Creating lasting change in Alexandra - .NET Framework


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Creating lasting change in Alexandra

Rays of Hope started operating with one project in Alexandra in 1991. The organisation now has a network of 9 community based projects, impacting over 1000 people, focusing on economic

independence, health care, education, primary crime prevention and orphans & vulnerable children.


Giving the unemployed hope of a financially independent future

ROSE-ACT Equipping Students in Alexandra to reach their potential

The Africa Works project is about creating economic change through income-generating and skills-development initiatives such as welding, car mechanics, woodwork, vegetable gardening, bag making and crochet. The vision is to break the cycle of unemployment by giving a ‘hand-up, not a hand-out’.Since the project started, hundreds of people have been trained; many going on to find full time employment, and their products, which are top-quality, are now exported. Africa Works aims to create skills transfer activities that are SETA accredited, and a job portal is envisioned where jobs are sourced, and people from the community then matched to those jobs.

Rose-Act is based at the Central Johannesburg College, Alexandra Campus, where more than 250 students each year from Grades 4-9 are taught Mathematics and English. Students are rewarded for academic achievement throughout the year, but Rose-Act also provides social and spiritual enrichment through holiday clubs, an annual camp and extra mural activities. This positively impacts the children’s well-being as well as their academic results. The Saturday School encourages the growth of students self-belief, and nurtures hope for a meaningful future.

IKHAYA LOMUSA Child & Youth Care Centre

CHILD HEADED HOUSEHOLDSNurturing disadvantaged children to thrive.

Situated in Marlboro Gardens on the fringe of Alexandra, is a residential centre that strives for excellent holistic care to vulnerable, abused, orphaned and neglected children. Ikhaya Lomusa means ‘Home of Grace’. The home provides an opportunity for each child to reach his or her potential physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually, so that they can live independently and become contributing members of society as adults. The Centre’s services include therapeutic, developmental, recreational, spiritual and educational programmes.

The Child Headed Households (CHH) programme focuses on orphaned and vulnerable children living in Alexandra. While some have a relative or caring adult somewhere in the community, most still live in desperate situations. The programme team assess each child and household to determine the best possible care plan, and coordinates with schools, authorities and other organisations in Alexandra in order to best meet these children’s needs. Through demonstrating love, practical care and comprehensive programming, it is hoped that each child will be able to break the cycle of victimisation, and have a solid foundation on which to build a healthy and fulfilled life. Needs addressed range from counselling, material provision (food, clothing, shelter & health care) to school assistance, job training and recreational activities.



Gogos of Hope: Care and encouragement of Grandmothers with orphans.

Home-Based Care: Medical care and support to sick and terminally ill patients.

Ignition: Funding of tertiary education and mentoring of matriculants for employment.

Knox: Life coaching and mentoring for the unemployed.

Early Childhood Development: Laying a solid platform for the development of children age 0 – 5 years.

Breaking the victim cycle: ‘Hand up, not hand out’.

Narrow geographical reach, but a deep lasting impact.

Coordination of projects to meet all the needs of individuals.

Strong governance and financial accountability.

Low overheads with maximum benefit to Alex due to robust volunteer model.

Projects are embedded in, and become part of, the fabric of the community.

Projects are sustained due to community support structures.Change is measurable.

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Hyde Park BranchBranch Code: 1972 05

Account number: 1972 126 903Swift Code: NEDSZAJJ

Section 21 Company (registration no. 063 389-NPO )Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) / Section 18A (registration no. PBO 9300 26797)

(offering tax benefits to corporate and individual donors for specific projects). Audited by Lloyd ViljoenBEE authenticated Level Four (4) Contributor with a 100% BEE procurement recognition level by Honeycomb