Creative commons i t


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Creative Commons

By: Erin Campbell and Christine Westgate

What it is/does

Creative commons is a nonprofit organization that works to put together a group of works that is available to the public for free.

Share Your Creations

CC Licenses

A creative common license is software license that gives the creators the right to set the terms of their license.

Gives everyone a simple way to grant similar copyright permissions to their work.

Terms of License

The license grants certain freedoms to the users of the property.

The owners still have some control and have the ability to make a profit off of the distribution of the work.

Origin Creative Commons was formed in

2001 and was the brilliant idea of Lawrence Lessig, a Stanford University law professor.

Before he started the company, he wrote the book Free Culture which started the Free Culture Movement.

Free Culture Movement

A social movement, especially popular among college students, that promoted the freedom to disperse and modify a body of works in the form of free content.

License Versions

There are four types of licenses : Licenses 1.0, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 1.0 licenses are just the initial

version released in 2002. 2.0-2004, 2.5-2005, 3.0-2007.

Possible Future Versions

Version 3.01 and 3.5 were in discussion in 2007.

The latest version in discussion is 4.0.

3.01 and 3.5 are no longer in discussion and will not be produced.

Purpose of CC licenses

They were designed to liberate intellectual property so that is can inspire and extend expression with consent from the original owner.

Four Types of CC Licenses Attribution: Allows others to copy, distribute, display,

and perform your copyrighted work. However they must give you credit how it’s requested.

Share Alike: Allows others to distribute work under a license that is identical to the license that governs your own work.

Four Types Of Licenses (cont…)

No Derivative Works: Allows others to copy, display, distribute, and perform only specific pieces of your work.

Non-Commercial: Allows others to copy, display, distribute, and perform your work for non-commercial reasons only.

CC Website

On the website you can search hundreds of millions of CC licensed works and create a license of your own. is the home page.

Nation Wide Success

Creative Commons Licenses have spread across the nations.

There are now nation-specific differences in copyright laws.

The owners can choose either a generic license or one that represents the laws in any of the three dozen countries involved.


Knowing clearly and up front what is permissible, users can remix, copy, distribute, and repurpose content according to the copyright owner’s preferences. Without simply making everything available to anyone CC invites and encourages people to use and share content in ways that benefit everyone.

Downsides to CC

The laws we have today regarding copyright are extremely complex

There is a huge range of jurisdictional differences that can be protected in copyright cases

Creative commons is made for easy use but this comes at the expense of understanding your risks.

CC Licenses

The four types of Licenses can be combined to make a very specific license

The Creative Commons Licenses approach falls somewhere between traditional licensing that doesn’t allow any copying or altering, and the GPL that allows any amount of copying and altering.

Very flexible system!

Real Life

Artists enjoy CC licenses because it allows them to make a living from the distribution of their work. But also allows others to build off the artists work and creativity.

Educators also enjoy CC because it’s a copyright license that is based on openness and sharing.

Real Life (cont…)

A photographer, for example, might choose to allow anyone to reproduce her photos or make derivative works from them, as long as it is done for noncommercial purposes.