Customising py py



Making a Python capable binary by customising PyPy

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Customising PyPyMake your own rules

Custom ExecutableSubcommand paradigm

Run from anywhere

Executable name and location used to resolve library path

Executable Module in PyPy

pypy/module/mymod test/ test/

Interface in __init__.pyExposes symbols to the "user"from pypy.interpreter.mixedmodule import MixedModule

class Module(MixedModule):

interpleveldefs = {}

appleveldefs = { 'commands' : 'app_commands.COMMANDS', 'find_commands' : 'app_commands.find_commands', 'CommandError' : 'app_commands.CommandError', }

App Level PythonStart with#NOT RPYTHONConsider your imports carefully

And then write python like you normally will

Testing - App Level

Hacking a module is pain. Roundtrip to build executable is >30 mins

TDD winsWrite unit tests to cover as much as you can. Time to write pypy/module/test/

Testing - App Level PythonBeware of imports and test setup mocks

from pypy.conftest import gettestobjspace

class AppTestCall(object): def setup_class(cls): # import mymod, sys space = = gettestobjspace(usemodules=('mymod','sys',)) # sys.app_name = "pypy-c" space.setattr(space.sys, space.wrap("app_name"), space.wrap("pypy-c"))

def test_mymod(): import mymod

Interface in __init__.pyExposes symbols to the "user"from pypy.interpreter.mixedmodule import MixedModule

class Module(MixedModule):

interpleveldefs = { 'find_module': 'interp_imp.find_module',}

appleveldefs = {}

Interp Level Python

RPython for Speed

You can implement the internals of a module in RPython which will be compiled to binary.

It is your responsibility to handle wrapping and unwrapping

def find_module(space, w_name, w_path=None): name = space.str_w(w_name) if space.is_w(w_path, space.w_None): w_path = None return space.newtuple([w_fileobj, w_filename, w_import_info])

Testing - Interp Level Python

Beware of imports and test setup mocks

from pypy.conftest import gettestobjspace

class AppTestImpModule: def setup_class(cls): cls.w_imp ='imp') def test_find_module(self): import os file, pathname, description = self.imp.find_module('StringIO')

Customising the Command Linepypy/translator/goal/

# manually imports filename = os.path.join(this_dir, '') app = gateway.applevel(open(filename).read(), '', 'app_main')

Keep changes to a minimum as you have to build a

binary to test them!

Customising the Command Line


def run_command_line(.. settings .., cmd=None, **ignored): mainmodule = type(sys)('__main__') import site if run_command: ... elif run_module: ... elif run_stdin: # piped or interactive shell ... else: import installation if not sys.argv[0].endswith(".py") and sys.argv[0].find("/") == -1: argv = sys.argv[:] argv.insert(0,"") installation.commands.execute(argv) success = True else: ...

Main Sequence

(I’m not too sure about this)nanos os module...run_command_line(..)site.pysitecustomize.pymain module/script/interpreter loading

Command Line Parsers parse_command_line(argv)optparse.OptionParser


My ObjectiveObjectiveSelf updating

Filesystem monitoring

Network Peer

Daemon/Service capable

Configurable command line

Building PyPy

Add to pypy/config/ (or)Use --with-mymod

cd pypy/translator/goal

Henrik Vendelbo

