


Recipe for poptarts

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Creatively Simple

How to Make Homemade Pop Tar ts By Penny Raine



Creatively Simple

How to Make Homemade Pop Tar ts

By Penny Raine


Creatively Simple- How to Make Homemade Pop Tarts

By Penny Raine

Written by Penny Raine © 2009

Photos by Penny Raine © 2009

All rights reserved, no portion of this work may be copied or transferred without express

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Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978,

1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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Pop Tarts, also known as toaster pastries, are typically a breakfast food but can be great fun at anytime. They can even be pretty healthy when made at home. Remember anytime you make something at home you have control over what goes into it. Just for the sake of showing you something new we are using our own recipe with peanut butter and chocolate here. It might not be the healthiest but it sure is different and very tasty and creative! My goal isn’t to teach cooking as much as it is to encourage creativity. Don’t be afraid to try new things. You don’t need fancy equipment or appliances. Children especially love to gather in the kitchen and help with these types of projects. Have fun!


Items needed --

� Recipe ingredients

� Mixer

� 2 mixing bowls

� Mixing spoons and rubber spatula

� Rolling pin

� Baking sheets, or cookie pans

� 5 x 3 ½ index card

� Table knife


Recipe Ingredients


� 4 cups all purpose flour

� 1 ½ cups butter, softened, or room temp

� 1 T. sugar

� 2 t. salt

� 1 T. clear vinegar

� 1 egg, beaten

� 1/2 cup very cold water


� Small jar of peanut butter

� ¼ cup powdered sugar

� Box of puffed rice cereal

� 1 bag chocolate chips


� Remaining chocolate chips

� 3 T butter


Ok lets get started. First you will need two mixing bowls. I

am using a stand mixer here because someone gave me this

great vintage do-everything mixer and I wanted to try it out

but you could use any mixer, or just a wisk and a fork or

pastry blender.

In a small bowl, beat or wisk your egg, vinegar and cold

water. Then place that bowl in fridge.


Then you will need a larger mixing bowl for the flour, sugar,

and salt, mix that and then add your butter. Mix on very

slow, we want this to be crumbly not creamy. You could use

a pastry blender or just a fork in place of the mixer. Do not

over mix.


The goal is crumbly.


Then add our egg mixture and mix for just about 30

seconds, just until everything is moistened.


Then pat into a ball and put in the refrigerator for 30



While you are waiting, prepare your rolling surface.

Anything that is a big space and flat will do. Since we have a

tile counter my daughters like to use the cook top to roll on,

whatever works for you. Get your rolling pin ready and

sprinkle some flour on your surface.


Next grab about ¼ of the dough and roll out a strip about 5

inches wide. If it sticks to your rolling pin then sprinkle a

little more flour on it. This is pastry dough, too much

handling or too much extra flour and it will lose it’s

flakiness. You want pastry to be flaky.


Next you will be using a table knife and your index card as a

pattern and cutting out your pastry bottoms. Cut out the

pastry and carefully place it on a well seasoned cookie



Line them up on the cookie sheet leaving some space in

between. Your recipe should make about 10-12 pop tarts, so

start with 10 bottoms then as your cut the rest, just keep

them on your rolling surface until needed. If you end up

with an uneven amount I will show you what to do with it in

a minute. But for now have all of your bottom pieces on the

tray ready to fill.


Next we will mix our filling. We will use about half of a small

peanut butter jar and ¼ cup powdered sugar and blend, you

want it to be slightly whipped and easily spread able. If you

need to you can microwave the peanut butter to soften a

bit, but just barely, just 10 seconds at a time. Peanut butter

heats very quickly in a microwave. NEVER heat peanut

butter in it’s own container in the microwave. There almost

always is metal foil on the top, and even if you think you

have it all removed there may still be a bit there and it will

cause a microwave fire. (Ask me how I know ☺ ).


Now it gets fun. With a small rubber spatula spread the

peanut butter mixture on the bottom pastry pieces. Leave

about a ¼ space around the edges, but other than that

spread evenly.


Then we will place a small handful of rice crispies on each,

then top with chocolate chips. Use plenty.


Then place the top pieces on and press around the edges

with your finger.


They should be “poofy” looking. Then use a fork to crimp the

edges together. Just press down with a fork all around the

edges. Then use the fork to poke a few holes in the tops.

This lets the steam out while baking


If you end up with an extra pastry piece, roll it out a little

longer. Place filling on one half and just fold it over. It won’t

hurt to have one out of shape. These will get eaten so fast

you won’t have much time to admire their beauty anyway.

But they will be pretty. ☺


When your oven is preheated to 400° and your tray of

pastries are ready it is time to bake.


Bake for about 15 minutes or until the edges are golden

brown and flaky looking. It make take more or less baking

time depending on how full the filling is. You should be able

to tell by looking at the pastry in the middle of the top. It

should look cooked and not doughy.


Now we make the chocolate glaze. You should have about

1/3 of the chocolate chips left. Put these in a small bowl

with the extra butter and mix well. Microwave for 10

seconds and stir. Keep repeating this cooking and stirring

until the glaze is easily spread able. Spread or drizzle it on

top of your warm pastries.


Ta Da ! Your are done!

Pat yourself on the back and get a cold glass of milk or a hot

cup of coffee and enjoy!


To make fruit pastries the process is the same but use jam

for the filling. You probably want to glaze with just a

powdered sugar glaze. We used homemade blackberry jam

here. It was great!



Ideas for variations

� Peanut butter and jam

� Cinnamon and sugar and butter

� Cream cheese with powdered sugar

� Bakalava filling

� Pecan pie filling

� Chocolate chips and mini marshmallows

� Any type of fruit

� Any type of pie filling

Here is a powdered sugar glaze recipe.

� 3 cups powdered sugar

� 1 T vanilla

milk 1 T at time, you will need up to 6 T

Mix the powdered sugar and vanilla in a bowl with a fork

and then slowly 1 T at a time, add milk, while mixing. Just

add enough to make it a syrupy texture.


I pray that you have been blessed. There are more books in

this series and I am open to comments, suggestions AND

ideas for new ones.

I can be contacted at .

Pop Tarts are great first thing in the morning, but even better is knowing that we have a Savior that loves us.

“Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

I say to myself, "The LORD is my por tion;

therefore I will wait for him."

Lamentations 3:22-24 (New International Version)


Other books in this series

1. Creatively Simple - How to Create an Apron 2. Creatively Simple - How to Make Homemade Bread 3. Creatively Simple - How to Make Chocolate Cobbler 4. Creatively Simple - How to Make the Best Cowboy Cookies in the West 5. Creatively Simple - How to Make Butter in the Blender 6. Creatively Simple - How to Grow Sprouts in a Jar 7. Creatively Simple - How to Make Homemade Donuts 8. Creatively Simple - How to Make A Diaper Cake 9. Creatively Simple - How to Make Homemade Granola 10.Creatively Simple - How to Make Homemade Yogurt 11.Creatively Simple - How to Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls 12.Creatively Simple - How to Make Homemade Ice Cream 13.Creatively Simple - How to Make Homemade Pop Tarts 14. Creatively Simple - How to Make Homemade Laundry Soap

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