Criticism Starplus


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  • 8/9/2019 Criticism Starplus


    2010 - Sulaiman Dawood

    Television programs have been a source of entertainment for the last few decades. The

    introduction of cable network and satellite transmission has by all means expanded the

    horizons of entertainment without any limitations and boundaries that were set by the

    broadcasting networks and authorities.

    Star group of industries is one of the widest telecasted networks all over South Asiaincluding some parts of Europe and America. Not only does it cater the youth with its

    aura but it also serves as an addiction to our eastern women in particular house wives and

    teenage girls who are obsessed with the never ending soaps, musical shows and game

    programs shown by the television network and broadcasted nearly twenty four hours a

    day including a repeat transmission.

    This addiction has increased by an exponential rate since the last five years with the

    expansion of some of the major serials into never ending fables. These old wives tales eat

    up an ample amount of the precious time of our youth and younger generation which tend

    to station themselves in front of their plasmas instead of using their brain power in a

    creative way. Their source of energy is lying dormant due to the fact that the thinkingcapabilities are just being forced to a halt by the rubbish fantasies portrayed by one of the

    most widely watched channels of the Star Network, Star Plus.

    Without much pep talk Id say it loud and clear that the impact of this channel which is so

    called family based (if you can call a program telecasting advertisement of having safe

    sex every five minutes) is completely devastating. Apart from destroying the social

    norms and values of Pakistani culture this channel seems to exploit the years of natural

    growth in which a teenager is going through an identity crisis. The viewership of this

    channel includes a vast number of females and an abnormal number of male fans as well

    who are no longer interested in their social, cultural or industrial life apart from being

    couch potatoes.

    This non-interactivity within a household can imbalance a natural flow of the family

    dynamics and regenerate traumatic effects on its members. Superficially the training our

    ladies of the house receive from programs aired by this network serve as a coaching class

    to embellish within themselves the power of competition, jealousy and hatred. Each one

    trying to prove the other woman wrong, degrade or demoralize her infront of a large

    swarm of relatives or family members which sometimes include public. (Which in most

    cases creates the scenario of the dramas aired on Star Plus)

    Psychologically, the negative approach taken by the fair sex of our country is trying to

    pick up the wrong means of communication and relationship building. Programs and

    drama serials showing illicit relations and promoting friendships which to an extent are

    prohibited in our religion comes at an intersection with the religion and culture followed

    by those of the Hindus. This leads to an increased confusion in the already pathetic state

    of teenage identity crisis.

  • 8/9/2019 Criticism Starplus


    2010 - Sulaiman Dawood

    Programs lead teenage woman into taking wrong decisions which at times can cost their

    lives or the lives of their loved ones. Wastage of time comes hand in hand with the fact

    that the increasing influence of Indian fashion which sometimes appear to be far more

    western is creeping into our homes through our cable networks and I feel ashamed as Star

    Plus takes the lead into spoiling our traditions with those of the outlaws.

    I recommend a ban on this network especially on Star Plus which is debilitating and

    deviating the minds of our younger generation from creativity to cynicism. As a nation

    we should stand upright against such television networks whose main aim is to mislead

    the youth of our nation which is indeed the most valuable asset to be lost at the hands of


    Sulaiman Dawood

    Department of Psychology

    University of Karachi