CREATIVE WRITING CLASS/CLUB ZOO MAGAZINE Publication 2013.pdf · 4 Zoo Anticipation I’m excited...


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Thursday, March 21, 2013


Writing Class Club Staff

Courtney Barnard, Class of 2014

Celeste Borger, Class of 2014

Joel Colloredo, Class of 2013

Katherine Hammond, Class of 2013

Cordell Hill, Class of 2014

Shelby Vilardebo, Class of 2014

Photography: Joy Patterson

Adviser: Joy Patterson

© 2013 by The Creative Writing Class Club of Mel-

bourne Central Catholic High School. All rights

reserved. This publication is the work of Central

Catholic students and in no way represents the

views of the school, its teachers, or its affiliates.


Table of Contents

Zoo Anticipation by Courtney Barnard……………………....4

Extremely Excited! by Celeste Borger…………………….....5

At the Zoo by the CWClub Class……………………………..…..6

Zoo Limericks……………………………………………………..…...8-9

Trip to Zoo Version 1………………………………………………...12

Version 2…………………………………………………………………..13

Version 3…………………………………………………………………..14

Version 4…………………………………………………………………..15

Version 5…………………………………………………………………..16

Version 6…………………………………………………………………17

Zoo Haiku………………………………………………………………..19


Zoo Anticipation

I’m excited to go to the zoo. The zoo is a place full of animals and fun things to do. The zoo also has dippin’ dots. For those of you who are not informed, dippin’ dots are the best thing your taste buds could ever fathom. These dots contain magical spheres of flavorful ice cream and are fairly cheap. The zoo makes me happy, I like to look at the big crea-tures and take pictures. I expect to gain a better sense of enlightenment about the animals. I also hope to get some bonding time in with my classmates. I am looking forward to this trip because there are new things at the zoo that I have never seen before. The zoo is a good place to be educated about the wild life, which is why I chose wild Florida as my writing topic.

By: Courtney Barnard


Extremely Excited!

I am so excited to go to the zoo. I cannot wait to see the giraffes. Feeding the giraffes sounds like so much fun! The zoo is one of the best places on earth. I expect to gain a lot of knowledge from the zoo and a lot of creative inspiration from the zoo for my writing!

By: Celeste Borger


At The Zoo

At the zoo we saw lots of muddy rhinos

We saw students drawing them on paper

The zoo has no exhibit for dinos

However they have a place for tapirs

The pen looked very nice for the Rhino

The Rhinoceros had not a single turd

The Rhino looks so much like a dino

Over head flew a very tiny bird.

The scary part was seeing the vulture

In that zone was also a big fossil

The zoo is a chance to blend with culture

In a way that can only be described as colossal

Then we saw a monkey throwing some poo

so we started to run and left the zoo!



Courtney Barnard

There once was a boy at the zoo All day long he watched the birds coo So the boy spread his arms And shouted an alarm And all the children cried boo hoo

Celeste Borger

There once was a man named Bill He was terrified of a hill Bill went to the zoo And said boo hoo For the zoo had a hill


Shelby Vilardebo

Through the bird cage Shelby will run While Cori ate a hot dog bun The zoo is so much fun All the animals bask in the sun Then the field trip was done

Cori Hill

The rhinos baked in the sun The Creative Writing Club had fun The ducks were in the pond Shelby was very fond The zoo trip was done


Joel Colloredo

There once was a man with a hat. who went to go play with his bat.

He turned off the lights, The bat left with a fright.

Now he is lonely, sad, and fat.


Katherine Hammond

There once was an alligator, He had not one single hater.

Swam through the water, joy to your sons and daughter.

Everyone comes back to see him later.


Trip to the Zoo: Version 1

We went to the zoo to see the legendary Bonsai Trees! The trees were small, some were dead, and some were full of life. The trees were said to have mystical powers and they could use tele-portation and other mechanisms. But sometimes the trees mal-functioned and transported only parts of people or got them trapped in an alternate universe. But this didn't stop the creative writing club. We were excited to be transported until we got transported to Africa but Mrs. Patterson lost her foot along the way. We were running around Africa... Except for Mrs. Patterson. We decided to do things at the zoo that no one has done before.

Joel and Katy boarded emus and rode them around the zoo. Shelby and Cordell took out all of the monkeys and car-ried them around the zoo. Ce-leste and Courtney comman-deered the Dipping Dots ma-chine and passed out free Dots to all the children that were exactly 12 years old. This caused a great disturbance among the youngest visitors, because they all wanted a serving. The kids went crazy and took over the machine and stole it from the zoo.


Trip to the Zoo: Version 2

We went to the zoo and saw lots of animals! Coach Pat Pat’s Creative Writ-

ing Class-Club was having a very successful day at the zoo, studying animals and

nature to inspire the team members for their magazine.

“I love the zoo!” exclaimed all the Creative Writing Class-Club students at


Everyone was getting along great and there hadn’t been any accidents so

the field trip was going really well.

Coach Pat Pat said, “I’m so proud of all of you for being so well behaved to-

day! You are all my favorite students!”

When the Creative Writing Class-Club was admiring the jaguar exhibit,

something went terribly wrong. A small boy, also on a school field trip, had fallen

into the jaguar’s cage! As the big cat recoiled in preparation to attack the small

boy began to cry.

“Someone please help me! I’m too young to die!” the boy yelled out to all

the people watching the horrific scene.

But alas! A hero was among us! Cordell Hill, member of the Creative Writing

Class-Club, grabbed onto a convenient vine and swung down into the cage and

rescued the boy!

“I’ll save you!” Cordell screamed as he swooped down and scooped the boy

up. “You should really be more careful when you’re around large animals,” Cordell


“My hero!

Cordell, already the coolest of the cool, became even more popular amongst

the people of Melbourne because of his heroic actions. The increased fame didn’t

faze Cordell at all because he already knew everyone in Melbourne. People ran

after him and hugged him and praised him for his bravery at the zoo. The zoo

even rewarded Cordell with a badge of honor, a pass to the zoo forever, and a life

time supply of Dippin’ Dots.


Trip to the Zoo: Version 3

Visiting the Brevard Zoo was an enthralling experience when the creative writing class visited one Thursday morning. The six students leaped with excitement when creatures were spotted from the exhibits. Climbing down the ropes to visit the cheetah could not have been a more thrilling experience. Walking towards a roped cage was a sign that said “18 foot python ahead.” There was no python in sight, and as the six of us stood there, Celeste noticed something, a hole the size of a cantaloupe gaped through the exhibit.

“Where is the snake?” Cordell said in a hurried tone.

The six of us realized what we had to do; we began on a mission to find the dangerous blood- thirsty 18-foot python.

“I don’t think that this is a good idea, what if it strangles someone” Questioned Katie.

Following the trails of mud we traveled to the giraffe exhibit, Joel said that he had seen the snake but we all just believed he had imagined it. The giraffes were grazing in the fields when all of a sudden a loud shriek was let out by ne of the long- necked creatures. We glanced down and saw the massive python slowly creeping its way around the giraffe’s long neck. A compromise was in order, but before the plans were set the python had disappeared.

We all ran into the next exhibit, except for Joel who was far more fascinated by the giraffe’s bowel movements.

“Dude, look at the side of that!” Joel exclaimed in a wild roar.

After grasping his attention, we journeyed to the alligator exhibit which was filled with dangerous crea-tures. At the alligator exhibit, Shelby fed some of her treasured Dippin’ Dots to the Gators with excitement. Cordell couldn’t spot the python, so he decided he would come up with a python call. Shelby joined him in calling the deadly python, but the python was no where in sight.

Celeste cried out in a tiresome whine, “Where could it be? That thing is so huge!”

There was only one option for the six of us to see the snake at his level. Katie had the idea that if we all got to the ground and squirmed around the Zoo, we could find the creature easily. So with this being the only good idea we had heard, the six of us got to the ground and crawled through the zoo in search for the harmful snake.

Joel made his way back to the giraffes, still very interested in the bowel movements. He convinced us to stay for a moment and view one of the giraffes in action. We noticed something strange; the giraffe’s stomach was bulging with bumps and was shaking around. After a moment, the giraffe finally was able to release the feces and what came out was surprising. An 18-foot long python slithered out behind the giraffe and Joel and Cordell looked with amazement.

Celeste came up with a conclusion that the rest of us knew from common sense, “The snake must have been eaten by the giraffe when he wrapped himself around the neck.”

A day at the Zoo truly has never been more exciting than with the Creative writing class.


Trip to the Zoo : Version 4

We went to the zoo last Thursday and had so much fun, all the animals were out and roaming around their enclosures! The animals were being so active all day! The zoo gave our writing class club a lot of inspiration for writing multiple fic-tion and non fiction stories. The only bad event that occurred during our trip to the Brevard Zoo was when Courtney tripped and ended up flying over the railing of the alligator exhibit, Mrs. Patterson shouted for help, but the zoo workers only laughed. Courtney ran across the exhibit, jumping over the dangerous snouts of the alligators like Indiana Jones. The class club watched in awe and the class tried to pull her up but the Dippin Dots weighed her down.

Fortunately, Joel and Cori had not eaten any Dippin Dots, so they were able to coordinate a rescue. Standing over the bridge, Joel lowered Cori to a level where he could grab Courtney, but then Joel let go of Cori and he slipped down in-to the pit with Courtney. Cori and Courtney were now alone in the alligator exhib-it. The alligators licked their chomps and got ready for an afternoon snack. The al-ligators especially favored Cordell’s juicy buttocks because he was a very corpulent person, Joel stood on the bridge laughing at Cordell and Courtney and a tear rolled out of his eye.

Cordell refused to be defeated by the alligators! Cordell ran across the pit swam to the other side and jumped over the opposing fence. Running to his safety he heard the faint scream of Courtney and he realized that he had forgotten her. Cordell, being the hero that he is, jumped back into the pit, threw Courtney on his back this time and swam to the other side. The alligators chased after him but he was too fast for them to catch him. They both got out of the pit and Courtney thanked him and stated that she owes him one. Cori was in so much pain now that the adrenaline was gone. His butt was completely gone and he laid on the ground waiting for an ambulance but Joel had cut the power so no phones would work.

Courtney pulled out her cell phone and called 911 just in time before Joel ripped the phone out of her hands. Courtney thought on her feet and quickly threw Joel into the alligator pit where he was eaten alive. Cori received, at the hospital, a brand new butt. This zoo trip was extremely fascinating.


Trip to the Zoo: Version 5

We went to the zoo; the Creative Writing Club Class was very excited to see all of

the different animals. Right as we walked into the zoo the first thing that we saw

was a bulldozer destroying the kangaroo’s habitat. The poor kangaroos would have

nowhere to stay. We needed to do something before the bulldozer ruined all of

the other animal’s homes. So we decided to revolt, we began stealing animals and

shoving them in Shelby’s mom’s car. The animals were excited to be saved and

come with us. The giraffes wouldn’t fit so we decided that we would ride them

back to our school. We gave one of them as a pet to our principal, Mr. Armstrong

so he would not be angry that we brought these animals onto our campus.

All of the kids all let out an ooh, and an ahh as they noticed that the seven of us

were riding on giraffes. Everyone was so jealous.

“I wish I had a giraffe,” muttered the student body of MCC

The cheetahs and jaguars were left in the car so we decided to move them to the

football field where they would have room to run and play freely. We decided to

organize a race between the cheetah and the jaguar. All bets were on the cheetah.

We managed to get them lined up and on the track. When the race started both

animals ran in the wrong direction! They ran straight towards all of the students

that were watching from the stands. The students jumped out of the way and

watched as the animals zoomed by. They were headed toward I-95. The animals

were about to have a very close encounter. But Cordell Hill, who was Brevard’s he-

ro for rescuing two people at the zoo, chased after and captured the big cats.

Soon after they got all the animals rounded up Joel said, “Why don’t we sell all of

the animals?”

So we did and everyone in the creative writing club class became billionaires and

lived happily ever after.


Trip to the Zoo: Version 6

We went to the zoo for a writing class club field trip. I was so awesome, way better than school. We went to see all the animals to get inspired for a creative story. My favorite, most inspiring part was the giraffes. The giraffes were out and about rummaging for hay and crackers. The giraffes were huge and looked to be fe-rocious, but they were actually quite chill. Their long, sticky tongues stretched out o get the crackers that people tantalized the giraffes with and everyone squealed with delight when their cracker was eaten.

Everyone loved feeding them except Cordell who just like to watch the giraffes peeing. Mrs. Patterson tried to get him to feed the giraffes but he screamed yelling “NO!” and ran to the other side of the railing. Cordell didn’t like feeding the giraffes because he was bitten by one as a small boy and had a fear that one day, they would bite him again. Watching the urine flow from the ani-mals made Cordell have to go as well. He climbed over the wall of the exhibit and lowered himself to the ground. Sensible that do-ing the act in the open would cause him dismissal from the zoo and might land him in jail, he headed beneath the viewing stand for privacy.

However, the giraffes saw him and started to charge. The hit in the back and Cordell went flying across the exhibit. He landed on one of the baby giraffes and it started to run in a panic. It was so frightened it jumped over the fence and out of the zoo. It started heading towards the road


Creative Writing Class Club writes early Zoo impressions after lunch.


Shelby Vilardebo

Birds live at the zoo

The birds’ beaks were sharp

and bright

People can feed the birds


Cori Hill

The sun was very bright

The anteater was sweating

So were the people

Joel Colloredo

The otter swims fast.

The otter wants more fishes.

He is eloquent.

Katherine Hammond

Small but full grown trees,

On display for amazement.

Gives you a quaint vibe.

Courtney Barnard

Cold, round tasty treat

Dippin’ dots are sweet to eat

Melting on my tongue.

Celeste Borger

The cheetah roared loud

I looked around for the sound

The little boy ran.


Leaving our mark at the Brevard Zoo!
