuque S1. Both Phone~ In Nordland," Victor Herbert's lato3t ~ THE OLYMPIAN RESTAURANT ~

~ 1879 27th Year

......... 1NCH£5T£R FACTORY POW D E R


Good shells in your gun mean a gootl bag In the field or a good scora at the trap. Winchester "Leader" and II Repeater" Smokeless Powder SheIlo are good shells. Always sure-firer always giving an even spread of shot and good penetration, their great s uperiority is tcstl5cd t o by sp'Jrts­men who u se Winchester Factory Loaded Shells In preference to any other make.


~~;a, o~:~~:g~o~he:n to i~hl~eC:~~p~n :~~: a Th" Best Restaurant in town. First-class Meals 20c up. Short Orders and Light Lunches at all Hours, OPEN DAY AND NIGHT .

,. " " " " "

other works of that famous com pOt.:- ~

er. It was a happy thought th:1.t ~ prompted the firm of Hamlin. Mitcb- E elI & Fields to bring about the joln- :

Oysters in the shell direct from New York and Baltilll are. ~ Sell in quarts, SOc and 60c ,

Ing of the forces of Victor Herbert ~ and Glen McDonough. tho well· know llbrettlst In addition to this

123 South Dubuque St. Iowa City, Iowa. ;

combination, Julian Mitchell staged \ tho production personal1y. There is r ([ M ~!'/Qllgf7\\ 16 _ Calise ~n..IR\¢ @'TT1Trr.~ a host of pretty girls wearing thf) \ 1 J1Vlll.II.W MUll ~Wl~~@\X.>uu most beautiful gowns-there are 22 I This is the smallest and lightest weight (about musical numbers, an, In fact. the en- 61-2 pounds) repeating gun ever manufactured, tiro production tha.t scored Buch d I and opens up many new possibilities to the tremendous success for over a yellr I r up-tO-date sportsman. It is not a 16 barrel on a and a halt at the Lew Field's thea- I 12 action, but a new, well-balanced, properly-proportioned tre, N w Yorl(, wlJ] be brought hero gun thAt , yrith modern smokeless powders, enables a shooter Intact. Locnl theatre·goers are u.lI· 11 to use a powerful load in a small uhell and reduce, materi-8m'ed that the forthcoming produc· I ally,"Y the weight of shells and ~un to be ca:-riec\. The tlon of "It Happened In Nordlanct,· 1 small, light gun handles fast, results in close holQ ~.:lg and will be ono of the most Impor tnnt I incr.!ased accuracy. flFIII14"~lpIIOII (n lit ... Mo,UII Calalo: "'0. IIS<l2,/us/ou, ' musloal events of the theatrlca sen- \ _~~~,::'~~: to T"I': MARLIN F'IREAAMS Co" Nltw HAY_N. CONN . _)

son. Se!lt sale tomorrow.




.•. OF •.. THrs space is re ' cn'ed for announcements of c(lming University cvents.

Notices should be handed in as soon as possible so they may not fail to be g-iven ufficient pur,licitv.

Cedar Rapids 6. Iowa City

Electric Railway .JP1:11:lry 24, 'rbursday-Exocutiv(' and

COMING EVENTS I Building omruittccs Uleet.

Jan. 19, Saturday-Edda Society leave Cedar Rapids Daily I .. ; 8ve Iowa City

Daily Jan. 24, Thursday-Regular meet· meets In Room 314 L. A. Subject,

Ing of the Mlddletonian Society. 5:00 R. 111. 5:35 a. 111. , 6:35 a. Ill.

7:35 a. Ill. I 8:35 a. m. 9:35 a. m.

10:35 a. m. 11:35 a. m. 12:35 p. m.

1:35 p. m. 2:35 p. m. 3:35 p. m. 4:35 V. Ill.

5:35 p. m. 6:35 V. m. 7:35 v. m. 8:35 p. m. 9:35 p. 111.

10:35 p. m. 11 :35 p . . m.

5:}l1 a. 111.

6:10 a. m. 7:111 a. 111. 8:10 a. m. 9:10 a. m.

10:l() a. m. 11:10 a. m. 12:[0 p. m.

1:10 p . 111. 2:10 p. m. 3:10 p. 111.

4:15 p. m. 5:10 p. 111.

6:10 p. 111.

7.10 p. m. 8: 10 p. 111.

9:10 p. m. 10:10 II. Ill.

11 :10 p. 111.

11:52 p. m.

"Garbol'g and his worle" Reade!',

Mr. Wesl y.

Jan. 19, Saturday-Mass meetln~,

students of all oolleges, toconsider

new Debating League. Speakers,

PresIdent MacLean, Professors WH·

cox and Weld. Assembly Room, 8: 0')

p. m.

Jan. 21, Monday-Meeting of Art

ClUb. Professor Washburn will lee·


Jan. 21, Monday-Meeting of Whit·

. Round Trip and pecial Tlcketf (lId at I ney Society in Classical Library at Ticket Offices onlv. SllIsrle 'Crlp 'rlckels sold ,\I. t,u lo l\<"ron cC\r~. llal(lr:lsre. (151l POUlld' 17:30 p. m. carrie,1 fr ,>e. !l!lIe'If~. v.\lud Sb.5J) Rllid for I is.no withoul reb"t~. I

Jan. 23, Wednesday-Fourth num· Ced.r R.plds Tloket Olfloe. ,324 S. 2d St. ber of Lecture Course, Mr. and Mr3 Iowa. City Tloket Office. Cor. of Clinton

I Elias Day.

.nd College Streets




, . . Physician and Surgeon,

Phoenix Block Both Phones


L. W. liitlg. A.M., 1\\ .0., M.R.C.S .• Eng. "'.mb .. Royal Collef~ of Sur{eo"<, I!"Kland

Physician and Surgeon, Office over First National Bank. Residence 314 Summit. Both phones

Jan. 24, Thursday-Executive auti

Building Committees meet, Old Cap·


Jan. 25, Friday.-N. O. L. Prelimi·

nary, Assembly Room, L. A.

Jan. 25, Friday-Kansas

Inary Debate.

Jan. 25, FrIday-All Junior pic·

tures must be handed In before tbl~


T nuuary 2 ,Monday-Political cienc('

Club will me t at home of Rov. Strain.

RC'att(,T, Professor Bolton.

Feb. 5, Tuesday-Lecture ot· At'

chaeological Institute in L . A. audl·

torlum, at 8 P. m. Lecturer, Professor

Washburn, on "'Elvolution in Archi·


Feb. 5, Tuesday-Meeting of the

Library ClUb, reader, Miss Lang·


Why not


Your Next

Suit at



~NTED Bright. sound. fair education to PREPARE for poSitions in the Classified (..'\V1j Service. Salaries range from $600 to $2500 per yur. Openings for

~-;;r,:,.l.l!-M~" RAILW~Y



MADE LAST YEAR Openings and Entrance Examinations in eYery

section of tbe country. THORO PREPARA1 ION BY MAIL

All text books furnished. Spare t;m~ sludy. Full particulars FREE. Write TODAY Do it NOW. IITII.STATI SCBOOU. C ..... I.pit .. 1 •• 1



r""~" t ' r ;'l ' ld Mau::t,ef. Nt'",ldt'11I I\Janarer,


Next Week

Flora De Voss Company Ladies Free Moday Evening

Seat Sale Friday Evenlnl


Farewell Tour of


MODJESKA On which occasion she will


MACBETH Strong supporting Company

Elegant Production

Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50.

Seat sale opens Tuesday evenlI\g

at 7 o'clock.


The Lew Fields Theatre Company

Will present the Big Musical



IN NORDLAND Book Lyrics by Glen McDonoug~,

Music by Victor Herbert, Staged by

Julian Mitchell, with the

F. J. BECKER M. D. DR. J. G. MUELLER Physician and Surgeon.

Feb. 8, Friday-Junior Prom. , Entire New York . .. Johnson County Savtngs Bank ... , Surgery and Gynecology,

Office over First National Bank Both Phones

F. L. LOVE, M. D., Dlleaaee of Eye, Ear NOle and


Orrlce with J. P. MulUn~ M. D.

DR. LEORA JOHNSON, Offico Hours-9 to 11 a . m.; 3 to

5 p. m. BelI Phone 171X. John. son Co. 203. 22 N .. ClInton St:.

W. R. WHITEIS, M. S. M. D. Dlsealel of Eye, Ear, No.e and

Throat. General Surgery. Office 21 S. Dubuque. Both Phones

DR. WALTER L. BIERRING, Office, Patterson Block, 91h South

Dubuque St. Consultation Hours 2 to 5 p. m. Both Phones.

DR. W. L. BYWATER, Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and

I Throat. I o. 8 North Clinton Street.

Hours 10 to 12 a . m; 2 to 4 p. m. Both Phones. Oud Fellows Block


VAN METER HOUSE. OpPosite University Hospital O. C. Van Meter, Prop. $1.00 per day, Special Rates by week.


A. W. STARBUCK, Dentist. Office Hours-8 to 12 a. m., 1 to '0

p. m. 128 Washington Street. Both Phones.



Lawyer and Notary Public.

Office over Golden Eagle.

THOS. F. ROCHE, Lawyer.

Dooley Block, 113 E. College s~.

Iowa City, Iowt!.

<!) . <!) . <!) .~. <!) . <!) .0.0.

• • 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . ~.<9. <!) . <!) .0.0. <9 .0.0.<9.0.0.

~ • ~

• ~

<S> • (>,

• o • o •

WAf. A, FKY. t'res. M. J. MOUN. V·Pre.. Production ~;EO. L. lo'ALK. Cashier J. A. SHALl .... A·Car.b.

Feb. 9, Saturday-Grinnell Basket

ball game.

llOAKD OF UIKZCToMS: - Will. A. Fry. M. J. Moe.n. Max May~r. S. L. Close. Jllhn T. Jones. Just as presented one year and a ~:. F. Uowl11an. E. t' . Whitacre. Wm . Hankey. N F. C. CarRon. halt at Lew Fields' Theatre, In ey Capllal. . . . . !12S.000.00

Feb. 12, Tpesday-N. O. L. Prelim·


Surplus and Undivlrled Profito. $ York. U .. ,>o.its. $l.~25,OOO.OIr

4 per cut Int.rtU pard on timt dePOSIts

Feb. 14, Thursday-Graduate Club (;£0. W. KtP..~<~le~i ALON~~e~~~!iJ!~t banquet, Burkley Imperial. J. E.SWISHER. C.sbler

Citizens' Saving and Trust Co. C.plt.J a.nd Surplul $6.5.000

F d N b k B k t Four pe r cent Interest paid on deposits Feb. 22, rl ay- e ras a as e . h k Accol1f1ts received subject to c ec

ball bame. 114 Cltnton Street. low. City, Ie..

Feb. 27, Wednesday-First number

In course ot public lectures on Tbe

Elthi('s of Health. Subject, "Food:'

Speaker, Mrs. Rockwood. Assembly

Room, 8: 00 p. m .

March I, Friday-SophOmore Ora·

torlcal Contest.

People's Steam Laundry Cor. Iowa Ave., and Lint! treet

Strictly Hlah Grad., Work ONLY

Domestlo e.nd Gloss Finish

TOMS Ii., RUPPERT Phone, Bell C·58; J. C. 85

FIRST NATIONAL BANK PetPr A. De" . Pr~.. Lo ell Swl her. Ca hie

Rehearsal Schedule tor University G W. Ball. Vlce·Pr· . J ' U. Plank .. A " 'tCa h MlIslcal OrganizationS. Capital SlO11,ooo Hurplu 20,000

Directrlrs iletl'r A . Dey. C. '4. Welch . MrF. E:. E. Parsoll', '. L.CTurner.

E. Bradway. A . N. Curries

Women's Glee Club, Mondays, 4:0 FARMERS LOAN & TRUST CO. P. m., :MIss Prol'fltt's studio. Peler A. Dey. PreM .. C. S. W"lcll . Vlce.Pre .

J,uveil :;\Ylsller. Tr ' I~ur~r UniverSity Band, Mondays, 4:30 p Capital 50.00 urplu 31,000

Superb Company, 20 Principal.

Chorus Ensemble of 60.

Prices 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.50.

Seat sal~ opens Wednesday eTe at

7 o'clock. Limit of 10 to each put'


Send Your Name

For a Catalogue of

Spalding Athletic Goods ~[cntion \\ hal sport you ar' interc ted in

and ask for a list of college ;tnc! sl"!lool upplic '.

The Spalding Athletic Library

Tc.xt BOllk. on I ~ very \ I hlctic port 10 cents pt.'r WilY.


A. G. Spaulding 6. Bros . I ~ a,.,alt SI. t'\\) nrk

14r) \ nha 11 \vellue, hicago m., Armory. Inlere~lPaldoll nNt(,.It .

==~======~========== UniversIty Orchestra. Mondays, 7 p. • e ~ m., Armory . • ........................ Gil .... ,. .. ..

! !.:. Men's Glee Club. Tuesdays, 5 P.; Northwestern University Medical School. 'I

• ~ Thi~ space has been

reserved by the • ~ '" m., L. A. Asembly Hall. •

~ ~ Bant!, Wednesdays, 4: 30 p. m., Ar· I (Chicago Medical College ) '.i emory.

o I · I 0 · t t · Choral Sl)clety, Thursdays. 7 p. m., t ~ n erna lona 0 L. A. Assembly Uall. • o Z" Thi. mcdical .,chool is ~'(,l1trnlly Inratcd. rnll\'('lliClll to large ho· ~ • • Women's Glee Club. Fridays, 4:0 • pilals. alTording ahundal!ce of clillil'al 111at('ria1. Tht' lahll1'ahl~I~'~ n~ld Icc· · C d ~ p. m .• Miss Proffitt's studio. ture rOO11lg are co111ll1odIOUS. \I('II-Itghted ami gcnnoll,1 . suppllcd wIlh all


1I orrespon en ce · 11101lern appliance, 10 aid in cnrryinl{ on ill the 1110 t clrt'clin' manner, the ~ Men's Glee Club. Fridays, 5 p. m, . tudy of l11cdil'ine.

(! L. A. Assembly Hall. I Thl! full course c()l1~isls of four y ar., eight 1110nlh ! 'adl, bcginning ~ I Octobcr 1 t. ; S h · I ~ The clas~cs are dividcd into small ~eclinn., 11111. alfllrcling 10 tll' ~ .. , C 00 S ~ FOUND-A sum of money. In· dents better oPJlortllnili ., or lhl' .advalltag~ of in<fimillal instru~tion. " : qUire of Dean Currier. This feature, a well as a graded curncllI1lll1,:rhataclenl' the, work to .nll ; • the d part1l1ent ·.

• Of S P l The ability of the 111en who graduat fnml Ihi schlllll, 1.19 well a ~ cranton, a. I the character and thorf1ughu s of thc work wiven 1Jrrl', i cvid need by ~ ~ 'th SllccesS of our grarluales in the CXa11lillation~ Kivcn by the differen t

\ • ~. tatc Boards. lit of th 1 3,~ graduat s of th' cia ~ of 1005 who were ex· @ • a11lincd by thc varioll tatc Board in the nitcd tat' dming the la t ; ~ year, only OtiC failed.

; ~ For further particular. addre •• th e Secret ry, ~ Watch it for our Announcement. 1 CHARLES LOUIS MIX.

~ ~. 24JI Dearborn St. Chtcago.lII· ce i :Co\ . (O> . Co\ . (i) . Co\ . (i) . (O> . (i) . (O> . t'.) . (o) . ':' . (i) . I".~.Ci\ . ti) . Co\ . (') . @,.~.~.ci\. • ............................ .


VOL. 6

Rls RR



In Ihi



of nl1


til 1f'F;




all'nt .












