


Cumin. By Daisy Vasanthakumar. Student number: 000796944. References. First slide: cumin - photo by Daisy V Second slide: ORIGIN - River nile - photo credit - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CuminBy Daisy Vasanthakumar

Student number: 000796944

References1. First slide: cumin - photo by Daisy V2. Second slide: ORIGIN - River nile - photo credit3. Third slide: TYPES - Screen shot of black cumin from ‘Spice Trip’ (Cumin - Turkey) - photo credit,

cumin - photo credit by Daisy V4. Fourth slide: PLANTING - Holding a packet of cumin seeds - photo credit5. Fifth slide: GROWING Cumin field - photo credit6. Sixth slide: FLOWER - Cumin flower - photo credit7. Seventh slide: HARVESTING - Screen shot of women harvesting cumin from ‘Spice Trip’ (Cumin -

Turkey) - photo credit8. Eighth slide: DRIED PLANT - Screen shot of dried cumin plant from ‘Spice Trip’ (Cumin - Turkey) -

photo credit9. Ninth slide: THRESHING - Threshing rice - photo credit10.Tenth slide: DRYING - Drying spices - photo credit11.Eleventh slide: PACKAGING - Cumin jar - photo credit12.Twelfth slide: STREET SELLING - Selling spices in India - photo credit13.Thirteenth slide: STORE SELLING - Spices at the supermarket - photo credit14.Fourteenth slide: CUMIN TEA - my dad cooking - photo by Daisy V15.Fifteenth slide: POURING OIL - my dad cooking - photo by Daisy V16.Sixteenth slide: MEASURING SPICES - my dad cooking - photo by Daisy V17.Seventeenth slide: ADDING SPICES TO OIL - my dad cooking - photo by Daisy V18.Eighteenth slide: ADDING SPICES TO OIL - my dad cooking - photo by Daisy V19.Ninetieth slide: SIZZLING - my dad cooking - photo by Daisy V20.Twentieth slide: STEAM FROM SPICES - my dad cooking - photo by Daisy V21.Twenty first slide: FOOD - Rice, dhal, tomato salad with potato and lamb curry - photo credit by

Daisy V22.Twenty second slide: References
