Creative Mystic Spiritual Studies © Jean Slatter


Citation preview © Jean Slatter

Creative MysticSpiritual Studies

Resolve to remind yourself who you are carrying with you and how loved you are.

Your worthiness is always assured. © Jean Slatter © Jean Slatter

7 Steps to Creating a Committee#1. Name Your Committee#2. Define Your Mission Statement#3. Make a List of all the Helpers You Wish to Hire#4. Make a Task List#5. Get Ready to Launch Your Committee!

-light some candles, say a prayer, whatever!

There are doors that lead to your Higher WisdomWisdom that can be trusted more than any other Source.

To answer all of your questions no matter how big or how small.Wisdom that can give insight into your destiny and your truest self.

These doors are everywhere, in each moment of your life,and materialize, simply with a question.

Unlocking the door is easy.Anyone can do it.

All you need are the keys … © Jean Slatter

Get Ready to go on the Journey to Self

We’re to know ourselves for themagnificent creators we are.

We need to knowthat what we’re doing matters. © Jean Slatter

by Marsha Sinetar

An organizational psychologist looks at the stories of ordinary people

who choose a solitary lifestyle to find wholeness

and self actualization.available through

under Store - Amazon recommendations © Jean Slatter

Does any of this matter?

It ALL matters!This is how form

was created in the first place …because it matters! © Jean Slatter

We create the very reasonthat life matters …

and we also create the purpose!

The fact that it’s mattermeans that it matters. © Jean Slatter

We were giventhe gift of Graceto be a Creator! © Jean Slatter

We areCreators ofExperience! © Jean Slatter

Experience:(according to Webster’s)

“practical knowledgethrough direct participation” © Jean Slatter

Experiment:(according to Webster’s)

“to know the truth of” © Jean Slatter

The only thing that is real is experience.

We’re in a world of illusion.

Lifetime after lifetime, the only thing you take with you is the experience. © Jean Slatter

We don’t want to admit to being Creators because it’s easier to believe:

We are powerless and a victimto the process of life. © Jean Slatter

“Our deepest fear is not that we are

inadequate, but that we are powerful

beyond measure.”

Marianne Williamson

Spiritual Teacher, Author and Lecturer © Jean Slatter

You are the creator of your life.

God is experiencing through you – as you.

Tap into and embrace the awareness of who you truly are. © Jean Slatter

We (God) created this life on purpose.

Each and every life is a deliberate creation of God, regardless of the value judgment that we

may attempt to apply to it. © Jean Slatter

Our lives are an infinite expression of the desired experiences of God.

After all, as a Creator, how else are you going to know to truth of something, except to live it? © Jean Slatter

AMAG’s Definition of Compassion

“Compassion is the utmost respect and honoring of another’s choice, even though it is

one you would never make yourself.” © Jean Slatter

What is itI’m trying to know

the truth of? © Jean Slatter

If you can get that gem,that message,

then you can move on. © Jean Slatter

What do I now knowabout this situation? © Jean Slatter

Rather than feeling like a victim, consider how differently you would perceive life knowing

that it was your divine intention.

From the place of a curious Creator, you can look upon your life as a grand journey of discovering the truth of every experience

you’re going through. © Jean Slatter

As a curious Creator, we set up the highs - AHA moments, as well as the lows

- what makes us hurt.

Experiencing the duality of life brings us the fullness of life. © Jean Slatter

What is it

I’m trying to know

the truth of? © Jean Slatter

“I am free to be me and I allow others the freedom to be

who they are”

- Louise Hay

Louise HayMotivational Author © Jean Slatter

We have every sort of imaginable type of experiment going on here on this planet. © Jean Slatter

Everything that has ever happened,has happened because

it’s all in the mind of God.

It all has purpose. © Jean Slatter

God is infinitely experiencing every single thought form there is to experience.

We can never put limits on experience because God is limitless. © Jean Slatter

The FundamentalDelusion © Jean Slatter

The Fundamental Delusion is that your life is not a purposeful creation of God …

instead you are somehow separate from God, and worse yet, flawed. © Jean Slatter

Instead of being born in sin, consider that we’re born asleep as to who we truly are.

And we’re born on purpose for the purpose of creating experience. © Jean Slatter

To buy into this idea that there is something inherently wrong with being human,

only serves to carry on the delusion that this life, this experience, is not first,

and foremost, a perfectly designed expression of creation by God. © Jean Slatter

This means we came from God,and have by Divine Design,

created this life on purpose.There’s no other place to get to.

This is it! © Jean Slatter

Life is a Divine Spiritual Experience, and truly, the Spirit in us knows there is no other place

that we would rather be.

Do we evolve in consciousness and have the experience of learning?

Of course we do! © Jean Slatter

But this is not the primary purposeof our existence.

As a Creator, learning becomes a natural byproduct, or symptom, of creating.

You are an insatiably curious Creator! © Jean Slatter


The “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects

of its thought.

Your ego was specifically designed and created to serve a function in duality and to facilitate

the creation of your experience. © Jean Slatter

Everything that has happened in individual lives, and thus far in the evolution of human consciousness, has been created on purpose,

and that we are simply growing up.

Characteristics of the ego that seem immature are a necessary part of the evolution. © Jean Slatter

by Timothy Gallwey

The Inner Game of Tennis is a revolutionary program for overcoming the self-doubt, nervousness, and lapses of

concentration that can keep a player from winning.available through

under Store - Amazon recommendations © Jean Slatter

Characteristics of the ego that seem immature are a necessary part of the


When we plant a rose seed in the earth we notice that it is small, but we do not criticize it as “rootless” and

“stemless.” We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed. When it first shoots out

of the earth, we don’t condemn it as “immature” and “underdeveloped”; nor do we criticize the buds for not

being open when they appear. We stand in wonder at the process taking place and give the plant the care that it

needs at each stage of its growth. The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed until the time that it dies. Within it,

at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change; yet, at each state, at

each moment, it is perfectly alright as it is. © Jean Slatter

WorthinessIssues © Jean Slatter

Octopus Leg Dream

In this dream, I found myself looking at my naked body in front of a mirror and discovered a flap of skin around my waist. When I turned the flap of skin over, I was completely horrified to see suckers underneath, like on an octopus leg. As the meaning of the dream later revealed itself, I realized the fold of skin hiding the octopus leg was me protecting myself from being so vulnerable (naked) as an author. I had an archetypal fear that once my readers found out who I really was (a monster) they would reject me in disgust. What if there was something so awful and horrendous about me, so repulsive about me that if someone saw it, they’d go running? I couldn’t write a book because someone might see that octopus leg on me. The fear of being naked in front of the world and people finding something in me so repulsive they would turn and run was why I wasn’t able to move forward with the writing. © Jean Slatter

Poem by unknown author:

“Don’t Be Fooled By Me”Don’t be fooled by me.

Don’t be fooled by the face I wear.For I wear a thousand masks, masks that I’m afraid to take off,

and none of them are me.Pretending is an art that’s second nature with me,

but don’t be fooled, for God’s sake, don’t be fooled.I give the impression that I’m secure,

that all is sunny and unruffled with me,within as well as without;

that confidence is my name and coolness my game; that the water’s calm and I’m in command, and that I need no one.

But don’t believe me. Please. © Jean Slatter

My surface may seem smooth, but my surface is my mask.Beneath lies no complacence.

Beneath dwells the real me in confusion, in fear and aloneness.But I hide this.

I don’t want anybody to know it.I panic at the thought of my weakness, and fear of being exposed.

That’s why I frantically create a mask to hide behind, a nonchalant, sophisticated facade, to help me pretend, to shield me from the

glance that knows.But such a glance is precisely my salvation, my only salvation,

and I know it!That is if it’s followed by acceptance, if it’s followed by love.

It’s the only thing that will assure me of what I cannot assure myself- that I am worth something. © Jean Slatter

But I don’t tell you this; I don’t dare. I’m afraid to.I’m afraid your glance will not be followed by acceptance and

love.I’m afraid that deep down I am nothing, that I’m no good, and

that you will see this and reject me.So I play my game, my desperate game, with a façade of

assurance without, and a trembling child within.So begins the parade of masks, and my life becomes a front.

Who am I, you may wonder?I am someone you know very well.

For I am every man you meet and I am every woman you meet. © Jean Slatter

Numerology © Jean Slatter

by Dan Millman

A method of life purpose analysis that

is similar to numerology yet more

practical.available through

under Store - Amazon recommendations © Jean Slatter

Your life’s path …

Is what you’re here exploring.

It’s the themes you’re conductingexperiments around.

Numerology helps you findyour life’s path. © Jean Slatter

Your Birthdate

Write your birthdate out completely.

7-3-1955 (July 3, 1955)

Then add them together individually.

7+3+1+9+5+5 = 30/3 © Jean Slatter


The final number (3)is the primary life path you’re on.

Contributing themesare the first two numbers. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

One: Creativity and ConfidenceBrings positive creative energy into the world.

Channels high energy and inspiration into creativity and service.

Challenge: feels blocked; stuck; frustrated; inferior; ill; lethargic; insecure; possibly addicted. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Two: Cooperation and BalanceClarifies the limits of their responsibility and learns to work with others in a spirit of harmony, balance and

mutual support.

Challenge - feels overwhelmed; resistant and reactive; starts out overly helpful; then suddenly withdraws. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Three: Expression and SensitivityUtilizes their emotional sensitivity to bring positive,

heartfelt, self-expression into the world.

Challenge: feels depressed and disappointed; overly sensitive; complains and criticizes;

filled with self-doubt. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Four: Stability and ProcessAchieve stability and security by patiently following a

gradual process toward selected goals.

Challenge: wants it all now; skips steps; ambitious; impatient; confused; lacks stability or follow-through. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Five: Freedom and DisciplineFinds inner freedom through discipline, focus and

depth of experience.

Challenge: swings from extreme dependence to independence; scattered; tries to do too much;

bluffs and pretends. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Six: Vision and AcceptanceReconciles their high ideals with practical reality; accepts themselves, their world and the present

moment through an expanded visionof life’s inherent perfection.

Challenge: hypercritical; judges self and others against perfectionist standards; gets lost in petty details. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Seven: Trust and OpennessTrusts and light or spirit within them, in others, and in the process of their lives so they feel safe enough to

open up and share their inner beauty with the world.

Challenge: feels bitter, betrayed, paranoid; uses mind as shield; doesn’t trust self or others. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Eight: Abundance and PowerWorks with abundance, power and recognition,

applying their success in service of the common good.

Challenge: afraid of, yet preoccupied with, issues of money, power, control and recognition; sabotages self. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Nine: Integrity and WisdomLives in accord with their highest integrity, aligns their

life with their heart’s intuitive wisdom, and inspires others by their example.

Challenge: has lost sight of higher purpose; feels lonely and cut off; locked in the mind; out of touch with heart

and intuitive guidance. © Jean Slatter

Analysis con’t

Zero: Inner GiftsInner gifts or potential resources that tend to enhance

the energies of the other number; signals refined or amplified qualities of sensitivity, strength,

expressiveness and intuition.

Challenge: hypersensitive and nervous; stubborn, sarcastic, caustic expression; confused by internal

feelings or intuitions.