CSC 536 Lecture 2



CSC 536 Lecture 2. Outline. Concurrency on the JVM (and between JVMs ) Working problem Java concurrency tools (review) Solution using traditional Java concurrency tools Solution using Akka concurrency tools Overview of Akka. Working problem. Users. sammy. ellie. etc. docs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSC 536 Lecture 2


Concurrency on the JVM (and between JVMs)Working problemJava concurrency tools (review)Solution using traditional Java concurrency toolsSolution using Akka concurrency toolsOverview of Akka

Compute the total size of all regular files stored,directly or indirectly, in a directory

> java Sequential C:\WindowsTotal size: 34405975972Time taken: 47.777222426

Working problem




foo.txt bar.txt



A recursive solution

Basis step: if input is a regular file, return its size

Recursive step: if input is a directory, call function recursively on every item in the directory, add up the returned values and return the sum

(Depth-First Traversal)


Should be using threads to traverse filesystem in parallel

A thread is a “lightweight process”A thread really lives inside a process

A thread has its own:program counterstackregister set

A thread shares with other threads in the processcodeglobal variables

Interface Runnable

Must be implemented by any class that will be executed by a thread

Implement method run() with code the thread will run

Anonymous class example:

new Runnable() { public void run() { // code to be run by thread }}

Class Thread

Encapsulates a thread of execution in a program To execute a thread:

An instance of a Runnable class is passed as an argument when creating the threadThe thread is started with method start()


Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { // code executed by thread }};new Thread(r).start();

Class Thread

Encapsulates a thread of execution in a program To execute a thread:

An instance of a Runnable class is passed as an argument when creating the threadThe thread is started with method start()


Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { // code executed by thread }};new Thread(r).start();

Issue with threads: synchronizing access to shared data

Producer-Consumer example

SetupA shared memory bufferProducer puts objects into the bufferConsumer reads objects from the buffer,

Producer-Consumer example

SetupA shared memory bufferProducer puts objects into the bufferConsumer reads objects from the buffer,

Problem:producer can over-produce, consumer can over-consume (example of race condition)Need to synchronize (coordinate) the processes


Mechanisms that ensure that concurrent threads/processes do not render shared data inconsistent

Three most widely used synchronization mechanisms in centralized systems are



Monitor = Set of operations + set of variables + lockSet of variables is the monitor’s stateVariables can be accessed only by the monitor’s operationsAt most one thread can be active within the monitor at a timeTo execute a monitor’s operation, thread A must obtain the monitor’s lockIf thread B holds the monitor’s lock, thread A must wait on the monitor’s queue (wait)Once thread A is done with the monitor’s lock, it must release it so that other threads can obtain it (notify)

Synchronization in Java

Each Java class becomes a monitor when at least one of its methods uses the synchronized modifier

The synchronized modifier is used to write code blocks and methods that require a thread to obtain a lockSynchronization is always done with respect to an object,

Java Memory model (before Java 5)

Before Java 5: ill defineda thread not seeing values written by other threads a thread observing impossible behaviors by other threads

Java 5 and laterMonitor lock rule: a release of a lock happens before the subsequent acquire of the same lock Volatile variable rule: a write of a volatile variable happens before every subsequent read of the same volatile variable

Disadvantages of synchronization

Disadvantages:Synchronization is error-prone Synchronization blocks threads and takes timeImproper synchronization results in deadlocksCreating a thread is not a low-overhead operationToo many threads slow down the system

Disadvantages of synchronization

Disadvantages:Synchronization is error-prone Synchronization blocks threads and takes timeImproper synchronization results in deadlocksCreating a thread is not a low-overhead operationToo many threads slow down the system

Thread pooling

Thread pooling is a solution to the thread creation and management problem

The main idea is to create a bunch of threads in advance and have them wait for something to doThe same thread can be recycled for different operations

Thread pool components:A blocking queueA pool of threads

Blocking queue

Queue is a sequence of objects

Two basic operations: enqueuedequeue

Blocking Queue:A dequeue thread must block if the queue is emptyAn enqueue thread must add an object to the queue and notify blocked threads

Blocking queue must be thread safe

Blocking Queue dequeue

To dequeue an object from the queue:Wait until the lock on the queue is obtainedIf the queue is empty, release lock and sleepIf the queue is not empty, pop the first element and return it

To enqueue an object to the queue:Wait until the lock on the queue is obtainedPop the first element and return itNotify any sleeping thread

Thread Pool = threads + tasks

Thread pool = group of threads + queue of Runnable tasks

Thread pool starts by creating the group of threadsEach thread loops indefinitelyIn every iteration, each thread attempts to dequeue a task from the task queueIf the task queue is empty, block on the queueIf a task is dequeued, run the task

Thread pool method execute(task)simply adds the task to the task queue,

Java thread pool API

Interface ExecutorService defines objects that run Runnable tasks

Using method execute()

Class Executors defines factory methods for obtaining a thread pool (i.e. an ExecutorService object)

newFixedThreadPool(n) creates a pool of n threads

ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

service.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { // task code });

Compute the total size of all regular files stored,directly or indirectly, in a directory

Back to working problem




foo.txt bar.txt



Modern Java Concurrent solution

Use Runnable objectsCreate Runnable object for every (sub)directory

Use thread poolKeeps the number of threads manageableKeep overhead of thread creation lowReuse threads

Avoid sharing stateVariable totalSize onlyAccess must be synchronized Does not work


Accumulator variable totalSize is incremented by all threads

Must insure that the incrementing operation (the critical section) is not interrupted by a context switch

Solution 1: Use a Java lock to synchronize access to the critical section

Solution 2: Use class AtomicLongmethod addAndGet() executes as a single atomic instruction

Concurrent1 problem

The main thread must wait until all (sub)directories have been processed

No way to know when that happens

Need to:1. keep track of pending tasks, i.e. (directory processing) task

creation and termination 2. Block the main thread until the number of pending tasks is 0

Modern Java Concurrent solution

Use Runnable objectsCreate Runnable object for every (sub)directory

Use thread poolKeeps the number of threads manageableKeep overhead of thread creation lowReuse threads

Avoid sharing stateVariable totalSize onlyAccess must be synchronized

Require synchronization variablesTo terminate the application


Synchronization tool that allows one or more threads to wait until a set of operations being performed in other threads completes.

initialized with a given countmethod await() blocks until count reaches 0method countdown() decrements count by 1

After count reaches 0, any subsequent invocations of await return immediately.

A CountDownLatch initialized with a count of 1 serves as a simple on/off gate: all threads invoking await wait at the gate until it is opened by a thread invoking countDown().

An Akka/Scala concurrent solution

Use Akka ActorsTask of processing a directory is given to a worker actor by a master actorWorker actor processes directory

computes the total size of all the regular files and sends it to mastersends to master the (path)name of every sub-directory

Master actorInitiates the processsends tasks to worker actorscollects the total sizekeeps track of pending tasks


Actor-based concurrency frameworkProvides solutions for non-blocking concurrencyWritten in Scala, but also has Java API Each actor has a state that is invisible to other actorsEach actor has a message queue Actors receive and handle messages

sequentially, therefore no synchronization issues

Actors should rarely blockActors are lightweight and asynchronous

650 bytescan have millions of actors running on a few threads on a single machine

Why use Scala and Akka in DSII?

Distributed computingActors do not share state and interact through messagesActor locations (local vs remote) are transparentAkka developed for distributed applications from ground up

TransactionsScala includes an implementation of Software Transactional Memory

Fault toleranceImplements “let-it-crash” semanticsUses supervisor hierarchies that self-heal

Reliable communicationAkka includes an implementation of reactive streams


StateSupposed to be invisible to other actors

BehaviorThe actions to be taken in reaction to a message

MailboxActors process messages from mailbox sequentially

ChildrenActors can create other actorsA hierarchy of actors

Supervisor strategyAn actor is supervised by its parent

Actorsclass First extends Actor { def receive = { case "hello" => println("Hello world!") case msg: String => println("Got " + msg + " from " + sender) case _ => println("Unknown message") }}object Server extends App { val system = ActorSystem("FirstExample") val first = system.actorOf(Props[First], name = "first") println("The path associated with first is " + first.path) first ! "hello" first ! "Goodbye" first ! 4}


Using sbt

Simple Build Tool ( to set up

Sample build.sbt configuration file

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).settings ( name := "First Example", version := "1.0", scalaVersion := "2.11.6", resolvers += "Typesafe Repository" at

"", libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.3.9")

Abstract Class Actor

Extend Actor class and implement method receive

Method receive should have case statements thatdefine the messages the actor handlesimplement the logic of how messages are handleduse Scala pattern matching

class First extends Actor { def receive = { case "hello" => println("Hello world!") case msg: String => println("Got " + msg) case _ => println("Unknown message") }}

Class ActorSystem

Actors form hierarchies, i.e. a system

Class ActorSystem encapsulates a hierarchy of actors

Class ActorSystem provides methods forcreating actorslooking up actors.

At least the first actor in the system is created using it

Class ActorContext

Class ActorContext also provides methods forcreating actorslooking up actors.

Each actor has its own instance of ActorContext that allows it to create (child) actors and lookup references to actors

Obtaining actor references

Creating actorsActorSystem.actorOf() ActorContext.actorOf()

Both methods return ActorRef reference to new actor

Looking up existing actor by concrete pathActorSystem.actorSelection() ActorContext.actorSelection()

Both methods return ActorSelection reference to new actor

ActorRef or ActorSelection references can be used to send a message to the actor

Class ActorRef

Immutable and serializable handle to an actoractor could be in the same ActorSystem, a different one, or even another, remote JVMobtained from ActorSystem (or indirectly from ActorContext)

ActorRefs can be shared among actors by message passingyou can serialize it, send it over the wire and use it on a remote host and it will still be representing the same Actor on the original node, across the network.In fact, every message carries the ActorRef of the sender

Message passing conversely is their only purpose

Actor System

Class Props

Props is an Actor configuration objectrecipe for creating an actor including associated deployment info

Used when creating new actors through ActorSystem.actorOfActorContext.actorOf

Sending messages

Messages are sent to an Actor through one ofmethod tell or simply !

means “fire-and-forget”, e.g. send a message asynchronously and return immediately.

method ask or simply ? sends a message asynchronously and returns a Future representing a possible reply

Message ordering is guaranteed on a per-sender basis

Tell is the preferred way of sending messages.No blocking waiting for a messageBest concurrency and scalability characteristics

Message ordering

For a given pair of actors, messages sent from the first to the second will be received in the order they were sent

Causality between messages is not guaranteed!Actor A sends message M1 to actor CActor A then sends message M2 to actor BActor B forwards message M2 to actor CActor C may receive M1 and M2 in any order

Also, message delivery is “at-most-once delivery” i.e. no guaranteed delivery

Message ordering

Akka also guarantees

The actor send ruleThe send of the message to an actor happens before the receive of that message by the same actor.

The actor subsequent processing ruleprocessing of one message happens before processing of the next message by the same actor.

Both rules only apply for the same actor instance and are not valid if different actors are used

Messages and immutability

Messages can be any kind of object but have to be immutable.

Scala can’t enforce immutability (yet) so this has to be by convention.Primitives like String, Int, Boolean are always immutable.Apart from these the recommended approach is to use Scala case classes which are immutable (if you don’t explicitly expose the state) and work great with pattern matching at the receiver sideOther good messages types are scala.Tuple2, scala.List, scala.Map which are all immutable and great for pattern matching

Actor API

Scala trait (think partially implemented Java Interface) that defines one abstract method: receive()

Offers useful references:self: reference to the ActorRef of actorsender: reference to sender Actor of the last received message

typically used for replying to messages

context: reference to ActorContext of actor that includes references to

factory methods to create child actors (actorOf)system that the actor belongs toparent supervisorsupervised children

Ping Pong examples



Scala pattern matching

Scala has a built-in general pattern matching mechanismIt allows to match on any sort of data with a first-match policy

object MatchTest1 extends App { def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match { case 1 => "one" case 2 => "two" case _ => "many" } println(matchTest(3)) println(matchTest(2)) println(matchTest(1))}

Scala pattern matching

Scala has a built-in general pattern matching mechanismIt allows to match on any sort of data with a first-match policy

object MatchTest2 extends App { def matchTest(x: Any): Any = x match { case 1 => "one" case "two" => 2 case y: Int => "scala.Int: " + y } println(matchTest(1)) println(matchTest("two")) println(matchTest(3)) println(matchTest("four"))}

Scala case classes

Case classes are regular classes with special conveniencesautomatically have factory methods with the name of the class all constructor parameters become immutable public fields of the classhave natural implementations of toString, hashode, and equalsare serializable by defaultprovide a decomposition mechanism via pattern matching

case class Start(secondPath : String)case object PINGcase object PONG

Scala pattern matching

Scala has a built-in general pattern matching mechanismIt allows to match on any sort of data with a first-match policy

case class Start(secondPath : String)case object PINGcase object PONG

object MatchTest3 extends App { def matchTest(x: Any): Any = x match { case Start(secondPath) => "got " + secondPath case PING => "got ping" case PONG => "got pong" } println(matchTest(Start("path"))) println(matchTest(PING))}

Scala pattern matching

Scala has a built-in general pattern matching mechanismIt allows to match on any sort of data with a first-match policy

object MatchTest4 extends App { def length [X] (xs:List[X]): Int = xs match { case Nil => 0 case y :: ys => 1 + length(ys) } println(length(List())) println(length(List(1,2))) println(length(List("one", "two", "three")))}

Scala pattern matchingsealed trait Opcase object OpAdd extends Opcase object OpSub extends Opcase object OpMul extends Opcase object OpDiv extends Op

sealed trait Exp case class ExpNum (n:Double) extends Expcase class ExpOp (e1:Exp, op:Op, e2:Exp) extends Exp

object MatchTest5 extends App { def evaluate (e:Exp) : Double = e match { case ExpNum (v) => v case ExpOp (e1, op, e2) => val n1:Double = evaluate (e1) val n2:Double = evaluate (e2) op match { case OpAdd => n1 + n2 case OpSub => n1 - n2 case OpMul => n1 * n2 case OpDiv => n1 / n2 } }}

Defining Akka message classes

Use Scala case classes

case class Start(secondPath : String)case object PINGcase object PONG

class PingPong extends Actor { def receive = { case PING => ... case PONG => ... case Start(secondPath) => ... }}

An Akka/Scala concurrent solution,in more detail

Use Akka ActorsTask of processing a directory is given to a worker actor by a master actorWorker actor processes directory

computes the total size of all the regular files and sends it to mastersends to master the (path)name of every sub-directory

Master actorInitiates the processsends tasks to worker actorscollects the total sizekeeps track of pending tasks


class RoundRobinPool

Creating a new worker actor for every task (processing a directory) is not efficient.

tasks are very small so Actor creation overhead is relatively large

Instead, create a pool of worker actors (routees) managed by a router actor of type RoundRobinPool

the router is the parent of the routeesa message (task) sent by some actor A to the router is forwarded to a routee chosen in a round-robin fashion The routee sees actor A as the sender of the message

context.actorOf(RoundRobinPool(50).props(Props[FileProcessor]), name = "workerRouter")

Remote Actors

Distributed by defaultActor interactions are asynchronous messagesLocal actor interactions are optimization of general case (remote actors)

Remoting configuration (server)Add dependency to build.sbtlibraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-remote" % "2.3.9"

Add to application.confserver { include "common" akka { actor { provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider" } remote { netty.tcp { hostname = "" port = 2552 } } }}

Remoting Configuration

application.conf configuration:

Change provider from to akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider

Transport mode: specifies transport protocol

Host name

Port number - the port the actor system should listen on, set to 0 to have it chosen automatically (e.g., for clients)

Remoting configuration (client)Add dependency to build.sbtlibraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-remote" % "2.3.9"

Add to application.confremotelookup { include "common" akka { actor { provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider" } remote { netty.tcp { hostname = "" port = 0 } } }}

Client-side code

To obtain the handle to a remote actor:ActorSystem method actorSelection() takes the URL of a remote actor and returns an ActorSelection to it

val joe = system.actorSelection("akka.tcp://GreetingSystem@”)

You can now send messages to the remote actor as usual

To acquire an ActorRef for an ActorSelectionyou need to send a message to the selectionthe actor should replyuse the reference of the reply from the actor

Remoting example

server.scala + application.conf

client.scala + application.conf

Project remote

Remoting example

server.scala + application.conf

client.scala + application.conf

Project remote2