Customer Satisfaction Coca-cola


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PROJECT REPORT ON A Study on Customer Satisfaction of COCA-COLA



BY:Name: OM PRAKASH BASRANI Roll No.: 1214110129

UNDER GUIDANCE OF: - I.Madhavi (Asst. prof)




I do hereby declare that the project report entitled “A Study on Customer

Satisfaction of COCA-COLA COMPANY is prepared based on the information

collected during the month of May 7th – 6thJune for partial fulfillment of the award

of Bachelor Of Business Management (2nd year) under Gitam Institute of

Management, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam.

It is an original work done by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it

has not been published earlier elsewhere or presented to any University or

Institution for award of any degree, diploma or other similar title.


BBM 2nd Year

Gitam Institute of Management


This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “A Study on Customer satisfaction of

COCA-COLA company being submitted by OM PRAKASH BASRANI, a student

of BBM (2nd Year), Gitam Institute Of Management, Gitam University,

Visakhapatnam, is a bona-fide research work carried out by him under my

guidance and supervision. This dissertation has not been submitted or published

any where before.


Place: VISAKHAPATNAM Designation: Assistant Professor




I would like to express my sincere thanks to Prof. K.Sivarama Krishna, Dean and

principal, Gitam institute of management, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam for

including this type of summer projects in students’ routine curriculum and making

them aware of organisations.

I’m greatly indebted to I.Madhavi, faculty ,Gitam institute of management,

GITAM university for her support, help and valuable guidance for making this

project success.

It’s my foremost duty to thank all my respondents, without which this project

would not have been possible.

Above all I thank my Parents, Friends and Almighty God for the successful

completion of this project.


BBM 2nd Year

Gitam Institute of Management, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam






Customer is a value - maximizer, within the bounds of search costs and limited knowledge, mobility,

income and form an expectation of value and act upon it. Whether or not the offer lives up to the value

expectation affects both satisfaction and repurchase probability.

Gandhi's definition of customer can be given as –

1) A customer is not an outsider to our business. He is definite apart of it. A customer is not an

interruption of our work. He is the main purpose of it.

2) A customer is doing us a favor by letting us serve him. We are not doing any favor.

3) A customer is not a cold statistic; he is a flesh & blood human being with feelings and emotions like

our own.

4) A customer is not someone to argue or match wits with. He deserves courteous and attentive


5) A customer is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him.

6) A customer brings us his wants. It is our job to handle them properly and profitably-both to him and



Customer Value:-Customers will buy from the firm that they see as offering the highest perceived value.

Customer perceived value (CPV) is the difference between the prospective customer’s evaluation of all

the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives. The customer delivered value

has two components –total customer value and total customer cost.

Total Customer Value is the perceived monetary value of the bundle of economic, functional, and

psychological benefits customers expect from a given market offering. Total Customer Cost is the

bundle of costs customers expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using, and disposing of the given

market offering.

Customer satisfaction: The provision of goods or services which fulfill the customer's expectations in

terms of quality and service

Customer Satisfaction:-

Customer satisfaction is more a function of how closely your customers' experiences with your business

conform to their expectation."

Customer means that the customer's needs are met, products and services are satisfactory and

customer experience is positive.

Kotler (1997) defines customer satisfaction as follows- "satisfaction is a persons feeling of pleasure or

disappointment resulting from comparing a product is perceived performance (or outcome) in relation

to his or her expectations." It portrayed the idea of measuring how satisfied customers are with the

organization's efforts in a market place. Customer satisfaction measures the following variables:

1) product

2) service

3) relationship

4) price

5) convenience

6) brand image

7) brand association

8) total customer experience

Some more definitions of Customer satisfaction can be given as:-

Customer satisfaction: The provision of goods or services which fulfill the customer's expectations in

terms of quality and service

Customer satisfaction: - A state that results when an exchange meets the needs and expectations of the


Customer Satisfaction: - Retailers know that satisfied customers are loyal customers. Consequently,

retailers must develop strategies intended to build relationships that result in customers returning to

make more purchases.

Customer satisfaction: - The degree to which there is match between the customer's expectations of

the product and the actual performance of the product.

Customer Satisfaction= [customer experience-customer expectation]

Customer Satisfaction > 0. It enhance the customers LMV

Customer Satisfaction <0 Customer attrition are more frequent result in fall in LMV


Now what is LMV?

LMV: Every customer is an assets and has a economic life time market value (LMV).a

customer life time value can be determined by using the following formulae-

LMV= [average customer transaction amount*number of transactions he or she will conduct

with the organization over time]

It is combination of high value spending efforts and resources to acquire, upgrade and retain that

customers. It is the high loyalty that will entails marketer to enjoy a long term relationship.

Customer Expectations

The buyers form their expectations from past buying experience, friends’ and associates’ advice

and marketers and competitors information and promises.

If marketers raise expectations too high, the buyer is likely to be disappointed. However, if the

company sets expectations too low, it won’t attract enough buyers (although it will satisfy those

who do buy).

Some of today’s most successful companies are raising expectations and delivering performance

to match. These companies are aiming for TCS- Total Customer Satisfaction.

Delivering High Customer Value

The key to generating high customer loyalty is to deliver high customer value. According to

Michael Lanning, in his Delivering Profitable Value, a company must design a competitively

superior value proposition aimed at a specific market segment, backed by a superior value

delivery system.

The value proposition consists of the whole cluster of benefits the company promises to deliver,

it is more than the core positioning of the offering. Basically, the value proposition is a statement

about the resulting experience customers will gain from the company’s market offering and from

their relationship with the supplier. The value-delivery system includes all the experiences the

customer will have on the way to obtaining and using the offering.

In a hypercompetitive environment with increasingly rational buyers, companies can only win by

creating and delivering superior value; creating customer value; delivering customer value;

capturing customer value; and sustaining customer value. To succeed, a company needs to use

the concepts of a value chain and a value delivery network.

Value Chain

Michael Porter of Harvard proposed the value chain as a tool for identifying ways to create more

customer value. Every firm is a synthesis of activities that are performed to design, produce, and

market, deliver and support its product. These nine value-creating activities consist of five

primary activities and four support activities.

The primary activities represent the sequence of bringing materials into the business (inbound

logistics), converting them into final products (operations), shipping out final products (outbound

logistics), marketing them (marketing and sales), and servicing them (service).

The support activities- procurement of, technology development, human resource management,

and firm infrastructure are handled in certain specialized departments.

Firm infrastructure

Human Resource Management

Technology Development



Operations OutboundLogistics

MarketingAnd Sales


Primary activities

The Generic Value Chain

The core business processes include:-

The market sensing process: All the activities involved in gathering market intelligence,

disseminating it within the organization, and acting on the information.

The new offering realization process: All the activities involved in researching,

developing, and launching new high quality offerings quickly and within the budget.



The customer acquisition process: All the activities involved in defining target markets

and prospects for new customers.

The customer relationship management process: All the activities involved in building

deeper understanding, relationship, and offerings to individual customers.

The fulfillment management process: All the activities involved in receiving and

approving orders, shipping the goods on time, and collecting payment.

Strong companies develop superior capabilities in managing their core processes. For example,

Wal-Mart has superior strength in its stock replenishment process.


Customer Relationship Management –


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy to identify, cultivate, and

maintain long-term profitable customer relationships. It requires developing a method to select

your most profitable customer relationships (or those with the most potential) and working to

provide those customers with service that exceeds their expectations.

There are many different facets of CRM for every business:

Identifying qualified leads and gaining new customers

Closing sales more effectively and efficiently

Allowing customers to perform business transactions quickly and easily

Providing service and support following a sale

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) refers to the methodologies and tools that help

businesses manage customer relationships in an organized way.

For small businesses, customer relationship management includes:

- CRM processes that help identify and target their best customers, generate quality sales leads,

and plan and implement marketing campaigns with clear goals and objectives;

- CRM processes that help form individualized relationships with customers (to improve

customer satisfaction) and provide the highest level of customer service to the most profitable


- CRM processes that provide employees with the information they need to know their

customers' wants and needs, and build relationships between the company and its customers.

Customer relationship management tools include software and browser-based applications that

collect and organize information about customers. For instance, as part of their CRM strategy, a

business might use a database of customer information to help construct a customer satisfaction

survey, or decide which new product their customers might be interested in.

Also Known As: CRM; sometimes called customer service management.

Getting the hype out of Customer Relationship Management

Summary: Key to stability in today's dynamic marketplace is in forging long-term relationships with

customers. Technology is changing at such a fast pace today that by just offering a service

Or a product a business won’t be at an advantage for too long. A customer-facing business is one in

which the customer can demand and receive what he want

The Customer is not new, Relation s are as old as a buyer and a seller and so is Management .

The concepts of CRM have existed since the concept of buying and selling came into being.

Then, what is creating waves in today's CRM industry? Is that small electronic 'e' changing the trend?

CRM is considered to be a software tool and a technology solution in this Information Technology

industry. In fact CRM is a strategy towards achieving a holistic view of any partner engagement. CRM,

which is a combination of marketing and business processes, is the basic understanding of customers

and how organizations measure them. The mantra behind CRM is

Catering to customized needs "centrally".

As defined by the "gurus" of CRM - Customer Relationship Management is a business strategy to select

and manage the most valuable customer relationships. CRM requires customer-centric

Business philosophy and culture to support effective marketing, sales and service processes. CRM

software applications can enable effective customer relationship management, provided that an

Enterprise has the right leadership, strategy and culture.

Why CRM?

Keeping in mind the pace at which technology is changing today, any company which is a step ahead of

others because of some web product or service will not be able to hold on to that advantage for long.

The key to stability in today's dynamic market place is forging long-term relationships with the


Customers can be divided into three zones:

1. Zone of defection where customers are extremely hostile and have the lowest level of Satisfaction.

2. Zone of indifference where customers are not sure. They have a medium level of satisfaction and

loyalty towards the company.

3. The third level of customers is in the zone of affection described as "Apostles".

CRM focuses on bringing customers from level 1 to level 3 and retaining apostle customers.

Customer demands for customization are increasing with every passing day. This has made companies

shift their focus from "mass production" to "mass customization". The present scenario of companies

using "poorly implemented" multi channel strategies for living up to the expectations of customers is

bringing both customer satisfaction and customer loyalty down the Ladder.

Take the example of a small enterprise. Here hard work reaps high quality service and over the years

develops a database of loyal customers. In this enterprise computers are optional. Then why

Is the CRM industry attracting investments of millions and billions of dollars? The reason is simple. The

concept of "Seller's Customer" has just rotated 180 degrees to become “seller’s customer”. This simply

states that, now the customer is more powerful than the seller. Options for customers have increased

with the cycle of innovation-to-production-to-obsolescence gaining Momentum. On the other hand

companies are finding it difficult to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. These factors are

pushing companies into taking a closer look at their customer Relationships.

Today any company can copy products or services offered by other companies. If the new entrant adds

features like less order turn around time and direct communication then established players are bound

to have sleepless nights. Organizations that implement CRM and turn their business into e-businesses

will find their competitors' customers ready to welcome them with a "smile".

According to a study by IT consulting firm Aberdeen - "The winners in this new economy will be those

companies that can effectively leverage the Internet to redesign, automate and integrate all business


Organizing business to satisfy customer demands organizes / simplifies internal functioning of the

organization. Implementing CRM brings to the front the "pits" that the organization had dug over the

years, passing work from one pit to another. Workflows are reduced, cycle times become shorter,

information flow of non-productive things gets eliminated and the most important thing -"Pits" get

covered automatically with all the positive features. Compact sized organizations get into a position of

making more money. This in turn enables them to please more customers.


Marketing Research:-

It is a function that links the consumer, customer & public to the marketer through information. It is

used to identify & define marketing opportunities & problems; to generate, refine & evaluate marketing

actions; to monitor marketing performance & to improve understanding of marketing process.

Marketing researchers engage in wide varieties of activities, ranging from market potential & market

share study, to assessment of customer satisfaction & purchase behavior, to study pricing, product,

distribution & promotion activities.

A company can conduct marketing research in its own research department or have some or all of it’s

done outside. Whether a company uses outside firms depends on its own research skills & resources.

Although most large companies have their own market research department, they often use outside

firms to do special research task or special studies. A company with no research department has to but

the services of research firms.

The Value of Information

Information can be useful, but what determines its real value to the organization? In general, the value

of information is determined by:

The ability and willingness to act on the information.

The accuracy of the information.

The level of indecisiveness that would exist without the information.

The amount of variation in the possible results.

The level of risk aversion.

The reaction of competitors to any decision improved by the information.

The cost of the information in terms of time and money.

Marketing Research Process:

The market research process consist of 4 steps:-Defining the problem & Research objective, developing

the research plan, Implementing the research plan & Interpreting & Reporting the findings.



Rationale of the research

This project is related with all the core activities of a marketing person when he/she tries to analyze that

whether customers are really satisfied with the product or whether they wants some changes as per

their needs and requirements. As customers are considered as the king of the market, a marketer needs

Defining the problem & Research objective

Developing the Research plan for collecting the information

Implementing the Research plan – Collecting & Analyzing data

Interpreting & reporting the findings

to identify the need of a customer and offer the product accordingly. While much of the world is

changing rapidly, with the old giving way to the new at almost daily strokes, whether Coke has

withstood the test and taste of time, binding the young and old to enjoy their moments of simple

pleasure and eternal joy.

o As coke is one of the largest used beverage, it will make us clear that whether the customers are

really satisfied with the product or not and what kind of customer relationship does company

prefer with its customers.

o This project will help us to understand the organization holistically. Like what the organization

all about and what are it’s divisions and how does it operate its functions?

o With the help of this project we will be able to draw the clear cut picture of consumerism.

o Lastly our area of interest in Business Research & Marketing Management is “Customer

Satisfaction” & “Customer Relationship” issues, which draws us to choose this project.


In order to achieve the objective, the study is spread over few specific topics likewise:-

The first and foremost objective is to see whether customers are really satisfied with the coke.

To analyze that whether it is safe to drink for small kids and whether the product is pesticide &

chemical free.

To check whether it contribute to a strong and resolute India with the heightened awareness

enabling the common man to better his/her life.

To study that whether coke is committed to preserve, protect and enhance the environment.

To study the present purchase behavior of the consumer by knowing who influences their

behavior & what is current consumption rate.

To scale consumers attitude towards present brand by evaluating how satisfied / dissatisfied

they are with present one.

Taste & preferences of consumers.

Research Methodology

In this report description research method is considered, which is to collect data from extensive market

surveys. Going directly to the market & asking customers and consumers about their beliefs & attitudes

about the company and it’s brand, their experiences with the company, their interest in getting directly

linked with the company.

Asking for the delightment, if any, they have received from the company or if they have any

dissatisfaction and misconception about the company and clearing their doubts henceforth.

Hence this method of direct interaction with the customer group & the success of this method depend

up on the accuracy of the information recorded by the surveyor.

The findings of this study are based on the survey conducted by us at all the embassies and restaurants

of Central Delhi.

Research Design:-

The design which indicates the method of research i.e. Method of information gathering research

instrument used.

Data Collection:-

The data collection is a long & comprehensive process & requires systematic collection of data about

some groups of people or object, the quality of the data will greatly effect the conclusion and hence

utmost importance must be given to this process and every possible precaution should be taken while

gathering the data and assembling the facts.

Any research employed is a mixture of primary and secondary data.

Primary Data Collection:-

The Primary data was collected through both participative & non-participative methods- the technique

instruments, which were used are:-


Personal Interview method is used so that consumers can talk about their problems freely

Direct Personal Observation

Types of Research:-

The study has been descriptive in nature which includes surveys & fact finding enquiries of different

kinds. The major purpose of this study is the description of the affairs as it exists at present.

There has been less control over variables. The things reported in project report include only that which

has actually happened & what are happening. The methods of study include comparative & correlation.

Research Instruments:-

Questionnaire is one of the instruments used for survey. Questionnaire consist of set of questions

presented o respondents for their answers. There are two sets of questionnaires used & they are:-

Questionnaire consists both the open ended questions that allow respondents to answer in their own

words and also closed ended questions that pre specify all the answers.

Sampling Method:-

The method of sampling adopted for research is convenience sampling.

Convenience sampling is one chosen purely for expedience i.e. items are selected because they are easy

& cheap to find & measure. This sampling method help understand the range of variability of response

on the subject area.

Sampling Size :-

We have taken the sample size of 50 people for the research purpose.



Soft Drinks in India

Euro monitor International's Soft Drinks in India market report offers a comprehensive guide to

the size and shape of the market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data,

allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. It identifies the leading companies, the

leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market - be they new

product developments, packaging innovations, economic/lifestyle influences, distribution or

pricing issues. Forecasts illustrate how the market is set to change.

Robust growth continues

The soft drinks industry continued on its path to recovery from the low growth seen between

2005 and 2006, with higher volume growth in 2008 than that seen in 2007. The mature sectors of

bottled water, fruit/vegetable juice and carbonates saw a dynamic year, with companies

refreshing their products’ brand image and packaging to attract new consumers. Emerging

product categories, such as energy drinks and reconstituted 100% juice, saw high double-digit

growth rates, as companies increased their products’ penetration in India. Off-trade volume

growth was slightly higher than on-trade volume growth, as convenient on-the-go packaging,

company sponsored chillers in kiranas and attractive supermarket displays fuelled off-trade sales

across the market.

With the industry back on the upward growth curve, companies refreshed their brands by

introducing new and more premium packaging designs, pack sizes and communication

campaigns. In 2008, bottled water was especially dynamic, with all the major national brands

following the cue of Bisleri’s rebranding in late 2007. Carbonates and juice drinks were also

reinvigorated with new pack sizes that targeted on-the-go consumption by young adults. With

“naturally healthy” becoming a key focus for consumers and manufacturers, fruit/vegetable

drinks companies focused their efforts on highlighting their products’ fresh fruit content and

health attributes. Companies put in motion plans to extend their product portfolios to emerging

categories such as 100% juice, energy drinks and flavored water.

Domestic players thrive

The multinationals Coca-Cola India and PepsiCo India Holdings saw their off-trade value shares

of soft drinks in India decline over the review period, as other national and regional players

updated their brand portfolios and increased the penetration of their brands in India. Bottled

water players, such as Parle Bisleri and Dhariwal Industries, were particularly successful in

expanding their consumer base through a concerted effort to increase their manufacturing

capacity and move to newer regions within India. Dabur India and Parle Agro benefited from

their first mover advantage in being present in high-growth emerging product categories, such as

100% juice and other non-cola carbonates

Modern retailing thrives alongside kiranas

With companies increasing their spend on below-the-line marketing activities, the ubiquitous

kiranas were the beneficiaries of efforts such as branded glass door refrigerators, regional

language banners and displays, and the roll-out of on-the-go packaging for carbonates and juice

drinks. Supermarkets, which are still something of a novelty in many small cities, continued to

attract a combination of regular grocery shoppers and young impulse buyers. Bundling and

discount promotions for fruit/vegetable juice and concentrates drove product sampling in

supermarkets. Emerging categories, such as energy drinks and RTD tea, received a boost from

impulse buyers in supermarkets, while attractive displays and imported products in up market

shopping centre introduced consumers to new products, such as sports drinks and flavored water.

Double-digit growth expected

With rising consumer affluence and companies tailoring their product designs and marketing

specifically to target the young adult population group, the trend of robust double-digit annual

volume growth is expected to continue over the forecast period. The foray of leading national

players into emerging categories, such as energy drinks and 100% juice will help sustain high

growth rates in the future. Competition from the unorganized sector is expected to decline over

the forecast period, as the national players make a concerted effort to educate consumers about

the health benefits of packaged drinks, and move into markets such as bulk bottled water, which

are currently dominated by the unorganized sector.



Coca-cola originated in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886. Pharmacist Dr. J.S.Pemberton stirred up a

fragment caramel colored syrup in a three – legged brass kettle in his backyard and carried a jug of his

formulation down the street to Jacob’s pharmacy. That same day, the new product made its debut as a

soda fountain drink for five cents a glass, when carbonated water was mixed with the new syrup,

refreshment history was made!

Thinking that two C’s would look well in advertisement Dr. Pemberton suggested the name &

calligraphic the famous trademark in a unique script.

On May 29th 1886, the first newspaper advertisement appeared in the Atlanta Journal which

proclaimed Coca-cola was delicious and refreshing & the theme continues to echo today.

Following the death of Dr. J.S.Pembeston in 1888, all his remaining rights to the product were purchased

by G.Candler, a druggist & Atlanta Businessman. Mr. Candler recognized great potential in Coca-cola &

went on to acquire compete control for 2300 in 1891.

As Candler’s strategy was to make Coca-cola available every where & to trigger desire as often & in as

many ways possible. This strategy is still used today.

United States patent officer on January 31st 1893, and has been renewed periodically. That same year,

the first dividend was paid to the shareholders.

Non-alcoholic soft drink beverage market can be divided in to fruit drinks & soft drinks. Soft drinks can

be further divided into carbonated & non-carbonated drinks. Coca, lemon & oranges are carbonated

drinks, while mango drinks come under non-carbonated category. The soft drinks market till early 1990’s

was in hands of domestic players like Campa, Thumbs up, Limca etc. But with opening up of economy &

coming of MNC players Pepsi & Coke the market has come totally under their control, while worldwide

Coke is leader in carbonated drinks market in India. It is Pepsi which scores one coke but this difference

is fast decreasing (Courtesy huge ad-spending by both the players).

Soft drinks are available in glass bottles, aluminum cans & PET bottles for home consumption.

Know About their Global Bottling System

Today, our products reach consumers and customers around the world through a vast distribution

network made up of local bottling companies. These bottlers are located around the world, and

most are independent businesses. Using syrups, concentrates and beverage bases produced by

The Coca-Cola Company, our global bottling system packages and markets products, then

distributes them to more than 14 million retail outlets worldwide.

The Coca-cola is committed to assisting its bottlers with the functions of an efficient bottling

operation and initiating quality systems to ensure the highest quality products for our consumers.

Coca-cola :- One of the Worlds Largest Beverage Company

The coca-cola company exists to benefit, refresh everyone it touches, for more than century they have

been fulfilling this promise.

Since its beginning in spirit of 1886, Coca-cola has grown to become the most recognized trademark in

history. Operating in more than 195 countries worldwide, Coke is the most popular beverage on earth &

is enjoyed over 773,000,000 times daily.

The Coca-cola is the worldwide leading manufactures, marketer & distributor of non - alcoholic

beverage concentrates & syrups, with world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The Co’s & its subsidiaries

enjoy nearly 31000 people around the world. Syrups, concentrates & beverages bases for Coke. The

Coke flagship brand & over 230 other company soft drink brands are manufactured & sold by the Coca

Cola Co’s & its subsidiaries in nearly 200 countries around world.

While much of the world has changed since 1886, with the old giving way to the new at almost

daily strokes, what has withstood the test and taste of time, binding the young and old to enjoy

their moments of simple pleasure and eternal joy is the magic of Coke. And this year, consumers

the world over will reach for products of The Coca-Cola Company more than a billion times

every single day. It is one of the world’s largest beverage company, which has come a long way

since its modest beginnings more than a century ago...

Coke Advertisements: - It’s the Real Thing

Advertising has played an important role in the success of our products since our first newspaper

ad in 1886, which read, "Coke” Delicious! Refreshing! Exhilarating! Invigorating!" The

Company uses advertising to trigger desire as often and in as many ways as possible. Throughout

the years, slogans for Coke have always been memorable. Here are some highlights:






1982 - COKE IS IT










Fresh, creative and tasteful, advertising images for Coca-Cola have always set a high standard of

quality for other products around the world. The Company recognizes that Coca-Cola belongs to

the billions of consumers in every corner of the globe who have chosen it as their favorite soft

drink. Their advertising reflects that special relationship between consumers and the simple

moments of pleasure they have come to associate with Coca-Cola.

Quality is their Highest Business Objective: -

The ultimate objective of our business strategy is to increase volume, expand our share of worldwide

non-alcoholic ready to drink beverages sales, maximize our long term cash flows & create economic

value added by improving economic profit.

The Coke system has more than 16 million customers around the world that sell or serve our products

directly to consumers. We keenly focus on enhancing value for these customers & helping them grow

their beverages businesses. We strive to understand each customer’s business & needs, weather that

customer is a sophisticated retailer in a developed market or a kiosk owner in an emerging market.

There are nearly 6 billion people in the world who are potential consumers of our company’s products.

Ultimately our success & our mission depend on our ability to satisfy more of their beverage

consumption demands and our ability to add value for our customers. We achieve this when we place

the right products in the right markets at the right time.

Strong cash flow position, which can be derived from consistent performance and lower investment

requirements of average earnings per share growth of approximately 154. Over the long term capital

expenditure will be stable to declining from historical trends over the next 5 years, as the investments in

the bottling side of the business will be reduced. Maintain the net debt to net capital ratios that have

been shown historically.

The Coke exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches. Quality is more than just something we taste

or see or measure. It shows in our every action. They relentlessly strive to exceed the world's ever-

changing expectations because keeping the Quality promise in the marketplace is their highest business

objective and their enduring obligation.

According to Coke , most of the Consumers across the globe choose their brand of refreshment

more than a billion times everyday because coke is:

The Symbol of Quality

Customer and Consumer Satisfaction

A Responsible Citizen of the World

Coca cola products

Soft drinks

Our dozens of soft drink brands provide flavor and refreshment in a variety of choices. From the

original Coca-Cola to most recent introductions, soft drinks from The Coca-Cola Company are

both icons and innovators in the beverage industry.

Brand Name: - COCA-COLA

Drink Type: - SOFT DRINKS

Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history, as well as the best-

known product in the world. Created in Atlanta, Georgia, by Dr. John S. Pemberton, Coca-Cola was first

offered as a fountain beverage by mixing Coca-Cola syrup with carbonated water. Coca-Cola was

introduced in 1886, patented in 1887, registered as a trademark in 1893 and by 1895 it was being sold in

every state and territory in the United States. In 1899, The Coca-Cola Company began franchised

bottling operations in the United States. Coca-Cola might owe its origins to the United States, but its

popularity has made it truly universal. Today, you can find Coca-Cola in virtually every part of the world.

Available in the following flavors: Cola, Cola Green Tea, Cola Lemon, Cola Lemon Lime, Cola Lime, Cola

Orange and Cola Raspberry.




Q-1 Have you ever tasted coke?

88% of the male and 97% of the female candidate said that they have tasted coke.

Remaining 12% of the male and 3% of the female candidate replied negatively.

Q-2 How frequently do you consume coke in a week?

Yes No0%













20% of male and 30% of female consumes coke 0-2 times in a week.

65% of the male and 45% of female candidate consumes coke 3-5 times a week.

15% of the male and 25% of female candidate consumes coke more than 5 times a week.

Q-3 How will you rate the product

0-2 times

3-5 times

more than 5












Excellent Good Average Bad0%5%





5% of the male and 11% of the female candidate rate the product as excellent.

42% of the male and 50% of the female candidate rate the product as good.

42% of the male and 33% of the female candidate rate the product as average.

11% of the male and 6% of the female candidate rate the product as bad.

Q-4 what do you consider the most while choosing the cold drink?

Brand Taste Others0%








Male Female

38% Male and 28% Female considers Brand name while choosing the cold drink.

33% Male and 61% Female considers Taste while choosing the cold drink.

8% Male and 0% Female considers other while choosing the cold drink.

Q-5 In your opinion, what should be the normal size of the cold drink?


According to 42% of Male and 22% of Female, the normal size of the cold drink should be 200 ml.

According to13% Male and 28% Female, the normal size of the cold drink should be 250 ml.

According to 45% Male and 50% Female, the normal size of the cold drink should be 300 ml.

200 ml 250 ml 300 ml0%5%




Q-6 In your opinion, what should be the reasonable price of the cold drink?

6 Rs 7 Rs 8 Rs 9Rs 10rs0%













According to 25% Male and 22% Female, the reasonable price of the cold drink should be 6 Rs.

According to 13% Male and 34% Female, the reasonable price of the cold drink should be 7 Rs.

According to 17% Male and 16% Female, the reasonable price of the cold drink should be 8 Rs.

According to 45% Male and 28% Female, the reasonable price of the cold drink should be 10 Rs.

According to 0% Male and 0% Female, the reasonable price of the cold drink should be 9 Rs.

Q-7 Are you satisfied with the product?

Yes No Can't say0%












50% of the male and 77% of the female said that they were satisfied with the product.

29% of the male and 11% of the female said that they were not satisfied with the product.

21% of the male and 22% of the female said that they can’t tell whether they are satisfied or not with

the product

Q-8 Do you feel any difference between coke& other substitutes available in the market such as Pepsi,

dew etc.?

Yes No Indifferent0%










63% of the male and 67% of the female said that they were able to feel difference between coke and

other substitutes.

16% of the male and 11% of the female said that they were not able to feel difference between coke and

other substitutes.

21% of the male and 22% of the female said that they were indifferent between coke and other


Q-9 Are you affected by the contradictory statements like “soft drinks contain pesticides and


Strongly Partially Not Af-fected












25% of the male and 0% of the female candidate said that they were affected by various contradictory

statements relating to level of chemicals in cold drink.

33% of the male and 77% of the female candidate said that they were partially affected by various

contradictory statements relating to level of chemicals in cold drink.

42% of the male and 23% of the female candidate said that they were not affected by various

contradictory statements relating to level of chemicals in cold drink.

Q-10 Do you consider that product is safe for your health?

Yes No Can't Say0%









21% of the male and 22% of the female considered the product to be safe for health.

42% of the male and 56% of the female considered the product to be hazardous for health.

37% of the male and 22% of the female can’t tell whether the product is

safe for health or not.


Conclusions and findings:-

1) Since 97% of the sample surveyed was females who have taste coke, it means it is more popular

among females.

2) An average 55% of the sample population consumes coke 3-5 times a week.

3) An average of 45% and 36% as good and average respectively whereas only 8% found it


4) An average of 48% and 34% considers taste and brand while choosing a drink and only 5% look

for advertisements.

5) An average 48% wants the normal size of the drink to be 300ml.

6) An average of 35% of the population surveyed is okay with the price of Rs 10and 22% wants it to

be Rs 7 or Rs 6.

7) An average of 65% of the sample surveyed is satisfied with the product.

8) Maximum of the public feels difference b/w coke and other substitutes.

9) 50-55% of people only are affected by various contradictory statements made towards the

brands or drinks.

10) An average of 46% of the people considers the product as unsafe for their health.

11) All variety of flavors is not available in the market

Limitations of the study:-

The sample size of customer’s prospects is fairly small & consistent conclusions cannot be drawn

on the information provided.

Satisfaction being a relative term cannot be much commented on as it varies from individual to

individual and only be measured if the respondent has also experienced the service of a similar

organization in a similar sphere.

One major constraint was the small sample size as it may lead to slight verification in the end


A few customers were either quite reluctant to part with their precious time or had problems in

attaching weights aid emphasis to different attributes.

Time frame – This survey was conducted within the limited time frame of – 2 weeks.

Customers in refinance cases were in direct contact with the dealers and were most bothered

with getting weights the delivery of the car rather than handling the delays in availing the

finance as it did not directly affect them.

There is bound to be a subjective bias in the results because of inconsistency and selective

perceptions about the opinion of the respondents.


Production Department should be checked as complaint regarding the product is coming up.

Taste of the drink should be improved.

The price of drink is slightly high; it should be reduced to increase sales and customer


The product should be checked for any harmful chemicals. It should not contain any pesticides

or other chemicals.

MRP of the product should be low in summer season so as to expand sales.



a) Kothari C.R, Research Methodology & Techniques, 2nd edition, New Delhi wishwa Prakashan Pvt.

Ltd. 1997

b) Kotler Philip, Marketing Management, 11th New Delhi Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. 2003

c) Marketing Management

Ram swami & Namakumari

d) Statistical Methods







Q-1 Have you ever tasted Coke? ( )


Q-2 How frequently do you consume Coke in a week? ( )

A. 0-2 times B. 3-5 times C. more than 5

Q-3 How will you rate the product?( )

A. Excellent B. Good C. Average D. Bad

Q-4What do you consider the most while choosing the cold drink? ( )

A. Brand B. Taste C. Others

Q-5 In your opinion, what should be the normal size of the cold drink? ( )

A. 200ml B. 250ml C.300ml

Q-6 In your opinion, what should be the reasonable price of the cold drink? ( )

A. 6Rs B. 7Rs C. 8Rs D.9Rs E.10Rs Q-7 Are you satisfied with the product? ( )

A. Yes B. No C. Can’t Say

Q-8 Do you feel any difference between Coke & other substitutes available in the market such as Pepsi, dew etc.? ( )

A. Yes B. No C. Indifferent Q-9 Are you affected by the contradictory statements like “soft drinks contain pesticides and chemicals”? ( )

A. Strongly B. Partially C. Not Affected

Q-10 Do you consider that product is safe for your health? ( )

A. Yes B. No C. Can’t Say
