CREATING Maintaining a A HEALTHY DAY - UNL Food Documents/HCCC_HEALTHYDAY.pdfGo bananas! Maintaining...


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Go bananas! Maintaining a balanced diet is learned at an early age. Infuse healthy food options into snacks

and plan meals ahead of time.Source: CDC Vital Signs

Geek out. The more education you have, the longer your life could be.

Nearly one-third of Americans agree that access to quality education has a big

impact on their health. Source: Healthiest Cities & Counties

Challenge Survey

Take a stand. Your desk job and computer could be negatively impacting

your health. Carve out time to visit your co-workers,stand and stretch at your desk or take a walk.

Source: Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge Survey

Water, water everywhere. Opt out of sugary sodas and juices and

reach for a tall glass of water. Water lubricates joints, protects

the spinal cord and prevents weight creep. 73 percent of

Americans agree they need to drink plenty of water in order to

have a healthy day. Source: CDC + Healthiest Cities & Counties

Challenge Survey

Park it. Take advantage of your local public park. Nearly half of Americans

report needing to spend time outdoors in order to have a healthy day. Parks are a great way to relieve stress, enjoy nature

and engage in exercise.Source: Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge Survey

Stop and smell the roses. Life can get overwhelming, but the simple act of a few deep

breathes can help calm the mind and relieve stress. More than eight in ten Americans agree their mood

and stress level have an equal impacton their overall health as the food

they consume.Source: Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge Survey

A healthy home. Your home can impact your physical and mental health.

According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development,

millions of children are harmed each year by environmental

hazards that could have been avoided. Routine cleaning and dusting,

installation and testing of smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms, and proper storage of any poisonous materials are

just some ways to guard against home hazards.Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Get some shut eye. The amount of sleep you get can have a direct impacton your mood and health. 64 percent of Americans agree they need at least 8 hours of sleep to have a healthy day. Creating a relaxing bedtime routine or sleep schedule can help you get the best night’s

sleep possible.Source: Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge Survey

Learn more at Join the conversation #healthiestcitieschallenge

Pump it up. 49 percent of Americans say they exercise to improve their overall

health. Activities like power walking, Zumba, lifting weights and biking can help

maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity-related illnesses.

Source: Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge Survey

6 – 7 a.m.

9 a.m.

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

2 p.m.

3 p.m.

4 p.m.

5 p.m.

6 p.m.

7 p.m.

Make an impact. 94 percent of Americans are willing to take action to have a healthier environment. Organizing a fitness event,

recycling items or using public transit are easy ways to take action.Source: Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge Survey



10 - 11 p.m.




