CSS, AJAX, Web 2.0


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CSS, AJAX, Web 2.0 & SEO

Rob Kerry (evilgreenmonkey) Head of Search - Ayima Search Marketing

Editor – Sphinn

Bullshit Bingo Warning

•  “I don’t care what the site does, just make sure that it’s very Web 2.0”

•  “Our new $1,000 website will be a Facebook killer, especially in the Vegemite lovers niche”

•  “AJAX makes your website faster, that’s why Twitter and Amazon use it”

Evolution of the Web

•  Geeks created the perfect web – Mostly text based web pages with clean text links – HTML tables only used for data – Library style indexing and navigation

•  Marketers and Microsoft ruined everything – Microsoft FrontPage created uncrawlable sites – Corporate designers became obsessed with Flash – JavaScript & Form menus resulted in walled gardens

CSS – Pretty & Usable

•  CSS returns simplicity and scalability to HTML – Separate content from code – Make a search engine’s job much easier – Your website reaps the rewards

•  CSS Decreases your bounce rates – More people now search using mobile devices – Websites that don’t scale, lose visitors and sales – CSS gives the ability to adapt your site for handhelds

CSS – Good Ideas

•  Replace old navigation with CSS styled beauties – CSS can style text as buttons with hover effects – Search Engines easily recognise the navigation

•  Highlights your most important pages •  Text links strengthen internal keyword targeting

CSS – Bad Ideas

•  Content Cloaking – Detectable & Dodgy – Many sites use display: none; and margin-left: -2000px;

– Often used as an alternative to AJAX – Can get flagged automatically as potential spam – Sites using this must make the content easy to find

AJAX – Not the football team

•  AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

– Fetches data without reloading a web page – Makes websites feel more like a desktop application – A 2007/2008 fad – overused and misunderstood

AJAX – How it works

Source: the-art-of-web.com

AJAX – Good Ideas

•  Data Grids – Perfect for updating and sorting tabular data •  Calculations – Shopping baskets, delivery costs etc •  Form Verification – Duplicate username checks

AJAX – Bad Ideas

•  Content Tabs – Not indexable •  Search Results – No Back Button •  Product Listings – Can’t Bookmark

Possible Workarounds:- •  Use CSS/JavaScript Tabs •  Use an <iframe> to spoof browser history •  Use hashes (#) in URLs like query strings


Web 2.0 – What’s it all about?

“Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.” – Tim O’Reilly

Web 2.0 – In English

•  Search – Easy access to data •  Content – User generated and influenced •  Tagging – Simple topic association •  Syndication – APIs and RSS feeds •  Mashing – Merging data sources to create new data •  Software – Hosted scalable applications

Web 2.0 - Search

•  Making new information just a search away – Data is only valuable if people can find it

– DMOZ is still the answer

– Any information available via search should be linked to

– Tag clouds are an easy way of getting popular topics indexed

– Web 2.0 != No need for search traffic

Web 2.0 - Content

•  User Generated Content is free content, but not free to manage.

•  Communities need a lot of hand-holding

•  Spam can damage your site as a whole

•  A human is always needed in the chain

Web 2.0 - Tagging

•  Tag clouds open up the walled gardens of search

•  Helps websites identify their core topics

•  Identifies words that your users associate with your site

•  Look out for spam and negative SEO

Web 2.0 - Syndication

•  RSS can stimulate regular visitors and links

•  APIs stimulate buzz and links

•  Watch out for duplicate content

•  Consider re-writing your syndicated content

Web 2.0 - Mashing

•  Take other people’s content and create new services

•  Add your own value – avoid duplicate filtering

•  Watch out for content rights issues

•  Syndicate out your mashed content

Web 2.0 - Software

•  SaaS (Software as a Service) growing in popularity

•  Usually a walled garden

•  Open up non-confidential information for links

Thank You For Listening!

Rob Kerry rob@ayima.com www.ayima.com
