Curriculum design ppt


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Starting and Succeeding

byTalisa Smith & Alexandria Brown

Curriculum Design | Fall 2014

My Goals and Dreams

Present Essential questions

Discuss the goals of the semester

Expound on statistical data of success & failures pertaining to first year college students

Distribute the close ended survey

My Goals and Dreams


Survey Samples


Click Here

Click Here

Am I College Material?

What makes a student “college material” short answer. Distribute the Career Interest Survey

Present the film The Prep School Negro

Am I College Material?

Career Interest Worksheet

How can college pay off?

Potential earnings with degrees

Paying for collegeWhat is financial aid, how to apply, utilizing the schools resources for financial aid Financial Aid

Budgeting while in college

Planning Ahead

Reaching Careers by Degrees

Researching colleges requirements for admissionBig Future | College Board

Introduce the final project & divide students into groups

Planning Ahead

Strengthen Grades

How to create good study habits

How to prepare for exams

Understanding your professors usefulness.

Creating Portfolios

Getting involved

Networking for success

What kind of material should I include in my portfolio?


How to get information to attend college fairs/visits

Contacting AdmissionsWhat questions to ask

Class discussion: “What school would you like to attend?” (Discuss 1 school per student)

Building Support

Student Presentations

Guest Speakers college graduates and admissions teams

Review College Resources

Parent/Student Q&AIllinois Student Assistance Commission Wisconsin Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
