Curriculum Review origins: The National Debate Support for: – flexibility, breadth and balance...


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Curriculum Review origins:The National Debate Support for:

– flexibility, breadth and balance– the comprehensive principle

Desire to address:– overcrowding– progression– balance between ‘vocational’ and ‘academic’– preparing young people better for lifelong learning and employment– ensuring that assessment supports learning– increasing choice

National Context Aspirational agenda

- to improve attainment, particularly of those with lowest levels of attainment - to increase economic performance, improve health, reduce poverty, reflect diversity

Need for young people to develop adaptability, creativity, thinking and learning skills

Children’s services agenda: much wider range of adults involved; holistic view of children

Partnerships: between sectors and services, with parents, employers, sport and culture organisations, community

New understanding of learning processes

Potential of ICT

Design principles for the curriculum

Challenge and enjoyment Breadth Progression Depth Personalisation and choice Coherence Relevance

successful learnerswith•enthusiasm and motivation for learning•determination to reach high standards of achievement•openness to new thinking and ideas

and able to•use literacy, communication and numeracy skills•use technology for learning•think creatively and independently•learn independently and as part of a group•make reasoned evaluations•link and apply different kinds of learning innew situations

confident individualswith•self respect•a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing•secure values and beliefs•ambition

and able to•relate to others and manage themselves•pursue a healthy and active lifestyle•be self aware•develop and communicate their own beliefsand view of the world•live as independently as they can•assess risk and take informed decisions•achieve success in different areas of activity

responsible citizenswith•respect for others•commitment to participate responsibly inpolitical, economic, social and cultural life

and able to•develop knowledge and understanding ofthe world and Scotland’s place in it•understand different beliefs and cultures•make informed choices and decisions•evaluate environmental, scientific andtechnological issues•develop informed, ethical views of complexissues

effective contributorswith•an enterprising attitude•resilience•self-reliance

and able to•communicate in different ways and indifferent settings•work in partnership and in teams•take the initiative and lead•apply critical thinking in new contexts•create and develop•solve problems

To enable all youngpeople to become

Ministerial responseTo achieve a curriculum 3-18 we will: De-clutter the primary curriculum

Overhaul the curriculum S1-S3

Find news ways of recognising achievement S1-S3

Review relationship between S Grade/new NQs

Introduce skills-for-work courses for 14-16 year-olds

Review curriculum content, starting with science

• Much to be implemented from 2007 or before

Phase 1: reviewing all areas of the curriculum Small, tight groups of teachers with SQA, LTS, HMIE input carry out rapid

first-stage review of all areas of the curriculum

3-15 at this stage

Starting points: 3-5 curriculum, 5-14 guidelines, Standard Grade, NQ

Teams use the evaluative questions and the results of research to refine, simplify, enrich and update

Teams interact to share, learn and compare as they work

Target: first iteration of revised guidelines by August

Phase 2: looking across the curriculum

evaluate the learning which each child would experience at each stage against the values, purposes and principles of A Curriculum for Excellence

test consistency of expectations across the curriculum

consider curriculum-wide themes such as problem-solving and enterprise

adjust and carry out further rounds of refinement as necessary

develop models for the organisation and management of the curriculum.

Next steps: Schools and EAs Reflection stage: teachers consider implications for

teaching and learning

Schools consider how existing flexibilities might be applied to support Curriculum for Excellence aims

Materials and activities for CPD being developed

Development of contact list and ‘register of interests’ for schools and EAs

