Creative Arts PG Courses


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  • 7/27/2019 Creative Arts PG Courses



  • 7/27/2019 Creative Arts PG Courses


    Film makers creatingcinema, journalistsmaking the news,fashion on the catwalkand music burstingout of studios atthe University ofWestminster ouremphasis is oneducation through

    practice-informed learning.With one of the most varied arts and media

    portfolios in Europe, the School of Media,Arts and Design (MAD) prepares you notmerely to enter the creative industries, butto shape and lead them. Whether youreplanning to study cinema or sculpture,

    ne art or photography, you will have thechance to interact with and learn from adynamic community of students, scholarsand professionals from all over the world,in an environment as exciting and vibrantas the ones you are planning to enter.

    As a MAD student you will be encouragedto look beyond the obvious, work acrossboundaries and bring together skills andideas in new and exciting ways. For thereis no better way to experience the ever-changing world of the creative industriesthan to work alongside practitioners andscholars in all the disciplines, interactingand collaborating with photographers, lmmakers, artists, musicians and designers.

    Our team of leading researchers,practitioners and professionals will ensurethat you are equipped not merely to producework to the highest standard, but also withthe rigour and critical approach to understandits impact on audiences, clients and society.While acquiring technical and professionalskills, you will also learn to analyse andappreciate the context of your specialismand how it ts contemporary culture.

    Our unique concentration of disciplinesis housed in purpose-built professionalfacilities, making us one of Europes leadingcentres for higher education for the creativeindustries. The experience you receive in ourprofessional standard studios, workshops andlaboratories matches closely the environmentyou will be working in. Surrounded by artists,producers, journalists, designers andmusicians all intent on producing theirwork to the highest possible standards, youwill have the chance to collaborate withcolleagues in group projects and team work.

    The Schools emphasis on internationalexchange, collaboration and shared projectsmeans that you will develop the skills ofnegotiation, group practice, delegation

    and brieng which are ideal preparationfor employment in the arts and media.Postgraduate studies are supported by

    the Schools thriving research culture, whichachieved an outstanding rating for Art andDesign in the most recent Research AssessmentExercise, placed in the top seven institutionsin the country. The Centre for Research inEducation, Art and Media (CREAM) combinesrigorously scholarly research with thepractice-based work of our distinguishedstaff and doctoral students.

    The School of Media, Arts and Design offersyou a dynamic postgraduate experience,mixing with people from all over the worldwho, like yourself, will soon be making a namein lights, in print, on screens or in galleries.And you will remember them, and us, forever.

    Sally FeldmanDean, School of Media, Arts and Design

    postgraduateCreatIVe artsCoursesFull-tIme andpart-tIme

    WELCOME ........................................................... 2

    AOUT TE UERST OF WESTMSTER ............ 6

    L AD STUD LODO ..................... 8

    A TERATOAL EPERECE .........................10

    STUD AT WESTMSTER................................12

    ACCOMMODATO, FEES AD FUD............14

    LOCATO ..........................................................16

    ART AD DES ............................................... 20 art and medIa praCtICe ma ........................... 22

    desIgn For CommunICatIon ma ................. 28

    FASO............................................................ 34FashIon BusIness management ma ............36

    FLM ................................................................... 42FIlm and teleVIsIon:theory, Culture and Industry ma ................ 44sCreenwrItIng and produCIngFor FIlm and tV ma .........................................48

    MUSC................................................................ 52audIo produCtIon ma .................................. 54musIC BusIness management ma ................ 58

    POTORAP .................................................. 64photographIC studIes ma ............................ 66photojournalIsm ma ..................................... 72

    RESEARC .......................................................... 78

    E STAFF .......................................................... 80

    COTACT US ......................................................81





    Course enquIrIesSecond FloorCavendish ouse101 ew Cavendish StreetLondon W1W 6T: +44 (0)20 7915 5511E:

    postgraduateInFormatIoneVenIng datesisit our

    we prepare you notmerely to enter theCreatIVe IndustrIes,But to shape andlead them.

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    For more than 170 years the Universityof Westminster has been a place wherededicated and creative students haveenjoyed a vibrant learning environment,graduating with the skills they need tosucceed in their chosen career.

    As an international centre for learningand research, we are committed tocontinuing those traditions. We are leadingthe world in research in architecture, art,and media and communications, whileour research work in psychology, andother areas such as business, computing,law, life sciences and the environment,and planning, has been recognised asinternationally excellent. A wide range ofour courses have also received excellent

    quality ratings.Each year a diverse mix of students ofmany backgrounds and abilities join theWestminster family. We have more than20,000 students from over 150 nations(a quarter of whom are postgraduates),studying with us this year.

    From our prime locations across threelarge campuses in Londons West End,we are well connected to the Us majorcentres of media, business, law, science,and architecture. Our fourth campus inarrow is a hub for the study of mediaand the creative industries, with its ownon-site student village.

    And we are continuing to investin learning facilities and the studentenvironment. We have recently embarkedon a major redevelopment of studentsfacilities at our arrow and Marylebonecampuses, and a 2m modernisationprogramme for our life sciences laboratoriesis also underway.

    The University of Westminster has along-standing reputation for innovation andcreative development, and we showcasethe work of our students and others at ourunderground exhibition space, AmbikaP3, which is located at our MaryleboneCampus, and at London allery West atthe arrow Campus. We have recentlyopened a new gallery space at ourheadquarters at 309 Regent Street, offeringartists the opportunity to exhibit work atthis landmark location. The Regent Streetheadquarters is also home to the Us rstpublic cinema, the venue for the countrysrst public moving picture show held bythe Lumire brothers in 1986, and a majorfundraising campaign is now underway to

    restore and modernise this site.Studying for a postgraduate degreeis a challenging but extremely rewardingexperience. ou will develop specialistknowledge, hone your professional skills,and enhance your career prospects. To helpyou achieve your aims, we offer a maturestudy environment and a broad range ofcourses that respond to, and anticipatedevelopments in professional life.

    We have more than 900 teaching staffsupported by over 900 visiting subjectspecialists, delivering high-quality learningand research. Our libraries provide accessto more than 380,000 titles, 25,000e-journals, e-books, and hundreds of majorcommercial databases.

    Our Career Development Centrecan help you to nd exible work whileyou study, and whatever career youchoose, the service can help to developyour employability and offer advice onyour path after graduation. Our extensivenetwork of tutors, administrators, counsellors,health service, nancial advisers and achaplaincy is there to support you in everyaspect of your life at Westminster, and ourlively and active Students Union offersa large number of student societies fora wide range of interests.

    Westminster develops graduateswho can succeed in an uncertain andincreasingly international workplace.We hope to help you develop both theknowledge and the life skills you willneed to succeed.




    ish ishvanathPhotojournalism MA

  • 7/27/2019 Creative Arts PG Courses



    London is one of the worlds most vibrantand exciting cities. From business andnance to fashion, art, music, cinemaand sport, London is where things tendto happen rst. And as one of the citys

    400,000 students, much of what happensin the capital is within your reach.mportantly, making the most of London

    doesnt have to be expensive. Withsubstantial student discounts and many ofthe citys attractions being free, youll alwaysnd ways to make your money go further.

    Despite the size of the city, travelis usually straightforward with goodunderground, bus (including night buses)and train networks, and student discountsare available on Transport for London (TfL)travelcards. London is well connected byrail and road to the rest of the U andEurope, and there are global air linksthrough the citys ve major airports.

    The University of Westminsters centralLondon campuses are within easy reachof many famous landmarks and institutionsincluding the ouses of Parliament, the C,the Stock Exchange, the ritish Library andthe ritish Museum. Alternatively, if youchoose to study in arrow, you can combinethe advantage of a residential green sitewith easy accessibility to all that Londonhas to offer.

    The University is also ideally located tonetwork with the citys business leaders andemployers, so we can offer great placementsand work opportunities for our students.And with the ritish Library, the Universityof London Library and the archives ofmany institutions and professional bodies

    all close at hand, there is a huge varietyof reference books and information tohelp you with your studies.

    Culture and entertainmentLondon is home to more than 250 art anddesign galleries, over 600 cinema screens,and 200-plus theatres. The city also boastsa particularly vibrant music scene, rangingfrom rock, dance and pop, to world andclassical music, a level of variety matchedby Londons exciting nightlife. And there isno shortage of places for socialising anddining out, with world cuisines representedat prices to suit everyone.

    f your passion is for fashion andshopping rather than traditional culture,London is home to designers such asivienne Westwood, and the city isfamous for its markets.

    Football, rugby, cricket and athleticsare among the sports that feature highon Londons leisure scene, at l egendaryvenues such as Wembley, Twickenhamand Lords. And the worlds greatestsporting event, the Olympics, will behosted here in 2012. ut if you preferyour leisure activities to be more relaxed,London is a city of over 140 parks;39 per cent of the city is green space.



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    With one of the Us largest internationalstudent populations, the University ofWestminster has plenty of experience ingiving you the help and support you needto make the most of your time with us. eforeyou arrive, you will receive a full informationpack with details of your enrolment,healthcare and other information. ou will beregarded as a priority for accommodation,but it is still important to apply early. Wealso provide a meet and greet service forstudents landing at eathrow and atwickairports on specic days towards the end ofSeptember. Our team will meet you at theairport, and arrange transport for you totravel with other international students to youralls of Residence or private accommodation.

    Once you are here, we can give youcomprehensive help and assistance includinga whole range of services and activities tohelp you settle in. The nternational StudentsWelcome Programme gives you the chanceto meet fellow new students and Westminsterstaff, nd your way around the Universityand London, learn about our facilities andservices, and meet current internationalstudents. For more information

    Meet us in your countryMembers of the University frequently traveloverseas to meet and interview potentialstudents at exhibitions, schools, partnerinstitutions, alumni receptions and otherevents. We also work with representativesaround the world who can help you withyour application on our behalf. tosee our calendar of visits and a full list ofthe overseas representatives we work with.

    English language courses and supportWe run a number of English languagecourses, from stand-alone short courses(including ELTS preparation)to specic Masters preparation and

    pre-sessional courses, as well as courseson English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

    Pre-sessional English coursef you have been offered a place on aMasters or research degree at Westminster,our pre-sessional English course will helpyou to develop the language and studyskills you will need. Over 11 weeks(if you have a current ELTS score of 5.5)or six weeks (for those with an ELTSscore of 6.0), this intensive coursewill bring your English level up to theequivalent of an ELTS score of 6.5, theminimum requirement for most of ourtaught Masters courses and researchprogrammes. For more information

    Study Abroad ProgrammeStudents currently enrolled in any universityin the world can choose to study abroadat the University of Westminster for either asummer, semester or full year and transferthe Westminster credits to your degree. oucan also choose to combine this experiencewith a work placement, ensuring that yourglobal skills set is enhanced further.

    f you missed out on a study abroadexperience at the undergraduate levelor are studying at the Masters level, oreven just wish to make a study abroadexperience a part of your careerdevelopment or year out activities, youcan join our raduate Study Abroadprogramme for one semester and takea range of our graduate level modules.For more information

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    ATWESTMinSTER how to apply andentry requIrements

    Taught MastersThe University of Westminster acceptsapplications through the national, onlineU Postgraduate Application and StatisticalService (UPASS) system. Once you haveregistered you can apply free of charge,and there is no application deadline forUPASS, so you can make your coursechoices one at a time or all together;for more information and to apply,visit

    ou can also apply directly tothe University, either online via the

    individual course descriptions, orby printing an application form can also contact our Course EnquiriesOfce on +44 (0)20 7915 5511, or

    nternational students can getan application pack from one ofour partners around the world,

    Entry requirementsMost courses have the following minimumstandard entry requirements:

    a good rst onours degreefrom a recognised university, orqualication or experience deemedto be equivalent, and

    English language competency judgedsufcient to undertake advanced level

    study, equivalent to an ELTS scoreof at least 6.5 (or as specied in thecourse criteria).

    f your rst qualication is fromoutside of the U please have a information on our requirements fromyour country.

    Any specic entry requirements for acourse are given in the course description.

    Research degreesSeparate application and admissionprocedures apply for MPhil/PhD researchdegrees. Once you have checked that youmeet the minimum entry requirements (seeResearch section, p78), you should requestan application pack, from the ResearchTeam, Academic Services,University of Westminster, telephone+44 (0)20 7911 5731, or

    For more information on how to applyfor a research degree

    ou should complete the applicationform and include:

    an outline project proposal two condential academic references appropriate academic transcripts evidence of English qualications

    if applicable.

    f you are suitably qualied and wecan offer supervision in your chosenarea, you will need to attend a formalinterview telephone interviews may bearranged if you are based abroad. Theadmissions timetable is available

    Gaining credit for whatyou have learnedour previous study or experience, whetherthrough paid work or in a voluntary capacity,may mean you can gain exemption from

    some modules. owever, it is up to you tomake a claim if you think you may be eligible.The process is rigorous, but guidance isavailable from the admissions tutor or courseleader of your preferred course of study.Credit will only be awarded for learningthat is current and that relates to the aimsand content of the course for which youare applying.

    Course struCture

    Master of Arts (MA)

    Full-time studyCourses last for one calendar year(48 weeks). ou will probably attend theUniversity for seminars or lectures at leasttwo days a week during the teaching year(31 weeks). The delivery and assessment oftaught modules will normally be carried outbetween September and June, but its likelythat you will need to study over the summermonths for your independent research usually a project or dissertation.

    Part-time studyThere are part-time routes in mostsubjects, and you can study during theday or the evening, or a mixture of both.Achieving a postgraduate qualicationpart-time normally takes at least a year(usually two), studying two evenings eachweek of the academic year, with a furthersix to 12 hours each week of personalstudy. Some employers enable you tostudy by day release from work, whileintensive block study courses (see r ight)allow you to study full-time for one weekfollowed by 12 weeks of personal studyusing an ndependent Learning Package(LP) approach.

    Modular schemeModular study schemes are based ona system of accumulating credits, andoffer the most exibility and choice inyour course programme. ou can transfercredits you have gained to other coursesor institutions, and every course combinescore and option modules which, as youcomplete them, bring you closer to gainingyour higher degree.

    our previous study or experience,whether through paid work or in avoluntary capacity, may mean you cangain exemption from some modules. TheAssessment of Prior Certicated Learning(APCL) accredits certicated learningsuch as Open University modules or

    in-company training. The Assessmentof Prior Experiential Learning (APEL)recognises knowledge or skills acquiredthrough life, work experience or study such as computer programming ororganisational skills which have not beenformally recognised by any academic orprofessional certication.

    Intensive block studySome Masters courses are offered inshort, intensive study periods of one tofour weeks. They are full-time and mayinclude weekend and weekday study.Single postgraduate modules cansometimes be studied in this way.

    MPhil/PhD courses

    See the research section on p78.

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    ESAnDFUnDing Fees, FundIng

    and sCholarshIpsStudying at university is a long-terminvestment in your future, and one whichcan make a signicant difference tocareer prospects and your earning power.ut to be able to make the most of yourtime at Westminster, its also importantto work out how you will pay your fees,accommodation and day-to-day expenseswhile you are here.

    Most taught Masters fees are chargedby band, although there are someexceptions. Fees increase each year,normally in line with the rate of ination.owever, there are currently major changes

    expected to be made regarding fees andstudent nance for September 2012,and for the latest information please

    The University of Westminster has themost generous scholarship scheme of anyritish university. The value of the scheme

    for 2011 entry was close to 5m, includingmore than 2.5m in scholarships for ourinternational students. We would hopeto be able to continue to provide similarlevels of scholarship funding for 2012and beyond. As soon as scholarshipfunding levels have been conrmed,we will publish details on our website, check the site regularly for updates.

    Once you have been offered a place(conditional or unconditional) on apostgraduate or PhD course you canapply for a scholarship, including alumni

    awards for Westminster graduates whowish to return to study at Masters level.Scholarships are competitive and havestrict deadlines. The deadline for full-timeU and EU students is 2 April 2012,and for international students is31 May 2011. For more information

    aCCommodatIonAfter choosing your course, one of yourbiggest decisions will be where to live,and we aim to make that choice as easyas possible. Whether you decide to livein our alls of Residence or in privatehousing, we can help you to nd theright accommodation. For more details,virtual tours of our alls of Residenceand an online hall application form,

    Halls of ResidencePostgraduate students based in centralLondon can apply for a place in Londonhalls, while arrow-based students mayapply for the on-site halls of residence. Allhalls are self-catering, usually with singlestudy bedrooms. They have laundry facilitiesand shared kitchens with microwaves,cookers and fridge-freezers. edrooms aregenerally arranged in groups of ats, mostof which accommodate six students.

    Postgraduates in halls share ats with otherpostgraduates or with nal year students.Other London halls offer a range of roomtypes and prices, and are located verycentrally or in areas with their owndistinctive neighbourhood appeal. Wigramouse is normally reserved for postgraduatesonly. f you are a full-time, full-yearpostgraduate you can apply online for aplace in halls of residence as soon as youhave rmly accepted your offer of a placeon a course. Around two thirds of thosewho apply receive an offer of a place, andif you accept the offer you will need to paya deposit and your rent in advance.

    Private accommodationf you prefer a more independent lifestyle,there is a huge supply of rented housingin London at a wide range of prices.Rents depend on where you live but, as anexample, the majority of students studying incentral London commute from travel zones2 or 3 (just outside the central area), whereyou can expect to pay from 90 per weekfor a room in a shared at or house.

    We can offer all students comprehensiveadvice on nding suitable privateaccommodation, and a good startingpoint is to attend one of our housingmeetings in August and September. ereyou can get a range of housing informationand tips on successful at hunting, as wellas meeting other students to form groups toat hunt together.

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    loCatIonf you study at theUniversity of Westminster,

    everything that London hasto offer is on your doorstep.Our central Londoncampuses are ideally locatedfor shopping, eating out,enjoying Londons nightlifeor just simply relaxing. Asa University of Westminsterstudent you will have accessto all the facilities theUniversity has to offer onall four of its campuses.

    Cavendish Campusis situated in the artistic

    and bohemian area ofFitzrovia, with OxfordStreet, Regents Park andthe ritish Museum only aten-minute walk away andthe peaceful Fitzroy Squarejust around the corner.

    MaryleboneCampusis opposite MadameTussauds, just off akerStreet and close tothe elegant shoppingavailable on Maryleboneigh Street. Five minutesaway is the vast greenspace of Regents Park.

    RegentCampus issituated on and aroundone of the busiest streetsin London, home to a widerange of bustling shops,cafs and restaurants andjust a couple of minutes

    walk from Oxford Street.

    n north west London,Harrow Campus is just20 minutes by Tube fromcentral London, and closeto arrow town centre. ereyou will nd major retailstores, a civic centre, anarts centre and a multiplexcinema. earby arrow-on-the-ill is a historicvillage offering a richlycontrasting atmosphere.

    The School of Media, Artsand Design is based atour arrow Campus.

    School LocationUniversity of WestminsterWatford Roadorthwick ParkMiddlesex A1 3TP



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    oi iv ci i cic xic, b i -c i k b i i ki ccic i i, i v ibi x c xibii ii, k ci v a di ma.

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    Peter Roachead of Art and Design



    0 21


    Leftadia ovalevaDesign for Communication MA

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    artandmedIapraCtICemaART AD MEDA


    Length of courseOne-year, full-time; normally two-year,part-time, but up to ve years



    This innovative project-based coursefocuses on new fusions of art practice andtheory. ou will develop personal creative

    work across a broad spectrum of art andmedia practices within the context ofcontemporary critical debates.

    Responding to demand for practice-basedopportunities, the course has built on thediversity of our creative and critical expertisein combinations of three key areas:

    time-based work, including lm, video,animation, sound and performance,interactive digital media, CD-ROM,websites and interactive installation

    art in the public domain (whetherphysical,virtual or social), which exploressustainability and environment, fusionsbetween traditional and new technologies,and socially engaged and situated practices

    working across two, three and fourdimensions, in areas including painting,digital imaging, design photography,installation, ceramics, sculpture and

    moving image.




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    artandmedIapraCtICemaCourse Content

    our project forms the centre of yourstudies, and you devise and develop itsupported by research-active supervisorsfrom the School of Media, Arts and Design,visiting speakers, technical facility centres,seminars, presentations and tutorials. ouwill learn to develop a professional-qualityproject that proceeds from research andexperimentation to public manifestation.our individual skills can be enhanced byan excellent supporting programme oftechnical workshops. ou are expectedto be highly self-motivated and able toundertake individual research from the start.

    Core modulesThis module gives you the opportunity todevelop a self-reective perspective fromthe analytical to the poetic through thedevelopment of critical writing focused onthe personal project.

    Project One and Project Twoou will experiment with and develop acreative project which, once completed,will be sited in the public domain. ou willreceive all the support described above, aswell as developing the necessary skills andknowledge through the following modules.

    Research MethodsThis module introduces you to a widerange of research processes suitable forpractice-based projects, from standardreferencing and web-search to action

    research and visual experimentation.

    Technical WorkshopsDuring the rst semester we run a seriesof optional training sessions for thoseinterested in digital moving image andrelated areas, such as the use of equipmentand cameras, Final Cut Pro, audio andSoundtrack, and DD authoring. Wealso arrange group sessions customisedaccording to what other skill areas studentsfeel they need to expand to develop theirproject proposals, and individual supportis provided as the course progresses. naddition we run a skills bank where studentstransfer skills on a more informal basis.

    Thinking PracticesA forum for ideas and debates that informart and media practices, using blogging,group discussions and presentations.

    ou can also choose an option module(20 credits) from a wide variety of coursesin the University, providing it is at MA level.

    assoCIated Careersraduates from the course go on to workin a wide range of roles in the creativeand cultural industries, including animator,camera person, editor, freelance artistor media practitioner, graphic or web

    designer, lecturer, researcher or teacher.

    entry requIrementsou will need a good rst degree orequivalent, or a substantial body ofpersonal work. ou are assessed on yourportfolio of work (digital or physical)and project proposal, and interviewed inperson or by phone. ou should have anunderstanding of critical issues in art ormedia debates and be able to contributeto discussions and written work in Englishat an appropriate level (an ELTS score of6.5 or equivalent).

    related CoursesDesign for Communication MA

    n 2008 enrolled ontothe Art and MediaPractice MA and fromthe onset felt it wasthe best decision

    had made in years. returned to studybecause needed to reinvigorate myart practice after nine years of workingas an Art Lecturer in an FE college.

    The course allowed me to getback into not only practical artmaking but also into engaging inacademic debate.

    am now making and exhibitingwork in addition to my teaching career.

    SuSan Luqanart and medIa praCtICe ma

    chose the Art and MediaPractice MA course as it offered theunique opportunity as a lmmaker towork,debate, learn from, and alongsidea broad range of art and media

    practitioners; from sculptors toweb designers.t was an extremely enriching

    experience to be spurred beyondthe boundaries of your chosenmedium; the course has helped megrow immeasurably both theoreticallyand technically as aprofessional practitioner.

    PabL brandaart and medIa praCtICe mawhIte penCIl eeCutIVe-d&ad

    Top rightSousan LuqmanEnlightenmentsArt and Media Practice MA

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    artandmedIapraCtICema guest leCturers

    Throughout the course you will be taughtby a wide variety of guest lecturers whowill bring relevance and outside knowledgeto all aspects of your study. Past guestlecturers have included:

    Patricia BickersArt historian and Editor ofArt Monthly

    Carol BurnsPoet and performer

    Andrew CarmichaelCreative space agent

    Mark Deanideo artist

    Stefan GecArtist

    John GotoPhotographer

    Sunil GuptaPhotographer, curator and writer

    James LingwoodCo-director, Artangel Trust

    Kate McGarryArt gallery director

    Anita McKeownArtist and curator

    Zadoc NavaFilm maker

    Michael Petryideo artist, curator and author

    David PowellConsultant on 2012 Olympics Cultural Plan

    Professor Jane Prophetnstallation and digital artist

    Peter RideArtistic Director, DA2

    Terry SmithArtist

    Jane TrowellPLATFORM Arts

    Dr Nigel WarburtonPhilosopher and author

    Key staFFPete OwenCourse Leader

    Petes practice includes painting, sculpture,drawing, mixed-media and current areas of work include digitalimages of a still life that is regularlybut unconsciously changed by humanintervention, text-based drawings andpaintings exploring the marginal displacedand misplaced, and gutter paintings aseries of paintings inspired by the spatialand aesthetic qualities of the surfaces ofroads and pavements. Previouslyco-organiser of London artist run galleryCity Racing, Pete was Senior Lecturer in

    Painting/Fine Art ant ull School of Art andDesign from 1991-2004, and becameSenior Lecturer in Fine Art and ContextualStudies on the Mixed Media Fine Art A atWestminster in 2005.

    Ranita ChatterjeeModule Leader Research Methods

    Ranita is a researcher,lm curator and culturalprogrammer, has done Tproduction, direction and

    writing for programmes aired on ndianand international T channels, T(18) ndia.

    ETOS include: The WomansWorld, lm curation at WM, ew Delhi,September 2005. Monthly curated lmscreenings at Sarai, CSDS, Delhi, 2002-2005. Curation of ideo & ew Media

    Art from India, idarte 2002, Mexico City.Old Pathways-New Travellers: ew Media,Electronic Music & Digital Art Practicesin the Asia-Pacic Region, nternationalColloquium, organising by Digi ArtsProgramme, UESCO, & Sarai, ewDelhi, December 2003.

    Ben JoinerCourse Leader

    en is a renowned sculptorin the London art scene. ehas exhibited throughoutLondon, Switzerland, SouthAfrica and Scotland and

    has worked on numerous commissionedprojects. en is also Course Leader of theMixed Media Fine Art A onours degreeat Westminster.

    Paula RoushModule Leader Thinking Practices

    Paula is an artist and lecturer, researchingthe intersection of artistic practice with theareas of curating, writing and interests include the themes of mobility,nomadism, post-colonial and spatialtheories, diasporic art strategies, artistsbooks and self-publishing technologies. Sheis senior lecturer in digital photographyat the London South ank University,where she teaches photo publishing andresearches the uses of social media in theTeaching and Learning of Digital Media.She co-curated Local worlds: spaces,visibilities and transcultural ows at theCentro Cultural de Lagos (Portugal), andKISSS: kinship international strategy onsurveillance and suppression at Castleeldallery, Manchester.

    Peggy Atherton, Sarah Pucill,Stuart Cumberland and Tessa Petersare additional key staff members on the Artand Media Practice MA.

    Belowow by rina CordubanArt and Media Practice MA

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    Course ContentThe content of the course is industryfocused, and encompasses issues centralto contemporary design practice througha process of analysis, experimentation andthe practical testing and implementationof creative ideas.

    Core modulesBusiness for Designn this module you will examine theprofessional context for design business,management and enterprise. Through aseries of lectures and seminars the modulewill focus on practices appropriate tofreelance and small businesses. ou willexamine key elements of professionalpractice, and gain insights into the designbusiness through site visits and guestlectures from industry professionals. Themodule will give practical advice for startingup in business, covering topics includingforming and naming your business, choosingand setting up premises, creative thinkingand project management, copyright andintellectual property rights, and marketingand managing your business.

    Critical Debates in Designou will address and review currentvisual, social and technological debatesin design, and develop informed views oncontemporary topics in design. The modulewill explore the role of the designersresponsibilities in a social, cultural andeconomic sense, the role of the designer

    in communicating to audiences, and theconstruction of meaning in verbal andvisual language. ou will increase yourawareness of debates and issues inthe design eld and hone your incisivethinking skills alongside technical abilities.ou will develop an engaged reectivepractice to make more effective use of yourperceptions and discoveries, and workpractically and creatively with referenceto a wider cultural context.

    Design Project A: Visual IdentityDuring this module you will focus on visualidentity and how an entity declares itselfwithin an environment. isual identity is oneof the central tasks of design. Organisationspreviously described their identities as theirhouse style, then their corporate identity;more recently the term branding has beenpreferred. The module encourages thedevelopment of distinctive graphic andtypographic visual language through visualidentity for specic target audiences. ou willdevelop a range of graphic and image-basedsolutions, through collaboration, groupworking and presentations of case studies,while building contacts with industry.

    Design Project B: Design Authorshipuilding on the experience you gain inProject A, in this module you will focuson publishing and design authorship,acquiring skills in areas such as editorial,magazine, book design, e-book, interactiveand website design. ou will examinethe traditional role of the designer asfacilitator, the use of design to communicateother peoples messages, and the notionof designer as author. ou can workon competitions, external projects,collaborative cross-course projects, andself-dened projects, as appropriate, andwherever possible we will run trainingsessions and workshops, to give you thechance to improve your existing visualcommunication skills and develop new ones.

    Design Research MethodsThis module enables you to develop yourresearch skills and methods at a deeperlevel, in preparation for further studyat doctorate level and for professionalpractice. t introduces the eld of designresearch as an analytical and practicaltool for designers, and establishes therole of critical thinking as a support tothe development of an engaged designpractice. Theoretical models of designanalysis covered include semiotics,communication theory, systematicapproaches, semantics and discoursetheory. The emphasis will be on why we dowhat we do and how we can ensure it iseffective, through research testing, feedbackand a rigorous approach to design.





    Length of courseOne-year, full-time



    This new Masters reects the multidisciplinarynature of contemporary communications,

    bringing together key subject disciplinesin visual communication including graphicdesign, animation, digital media andillustration. The course will help you todevelop the analytical skills and generateconceptual thinking needed to prepare forhigh-level professional practice.

    We are committed to having abroad scope of activities on the course,from traditional graphic skills to futurecommunication delivery methods. Thecourse offers strong links to new mediaindustries, and we work in collaborationwith them, and use their advice andexpertise, in the ongoing developmentof the course content.

    This is an ambitious programme forstudents who want to realise their creativepotential and self-reliance, working as afreelance or small business operators inthe challenging and changing world ofthe creative communication industries.

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    Key staFFPeter SmithCourse Leader

    Peter is CreativeDirector at OpenmindDesign Consultancy, anindependent branding anddesign consultancy. is

    experience covers working as a creativedirector on major European brand identityprogrammes, and he has been responsiblefor naming, brand design, literature design,conventional and online guidelines, onlinecommunications, corporate advertising andinterior design projects for a wide rangeof clients. Peter is a fellow of the Chartered

    Society of Designers and has won awardsfrom the ew ork Art Directors Club,ew ork Type Directors Club and theMinerva award for corporate identity.e has lectured in graphic design atMiddlesex University, RavensbourneCollege of Art and Central St Martins.

    Amanda SleetModule Leader,Design Research Methods

    Amanda is a designpractitioner and educatorworking across the publicsector, in areas of social

    inclusion, health and well-being and publicservice design. She is a founder memberof the design group Man-Made, andworks independently and collaborativelyon human-centred design solutions andsystems. Amanda studied Communication

    Design at the Royal College of Art andthe Reitvelt Academy olland, and as adesigner has worked across disciplinesto innovate through design, scienceand technology, using lm to captureinsight into human centred problems.As well as teaching Design ResearchMethods Amanda mentors the RSA designcompetition projects, and is currentlyresearching emotional and sensoryapproaches to well-being.

    guest leCturersThroughout the course you will attendadditional lectures that will bring relevanceand outside knowledge to all aspects of yourstudy. Past guest lecturers have included:

    Yoko AkamaAkama Design

    Bernie BowersAppleby owers Creative Associates

    Neville BrodyResearch Studios

    Ivan ChermayeffChermayeff & eismar

    David Hillman

    PentagramHarry PearcePentagram

    Paula ScherPentagram

    Andy Vellaella Design




    Major Project/ExhibitionThis module enables individual studentsand student teams to initiate, produce,manage and present a comprehensivedesign project. The major project is asummation of experience in which youfocus your interests, skills and aspirationsas designers, and express them in asubstantial project. The intended targetaudience, design strategy, designexploration, research testing, conceptdevelopment and the chosen mode ofpresentation of the nished concepts, areamong the key issues you will cover andimplement. This project will showcaseyour potential as a visual communicationdesigner and demonstrate your ability towork at a high level of professional practice.

    assoCIated CareersAs a graduate from this course you willbe well placed to work across all sectorsof the design and visual communicationsindustries. ou will have the knowledgeand background to consider setting upyour own design company, or to workon a freelance basis within this livelyand expanding sector, building on yourexpertise and potential to be inuentialwithin the visual communication industry.

    entry requIrementsou should normally have a good rstdegree or a professional qualication inan area of art, design or visual media.Students with other rst degrees willbe considered, but will be required toshow evidence that they possess someknowledge of, and a practice in visual artor design. ome applicants will be askedto attend an interview with the course team.Overseas students will be asked to submita portfolio either by post or electronically. tis essential that you have a good commandof spoken and written English language(an ELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent).

    related CoursesArt and Media Practice MA

    AboveDilsah EkeDesign for Communication MA

    efore completing theMA, had a graphicdesign and a 3Danimation degree. was more of a digitaldesigner and thiscourse through various

    briefs and essential guidance helpedme explore my creativity and becomean all round designer. t was an opencourse allowing students to developinnovative ideas and transform theminto concrete projects with real outputs.An overall enjoyable and very fullling

    year that lead me to my currentposition as a graphic designer atStrategic Fusion in London.

    ChrySSanth SkaLtdesIgn For CommunICatIon ma

    had a truly amazingtime on the MA Designfor Communication.ot only did it improvemy skills on designsoftwares, but gaveme the condence

    was missing to be a truly gooddesigner. Peter and Amandas constantattention and feedback made mequickly improve my eye for detail,typography and image making. t wasalso a great opportunity to meet peoplewho had similar interests as me but

    with different backgrounds, creatingrelationships that were easy going andvery rewarding, making me a part ofan interesting design network. alwayshad a big interest in fashion andphotography, after the MA found anew passion which is typography andnow combine alot of it in my work. am currently freelancing from homeon different projects that include brandidentity and pattern making.

    brun Lena desIgn For CommunICatIon ma

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    17/43 33

    The Dames MoveJessa FairbrotherPhotographic Studies MA

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    Fi b h C v . w fii c v i c i c i ii i i ci iki, c i i.

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    Alan Fisheread of Fashion

    LeftAlice Carvill, 2011



    4 35

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    Course ContentThis course equips you for a businessmanagement career in the domestic orinternational fashion industry. Deliveredby a teaching team with a wide range ofexperience both in industry and academia,the course offers an innovative andrelevant fashion business curriculum thatfocuses on preparing your entry intosenior roles in business and managementwithin the industry.

    semester oneCore modules

    Global Sourcing and Supply ChainManagementWith global product sourcing dynamicsshifting constantly and more businessopportunities emerging around the world,sourcing fashion products from the rightlocations to ensure you create an organisationthat can deliver the right product in theright place at the right time, whilst buildingprotable relationships with suppliers,balancing both cost and risk with leadtimes are the key challenges facing theglobal fashion industry.

    The concept of an idea, making itcommercial for a particular market andensuring it reaches the customer when theywant it, involves a complex route with areal understanding of the supply chain.This module is designed to explore avariety of perspectives on global productsourcing and global supply chain issues

    with the aim of preparing you for thechallenges of developing and maximisinga strategy whilst still responding efcientlyand effectively to constant changes inconsumer demand.

    Leadership and People ManagementAs organisations evolve globally, leadersface new opportunities, risks and demandsthat challenge and stretch their abilities inthe context of leading, managing andcommunicating with people of both differentcultures and management structures.Leadership in a diverse and multiculturalenvironment provides a culturally-centredperspective allowing organisational leadersthe opportunity to attend to the inuenceof culture. This module will help you ndexamples of how multicultural awarenesscan make your leadership task easierand promotes an organisational culturethat is more satisfying to both individualsand their leaders by embracing and

    celebrating differences.

    Strategic Fashion ManagementThis module covers the theories, models,tools and methodologies used in the eldof strategic management. t aims to enhanceyour ability to play an effective role indeveloping, implementing and monitoringstrategy within a business. The moduleespecially aims to help develop a criticalawareness of the management of creativityand design within a global context.

    semester twoCore modules

    Finance and Risk ManagementThis module represents a mixture ofnancial and management accounting,corporate nance and risk management.

    The principles and concepts underlyingeach of these subject areas are examinedwith particular emphasis being placedupon their practical application in theinternational fashion industry.





    Length of courseOne-year, full-time

    Locationarrow and central London


    This course will equip you with thestrategic decision-making, leadershipand problem-solving skills you will needto become an entrepreneurial and visionary

    retail leader of the future. t continuesthe Universitys fashion tradition of acommitment to excellence in developinghighly effective, talented and committedprofessional fashion graduates.

    Working closely with fashion industryprofessionals, role models and mentors,you will receive a relevant, well-grounded,high-quality education and skill baseenabling you to have a wider, clearerunderstanding of the business you arealready involved in. The course offersinside knowledge of industry strategies andcultures on a global basis, combined withkey business skills and essential fashionindustry management knowledge.

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    Industry links

    The idea of a Fashion usinessManagement MA was formulated indiscussion with industry leaders. uildingon the success of our Fashion MerchandiseManagement A in particular the closecollaboration with industry we spokeextensively to senior fashion executives.Many felt that while doing an MA inFashion usiness Management would notensure promotion, potential candidateswho learn how to apply the knowledgethey gain from the course can becomeleaders who can inspire others. Thosecandidates need to understand the valuesand culture of the industry and, mostimportantly, recognise the differencebetween information and knowledgeand have clearly dened goals.

    This support from industry is importantto us on the course, both for you as astudent and for the future developmentand relevance of the MA. Will continue tofoster and maintain these important linkswith the fashion industry, to ensure thatour Fashion usiness Management MA isconsistently relevant and at the forefrontof education for the future leaders in thefashion industry. We will also continue toinvite many prestigious and eminent guestspeakers from the industry to participateon all the modules, ensuring that the courseremains relevant, informed and up to datewith current industry practice.

    To give you an insight into how theindustry views the course, here are someof the comments we have received fromthe leaders within the fashion industry.

    assoCIated CareersThe course is designed to attract applicantswith a recognised design, retail managementor distribution/manufacturing background.With guidance from the academics andprofessionals in this eld it is anticipated thatyou will go on to enter senior managementpositions and move up the career ladder.

    entry requIrementsEntry to the course is based on acombination of formal qualications andsignicant industry experience. ou shouldhave a First or Upper Second in your rstdegree in any subject, as well as a minimum

    of two years working experience in thefashion industry after graduation, althoughthree years experience is preferred.

    Key staFFVirginia GroseCourse leader

    Originally trained as a fashion designer atManchester Polytechnic irginia has workedin the fashion industry for more than 25years. Most of irginias experience is inthe supply chain and product developmentsectors. She gained her professionalexperience with Courtaulds Textiles supplyingseveral major U and international retailers,and has worked with a wide range ofinternational clients such Marks & Spencer,Wal-Mart, JC Penney, ictorias Secret and arange of luxury cashmere brands includingelinda Robertson, and Joseph.

    irginia achieved an MA in Retailingat Scotlands Stirling University, where shespecialised in international retailing andmarketing. er research interests includeethical trade slow fashion and luxury goods.

    What advantages does an MAgive people in their careers ingeneral, and in retail specically?

    t would be the icingon the cake. The rstpriority is that thecandidate needs tohave the essentialretail disciplines.owever,

    postgraduate studies would certainlybe an opportunity to developleadership skills and take awider perspective.

    Stuart rSeChaIrman, marKs & spenCer



    anagementma Global Fashion MarketingWith the impact of global competition

    in the fashion industry at its ercest, it isimperative that companies understandand develop successful and effectivemarketing strategies for products, brandsand the mass market as well as the luxurygoods market. This module will stimulatecritical and intellectual skills and allow youto explore the challenges of developingglobal marketing strategies. t will include:

    an understanding of the globalfashion market

    the global marketing mix

    the consumer

    how to make appropriate productadaptations to meet consumer demands

    developing the strategies to protectand ensure effective intellectual propertyprotection for a brand

    ensuring and effectively developing andovercoming the challenges to successfullyunderstand how to penetrate the marketin order to balance a competitiveadvantage with protability in the globalfashion market.

    Managing Change and Innovationlobalisation of the industry and signicanttechnological advances has led to anincreased variety and velocity of changegreater than experienced in the past.Managers in the industry today need tobe alert to these changes and know howto manage them. This module looks athow a fashion business can successfullyinnovate and how the changes need tobe managed to be successful. This modulewill be discovering and then analysingthe theory and practice of the managementof change and nnovation.

    Fashion BusinessManagement Project

    Supervised by a faculty member incollaboration with yourself and a potentialfashion industry representative, the Fashionusiness Management project is recognisedby graduates as one of the most rewardingand empowering experiences of theentire programme.

    The Fashion usiness Managementproject is the capstone of the learningin the programme. t builds on the skillsand experience derived from the previousmodules. ou will be provided with theopportunity to apply all of the knowledgegained during the programme into a majorproject to address global fashion industryissues and challenges while adding tothe body of professional practice andtheoretical literature.

    Some people makea career out of

    studying for selfknowledge, butknowing how toapply it is the mostimportant thing.

    Those that can apply knowledge arethe leaders who will inspire others;they have to understand values andculture and the difference betweeninformation and knowledge, andthey have to have goals.

    PhL WrLeyFormerChIeF eeCutIVe, new looK2000 2010

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    0 41

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    t d Fi wi i vib i c , i i f i. I vi-c c i f vii ci f v, i k dc -dc c iic cic icii.wi bi i, cci k

    i f, vi ciii, i

    vi i i.

    Andy Goldingead of Film



    2 43

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    Course ContentThe course is built on a series of taughtmodules, each requiring written researchessays or projects for assessment. ou willalso embark upon a 10,000-word researchthesis, in an area of your specialist interest,to complete your studies.

    This is an option-based course, and youcan choose from the range of modules onoffer from three pathways theory, cultureand industry although you do not needto follow any particular pathway in yourchoice of modules. Some modules arebiased more towards contemporary issuessuch as distribution, exhibition, festivalsand the global lm industry, and someare biased towards cultural context andhistorical background. Others pursue morespecic concerns of lm and televisiontheory, criticism, analysis and lm history.

    aving worked in thelm industry for three

    years, missed havingtime to deal with thesubject of lm in anacademic way somuch that decided to

    go back to Westminster where haddone my A onours.

    can strongly recommend thiscourse to anyone that has a seriousinterest in cinema! The choice ofmodules was varied, includingeverything from experimental lmsto the ollywood studio system. And

    the dedication and enthusiasm of thetutors for their topics was rewardingand infectious.

    Through the course discoveredand learnt to appreciate new aspectsof lm. enjoyed it so much that am now looking to apply for a PhDbased on my dissertation.

    kathrn VLaSta WdtL,uK and swIterland,FIlm and tV ma, graduated 2000

    at has worked as assistant camera onFantastic Mr Fox(2009) and is pursuingfurther research on her thesis project.

    I C Fx sci pic


    Length of courseOne-year, full-time or two to ve-years,part-time

    Locationarrow and central London (Regent)


    This is the longest-running postgraduate

    course in the country in the study of lmand television, and it retains its strongreputation within the lm sector. n additionto theoretical, cultural and criticaldimensions, you will gain an overview ofthe international lm industry both historicand contemporary. ou will also investigateproduction, distribution, exhibition andmarketing, from mainstream commercialproductions to alternative, experimental andindependent lm, video and digital work.

    Past and present students from all overthe world are employed in the lm andtelevision sectors, as small-scale producersand lm and video makers, or working forlarger organisations and T companies asscript consultants, programmers, executivesand lm educators. Students have alsotaken the course to develop and expandtheir teaching careers, and several haveprogressed to doctoral studies in the Uand abroad.





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    Core modulesAll full-time students take six taughtmodules, three in Semester One andthree in Semester Two. ou will have afree choice from among the modules onoffer in each semester. ou will also takethe Research Thesis Module (10-12,000words), which consists of some preparatorysessions in Semesters One and Two, andwhich you will complete during the summerperiod. ou will be able to choose fromsome of the following modules:

    Culture Strand Constructing istories in Asian Cinema European Cinema since 1945

    ssues in ritish Film Culture

    Television Comedy Television Drama

    Industry Strand Cinema: Distribution and Exhibition Experimental Film The ollywood Studio System The World Film usiness

    Theory Strand Authorship, enre and Realism Experimental Film Theory and Practice Structuralism and Psychoanalysis

    f you are a part-time student, you havebetween two and ve years to completethe degree. ou must complete six taughtmodules, and you can take one module ata time from those on offer or double upand complete your studies more rapidly.

    The only core (compulsory) moduleyou will need to take is the nal ResearchThesis module, which you research, writeand complete after you have completed the

    taught modules, and which you have twosemesters to complete.Some modules will be on offer in the

    evenings at Regent Campus, for greaterconvenience to part-time students, whileother modules will be available during theday at the arrow Campus.

    assoCIated Careersraduates have found employment insmall- and large-scale lm and televisioncompanies, as producers, researchers,distributors, exhibitors and in organisinglm festivals, on lm-related magazinesand journals, in all levels of lm and Teducation, and as academic researchersand doctoral students.

    entry requIrementsou should possess, or be expecting,a good undergraduate degree or,exceptionally, previous relevant experience.ou will need uent written and spokenEnglish to study at postgraduate level. fyour rst language is not English, you willneed an ELTS score of 6.5 or equivalent.

    related Courses Directing in Film and T MA Screenwriting and Producing for Film

    and T MA

    Key staFFIan GreenCourse Leader

    Educated at the LondonSchool of Economics, thePolytechnic of CentralLondon/University ofWestminster and the Royal

    College of Art, an has taught part andfull-time at the University since 1978, bothon the Film and Television Production Aand the earlier MA in Film and TelevisionStudies. e has also taught on the LondonUniversity Extra Mural Certicate in FilmStudies, and at Central Saint MartinsSchool of Art and Design, the LondonCollege of Printing and the Royal Collegeof Art. is research interests have includednarrative and structuralist theory andmasculinity in the cinema, and popularforms of television.

    The Film and T MAhas been the bestchoice for my career. acquired a solidtheoretical backgroundin lm and televisionwhile improving my

    writing, reading and communicationskills. When nished the MA

    quickly found a job in television thanksto the self-condence and maturitythat gained doing this course.

    rene artn, spaIn (2008)

    rene has been working for a SpanishT company in London since leavingthe course.

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    Course ContentThe course starts in January with a 13-week semester. Self-directed work followsduring the summer, and the second 13-week semester is dominated by aggressiverewriting. f you are studying on the part-time course, there will be a progressionfrom taught modules incorporating smallassignments in the rst year, towards themajor projects (feature lm scripting anddevelopment) in the second.

    ou will learn through practice andillustration (watching movies, analysingscripts, rewriting successful screenplays),and never indulge in theory for its ownsake. ou will develop work in smallcollaborative groups, and pitch directlyto U and US production companies andagents including Working Title/Universal,Fragile/con, and Ch4/Film Four.Partnerships between writers and producerson major projects are actively encouraged.

    Core modulesContemporary Production PracticeThis module will introduce you to arange of core production skills, includingscript-development, raising nance,budgeting, scheduling, sales andmarketing. ou will develop a productionpackage which encompasses manyof these skills, and includes a top-pagebudget, marketing strategy and otheressential production steps.

    Major Project Research

    ou will research pitching, planning,and developing step-outlines for featurelm screenplays and production packages,and develop a prose step-outline for afeature lm project.

    Major Project DevelopmentAs a writer you will develop the rstdrafts of your feature script, with supportfrom your tutor and industry mentors. Forproducers, the focus of this module willbe either your work-placement or projectdevelopment, and you will also providea self-analytical report.

    Major Project CompletionThis third of three Major Project moduleswill see writers re-writing and editingtheir material towards the production of anal draft. For producers, this module willcomplete a production package for yourfeature lm or T programme.

    Narrative formsThrough this module you will explore awide range of narrative styles, includingsingle protagonist classical storytelling,multi-protagonist structure, episodicstructure and tragic-comic structure. ouwill complete a 3,000-word case studyof a lm, with particular analysis of issuessuch as genre principles, story structure

    and manipulation of lm grammar.

    Script Editingou will focus on the development of scriptsthrough all their drafting stages from rstoutline to nal shooting script, and you willrewrite and script-edit short lms from anearlier module.

    Specialist Skills in Screenwritingou will continue to develop yourscreenwriting skills, looking at how towrite serials, series and sit-coms for T,adaptations, docu-dramas, and writing forfamily/children audiences. ou will alsodevelop a treatment for a T programmeusing one of these forms.

    The Art of Storytelling for the ScreenThis module reviews and masters the keytechniques for spinning a story. ou willwrite and rewrite short and very shortscripts. Some will be shot in collaborationwith actors and directors.

    assoCIated CareersCreative producers, screenwriters, directorsand script editors the course is appropriatefor anyone intending to tell stories in themedium of lm and T.





    Length of courseOne-year, full-time or two-year, part-time



    Pitching, treatments, step-outlines, shortscripts, feature lm scripts, collaborative

    story development, production folders, slatebuilding strategy: this Masters course insiststhat you park your student identity at thedoor. Once you start, youre a professional,and you will enjoy opportunities that manyindependents would kill to get.

    Our course builds on the Universityshighly prestigious Film and T Production Aonours, which has produced generationsof industry professionals. The ethos of thecourse is to shorten the odds of getting yourlms made and distributed. All our staffare active lm makers, including Oscarwinners, and our visiting lecturers are madeup of the best and most successful in thebusiness, such as Tim evan, David Partt,and ruce Robinson.

    This is a course designed for those withtalent and commitment those determinedto make the most of their abilities whetheras screenwriters, producers, script editors,directors or agents.

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    graduate suCCessErnest RieraProducer of 6 features including Fpremiered at Odeon Leicester Square2010, distributed by Optimum. Alsodirected Forest of the Damned 2 featurein post-production.

    Bobby StevensonScreenwriter on Hollyoaks, The BillandEmmerdale.

    Bogdan MiricaScreenwriter of feature Ho Ho Ho,distributed by Warner rothers in 2010.

    Teresa SmithAward-winning Producer/Director forCh4, C and T including AmnestyAward for Fallujah and a Royal TelevisionSociety Award.

    Malina De CarloDevelopment Executive, Warner rothers.

    Amy GardnerProducer of feature The Islandstarringatalie Press which premiered at theCurzon Renoir in April 2011. Amy isalso the Development Consultant on anew lm fund with projects that includeeorge Clooney and ill Moynihan







    entry requIrementsou should have a good rst degree,a relevant professional qualication,or substantial screenwriting, drama,creative writing, script-editing orproduction experience. ou will normallybe interviewed, submitting a portfolio ofrelevant work. Collaborative applicationswill be encouraged where, for example,a prospective screenwriter and producerwish to apply and work together on jointprojects. n this instance, jointly producedmaterial may also be considered as partof the portfolio, although you will beindividually assessed at the interview.

    related Courses Directing for Film and T MA Film and T: Theory,

    Culture and ndustry MA Film and T Production A

    Key staFFSteve MayCourse Leader

    Steve has writtenscreenplays for Castle Rock,Miramax/Ealing Studios,the C and CarltonT. is plays have been

    performed in London, throughout the Uand in Europe.

    am convinced that the courseprovides students with a strongtheoretical background, relevantpractical experience and a degreeof realism about the difculties ofpursuing a career in lm or T!

    rer StaPFreelanCe sound reCordIst,ItV, BBC, Channel 4

    The course was invaluableexperience,not only because it gavea sound technical grounding andtherefore adaptability, but alsobecause it taught me to workwithin a team environment whereevery area is given due relevance,which is essential in lm making andespecially in features.

    ra Cnnr,VF produCer, Harry Potterand tHe PHilosoPHers stone

    They made me realisethat every script has acinematographic heartand you have to thinkabout it before youing a camera roundthe set. The course put

    helium in my balloon and set me ona career path.

    SeauS CarVeydIreCtor oF photography,tHe soloist, atonement, tHe Hours

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    F dj c c, ix, i, mic d wi c i i ii . t fv iviv c ( b v) i c x

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    ic bi - i ci i.

    Alan Fisheread of Music


    MUSiC 53

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    Length of courseOne-year, full-time or two-year, part-time



    This well-established Masters is the world-leading course in audio production, highlyregarded both nationally and internationally.t is accredited by the leading industry

    bodies, including APRS, and is the JAMESational Regional Centre London, anApple-accredited training centre and aSkillset Media Academy. The course isdesigned to meet and exceed professionalstandards, and will enable you to reach thehighest level in the creative use of audio,and explore how creative ideas and newtechnologies can be combined, enhancedand redened.

    As the major media education site inEurope, the Universitys arrow Campusincludes 12 professional recording studios(three surround studios), a new teachingrecording studio, Music Lab and an arrayof T, post-production, radio, lm andmultimedia facilities built and equippedto the highest standards. 55






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    entry requIrementsou will need to have a portfolio of audioand/or audiovisual production works,which demonstrates your ability to work inaudio at a high level. ou should be ableto discuss how the course enables youto build towards a new area of creativeactivity and employment. A good rstdegree is desirable, although applicantswith strong portfolio and professionalindustry experience will be considered.

    related CoursesMusic usiness Management MA

    Key staFFMatej DimlicCourse Leader

    Matej has extensiveacademic and professionalexperience in several mediadisciplines, and his creditsinclude Absolute Beginners

    Series (director, producer), Easterniologicals mixed media performanceThe Sound(composer, director, performer),The Captive(music and sound design). naddition to leading Audio isual Production,Sound Design for Animation and AudioProduction Project on the Audio ProductionMA, Matej also leads DocumentaryFilm and Contemporary World Cinemamodules on the Film & T MA, and lecturesarrative Forms on the Screenwriting and

    Producing MA course. e participates atnational and international conferences,and in his research investigates the impactof sound and music on structure and theperception of the visual narrative. e iscurrently working on development of alarge-scale interactive audio installationproject for various sites around London.



    produCtIonmaCourse Content

    This innovative course develops yourcreative abilities in audio across musicproduction, sound design, radio, T, lmand multimedia, all supported by a robustunderstanding of the technologies involved.ou will be able to explore and expandas a creative artist while achievingcontrol and experience of professionalaudio environment.

    Applied Innovation andInteractive DesignThis module will introduce you toassociated programming packages formultimedia applications. ou will explorethe innovative interface design techniques,and work on developing sound design forinteractive media, including small appsand computer games.

    Audio Visual Productionand Cultural TheoryFocusing on the creative applicationsof technology, theories and professionalproduction practices this module willdevelop into a study brief incorporatingthe construction of a radio drama,radio programme, lm trailer assemblyand surround mix. t will also include asubstantial piece of sound-to-picture work,including location recording, music andaudio post for lm and broadcast media.

    Entrepreneurship and Financefor Creative IndustriesSupporting you in your chosen area ofbusiness, this module is taught with students

    from the Music usiness Management MA.The module will offer you the opportunityto develop team practice while acquiringtheoretical and practical knowledge of mediaeconomics, nancial management andentrepreneurship in the creative industries.

    Music Production and Cultural TheoryThis module will develop your professionalpractice of the creative industries throughin-depth understanding of both practicaland theoretical aspects of music recordingand production processes. ncludingmixing, remixing and mastering in stereoand surround.

    Programming and Audio Designfor Animationou will examine in detail the digitalmanipulation of audio data, locationrecording and Foley, the creation ofsound libraries, and sound design foranimation, enabling you to producework to industry standards.

    The Masters StageThe Audio Production Project is youropportunity to negotiate a large-scale,self-determined, original and inventiveproject, based upon several areas exploredin the taught stage of the course.

    assoCIated CareersPossible careers include ADR, audio andaudiovisual post-production specialist,audio and audiovisual producer, composer,education, Foley artist, interactive designteams, location recordist, programmer,radio production, sound designer, andsound engineer.




    When it comes tostudying for yourcareer, dont think

    you can be toonarrow in your outlookthese days. My jobis very varied, m

    part of a team that works across

    all of the C radio studios, andgets involved in everything fromlastonbury to the Proms.

    My Masters was something very,very important to me. efore started, was set on what wanted to do, butthe course opened up a lot of otheroptions for me. And you are treatedvery professionally on the course almost like a client but you haveto be prepared to work hard.

    anha aCSta,audIo produCtIon maCreatIVe eeCutIVe, BBC gloBal news

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    anagementmaMUSC USESS


    Length of courseOne-year, full-time or two-year, part-time

    LocationCentral London (Marylebone)


    This course is recognised as a world leaderin music business management education,and will prepare you to become one of thenext generation of music industry leaders

    and music entrepreneurs. All teaching staffon the course are currently working in themusic industry, and every week there area number of high-level industry guests. ouwill need to be a self-motivated and open-minded student, as this is an intense course,but one which can help you to progressyour career across a wide range of musicbusiness disciplines.




    Course ContentWorking with music industry leaders andorganisations, the course has developeda unique curriculum. ou will be ableto combine a strong underpinning ofkey business skills (nance, leadership,organisational management, marketingand entrepreneurialism), with essentialmusic industry management knowledge(strategic innovation and technology,intellectual property and copyright, anda focus on the live industry and digitalcontent exploitation).

    Teaching is mainly through lecturesand group work, and you will be assessedvia a combination of course work,individual assignments and group projects,and mid-term tests. n each module thereis a minimum of two assignments. The nalproject is a report of a minimum of12,000 words.

    Core modulesInnovation and TechnologyManagementThe management of innovation andtechnology is a critical determinant ofcompetitiveness and market leadershipfor organisations in the music industry.This module focuses on understandingthe benets of integrating technologywith business strategy starting with anexamination of technologies importantto the music industry. t is designedto facilitate an understanding of thecritical issues and concepts in managing

    technology and innovation in the musicindustry. t will focus on providing studentswith a cross industry and internationalperspective on innovation whileproviding an in-depth view of musicindustry related technologies.

    Intellectual Property andCopyright Managementntellectual Property (P) and copyrightare central to the music industry, wheresuccessful management of a rms Pand copyrights can provide a powerfulcompetitive advantage. P and copyrightcan cover works as diverse as songs,

    master recordings, videos, knowledge,ideas and more. ou will gain a rmunderstanding of the various dimensionsof P and copyright, and the tools andstrategies to identify, protect and managethem. ou will also explore the internationalperspective of ownership issues, contracts,licensing and the commercialising ofP, including business and legal issues,domestic and international copyright law,and music industry agreements.

    Leadership andOrganisational ManagementAs organisations evolve, leaders facenew opportunities, risks and demands thatchallenge and stretch their abilities. This

    module introduces you to the fundamentalconcepts of leadership, organised aroundthe principal of the organisational lifecycle.ou will focus on the practical applicationsof leadership and management to the musicindustry and enhance your leadershipabilities, while developing skills inorganisational efciency, managerialeffectiveness, adaptability, and alignment.This module will prepare you for thechallenges of managing evolving musicindustry rms, and entrepreneurial venturesoperating in global music markets.

    Music Business FinanceMusic usiness nance is increasinglyhaving a signicant affect on the developmentand promotion of new talent, and this modulewill give you a solid introduction to mediaeconomics, nancial management andentrepreneurship in the music industry. twill equip you with the tools to analysenancial documents and yearly corporateperformance, and will provide insights intotraditional accounting practices. ou willexamine entrepreneurial issues facing musicindustry rms, and look at the activitiesrequired to start and manage a business.ou will develop the practical skills toanalyse, plan, co-ordinate, and set businessobjectives in the music industry through theuse of nancial accounting information.

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    anagementma Music Business Management ProjectThe Music usiness Management Project

    is recognised by graduates as one ofthe most rewarding and empoweringexperiences of the course. ou will besupervised by a member of the Universityfaculty, and possibly supported by amusic industry representative, to carryout research in an area agreed betweenyourself and the module leaders and/or industry professional. The subject mustaddress current music business issues andconcerns and should incorporate relevantmusic business theories, academic researchdesign, and critical analysis. The Projectbuilds on the skills and experience you havegained in previous modules, and gives

    you the opportunity to apply programmeknowledge to a major project, addingto the body of professional practice andtheoretical literature.

    Music Marketing ManagementMarketing and promotion is essential tothe music industry; it sells tickets and musicproducts, and is a fundamental tool fordeveloping talent. Through this moduleyou will explore a variety of perspectiveson marketing issues to prepare you forthe challenges of exploiting, developingand marketing music-related products andservices in domestic and internationalmarkets. ou will focus on developing anunderstanding of the international musicenvironment through studying the majorcountries where music is marketed and sold.

    The course, and theconnections it haswith the music industry,were what drew meto the University, andLondon is clearly theplace to be to get

    involved in the music industry; a lotof the teaching staff have an industrybackground.

    The course was very well-rounded;it prepared you for going into theentertainment industry, not just intomusic. One thing that was really

    benecial was that, on a weeklybasis, was meeting the movers andshakers in the music industry, andbeing able to network with them,which was really crucial it led tomy original job at Disney.

    The Executive Director of ourcompany here used to come in andgive guest lectures; he told the courseleaders that they were looking forsomeone to come into the team,initially as a marketing assistant.

    was one of a number of peopleput forward from the course, and

    was fortunate enough to get the job.Within a few months of being here was promoted, largely because of theskill set had from doing the course. nished my Masters in 2007, and mnow nternational Project Managerfor Disney Music roup in Europe,the Middle East and Africa; mworking across 23 countries, wherewe have four record labels and amusic publishing division.

    had a lot of straightforward musicknowledge from my undergraduatestudies, and my Masters gave me the

    business skills needed to be in projectmanagement, married with the creativeelement as well. So things likenancial accounting, law and lookingat marketing in much greater detailhave been really benecial, and usethem in my job every day. couldntdo what m doing now without myMasters course.

    aLbert han,musIC BusIness management maInternatIonal projeCt manager,dIsney musIC group emea

    assoCIated Careersraduates have gone on to work ina wide variety of creative industries,from mobile marketing through to theArts Council. Many of our graduatesare working in the music industry, withcompanies such as Universal Music roup,iTunes and Spotify. Our internationalstudents are working around the globe inmusic companies, including EM ollandand PAS European ofce, and MT razil.

    entry requIrementsApplications are considered on thebasis of either a combination of formalqualications and experience, or signicantindustry experience. Applicants should beable to demonstrate experience workingin the music industry, an aptitude for musicbusiness management and an enthusiasmfor learning more about music andrelated industries. Applicants should havea minimum of an Upper Second Classundergraduate degree.

    related Courses Audio Production MA Fashion usiness Management MA

    Key staFF

    Sally GrossCourse Leader

    Sally started hercareer in the music industryin 1990 managing artists,bands and DJs (whichshe still does today).

    The following year she joined forces withChapter and The erse to form UneardRecords. Sally was the rst woman to workin the Mercury Records A&R departmentas Managing Director of the labels danceoffshoot LAttitude.

    n 2000, Sally won the elena ennedy

    Award for outstanding legal criticism whilststudying law at irkbeck University, afterwhich she spent a couple of years workingin entertainment law.

    Sally now heads up the Music usinessManagement MA at Westminster, whereshe teaches ntellectual Property and MusicMarketing. This is alongside running herown company ro$$ Management, lookingafter the eclectic talents of John & Jehn,etsayi, Uncle uck and the MoonshineSessions as well as otan.

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    elen TwomeyPhotojournalism MA

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    p ci wi i ii.

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    Andy Goldingead of Photography

    Leftichola MewPhotographic Studies MA



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    Length of courseOne-year, full-time or two-year, part-time



    This highly successful photography courseoffers a dynamic and exciting environmentfor studying ndependent practice andcritical theory of photography at Masters

    level. ou will develop a high level ofexpertise and scholarship in visual practicetechniques and written research. The courseexplores the different relationships betweenphotographic practice and photographytheory n a exible scheme. ou will developyour practice in the context of thinkingabout photography as a broad social andhistorical phenomena in art, popular cultureand global mass media. Students developtheir own project work and graduate with asolid portfolio of work that shows awarenessof the social, ethical and critical issuesinvolved in photographic representation.

    Course ContentThroughout the course you will work onprojects designed to develop and extendyour practice and skills. Critical theorymodules contextualise the practice ofphotography and enable you to developpersonal areas of research intere
