Current iff3 11



Social Media report for 1/1/13-3/9/13 for the IFF

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FacebookOveriew- Lone Soldier

• Began in August 2011

• All stats taken from beginning of 2013 to 3/9


• 98,651 people were reached at it’s peak

• 32 page views at it’s peak

• (note: all info can be found on insights page within the page)

Lone Soldier- Likes

78.6% of our likes

come from ages 13-34

32.2% of them come

specifically 13-17 year olds

473 (51.1%) of these


Lone Soldier- Talking About This

What this means:

•Number of people (unique) that created a story about the Lone Soldier Project from 1/1-3/9

•275 people from 2/1-2/7 created

unique stories about the Lone Soldier Project

Lone Soldier- Talking About This

Note that the majority of people talking about the Lone Soldier project care from Latin

America and speak Spanish!

Facebook Overview- Virtual Citizens

• Began on 06/21/2011

• All stats taken from 1/1/13-3/9/13


• 40,408 people were reached at it’s peak!

• 39 page views at it’s peak!

Virtual Citizens- Likes

The majority of people who Like VCI are from Argentina.

Virtual Citizens- Talking About This

The majority of people talking about VCI are between the ages of 45-64.

Virtual Citizens- Talking About This

243 People from March 1-

7 were the highest amount of people talking about VCI!

Facebook Overview- IFF

• All stats taken from beginning of 2013 to 3/9


• 40,022 people were reached at it’s peak

• 57 page views at it’s peak

• (note: all info can be found on insights page within the page)


•29.5% of our

likes come from ages 18-24

•The majority of our likes are


•The majority of our likes come

from South America

IFF- Talking About This

What this means:

•Number of people (unique) that created a story about the Israel Forever Foundation from 1/1-3/9

•977people from 1/21-1/27

created unique stories about the IFF



Since the beginning of the year our Twitter followers keep rising!

Current number of followers:


Some Interesting Facts

Where Are People Tweeting To Us?

Note: These are people who tweet to, or about @Isrl4Evr from the past 500 tweets

Google Plus

Last post was on June 27, 2012.

Maintaining an online presence is a great idea. It’s good to be visible on this platform.


So far the IFF has:• 11 posts •0 comments• 0 shares

WIP-- Question

• Assuming we’re doing a great job, am unable to log in with either log in info. What is the correct?