CPH Bikeshare



During a placement at Copenhagen based Design Agency WhomadeID I worked on a Product- & Service Design for a future public share-bike system for the Municipality of Copenhagen. Some of my main responsibilities were concept development, 2D/3D visual presentation material of the design and working on a video prototype/scenario for web use.

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..it’s seamless travel

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Bikeshare is..





Copenhagen already has more bikes than inhab-itants so the role of the Bike Share system will be to spearhead and promote Copenhagen as the Bike Capitol per se. The Bike Share System will supplement and facilitate the already existing bike culture. Using the Travel Card (Rejsekortet) as the key, Bike Share will be fully integrated into the public transportation – a flexible alternative, a connecter and a much needed short distance extender of the already established routes and public transportation systems.

37 % of the copenhagen-ers bike every day, and cover a total distance of 1.200.000 km.

Copenhagen is regarded as a pioneer city, when it comes to implentation of bicycles in the transpor-tation infrastructure.

In average the copenha-gener bike 3 km every single day.

37 %


*Bicycle Account 2008

..it’s a

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Bikeshare spearheads service and infrastruc-ture for bike culture as a whole.

*Eco metropole Our vision for Copenhagen 2015

At least 50% will go to their place of work or education by bike.

The number of killed and seriously injured Copenhagen cyclists will be reduced by more than 50% compared to 2005.

At least 80% of Co-penhagen cyclists will feel safe in traffic.

2015..a vision

The CPH Bikeshare logo is an encircled

cyclist. The circle with the dot and the

arrow signifies sustainability and

connectivity. With its crisp color, clear and

defined shapes the logo imitates public signage

and way-finding.

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Bike share is the glue between different modes of public transport and add to the feeling of freedom and connectivity. In this proposition we integrate future initiatives such as the Travel Card (Rejsekortet) and the city toll zone (Bompenger-ingen). It’s about erasing barriers in public trans-port and we create an obvious and attractive alternative to people who commute to and from the city in cars. Share Bike provides the users of public transportation with a a flexible and reliable alternative to waiting for the bus, tiresome walk-ing or spending time in car queues.

..it’s a concept

overview concept components

Bike Payment Stations SwapZone Feedback Network

Concept components

Main koncept

Sharebike Travel card Small SwapZone GPS on bike Network

Cargo bike Cell Phone Large Website Twitter

Credit card Temporary Displays Facebook

CO2 o�set

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..it’s a concept





The Travel Card is the ticket of the future. It will in a few years merge all of the different ticketing systems of today. We envision the Travel Card to be the main key to Bike Share to enhance ease of use and continuity. Within the Travel Card optional models of payment and combination of payment models will be made available for flexibility. Here we show examples relating to the Copenhagener, the tourist and the commuter – some general some relating specifically to Bike Share such as the Swap Zone feature.

* The Travel Card will be supplemented by credit card payment and mobile phone ser-vices.

1/3/7/14 day pass(unlimited use within a period)

SwapZone(free park + bike if you park outside

city toll zone)




Premium pass(regular user = monthly fee -

unlimited use)

Pass (sporadic use =

pay according to use)

Seamless travel



Name: Trine T. Card Nr: 345 2200

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The website functions include:

The live data system-feedback is an encouraging, motiva-tional feature that raises awareness about the Bike Share system and its effects in the public realm.

1. Find-a-bike service is an interactive map with live data feed. Here you can check out where to find the nearest station with available bikes, link to a route planner and order a travel card. (also a mobile service)

2. Booking-service: This service allows you to book a bike so that if you are arriving by train there is a bike ready for you. (also a mobile service)

3. ‘Around the World’ is a comparison of Share bike systems all over the world. This feature is installing a competi-tive and motivational attitude and is encouraging other cities to take action and take their systems and infra-structure to the next level in order to promote a sustainable way of life. Does Copenhagen still hold the yellow jersey as the bike capitol per se? How many times have the Share Bikes been around the world? (based on km total)

4. My Share Bike: Is the interactive tracking of your data. You can check up on all your stats such as credits on your travel card, calories, kg of CO2 saved, number of trips and your km total.

..it’s seamless



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The boundary of the Bike share zone will be defined by the future city toll zone. This is a boundary where entering cars will be charged a fee to enter the city zone. Using the toll zone boundary to define the Bike Share zone forms a unique opportunity to combine P-zones with special Bike Share stations called ‘Swap Zones’.

The Swap Zones will offer commuters an attractive alternative to entering the city zone by car. Park your car for free, avoid paying the toll and continue your journey on a share bike - enjoying the fresh air, getting exercise and most likely getting to your destination faster – all free of charge!

The stations are placed with high frequency all over the city. An even distribution of the smaller stations in a tight grid combined with the larger stations placed at all metro stations and larger public traffic junctions make the system efficient and attractive.


Small stations

Large stationsFuture metro-ring

Future city toll-zone (Bompenge-ring)

Principle diagram:Station layout


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Good looks & comfortable riding experience. The design of the Sharebike is fresh, urban – yet elegant. The combination of comfort, elegance and a street cool attitude makes it the essence of a Copenhagen bike - appealing to a wide group of people.

The bike has robust and puncture-safe – but not massive tires – which improves the experience considerably. The low frame height makes the bike easy to mount for kids, older people and women in skirts etc. It has front and back lights and rims with reflecting strips for optimal vis-ibility. The front has a basket that allows light cargo. The bike cannot be locked outside a station. The high number and density of small stations will compensate for this. It has the advantage that the bike is always locked into an authorized sta-tion when left by the user. The user is of cause held liable if they leave the bike unlocked. Another advan-tage of this is that the bikes are not kept in a passive state in between stations – this improves availability and distribution.

The Sharebike

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The Cargo-Bike addresses a real need among the Copenhageners who are entirely dependent on their bikes or other means of public transport. Cargo Bikes are expensive and are often only invested in by people who have a daily need for them. We have designed a Cargo Bike that clearly relates to the Bike Share product family. The front is narrower than the average cargo-bike which makes the Bikeshare Cargo-bike less a hassle on the bike paths. The basket-like front stops the front by being flooded by rain water. Introduction of the Cargo Bike will be the characteristic that makes the CPH Bike Share stand out.

CHP Cargo-bike

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EnclosedchainboxMagnetic induction lights

Adjustable seat height

Seatlock Seat

Handlebars with integrated basket


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22 inch wheels

Fender made from biopolymer

Enclosed chain box

Frame made from recycled aluminum

Gear & crank

LED backlight

Bike bits

The bike consists mainly of standard mass-produced components cast in recycled aluminium (frame), bio-plastics (fenders, rims) and Kevlar (the puncture safe tires). The bike is mounted with LED magnetic induction bike lights for safe journeys during winter and night-time. For minimum maintenance the bike has an en-closed chain box and to maximize riding comfort the saddle height is made adjustable.

Locksystem from cargobike

Regular bike


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Small stations - The stations need to be visible and easy to find and as street furniture they should be compatible with the city layout and atmo-sphere – a balance between visibility and integration.

- The small station pillars not only offer a park-ing spot and a lock for the Share Bike. They also have integrated LED lights that lights up the parking spot at night making it a safe and accessible exchange point – of cause powered by the sun.

Large stations

- The larger stations have info standers with larger touchscreens that offer various interac-tions. A LED display shows the stats on the whole system; km biked pr day and the km total on the system.

- The larger stations also have a Bike Pump function – this service also apply to normal bikes.

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Bikeshare street furniture

Focus has been to design clean and aesthetically pleas-ing bike stations that signify ease of use. Our focus has been a simple, adaptable and cost-aware solution that is long-term durable.

Temporary stations

In addition to the stationary stations we have designed a station-format that is easily transported, installed and removed. It can be used at temporary sites such as big events or when construction work disrupts the nor-mal layout of public transport, which will be the case at many sites in Copenhagen during the oncoming years of extending the metro-system.

Stationary stations

Temporary stations

Easily transported, erected and removed.

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You pay and interact with the Bike Share system through one of two platforms; The Travel Card or your mobile phone.

1. Chose payment method (phone, travelcard, visa/dancard)

2. Press your code

3. Confirm

4. The screen shows you which bike unlocks.

5. When you plug the bike back in payment stops if you swipe your card your travel stats will appear on the display.

No matter where you are..

FIND A BIKESTATION: SMS XXXX + ROADNAME receive an SMS locating nearest station.

After terminated bike ride receive an sms with your stats; (KR, KM, CAL, CO2 - it’s optional!)

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..it’s our vision

VM Husene / The VM HousesPhotographer: Arealudviklingsselskabet/Lene Skytthewww.wonderfulcopenhagen.dk





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..it’s our visionit’s the way forward!

- The design of the Sharebike is fresh, urban , elegant, comfortable – the es-sence of a Copenhagen bike.

- The Cargo Bike addresses a real need among the Copenhageners, who are entirely dependent on their bikes or other means of public transport.

- The Travel Card includes all public transport modes and will make the travel experience tight-knit, seamless and accessible.

- The station formats, layout and feedback features will improve and add to the integrated experience, and make the system long-term durable and flexible.

- The Swap Zones will offer commuters an attractive alternative to entering the city zone by car. Park your car for free, avoid paying the toll and continue your journey on a share bike - enjoying the fresh air, getting exercise and most likely getting to your destination faster – all free of charge

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See digital presentation for additional information

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