“Credit crunch revives bread sales as workers make sarnies to save cash” The Times June 13 th...


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“Credit crunch revives bread sales as workers make sarnies to

save cash”

The Times June 13th 2009

Temple Talks: The Table of Showbread

Key Bible References

Exodus 25:23-28


Leviticus 24:5-9

Quick facts


Positioned along the north wall

Opposite the lampstand within the Holy place. Where it would remain “always” before the ark of the

covenant and in the presence of the LORD

Ex 25: 30; Num 4:7

Quick Facts

Material: Table and staves made from

Acacia wood

Tree = Acacia seyal

Table and staves plated in gold

Staves passed through golden rings

Quick Facts

Size: 2 cubits long, 1 cubit wide and cubit and half high

3 ft long (91.44cm), 18 inches (45.72cm) wide,

2ft 3”(68.58cm) high

Quick facts


Dishes (breadplates)

Pans/Spoons (to sprinkle frankincense)

Pitchers (for liquid offerings)

Bowls (containing the frankincense)

What did it look like?

What did it look like?

Arch of Titus, Rome

What did it look like?

According to the Talmud, the loaves were not allowed to touch one another, and, to prevent contact, hollow golden tubes, 28 in number, were placed between them, which

thus permitted the air to circulate freely between the loaves.

Together with the loaves of proposition, between the 2 piles or, according to others, above them, were 2 vessels

of gold filled with frankincense and, according to the Septuagint, salt also (Leviticus 24:7; Siphra, 263, 1).

What did it look like?

What was it's purpose?"table of proposition" Num 4:7 or "most clean table" Lev 24:6

To provide a place for the...

�ים �ִנ ֶלֶחם ָּפ�"bread of the presence" (Exodus 35:13; 39:35, etc.)

"holy bread" 1 Sam 21:6, "continual bread" Num 4:7,

or simply "bread" Exodus 11:23.

Greek text = "loaves of the setting forth" Ex 35:13; 39:35, etc.

Latin/ English = "loaves of proposition", OR Shewbread/ Showbread

The Bread

Made from around 4ltr of fine flour (Lev 24:5).

Cost covered by the temple treasury (1 Chron 9:26, 32).

Sons of Caath (Kohathites) were in charge of preparing and baking the loaves. (1 Chron 9:32).

12 loaves were arranged in 2 rows/ piles, 6 loaves each, and while still hot placed on the "table of proposition"

(Numbers 4:7).

The Bread: What Tradition tells us

Unleavened? (; Josephus, "Antiq.", III, 6:6; 10:7)

Loaves were 10 fingers in length, 5 in breadth, and with rims or upturned edges of 7 fingers in length.

Mishna (Men., xi, 4; Yad, Tamid, v. 9)

What does it teach us?

The bread speaks of God's provision and acceptance of His people...

Provision and acceptance made by God through the bread...

Provision and acceptance received most fully by placing him first in our lives...

Provision and acceptance received in a holy place...
