Creating a Strategy Focused Organization - Pros...


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Creating a Strategy Focused Organization

NRPA CongressS t b 26 2007September 26, 2007

B b h ll @ ltiBarbara.heller@prosconsulting.com224.456.6934

S i O tSession Outcomes

Identify components of Malcolm Baldrige criteria and the balanced scorecardCreate a list of elements necessary to develop success in planning“How to” develop a strategic planStrategy can really be fun, interesting, and not feared…and, it’s everyone’s job…what better way to end the day?

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

Wh d St t i Pl i ?Why do Strategic Planning?Continuous improvementS t hSystems approachAligns organizational, divisional, and individual responsibilityp yPerpetuates one team environmentImproves the decision making processF i i t lFocuses on increasing taxpayer valueReduces the randomness of scarce resourcesIncreases communication with other stakeholdersIncreases communication with other stakeholdersBuilds organizational credibilityProvides a future picture

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

Gives employees one more thing to be cynical about

T f St t /Pl iTypes of Strategy/PlanningList all of the types of planning your organizationList all of the types of planning your organization does…rate the plan’s successComprehensive plansp pMaster plans…by park, by systemBusiness plansBusiness plansOperational plansStrategic plans bricks and mortarStrategic plans…bricks and mortar and/or leadership infrastructureMarketing plans

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

Marketing plans

M l l B ld i C it iMalcolm Baldrige Criteria

Strategic development—the approach to preparing for the future

The process, addressing organizational issues, major objectives, timeframes

Strategic deployment—making the plan comeStrategic deployment making the plan come to life; converting strategy into action

Action plans, resource allocation, just in time, f i ti i lperformance measures, communication, visual


2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

S t St t i Pl El tSystem Strategic Plan ElementsCitizen input…both qualitative and quantitativeDemographics, trendsEquity mappingEquity mappingParks/Facilities/Program inventory and analysisOperations, maintenance and financial assessmentOrganizational performance reviewFinancial plan for both operations and capitalVision Mission Values reviewVision, Mission, Values reviewDeployment (communication, measures)

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

The Balanced ScorecardThe Balanced ScorecardFour Perspectives

Customer Perspective—To achieve our vision, how must we look to our customersFi i l P ti If d h illFinancial Perspective– If we succeed, how will we look to our taxpayersInternal Perspective To satisfy our customersInternal Perspective—To satisfy our customers which business processes must we excel inLearning and Growth Perspective—To achieve g pour vision, how must our organization learn and improve

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

B l d S d Hi hBalanced Scorecard Hierarchy

From Kaplan and Norton Strategy Maps

St t M V l C tiStrategy Maps: Value Creation

From Kaplan and Norton Strategy Maps

C t P tiCustomer Perspective

Service systemsProduct leadershipProduct leadershipCustomer intimacyB ildi l ti hi ith tBuilding relationships with customersCustomer satisfaction and dissatisfaction

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

Fi i l P tiFinancial Perspective

Annual gross revenuesTrends in surplus amountsTrends in surplus amountsBudget varianceAlt ti / t thAlternative revenue/non-tax growthEfficiency

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

Internal ProcessInternal Process

Identify key processesExternal and internalExternal and internalManaging processM iMeasuring processBrainstorm ideas about key external processes

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

L i d G thLearning and Growth

Foundation to achieve the rest and alignment around strategyg gyIdentify competenciesWhat skills are required?What skills are required?How do we train?

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

D fi itiDefinitions

Strategic Themes—broad-macro approaches to direction

Delight the customer, increase customer value, improve customer loyaltyFinancial sustainability expand revenue opportunitiesFinancial sustainability, expand revenue opportunitiesOperational excellence, continuously improve processes, create new ways of doing businessp , y gContinuous employee development, motivated and prepared workforce, all one team

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

Obj tiObjectives

What must we excel in to achieve strategic themes12-20 organizational objectivesCause and effect linkagesCause and effect linkagesDevelop objective statements to clarify

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

I iti tiInitiatives

Specific programs, activities, projects, or actions to help ensure you meet or exceed performance targets.Mission, vision and values come firstStrategy follows Next are performance measures and targetsInitiatives are put into place to support objectives (more tactical)

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC

Anywhere Park District Strategy MapDelight the Customer

Customer Perspective

Delight the Customer

Expand recreation opportunities, aligned with

customer need

Expand recreation opportunities, aligned with

customer need

Improve customer satisfaction and


Improve customer satisfaction and


Provide a quality product at a good


Provide a quality product at a good


Fi i l

Financial Capability

Aligning financialAligning financial Growing programGrowing program

customer needcustomer need

Financial Perspective

Operational Excellence

Non-tax revenueNon-tax revenue Aligning financial resources

Aligning financial resources

Growing program and facility revenueGrowing program

and facility revenue

Internal Perspective

Build image and brand

Build image and brand

Drive innovation

Drive innovation

Streamline critical


Streamline critical


Build strategic alliances

Build strategic alliances

Employee Learning &

Continuous Employee Development

Foster a positive Foster a positive Develop Develop Develop customer Develop customer

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC



pwork environment

pwork environment





Anywhere Park District Balanced Scorecard

Strategic Themes Strategic Objectives Strategic Measures Targets

Vision: To serve the community by delivering best in class parks and recreation opportunities.Mission: A leader in providing leisure experiences that enhance the quality of life for our community.

Strategic Themes Strategic Objectives Strategic Measures Targets



er Delight the customer • Expand recreation opportunities, aligned with customer need

• Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty

• Program registration (q)• Customer satisfaction (q)• Customer referral (q)• Customer retention (q)




Financial capability • Non-tax revenue• Aligning financial resources• Growing program and facility

a d oya ty• Provide a quality product at a

good value

• Program and facility revenue (q)• Alternative revenue (q)• Non-tax revenue percentage (q)




Operational excellence

g p g yrevenue

• Build image and brand• Drive innovation• Streamline critical processes• Build strategic alliances

p g (q)• Program cost recovery (q)

• New programs (q)• Internal customer satisfaction (a)• Partner satisfaction (a)• Efficiency savings (q)


e & Continuous employee

• Build strategic alliances

• Foster a positive work

• Efficiency savings (q)• Key process documented (q)• Percent capital projects

complete (q)

• Employee satisfaction (a)







th development environment• Develop competencies• Develop customer focus

• Regrettable turnover (q)• Percent competencies

achieved (q)• Percent service staff rated

high (a)

B l d S d Ali tBalanced Scorecard Alignment

Cascade to departmentsCommunication plan for the scorecardCommunication plan for the scorecardCommunicating results both internally and externallyexternallyPerformance appraisal processLeadership team discussionsGovernance involvement

2007 Copyright PROS Consulting, LLC
