

First in the series.

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La Luka & Krausey4SightMarcus GauntlettThe SupernovasArchimedesThe Naturals

03.04.2010THE PERFECT 5TH£5.

“A Cranberry is part of the evergreen dwarf shrub, or trailing vine family. They grow in acid bogs throughout the northern hemisphere and their fruit, when fully ripe, is edible. Cranberries are regarded for their high nutrient content and antioxidant qualities. Briefly put, a cranberry is representative of nature’s cleansing and revitalising qualities and so, is the perfect basis for a

refreshingly new club night.”

What is Cranberry Promotions? Why is it named after a berry? Where did the idea come from? These are questions I am regularly asked, but rarely answer with any conviction, because in all honesty I don’t have a clue. Cranberry Promotions is simply an idea, a vision of my perfect world, filled with music, booze and

easy-going people. I believe that music can affect anyone in any given moment. Everyone has a soundtrack to their own lives; you can wake up in the morning listening to Amadou et Mariam, get

through your working day by singing along to Bowie, then head out, get wired and end up dancing away your night to the beat of some unknown DJ in an underground club in Dalston. That’s what Cranberry Promotions is all about, bringing people together, people who live their lives to completely opposing

soundtracks, but share the same outlook on life. That and quadruple shot G&T’s.When I’m working on Cranberry Promotions events, I always make sure to focus on one specific element; quality. I want my nights to be the best they can be, that means booking the best venues, finding the best

live acts to perform, designing the best artwork possible and creating an atmosphere which can be enjoyed by all music-lovers. So please, come along to one of the events and check it out. Have a drink,

enjoy the music and remember; Cranberry Promotions is not just a club night, it’s a community. Welcome.


i want cranberry. now.

Dance-floor destructors La Luka & Krausey turn their attention to the decks. Scrape the grime from your ears as these tunes promise to be filthy. Dub-Step, Breakbeat, Bassline, D’n’B; this duo

have it all.

Siding with euphoric old school tunes 4sight’s D’n’B commitments will see you signing your soul to the dance revolt.

Marcus Gauntlett has already demolished radiowaves with his House/Electronica vibes ; now he’s looking to take you on.

Leaving Holloway Road, The Supernovas are heading for the shire with mod-punk revolution at their helm.

Loud. Heavy. Intense. What more do you need from Bristol’s finest The Naturals?

Heading towards new directions; Archimedes return with an energetic, experimental sound.









Review 25/02/2010

Comment VERSUS



Brought to you, pieced together and loved by ERIN KUBICKI

archimedes. Time is precious. Tied up with 9-5s; the distance between late nights and early mornings become begrudgingly shorter. You label yourself ‘busy’, busy in love, busy in work, busy in vodka, but whichever busy you fall under- where does a conversation, an interview fit in? Thus as a result from timetabled lives, our interview with Bristol’s energetic, full-blooded indie band, Archimedes, had to be conversed lovingly across the internet. Take some time and digest these bullet-sized, email-formed Q&As; preparation is needed: this band will blow you away.

From the ashes of Go Dutch comes Archimedes.

HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOU SOUND?It’s one of the most common questions we get asked-- and the most impossible question to answer. It’s hard to explain our sound down to a ‘T’ but we’d like to think it’s indescribable; an inventive mix of emotionally engaging yet energetic alternative/Melodramatic Rock.

On the other hand, you could just say we’re otherworldly prog-wannabes.

WHERE DID IT COME ABOUT FROM? It comes from a massive range of influences between the four of us. The music we listen to stretches across a huge collection of genres. From Roots to Rock and Pop to Hip Hop-- we all enjoy just about anything that’s real. A big part of our sound is the great inspiration we get from watching local live bands.

HOW DID YOU GET TOGETHER?Noah (Guitar/Vocals) and Billy (Drummer) used to be in a band (Go Dutch) 3 years previous to Archimedes and gigged solidly around the Southwest for that time. But after we decided to call it a day there, we left school, matured and started College, this is where we met Will (Bass). The three of us then went on to form Archimedes. A few months later, we found Pat and recruited him on board too (he’s the guy who plays the black and white buttons).

WHY BRISTOL? Bristol is amazing for live music and is now being recognized for it too. There is such a huge variety of artists in Bristol and every night you can be guaranteed to find a good gig somewhere in the city.

WHO DOES IT BETTER BRISTOL OR LONDON?Bristol bands, no question. PRS recently named Bristol the ‘most musical city in Britain’; London however landed themselves at number 26, check and mate.

FAVOURITE VENUE IN SOUTHWEST. The Croft. There is a long history of gigs that we’ve played and witnessed there, no other place really has the same character or diversity that The Croft has. Great sound (PJ’s got the best ears in Bristol), great atmosphere, great people.

IF YOU COULD KEEP ONLY ONE OF YOUR TRACKS WHICH ONE WOULD IT BE AND WHY?Most probably our song ‘Owls’, it was the first thing we ever really played together and was the first proper song we wrote and recorded. It’s kind of got a history, we all love the song and it’s a crowd pleaser too.

NAME A PERSON AND AN OBJECT THAT HAVE HAD A LARGE PART IN MAKING THE BAND?Person: All of our road crew, who keep our equipment safe and drive us place to place all the time. Object: Our instruments, without them we’d be nothing.

WHO WOULD YOU SAY LISTENS TO YOUR RECORDS MOST?We’d like to say our massive adoring fan base, but let’s be honest; it’s probably the four of us.

WHAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF BEING A BAND FOR YOU; RECORDING, PERFORMING LIVE, THE WHOLE IMAGE, FANS?Playing live, the feeling you get from it is like no other. We enjoy writing, touring, recording a lot too, the sense of achievement is amazing. So much work is put into each stage; it’s really great to see it pay off in different ways like through a crowd singing your song, buying your CD or a promoter wanting to book you for a show.

NAME ONE LOCAL AND ONE NATIONAL BAND YOU WOULD RECOMMENDThere are a lot of great local bands to choose from but if we had to pick one…we would recommend a band called The Naturals, we have idolized them since the day we played our first note, good friends of ours and incredible musicians. Probably being our biggest inspiration musically, they are amazing live and have fantastic recorded material too, an extremely full of energy, loud, intricate, shoegaze/rock band. Check them out on

Nationally, we could go on for hours dropping names to you but we’ll resist. Listen to Tubelord. Complex yet catchy, combining math-rock/post-hardcore and pop rock, these guys present everyone with stunning live performances, we strongly suggest you go see them in a city near you and buy their recently released album too, you will not be left disappointed!

WHAT'S THE ULTIMATE PRE GIG WARM-UP and POST-GIG COOL DOWN?Pre-gig Good music, lots of good food, a few beers, family guy, motivational high-fives and hugs in venue toilet cubicles.Post-gig More good music, some more good food, more beers, the warm company of our friends and family.

Put your ears to this:

The supernovas. These mod-revolutionaries are bringing London swagger to Cranberry Promotion’s Taunton

exposition, meet The Supernovas....

Right now I’m scraping my soul from the bottom of 2010‘s music boots. I was aurally assaulted. Kei$ha, Owl City even the butter-melting Glee cast took my sense of person and dragged it through the solemn mud. I’ll get that little shit Bieber, somehow, someday. I’m shaken and confused. I thought I’d be rehabilitating for the rest of my days until The Supernovas became my remedy. Punk. Smart. Real. They’re not just what I need, they’re what you need too.

Sitting out the back of a Camden boozer, we’re surrounded by London’s hub of up and rising bands. Indie creeping out of floorboards, spilling out of every ash tray that lines every club and pub. But right now, in front of me,

are Joei and Moses, two-quarters of the The Supernovas, standing out from any band that revels in North London. Taking inspiration from The Jam and The Specials, their the blood, bones and flesh to challenge an plasticine, indie fakery.

Joei: I think alot of those kind of old school political bands (the ones we take inspiration from) are more relevant now than most of the indie bands around today. We’re in the middle of a recession, you know what I mean, the whole fucking world is on panic button time and people are singing about the girl who lives two doors down...Their songs speak truth. No bullshit, no money-making. It’s

brave songwriting rejecting the topic-obsession with love and pointless niceties.

J: I only ever really write songs when I’m pissed off about something. So if I’m having a really good time with a lady... I’ve been with my girlfriend for nearly 2 years and I’ve been happy as larry so I haven’t been able to write a song about a girl...As soon as she cheats on me, dumps me or something like that I’ll probably write ten songs about her, but until that point...

Moses: Even the romance he writes about is a bit sinister...

The climate is firmly set on dance, what place do The Supernovas

have digging out decades-past of thorough-bred political guitar attitudes? Right now it might be the electronic revolution- but we’re due an upheaval and The Supernovas are first to take the Major-General position.

J: I work it out, the way I’ve done the maths, we were kind of due one, a revolution. We had like 1963 and then 16 years later you had the mod revival which was 1979 and then 16 years after that you had 1995 which was Britpop. So another 16 years after that is 2011 which by then....

M: It would be absoultely amazing in like ten years time and we’ve been written about bringing a mod revival back in 2010...

Dance music will be picking up it’s popped-shapes from the gutter. These boys are determined. Trends evolve, leave and return with no thought but The Supernovas aren’t willing to change their sound lightly, they won’t kneel at the chart show altar.

M: I definitely feel strong about our music, the only thing that I think would happen is maybe, allowing your style to change naturally, like a natural progression in different styles and the way you play it but I think there\s always going to be that core foundation...

J: We are a rock’n’roll band.

M: Yeah a rock’n’roll band. A punk band in essence.

J: You mature as musicians-- that’s natural. But then, then again, I’m actually pretty black and white about certain things. I

will never have a synth in one of our songs (laughs). I say that now but in like two albums we’ll probably have a load of synthesizers. But right now, I’m saying we’re never gonna have a synthesizer in anything.

Synthesizers aside, with just under a year to change the face of British music, this London band are feeling confident. They’ve got the tracks under their belts, nestled between two lapels of mod attire, now to persuade the masses.

As a step of persuasion, The Supernovas have escaped on tour, eyes set on the hearts of the country. Yes, London might be at the centre of well, basically everything-- geography dissolving once you hit the boundary of the M25; Birmingham what? Manchester who? But sometimes it’s good for the lungs to endure a certain amount of de-smogging. This year’s weekends have turned into a gorged stint of show after show, pint after pint, situation after awkward situation. Their biggest tour date to present, undoubtedly would be their support slot to the Babyshambes back in December. But beer courage wasn’t enough to shield them from the harsh and cold, very cold realities of being fresh music meat.

J: When we supported Babyshambles in Cardiff, we got drafted into the gig about three days previously. It was wicked...but the fee for the gig was £75 which isn’t really enough to get there and back in petrol so we didn’t have anywhere to stay, so we had to sleep in the van.

M: I’ve never been so cold in my life.

J: It was the most cold I’ve ever experienced. It was just when it was starting to snow, 12th of December...on the side of a street in Cardiff, in a van, fucking freezing. Like literally. That night I wouldn’t have minded a Holiday Inn or a fucking Travelodge or something....

M: Sleeping bags!

J: Yeah, yeah why didn’t we bring sleeping bags? We had one sleeping bag and our one fucking roadie had it...

M: Yeah there’s always something that happens when we leave London, someone gets stranded or...when we went, about a week later and played the Manchester gig, another

Babyshambles slot, we drove up to our friends house in Leeds and we couldn’t turn off the lights inside of the van so the battery went flat and we had to spend an extra night, luckily we had a house then...But we were snowed in, flat battery...I had to go to work and that wasn’t happening...and all for the Babyshambles...After getting signed to 360 records in a partnership involving premier opportunist charity Strummerville last year after close to a decade of playing band, The Supernovas still exert excitement. As the air grows damper and the night grows darker; their enthusiasm is still recognisable. Cockney grin and pint in hand, the pair both sport what a band should look like. No arrogance and thank god no neon. Style might be outweighing talent for some but The Supernovas cash in on the balance. There’s no denying image is essential. There might be no uniform yet but if you want to be in their band you’ve got to respect the rules. Biggest stage-style faux pas?

J: Wearing sandals.

M: I’ve done that!

J: Fuck Off.

J: That’s why he’s a drummer, we hide him, hide his feet... no one on the front line would ever be allowed to wear sandals on stage (laughs). You’ve got to look good. Bit mod, bit dressed up... Smart punk innit. With a look that appeals to mod credentials; their retro sound doesn’t define them. They might have the attitudes of circa-1970s punks but they’re no martyrs for

the dark ages. The internet is taking a beating right now- black and blue from media executives’ left hooks but who can deny it’s unbelievable surgery on the music industry. To some it might be dangerous, an income melting, file sharing burner but to this band-- there’s no sweat.

J: I think it (the internet) is the b e s t t h i n g t h a t h a s e v e r happened.M: If it’s done properly though, thats the thing, there’s always the whole thing, ah yeah you know that everyones just file shares, stealing music blah blah blah...but if it got sorted out the internet would be an amazing way of doing it, its great that you can just literally just put out a track yourself and just stick it on there.

J: It’s definitely a good thing, the people who are in charge of the music industry are so like fucking clued up that they’ll work out a way of making money out of anything. So literally, if I was just giving you a hundred free copies of

s o m e t h i n g , s o m e g e e z e r, somewhere will work out how we can get a tenth off of something, you know what I mean, the thing is as well, there has been quite a few bands... look at the Arctic Monkeys, they built up their fan base on the internet like sort of long before they released a record and everyone was ready for them then, i f you’ve got a big following your live income is going to be massive...

The glimmer of pound signs in their eyes soon fades when conversation turns to new single Slaughter in the Gaza. Released in March, the exclusive one track A-side is the propellor for The Supernovas’ flight.

J: We recorded it and it just kind of kicked arse really and we knew we wouldn’t sell any units or get air play but we were like fuck it-- lets just get it out.

Its current. All the stuff thats going on in the Gaza strip at the moment... Right now there’s a big diplomatic crisis going on

between America and Israel. So i think it couldn't have come at a better time to release it.

The future looks more than bright for The Supernovas, blinding anyone who was to take a look into the crystal ball. After tainting America with a quintessentially British nostalgia, just last week at the SXSW, Joei and Moses aren’t yet selling their souls to the stateside. America isn’t splintered yet, (J: We’ve sort of dented it; I wouldn’t say we’ve broken it like) but Britain is looking to break.

Holding the hammer to British hype, one of their first blows is Taunton: headlining Cranberry Promotion’s Saturday night residency at the Perfect 5th. Still not convinced? Take it from the lips of the band themselves. Why should we watch you?

J: Because we kick arse.

One line. Their attitude.

Listen at

the Babyshamble effect.The midas touch isn’t lost within ancient stories, golden success unfolds with a coveted support slot alongside one of the most iconic bands around. Are Pete and the gang the ultimate lucky charm for

up and coming bands?

A&R men everywhere take note; for I have come up with an ultra scientific and unquestionably ingenious theory for success: support Babyshambles. The future looks good if you have (exception to the case: Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong) for in recent years they have been a good luck charm, a springboard for some great acts. For such mindless speculation to appear to have any credibility it’s probably best that I start off with some evidence for my theory. The case and point for the ‘Babyshambles Effect’ is Dundee’s finest The View. In 2006 Doherty gave The View their big break when Babyshambles toured the UK and the singer handed the band a support slot. Subsequently, they’ve put out two successful albums and have carved a reputation as a festival must see. If you’re still unconvinced by my indisputable theory then I have one man for you, Dizzee Rascal. He supported Babyshambles whilst promoting his third album ‘ Maths+English’ and with that successful album went on to be a household name. His most recent album scored three number one hits in a row. I’m not saying he would have flopped otherwise, but perhaps the ‘Babyshambles Effect’ was a dose of good luck. Having read this far you’re probably accusing me of talking bullshit and insulting the noble

profession of music journalism. However there is an important pattern to uphold and The Supernovas could be the next in line to prove me right (hopefully). In December I saw The Supernovas play Cardiff University’s Great Hall, they oozed cockney swagger and provided the audience with an energetic and sincere display of their talents. It’s no easy task to open for Babyshambles but with catchy crowd pleasers such as ‘Sgt. Major’ and the irrepressible ‘Ace Face’ they couldn’t help but stick in my mind. Since then they seem to be on a bit of a roll featuring on a multitude of one to watch playlists, they made the prestigious itunes one no less, and are a regular feature on the increasingly influential spotify playlist sharing sites. I welcome bigger things for the boys as their socially relevant and politically charged lyrics combined with punk credentials are in the same vein as The Clash and in the current musical climate are somewhat refreshing. 2010 appears to be the year for turning the deserved hype they’ve generated into something more and what better omen for success could there be than to have supported Babyshambles on their UK tour?

No pressure lads.


We like to think we’re up to date; surrounded by blackberrys and miscellaneous new media bullshit. Our Iphone freakishly morphing into an extra bionic limb-- fine, we might be up to date, ready with the ipso facto on the latest facebook news roll, but where’s the meat? Do we know what’s the latest in cutting edge music? What’s making kids dance these days? No, because we’ve got our heads wedged firmly in social networking’s dirty, dirty hole.

Thank god for Marcus Gauntlett: shining the light on all you need to know. Prolific producer and remixer, Marcus Gauntlett, takes to the decks this Saturday but before, here he is listing the need-to-knows in his perfect mixtape. Study. The dancefloor will give no mercy.



“Loving his stuff at the moment- great video too”

Wolfgang Gartner UNDERTAKER

“Technically just the best producer in the world- IMO”

Gorillaz STYLO (Alex Metric Remix)

“Great new tune from them and this remix is awesome”


“Great club tune which always gives me goosebumps in the breakdown”

Steven Quarre & Morris Mavado ft Ace & Miss Bunty HOLD ON (Marcus Gauntlett Remix)

“My latest remix....check it out at”

Saturday will inspire. Swallowing a healthy gulp of cranberries can bring out the best in people. You’ll want to join a band, take to the decks, be inspired to drink the most Sambuca that’s humanly possible. But, for local designer Tris Tolliday, Cranberry has already hooked him. Grappled by inspiration he’s created this number especially for you....

Tris Tolliday. Designer.

THE NATURALS.Bristol’s underground favourites, The Naturals, are readying up for this Saturday’s

carousal. Stretched. Lunged. Limbered. Last Friday saw them take to Bristol’s Start The Bus acting as support for indie’s shoegazers the Joy Formidable. Yeah, we could have

written a word by word account of what happened but with Red Bull coursing through our young, fragile veins and deadlines sticking to it’s dead-ly definitions- that’s not going to

happen. But instead, and probably a lot more enjoyable than another 500 words of attempted intelligent scrawl here’s a selection of pictures from the evening accompanied by the spoken word of the band themselves. Photographer Katie Greswell presents to you

the blueprints of what is at the core of The Naturals: live brilliance.

“I'd love to describe in detail our strict dietary requirements and being very serious and morose before gigs, but usually we tend to dick around until

we're allowed to play.

That works well enough for us.”

“Playing in Taunton is always fun and people always seem to dig it and get involved. Plus I believe we're playing with dear friends of ours, Archimedes,

so that'll be a joy to behold.”

“Getting to a level where we felt confident playing our songs live was very important for us, sure. I mean our tastes have changed dramatically since we started the band which

has definitely changed our perspective on playing live.

Now we take our shows seriously in the sense that we feel our music is best heard live, but that might only come across as us "perfecting" our shows because we reckon our songs ought to be heard super loud and intimate and with minimal fuss in terms of "putting on a show". We've never really thought of it in terms of having to perfect


I think playing enough shows with bands that seemed to lack confidence in their own songs and therefore having to make up for that by pandering to the audience by striking poses or whatever made us feel more confident in putting all our energy into making our shows come across as honest and exciting for the listener. It's a live show and we treat it

as that: a sort of spectacle. I mean, we try our best to exert ourselves to the point of exhaustion every night and with that in mind, impurities can really make the shows interesting, so I think that I'm trying to say that to "perfect" a live band is to sort of

undermine the whole point of going to a show in the first place.”

la luka & krausey.

With dirty, stale alcohol rushing through our bones and an unnecessary, pounding head; life can be cruel. Fuck-off hangover. There comes a point through the day (eyes black, a text roll, explaining how much of an alco-dick you were) where you think: never again,

that is until you realise where you were last night: getting a beating from the South-West’s hottest DJs: La Luka & Krausey. Destructing the dancefloor with dubstep,

breakbeat, bassline, grime and D’n’B, there’s no whining: they take the chain off. A hangover has never felt so great, so deserved. Get ready for sick beats this Saturday: buy

in the paracetamol- Sunday morning is going to be a hedonistic hell.

Owning the deck’s this Cranberry night, we introduce to you: La Luka & Krausey.

Where’s dance heading? Krausey: I’ve never been a follower, always kinda just played what I like at the time. I started out playing Trance and then moved to Urban - US and UK HipHop and Garage, also a bit of Funky House...then on to Hardhouse, into Techno into Drum and Bass and here I am at this point in time, playing a mix of my own, current and unreleased 'Hype Bass Party Music' comprising of Dubstep, Bassline, Grime and Fidget. I don't usually change because the times change, if it happens it happens. Nobody knows where dance musics heading, it's a rollercoaster of a journey....who'd have thought 30 years ago people would want to listen to basslines so savage that on the right rigs (I Love You Funktion1) it can make people Puke!La Luka: If I like the music I'll play it, we'll see where it goes but I cant see the hype bass type music, with all

the different genres, going away anytime soon so I'll be happy

Were you always set to be a DJ? K: No as a Kid I always wanted to be an RAF Fighter Pilot.....dreams were dashed when I found out when, after numerous trips to RAF Cranwell (Officer Training) and coming top in my class for aptitude tests, that I had to wear glasses....I was not that chuffed to be honest... I was originally going to do Politics and International Relations at Keele University as it suited the RAF thing and it does interest me, but a quick change of heart and a passion for DJ'ing and band recording made me swap at clearing and grab a place at NEWI (North East Wales Institute - part of University of Wales - in the sunny Costa del Wrexham in North Wales) studying for a BSc (Hons) in Studio &

Performance Tech....DJ'ing and Production. It went from there really.LL: Well I pretty much always wanted to be a DJ....and a Savage!

What made you think “I want to DJ”?K: Right, this is really bad but yeeeeeaaaars ago, and I was only telling another mate this literally 2 days ago. My 1st memory of wanting to DJ was listening to Radio 1, it must've been 12 years ago....Judge Jules was Live from Space or some big assed, over inflated door priced club in Ibiza. You could hear the crowd going apeshit. He's going wild, shouting down the mic, saying "This is Judge Jules, live from Ibiza. The sun is setting, It's hot, the musics playing and we have beautiful people here! What more do you want?" And was like...I WANT TO BE THERE! THAT'S WHAT I WANT! a month later I had my 1st decks...a set of 2nd hand, battered KAM belt drives...and my 1st Trance/Dance 12"s...ATB - 9pm - Til I Come and Yomanda - Synth & Strings....NICE! Obviously a lot changes in 11/12 years of playing....trance has had it's time from me...and I stopped playing out after Uni for about 4 years, don't ask me why, everything happens for a reason, but I then met the guys from Bridgwater Reggae SoundSystem - Dean and Jake and things happened. .....but to play in Ibiza would be fun I reckon....just to see the trance people’s faces when we drop the rudest bassline from the 1st Heavy track and they shit themselves...bit like they did in California actually when we were booked to play out there 2 weeks ago for MECCA.LL: I don't really have anything as intense as that I just love the music and culture so I started mixing as a hobby.

What’s the appeal of DJing? Lifestyle or Passion?LL: It's the love I have of all music, especially the dance culture. And I wanted to make crowds go mental....we do that now.K: Yeh deffo. I much prefer being up on stage tearing up a dancefloor than being a part of the dancefloor. It's a release that I crave more than any drug. A place where I can forget any problems, any stress and just

enjoy what I'm doing without the bollocks of everyday life. This is pretty hippyish but for those 60 mins or more....I'm free. It's never been a chore to play the music I love. Of course the lifestyle seems pretty Rock'n'Roll but it's harder than it looks blatting all round the place rinsing out Shows left, right and centre entertaining crowds! I love it though! Of course I do.

How do you decide what tracks to put down and how to play them? K: We base what we play on the crowd at that point in time. We know the tunes we have and we pick the next tune for maximum dancefloor's a fun game Luka and I play...we always try and out do each other, even to the point where we sometimes won't tell the other if we've got or been sent new dubs or made a new tune, and we'd just drop it and see the others face drop LL: Remember on NYE this year? One of my favourite bit from NYE just gone was @ Motion, Bristol (BIIIG UPS to both Toms and the crew @ Motion!) Krausey dropped a tune he'd been working on but didn't tell me about it. He mixed it in and I was like hmmm what's this...?K: Oh yeah I remember and it dropped and all I heard was you shouting "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" I nearly chocked on my Redstripe!!

How did your teaming up come about? What’s better about DJing as a pair instead of solo?K: We've known each other for years and played solo sets where I was just getting into Dub but was mainly tearing along at 170 odd bpm with the jump-up DnB and Luka was just getting into dubstep. We then had a mix together round one of our houses one day and found it to be quite entertaining. We thought we'd give it a go live and our first show, back2back, was at The Crown in Glastonbury at a night run by Bridgwater Reggae SoundSystem called BASSFACE in February 2009. We enjoyed it so much we decided to play b2b again, and again, and again....we then founded RUBBADUBDUB and people knew us as Luka and kinda stuck. We just enjoy playing together because we feed off of each others energy, we know each others styles and how they work so we can sense,

like frickin Jedis, the direction we're going with one look. LL: What he said and that we find it a lot more fun!

Do you have a signature song you drop? K: I don't really, well I don’t think so, but Luka deffo has Picto' - Streets of Rage, Flux Pavilion's Rmx - people just go apeshit for that're a rudeboy!LL: Yeeeaaap! YOU VILE PIECE OF SCUM starting to get a bit old now though so you may not hear it...

You played America recently, how was that? K: Yeeeeap Cali-forn-I-A .....Hot and sunny, leave it at that, you aint got enough time and you'll hate us by the time I'm done. The gigs were fully SIIIKK though!LL: Was crazy and we met some wicked people who are now friends for life!

How do American crowds differ from British ones?K: Dubstep is just growing out there really so when we dropped our 1st tune they kinda spazzed out. I mean, they knew what was coming otherwise the crowd wouldn't have been there. They'd seen Californians DJs and Producers Polymer Drone (but we renamed him JaffaCakes haha) and RowLow amongst others and then the Minnisota DJ/Producer rudeboy Vaski play out the dubstep but I just don’t think they expected it to be as gut-wrenching and hard haha once they found their spleens they were all good and raved away and were great, very responsive and very easy to hype up. They also do this weird Shuffling thing which is like a cross between Michael Flattly on acid and Old 90s Slipfoot dancing, you remember that shit? Get on YouTube and type in "USA Shufflers" LL: We were stood in the middle of the Dancefloor in the main stage before out set at the first gig we played out there and I said to Krausey, "look left" and there was people Shuffling, I then said, "look right" and there was people Shuffling, I then said "look ahead and behind"... and there's loads of people Shuffling....was a complete spin out. Weird. I love you crazy americans!K: haha yeh I remember that, mad! To the ravers and crowds in the UK, You're amazing! BIIIG UPS the RUBBADUBDUB family!

Proudest DJ moment?K: Definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, getting the call from Emily who does our bookings saying we'd been confirmed to play in California. I thought she was winding me up at first.LL: Ahhh Yeah with Krausey on that, was pretty crazy how it came about and now we're getting bookings for

shows everywhere haha quick plug...bookings go to

Looking forward to the Cranberry?LL: ahhhh Yeah! Should be a good night! Got some new stuff for ya!K: Yep Definitely! Are you ready??

Why should people stay for you?LL: Just because.....K: Alright, I'll do this one then haha...because we're an act, not just a couple of DJ's/Producers who turn up, spin some tunes but look so moody they look like someone's shit in their ice cream. We go HARD behind the decks, setting the pace for the Crowd! LL: aahhhhH!K: Saaaavage.


Watching a band live is one of the greatest experiences you can have. Singing along with your favourite front man or woman is something untouchable. Watching a DJ fiddle around with some buttons does not

come anywhere near that. A band wins hands down to a bloke with massive headphones messing around with various songs, tracks, mixes, whatever... that aren’t even his. To be fair DJ’s do sometimes

find clever ways to mix a couple of songs together, but then so can I.

Itunes is a beautiful thing.So here’s to future generations,

growing up with a guitar in their hand and not a set of decks. MB

“Healthy competition is good for the soul” Competition? Meh. Battle however is. The latest A versus B? Bands Versus DJs. Guitars flying and decks becoming lethal weapons; people better take sides. Saturday night lays the war ground with House’s finest Marcus Gauntlett, 4Sight and bass devils La Luka & Krausey against guitar-focussed The Naturals, Archimedes and The Supernovas: there will be blood, disco-mashed, indie-blown blood.

For some reason when you are physically hitting things to make

music it is deemed to be of a better quality than music which has been

carefully produced so that when it is played it will sound exactly as it was intended to. Often live music

fans will talk about a “raw” version of the song and they will point out the way that “it sounds different every time it's played”, whereas

essentially, all you get with a live band is a faster, louder and largely off-key version of the song which

was originally written. Yeah, skills. DJs aren't appreciated enough. They

don't have to strike their decks to extract good music from them; far

more dexterity is required. MS



danny connors & the laddershoodlumsthe darlingtons the goodness25/02/2010

Thursday 25th February. Cranberry Promotions debut night. A brand-new promotion collective fronted by Paul Rosser. Lined up for the night: The Goodness, The Darlingtons (of which I am the front man - no subtle advertising intended…) Hoodlums and Danny Connors and The Ladders.

The Goodness opened the evening with a strong punchy set, sounding like a cocktail blended to the tunes of Kings of Leon, Bloc Party and Snow Patrol. These lads write good catchy radio-friendly tracks with real potential. The night was young but they did a pretty decent job in the luke-warm hours.

We (The Darlingtons) were up next. We had a slightly rushed sound check but were feeling confident. Snapped strings and fumbling with The Goodness’ equipment (set savers!) we were up on stage. We played pretty well, a few too many pre-performance beers led to some minor (hopefully forgivable) mistakes.

Next up was Hoodlums, a London-based band fronted by the wonderfully named Lou Vainglorious. With five part harmonies, double bass and an over the top front man these guys know when to hold back at all the right moments and when the song gets big, it gets bloody massive. Cleverly constructed songs with a unique style, Hoodlums are very distinctive and will go far. Taunton loved them.

Now... apologies. Through a dirty measure of too many beers, post-gig cool down I missed Danny Connnors and The Ladders. However, the upstanding, alcohol-capacitating people of the Perfect 5th have told me they played a blinder.

After Danny Connors and The Ladders had done their thing people slowly started to leave the venue. The highlight of the evening for me happens at this time - Lou Vainglorious and Piniman of Hoodlums played an acoustic set in the middle of the dance-floor surrounded by a circle of onlookers. A brilliant drunken duet featuring acoustic guitar, double-bass and everyone there singing along. Songs covered acoustic include Take A Walk On The Wild Side and Paper Planes. A great night.

See you on the third. Lets get Cranberried.

What’s your excuse? Didn’t make it to Cranberry Promotion’s debut night? Shame on you. But we’re forgiving, good people, Kiwi, frontman from local upstarts The Darlingtons

(, wrote us this review. Read up and be forgiven.


