Creative Mini Squares



Creativity Project

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AESHM 222Creative Mini-Project 1:Square Challenge

Challenge:For this mini-project, we are going to practice a getting tone exercise (refer to p. 13 of the text) and do photo-exploring. You will need a digital camera or use your cell phone. You are off for a scavenger hunt.

What to do:Your task is to take TEN pictures of TEN different squares (note: perfect squares, NOT rectangles). It is recommended to take more than ten pictures so you could choose the ten best. The requirement for the pictures is that each square should take up the same amount of space and be framed in the same place in the photograph each time you take one. The point is to see familiar things (that you see every day and take for granted) in new and different ways. This ability is essential for creativity. Try to take pictures of something no one else in class would think of.

What to turn in: Select ten pictures of your favorite squares and copy and paste them in a Word file so you have five or so pictures per page. Important: before proceeding, you have to reduce the size of your pictures (see the next page for instructions) otherwise you will probably NOT be able to upload your project on to Blackboard. Add a caption for each photo explaining what it is. Convert the file to PDF format and submit through Blackboard.

Reducing the size of your pictures: In a Word file, click on a picture which size you want to reduce and Picture Tools will become active:

Click on the Picture Tools and select Compress Pictures a pop-up Window will allow you to select Options

In options, under Target output, select E-mail (96 ppi; minimize document size for sharing)

Exercise is adapted from Mamaw, S., & Oldfield, W. (2006). Caffeine for the Creative Mind.
