Crossing Danger Areas


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  • 7/28/2019 Crossing Danger Areas


    Crossing a Danger Areas ( Trail or Road)


    The object of this drill is to have the team cross the danger area in the

    formation and location specified by the team leader leader. On the far side of

    the danger area, team personnel and equipment are accounted for. The

    team continues the mission.

    This is done in a series of steps. Below is directly out of the US Army FM 7-8

    What i want to do here is first leave the Army doctrine in place and then

    after you finish reading this Ill explain how it really works.

    Army speak starts here:

    (1) When the lead team signals "danger area" (relayed throughout the

    platoon), the platoon halts.

    (2) The platoon leader moves forward, confirms the danger area, and

    determines what technique the platoon will use to cross. The platoon

    sergeant also moves forward to the platoon leader.

    (3) The platoon leader informs all squad leaders of the situation and the near-

    side and far-side rally points.

    (4) The platoon sergeant directs positioning of the near-side security (usually

    conducted by the trail squad). These two security teams may follow him

    forward when the platoon halts and a danger area signal is passed back.

    (5) The platoon leader reconnoiters the danger area and selects the crossing

    point that provides the best cover and concealment.

    (6) Near-side security observes to the flanks and overmatches the crossing.

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    (7) When the near-side security is in place, the platoon leader directs the far-

    side security team to cross the danger area.

    (8) The far-side security team clears the far side.

    (9) The far-side security team leader establishes an OP forward of the cleared


    (10) The far-side security team signals to the squad leader that the area is

    clear. The squad leader relays the message to the platoon leader.

    (11) The platoon leader selects the method the platoon will use to cross the

    danger area.

    (12) The platoon quickly and quietly crosses the danger area.

    (13) Once across the danger area, the main body begins moving slowly on

    the required azimuth.

    (14) The near-side security element, controlled by the platoon sergeant,

    crosses the danger area where the platoon crossed. They may attempt to

    cover any tracks left by the platoon.

    (15) The platoon sergeant ensures everyone crosses and sends up the report.

    (16) The platoon leader ensures accountability and resumes movement at

    normal speed.

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    NOTE: The same principles stated above are used when crossing a smaller

    unit across a danger area.

    End of Army Speak!!

    Ok, everybody got that? Sure, and you all understand it completely. Well my

    team of real soldiers didn't. This simple little drill was practiced maybe 50

    times before it really worked the way it should and we were suppose to know

    what we were doing. So, in the paintball field it works the same way.

    Throughout this site I'm sure you have noticed that I preach practice andpractice as a team. Do the little things and get them down, cold. Then start

    putting those small tasks and drills together and build into a real formidable


    So, enough jaw jacking, let's break this down.

    For our purposes we are going to use a medium sized team. Not quite as big

    as a normal infantry squad but close enough. We have eight members. And,

    let's set some other parameters. We are in a scenario game that has a

    decent size field. This is not the 15 min , run in the middle and spray paint

    game. This is the type we all love to play. Games with an objective, a

    mission or task to complete. A game that lasts a while. That means you

    really get to use tactics and skill.

    Our field is a wooded area, there are trails and paths or maybe even a road. (

    like a power line easement) to cross. These areas are fairly open and clear.

    They make natural boundaries and natural places to really get smoked.

    The crossing

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    So your team is moving through the woods and comes upon a path. You have

    to get your team across this path. It is about 20 feet wide. ( about the same

    as a two lane road). There are woods on either side. From your side of the

    road you can't really see into the other side woods more than a few feet. So,

    what do you want to do? Normally in paintball the team will either run across

    or maybe even try to cross all at once in a mad dash. I want you would-beteam leaders to ask yourself a question.

    Where is the danger on this danger area?

    Is it:

    a. the road

    b. the far side

    c. the near side

    Actually it's all three, but you knew that. Also we need to back up a bit here

    and talk about how you get to this danger area. How is your team organized?

    There are three basic formations (organizations) for moving your team

    through the bush.

    An Army acronym called METT-T will determine how this happens.

    For your learning pleasure as per the US Army:


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    Mission. Commanders pass to their subordinates a clear concise statement of

    what is to be done and for what purpose. Whenever possible commanders

    assign subordinates an objective and a zone with few restrictive measures. A

    time is specified to coordinate actions of various subordinate units.

    Enemy. Commanders consider the enemy's dispositions, equipment, doctrine,

    capabilities and probable courses of action. They aggressively seek enemy

    weaknesses. Requires a constant active and predictive intelligence effort

    oriented on critical units and areas.

    Terrain and Weather. Commanders exploit terrain to provide maneuver

    opportunities and cover and concealment. Key terrain directly impacts the

    success or failure of an operation, providing a significant advantage to the

    force controlling it. Weather and visibility conditions can provide concealment

    from enemy forces and opportunities for friendly forces.

    Troops Available. The number and type of friendly troops available affect the

    tactical plan. Choosing which units for which types of actions is vital to

    success and is influenced by the status of the units' training and the

    experience of their leaders. Units are employed according to their capabilities

    and perform the functions of the battlefield operating systems.

    Time. Timing is critical to the synchronization of the battlefield operating

    systems. Rapid execution is key to conducting operations that keep the

    enemy off balance, acting inside his decision cycle.

    Reference: FM 100-5

    The Line

    All members move in a line abreast of each other. This is hard to control but

    give the most firepower forward. Can be used to assault through the other

    teams position.

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    The Wedge

    Good moving formation with pretty good security all around. An eight personteam will use two wedges

    The File

    Easy to move through heavy brush or on trails. Good firepower to flanks,

    weak to front and rear.

    Click this thumbnail to see the larger view of this formation

    These formations are controlled by hand signals most of the time. If your

    team has voice activated radios and they are quiet these work real well too.

    The formation I try to use the most is a combination of wedge and file This is

    shown on the left side of the illustration above "column with teams in

    wedges". This allows a lot of flexibility.

    Below are my terrible artist's renditions of what is happening.

    Position #1

    The team approaches the danger area As mentioned before we will use this

    road depicted in the diagrams below.

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    The forward element of the team ( A1) signals to the team leader (TL) that

    a danger area is ahead.

    The TL will normally move forward to observe the situation and decide of a

    plan of action.

    Several decisions are to be made.

    1. Does the team cross the danger area?

    2.Can the team go around and not expose itself to observation

    3. Is there time to detour or will this affect the overall plan (mission).

    4. How will the team cross ( if the decision has been to to cross).

    So our TL decides to dross the team. Below is ONE way to do it.

    The team leader after deciding to cross ( decision takes only a second or

    two) signals that rear security needs to report to him.

    He signals with hand signals that security is to come to him. The signal is

    passed back down the line by every team member. It is important that each

    team member passed the signal. Not only does this get the message passed

    but it also lets each member to know what is going on. The guy in back may

    be 20-30 yards or more from the danger area and all they know is the

    formation has stopped. Communicate. ( I can't stress this enough)

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    Click this thumbnail to see the larger view of this formation

    Rear security (B3 and B4) move up through the team and report. The TL

    points out the crossing area and sets the security to work

    B3, B4 move to the departure point in the near side of the crossing. A2 and

    A3 give the B3,B4 team cover as they cross.

    Click this thumbnail to see the larger view of this formation

    B3 and B4 cross the danger area and immediately recon the far side. This is

    done quickly as this is when they are most vulnerable.

    B4 remains at the farthest point on the recon and acts as a guide for the rest

    of the team to move to. B3 returns to the crossing point and checks that the

    main body of the team is ready. B3 motions the team across.

    Click this thumbnail to see the larger view of this formation

    As the team crosses the path B3 covers the path from his side as each team

    member come across. The team normally crosses in pairs. The A team

    members will move up and the rear B members will take their place. When all

    the team has crossed the A team once again takes up the lead and the B

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    team falls in the rear resuming the formation and positions before the

    crossing. As the team moves past the forward B4 member, he remains and

    moves out when his team passes once again taking rear security.

    Click this thumbnail to see the larger view of this formation

    Now once again excuse the artwork but you should get the idea.

    As the team crosses the path B3 covers the path from his side as each team

    member come across.

    It this is a open road with a long view up and down it may be best to cross

    the team ( once the far side security has been set by the B3 and B4 team

    members) all at once. This will give someone looking down the road only

    one chance to see the team cross instead of 5 or 6 separate crossings.

    Terrain will dictate this.

    With practice this drill is seamless, It moves so fast that it looks to the

    casual observer like nothing happened at all but it did. This drill, like all

    others depends on a clear understanding of what to do and practice.

    At the start of this drill I mentioned the TL signals for rear security to move up

    to him. How is that done?

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    My squad used a couple signals. Pointing to the eyes and then putting three

    fingers on the upper arm told everyone that the security ( the eyes) needed

    to go to the SGT. (3 stripes)

    What Happens if something goes wrong?

    Goes wrong? That never happens right? In fact it darn near ALWAYS


    There are a couple of situations that are glaringly open to questions here.

    Let's try to answer those.

    Question #1

    What if my security team runs into the opposing team on the other side of

    the danger area?

    That's why you send a small security force. First, your whole team isn't

    committed into something they don't want ( like an ambush) and second,

    your remaining team may be able to support the security force somewhat

    but the main thing is the security force is really on its own. It has to watch

    out for each other. The far side security team knows the main team is behind

    it so they concentrate on front and sides. Their safety and the rest of the

    team's depends on how well they do the job,

    Question #2. Ok, the security team is watching out but they run into a large

    force on the other side when they are doing the recon.

    They should , if unseen, quietly move back to the main body. Tell the TL

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    what they found and the TL will then need to adjust either plan of travel or

    action to remove the opposing threat . On the other hand, if seen and the

    paint hits the air, they should break and run, yelling all the way, dumping

    paint back at the attackers. The rest of the team should come online at the

    far side of the danger area and lay down covering fire to help the now

    running security force back to safety. Once the security team is back acrossand joined up with the team, the whole team can start movement back to a

    safe rally point to adjust what is happening, reload and regroup. OR attack

    the security teams pursuers if it is a small patrol or just a couple players

    They may think the 2 security team members are all there is. (since that

    would be normal in paintball play) and run headlong into your now setup

    hasty ambush.

    Question #3

    What is my team gets caught in the middle of the crossing?

    Answer? RUN. Cardinal rule when getting shot at. Move out of the kill


    If the far side is secure them move there if not then don't but try not to gettoo split up. If in fact you end up with a team that is half on one side and half

    on the other side of a danger zone, try to move against your attackers. One

    half of your team will most likely be able to keep them occupied as the other

    side ( the unengaged half) of your team can move to flank the attacking


    Question #4

    What is we are getting creamed?

    Break contact and move to the designated rally point , either the last or the

    next. (Hmmm, anyone figure this might take some preplanning?)

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    Question #5

    What if we get all messed up and all our players are getting hit?

    Go immediately back to the start point, Do not pass Go. Do Not collect two

    hundred dollars. Get a drink and wait for the next game. But DO have an

    AAR. After Action Review.

