Cysticercosis of Breast - A Rare Entity


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Journal of Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences Vol 14 Issue 2 July - December 2017 ISSN (Print) : 2278-5310 75


Cysticercosis is caused by the systemic dissemination ofthe larval form of the pork tapeworm, Tenia solium(TS).Developing countries show a high prevalence of theinfection due to coexistence of poor sanitary conditionsand domestic pig raising without veterinary control orsurveillance systems.[1] It is common in developingcountries like China, India, Chile, Brazil, Papua, SouthernAfrica, Central America, New Guinea, and non-IslamicSouth-East Asia where pigs feed on human faeces andwhere undercooked or raw pork is consumed.

Humans are usually infected by eating raw orundercooked pork that has been infected with larvae(cysticerci). Pigs ingest eggs in human faeces, and the eggsare then lysed in the gut by gastric juice. Oncosphereshatch, invade the intestinal wall, and reach thebloodstream. The oncospheres then spread to the centralnervous system, skeletal muscle, subcutaneous tissue,eyes, breast, and heart, where they develop intocysticerci.[2]

When humans ingest raw or undercooked infected meat,

enzymes lyse the outer shell of the parasite leaving thescolex behind. The scolex has suckers and hooks that aidin attachment to the intestinal wall. Once the parasite hasattached itself to the intestinal wall, the scolex proliferatesand becomes an adult tapeworm over two months andcan survive for years within the human intestines. Adulttapeworms produce eggs (proglottidis) that mature,become gravid, detach from tapeworm, and migrate tothe anus or are passed in the stool. When pigs ingest theeggs from infected soil, the cycle begins again.[3]

Although central nervous system involvement constitutesthe primary site of infection, other organs, including thebreast, can be involved. Because these parasites are seenas lumps in the breast, they are cause for concern becausethey are often clinically suspected to be malignant. Wehere report a patient with cysticercosis of the breast.


A 36-year-old female, admitted to Surgery Departmentat Yashoda Hospital (Malakpet) with complaint of lumpin the left breast. The patient was clinically examined andfound to have approximately 2cm x 1.5cm mass in the

Cysticercosis of Breast - A Rare EntityAbhijeet Ingle1, Vijaya Gattu 2, Suhela Rachakonda3, Sai babu4,Anamika Aluri5

1 Consultant Histopathologist2 Consultant Pathologist3 Consultant Pathologist4 Consultant Surgeon5 Consultant Biochemist &Head Biochemistry lab.Yashoda HospitalMalakpetNalgonda X- Roads,Hyderabad – 500 036.


1 Dr. Abhijeet Ingle, MDConsultant HistopathologistYashoda HospitalMalakpetNalgonda X- RoadsHyderabad – 500 036.E-mail:

Case Report


It is unusual for cysticercosis to occur in the substance of the breast. Diagnosis is usuallymade incidentally. Only few cases are described in the literature. We here report a case ofcysticercosis perched on fibrocystic disease of breast found on surgical excision in a 36-year-old female patient.

The patient had no discernible evidence of cysticercosis in the other organs. Surgicalexcision was performed and histological examination demonstrated the presence ofcysticercus cellulosae larvae. Characteristic features of this uncommon location are discussedbased on a review of the literature. Thus the possibility of cysticercosis of the breast shouldbe kept in mind while considering the differential diagnosis for a breast lump.

Keywords : Breast, cysticercosis, pigs, scolex, taenia solium, taeniasis.

lower outer quadrant. Mammography, ultrasound andCECT were not performed.

Routine investigations showed haemoglobin (Hb) 11.9g/dL, the total leucocyte count (TLC) was 9400/cu. mm,the differential leucocyte count- neutrophils (61%),lymphocytes(35%), eosinophils (02%) and monocytes(02%). Biochemical parameters were unremarkable. Urineexamination was normal. Under local anaesthesiaexcision of the lump was done.

On sectioning the left breast mass, a grey white solid andcystic area seen measuring approximately 1.4 X 1.2X1 cmin diameter .

Histopathological examination revealed fibrocollagenouscyst without lining and foci of necrosis.

Cyst wall and adjacent breast parenchyma shows densemixed inflammatory infiltrate including eosinophils .Alsoidentified were the remains of the cysticercus celluloselarvae. Thus, the histopathological features confirmed thediagnosis of cysticercosis. (Figure 1 ,2 ,3 & 4).


Cysticercosis is due to the tissue infestation with the larvalforms of T. Solium. It spreads via faeco oral route becauseof greater contact of human beings with pigs and is thusmore common in developing countries, namely, LatinAmerica, Southern Africa, India, Southeast Asia andEastern Europe where there is fecal contamination of foodand water due to overcrowding of society and poorsanitation. [4,5,6,7]

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Figure 1 & 2 : Hematoxylin and eosin stained histopathology image showing cysticercus cellulosae cyst wall

Figure 3 & 4 : Hematoxylin and eosin stained histopathology image showing cysticercus with eosinophils and inflammatory reaction

The clinical manifestations of T. Solium are variable, i.e.Taeniasis where humans are being infected with adulttapeworms in the intestine or cysticercosis where thelarval forms exists in the tissues. However, both the formsof infection can co exist in the same patient. The onlydefinitive hosts are human beings whereas pigs are theusual intermediate hosts. Other animals like dogs, cats,and sheep may also act as intermediate hosts. On reachingthe GIT of the intermediate host these eggs rupture andoncospheres are liberated which penetrate the gut walland via the systemic circulation are lodged in differentorgans and muscles where, they develop into larvaereferred to as cysticercosis cellulosae especially insubcutaneous tissue; striated muscles, brain and oculartissue.[6,7,8] Humans are infected through eatingundercooked contaminated pork, where it develops intothe adult tapeworm in the jejunum. Autoinfection mayalso be seen by reverse intestinal peristaltic movementor by finger contamination due to non washing of hands.

The growing larva in cysticercosis may provoke a seriesof inflammatory reactions including infiltration ofneutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells, andat times giant cells, followed by fibrosis and necrosis witheventual calcification of the larva. Cysticerci as long asthey live do not ellicit immune response; however,following death of larvae, a strong acute inflammatoryresponse may be triggered due to leakage of fluid fromthe cysts.[5, 6]

Earlier a case report of cysticercosis of anterior abdominalwall musculature was reported by Mani et al.[9] whichwas diagnosed ultrasonographically as a solitarycysticercal cyst. The ultrasound report revealed a well-defined cystic lesion. It had an eccentric, echogenic,pedunculated structure without any calcificationprotuding within the cystic area. There was associatedinflammation and hypervascularity in the surroundingmuscle.

Oral mucosa is a rare site for cysticercosis. Mazhari et al.[10] described eight cases of cysticercosis involving the oralcavity. All of them presented with a solitary superficialmucosal nodule, of these four were in the buccal mucosa,two in the lips, one in the tongue and one in the gums.

Breast cysticercosis is difficult to diagnose. A history ofresidence or travel in a parasite endemic area or thepresence of infected animals in a patient’s environmentis sometimes helpful.

Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomographyare useful in detecting and evaluating specific stages ofcysticercosis. Initially, when the parasite is viable, a cystwithout peripheral enhancement is seen. Peripherallyenhancing cystic lesions are subsequently observed,which indicates the inflammatory response that occurs

after the death of the parasite.

Thus although, cysticercosis of the breast is an extremelyrare entity, it should always be kept at the back of mindwhile considering the differential diagnosis for a benignlump in the breast.

Definitive diagnosis of soft tissue cysticercosis can beconfirmed by excisional surgery or by needle or openbiopsy.


Although cysticercosis presents as a lump in various sitesof the human body like skeletal muscle, CNS andsubcutaneous tissue, but is an extremely rare diseaseentity to clinically present as breast lump, but it shouldbe always be kept in mind when other causes of breastlump have been excluded.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST :The authors declared no conflict of interest.



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