Cultures in Business By Lucy and Yee Latina By Lucy


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Cultures in Business

By Lucy




By Lucy

Latina Entrepreneurs:An Economic Force in the U.S.

The United States is becoming more ethnically and culturally The growing presence of Latinos in the United States has a profound implication for the future of leadership in our nation.

Latinas share many of the same motivations for entrepreneurship as all women business owners:

To control own destiny

Improve economic situation

Change in job situation

Family and Heritage are important Factors

Latina entrepreneurs describe their businesses as family run. The immediate family-spouse, children or parents-are involved in their business

The first and second generation came from diverse regions, including Mexico, Cuba, South America, Puerto Rico,

Latina Entrepreneurs: An Economic Force in the U.S.

Latina entrepreneurs are a growing economic force with unique characteristics, they are improving their opportunities for access to capital, technology and training.

Latina Entrepreneurs use English and Spanish in their Business Activities.

Typically, Latina business owners say they vary their language based type of business dealings However, Latinas maintain ties to their heritage; they use both languages

What Latinas like best about business ownership

The freedom and more flexibility

Being their own boss

The down side of being a business owner

Long hours

Burden of responsibility being employers

As Latinas play an increasingly significant role in the United States.

There is a corresponding imperative to understand how leadership is experienced, understood, and developed within the Latina community.

Next is Yee

Hmong Business

By Yee

Hmong Background

Live in mountains of Laos and Thailand

Raise live stock, and harvest crops

Came to America because of Vietnam War

Business in Laos

Men do business from village to village and also to big city.

Selling hand made goods

Hmong in America

Adapt with American society

Education is a must

Usual Career suggestions



Auto mechanic


Hmong Business

Men and women are about the equal, but men makes all the decision.

Usual Hmong business are:Local market

Repair shop


Strawberry farming

The End