Cultivating Youth Leadership Youth Empowerment Through Student-Directed Initiatives Franklin County...


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Cultivating Youth Leadership

Youth Empowerment Through Student-Directed Initiatives

Franklin County Supervisory Union’s School and Community Approach


We want to engage and empower youth at the We want to engage and empower youth at the school and community and community level.

We want to create a community that We want to create a community that functions with the youth.functions with the youth.

We want to empower the youth to make better We want to empower the youth to make better choices to avoid the cycle of destructive choices to avoid the cycle of destructive decisions. decisions.

Engage and Empower Youth

Students are able to start their own clubs.Students are able to start their own clubs.A great majority of BFA students are involved in A great majority of BFA students are involved in some kind of extracurricular activity at school.some kind of extracurricular activity at school.Clubs cover a wide range of activities and Clubs cover a wide range of activities and interestsinterests

Students and youth serve on the various Students and youth serve on the various boards throughout the school and community.boards throughout the school and community.

Youth are given the opportunity to lead Youth are given the opportunity to lead community and school projectscommunity and school projects

Creating a community that functions with the youth

Student-centered action planning and Student-centered action planning and implementationimplementation

Informed by analysis and data driven decision-Informed by analysis and data driven decision-makingmaking

Students serving on the boards and councilsStudents serving on the boards and councils

Data driven decision-making- YRBS initiativeData driven decision-making- YRBS initiative

Empowering youth to make better choices

Giving students at BFA opportunities Giving students at BFA opportunities participate in clubs, sports and other participate in clubs, sports and other extracurricular activities before and after extracurricular activities before and after

Creating ways for students create Creating ways for students create relationships with adults and mentors. relationships with adults and mentors.

““Project New Beginnings” Project New Beginnings”

“Project New Beginnings” Mission

Prescription pills have taken over our community and Prescription pills have taken over our community and they have become an epidemic! My generation has they have become an epidemic! My generation has dealt with this addiction problem and I want more to dealt with this addiction problem and I want more to be offered for myself and the other recovering be offered for myself and the other recovering addicts who deal with my same struggles. We have addicts who deal with my same struggles. We have created a project called “Project New Beginnings” in created a project called “Project New Beginnings” in an effort to make our community a better, safer an effort to make our community a better, safer place. we want to insure that our children have a place. we want to insure that our children have a choice/ chance against drug addiction and are made choice/ chance against drug addiction and are made aware of the services/support our community has to aware of the services/support our community has to offer. offer.

“Project New Beginnings”

Educate youth about drug addiction and the road to recovery.Educate youth about drug addiction and the road to recovery.Partnered with Dr. Fred Holmes, a local pediatrician who first Partnered with Dr. Fred Holmes, a local pediatrician who first noticed the community problem with prescription drug noticed the community problem with prescription drug dependence. dependence. Katie surveyed 39 Suboxone patients where she identified the Katie surveyed 39 Suboxone patients where she identified the major factors that may have caused the individuals to major factors that may have caused the individuals to substance abuse.substance abuse.She, and other young recovering addicts in the community are She, and other young recovering addicts in the community are leading initiatives to prevent and treat prescription drug leading initiatives to prevent and treat prescription drug abuse.abuse.They are working with a steering committee with the promise They are working with a steering committee with the promise of submitting a budget and a sustainable plan for the future.of submitting a budget and a sustainable plan for the future.

The Future…

ChallengesChallengesWe have to move beyond students as “tokens” We have to move beyond students as “tokens” and have them become actual members of and have them become actual members of boards.boards.““Project New Beginnings” is having difficulty Project New Beginnings” is having difficulty getting to the demographic they need to reach.getting to the demographic they need to reach.

We see that we have to change the “culture” We see that we have to change the “culture” of the region in order to achieve our goals.of the region in order to achieve our goals.

Contact Information

Project New BeginningsProject New BeginningsKaty Tanner katiegold23@yahoo.comKaty Tanner katiegold23@yahoo.comDr. Fred Holmes 527-8189Dr. Fred Holmes 527-8189

Liesl Ulrich-VerderberLiesl

FCSU School & Community CoordinatorFCSU School & Community CoordinatorLoli Berard Loli Berard

VT Department of HealthVT Department of HealthMary Pickener Mary Pickener

